Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples


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> Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples >

1. Forming a Sect

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Kirbyisgreen · Author · Jan 18, 2020

Kirbyisgreen · Author · Apr 29, 2020

Kirbyisgreen · Author · Jan 30, 2021

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In this vast endless world where countless different souls resided, the goal of all mortal beings was to triumph over their mortality and enter the immortal realms.
Mortals struggled from birth until death under the trappings of the three great mortal realms. The first was the Body Refinement Realm. Here they bashed their heads and punished their bodies in the name of refining their mortal bodies. The next realm was the Mind Focusing Realm, where they cultivated every cell in their brain to achieve various enlightenments in the ways of the mind.
After upgrading their body and mind to the peak, they unlocked the ability to sense spiritual energy and enter the Spirit Initiate Realm. This was where they had to form and understand their own connection to the spiritual energy that connected heaven and earth and that which empowered all living things.
If one mastered all three realms of body, mind, and spirit, they then moved on to seek breakthroughs in a certain path or Dao and eventually break through to the Spirit Lord Realm, the first immortal realm. This was a thorough transformation of the body, mind, and spirit. It shed the shackles of mortality and opened the door to a completely new world of cultivation.
Entering this realm rewarded an additional one hundred years of lifespan for humans though the number varied based on the species. It gave them mystical, inexplicable abilities through their spiritual energy and their Dao. It even gave them the ability to soar through the sky like heavenly deities.
Humans at the Spirit Lord Realm were allowed to use the title of ‘Immortal’. They became lords of millions of humans, entire empires, and countless kingdoms. It provided them riches and power beyond imagination but it was still merely the beginning of the journey.
The immortal realms that followed were Spirit King, Spirit Emperor, Spirit Overlord, Spirit Master, Spirit Saint, and Spirit Demigod. For humans, the Spirit King Realm gave approximately five hundred additional years of life. The Spirit Emperor Realm, one thousand additional years of life. Spirit Overlord, three thousand years. Spirit Master, ten thousand years. Spirit Saint, thirty thousand years.
And finally, the Spirit Demigod Realm gave around one hundred thousand years. This final realm was the highest recorded cultivation ever achieved in this world but rumors and myths existed about yet higher realms and even True Gods.
Even though becoming an immortal was incredibly rare, within this endless, boundless world, there were still many, many immortals. Immortals tended to stay around for a long time as each successive realm extended their life more and more.
A young man wrapped in blazing blue spiritual energy flew around aimlessly in the sky. Below was a fertile landscape filled with rich farmland and populated river plains. Immortal Blue Dragon Chen Wentian was his name and he recently ascended to the Spirit Lord Realm.
Entering this realm was a great accomplishment, the culmination of a long and difficult cultivation journey. He assumed entering this new world would be a sort of liberation but it instead burdened him with a whole host of new problems and head-scratching worries.
Becoming a Spirit Lord was an incredible feat but not an uncommon one given the vastness of the boundless world. There were many human immortals floating around, and among them were a surprisingly high number of old monsters at the higher realms. They ruled over vast swaths of land. They even created an organization called the Immortal Association to keep the peace between human immortals and watch over beginners like him.
Cultivating from the mortal realms to the Spirit Lord Realm took a long time. The vast majority only managed it at the end of their life so they are old as fart. Even the most talented ones would still be at least fifty or sixty years old. They gained vast lifespans but they could not revert their physical age. They were stuck at whatever age when they ascended.
The association was filled with old people. Their body functions were fine and they were still sexually active. They could enchant their face and bodies to look younger and the liked youthful partners. But the fact remained that they were simply old…
Contrary to this, Chen Wentian was incredibly young. He managed to break through at the tender age of twenty-five. This was freakish and completely unheard of and incredibly fortunate as if a luck god was watching over him. The number of times sheer luck led him to some secret manual or rare treasure would make anyone scream in jealousy.
He was incredibly lucky but he also cultivated desperately. He was wholly consumed by his cultivation journey for over ten years. He did not have any time to develop and have any relationships. The result was that he had never felt the warmth of a woman. He had never kissed a maiden. He had never laid with a lover…
Despite being a beginner immortal, he had already garnered an infamous reputation across the land, especially in the Immortal Association. Chen Wentian scrunched his face in disgust as he recalled his ascending ceremony and the hordes of wrinkly old grandmas that showed up to proposition him for sex. They all looked like hot twenty-year-old bombshells but he knew about their true nature. Despite his rejections, these grandmas still named him ‘Blue Dragon’ due to his youth and his ‘little fresh meat’. One of them even found the opening to pinch his butt!
These things combined together to form the crux of the problem. He had to quickly lose his virginity, preferably to a beautiful maiden, before an old immortal grandma took it forcibly!
On top of this, there was another matter.
The old farts of the association rewarded with him an entire province of land as well as two prime directives. He had to protect the land from monsters and he had to create his own immortal sect.
In this vast world with a myriad of intelligent races, monsters, and beings, there were never enough human immortals to go around to fight the never-ending battles. The sect directive was a way to ensure the next generation of cultivators and potentially more human immortals.
If one could train new immortals, the master-disciple relationships would still remain and they would remain subordinate for life. It was a kind of life debt owed to the one that granted them immortality. An immortal that was good at educating and raising immortal disciples would become a powerhouse with an unstoppable force at his command!
Chen Wentian understood all this and the sect directive was not a problem for anyone... except for him. He had some secrets, actually a lot of secrets. They allowed him to power level to the Spirit Lord Realm like no one had ever done before. His secrets were so profound, so dangerous, he could not pass them to any disciples. If an idiotic disciple accidentally leaked his secret, it would be a disaster.
He thought about what kind of disciples he should recruit and was quickly reminded of his youth and those depressing moments of his past…
As a young man, he was awkward and uncertain around women, particularly the beautiful ones that never gave him the time day. He was not handsome. He had average looks that let him fade into the background. His unremarkable black hair, above-average height, and pale skin never endeared him to any woman.
Despite his physical shortcomings, he had unattainably high standards. He didn’t want a nice, average woman. He wanted the best, only stunning beauties and vivacious princesses. His desires became more and more skewed as he raised his cultivation and traveled the world. He met many goddess cultivators and jade beauties that were way above his league. He tried to woo them but was ruthlessly put in his place, often by hordes of handsome princes, talented young masters, and heaven-defying geniuses.
He hated those dudes! Because of them, he suffered loss after loss. He defeated every time; in talent, cultivation, charm, looks, intellect, or all the above. These men were all lustful and philandering beasts that cheated beautiful maidens of their innocence only to throw them away afterward. He would never be like the ones he despised. Any woman he chose, he would cherish them forever. He would treat them right.
Since he was immortal now, it was finally time for his counterattack. Since he had to create a sect, he would use it to achieve his dreams and solve his problems. He would only accept talented and beautiful female disciples. They would be able to help him lose his virginity, defend against the hordes of granny immortals, and erase the failures of the past.
He made up his mind and declared to the world, “Immortal Blue Dragon Chen Wentian only accepts female disciples!”
He really doesn't understand women... they are potentially more dangerous than the philandering men.
There are numerous women that will hint at giving you everything just to get what they want and then just fuck off once you are not useful to them.
Loyalty is way harder to find in women than men when you are also a man and their tricks work on you at least to a small digree.
He is going to be so messed up in a few years it's not even funny.
I want to both thumb-ups and thumb downs for this comment cus its so possible but at the same time don't want that to happen..
I know this chapter is kinda old but still. Just why is a 200 year lifespan considered immortal? His sect wouldn’t even be that large in 200 years. I know he's supposed to be lucky af and all but even then, just WHY!? All the normal immortals, all those years for what? Another 100 of grandpa-ness? Not worth. If they got at least a couple thousand years than maybe. But come on, only the truly lucky like mc over here would ever try for that 100 years of wrinkly-ness. The average person would rather enjoy their youth than be old for their entire worthwhile life, which isn’t that long...I know I’m just being very petty, but please, PLEASE at least make immortality actually worthwhile for non-mc people cuz otherwise there’s just no point. Why would anyone spend 100+ years as a sad wrinkly mess when they could spend 20ish years being happy BEFORE they become wrinkly and old. And oh boy, being old sucks balllsssss, imagine back pain EVERY DAY for 100+ years... I’d commit sudoku. Anyways those’er just my insignificant thoughts sorry for the rant.
Pretty sure it is seppuku. Not only that, reduced energy, not being able to hold your piss and shit, cannot see all that well, cannot hear well, cannot taste well, have compromised sense of balance. I really wish there was a way to make ourselves immortal, there is absolutely nothing good about aging.
It's not weird in many xianxia immortal is used as a synonym of cultivator
At least make it 1'000 or more. A mere century is pathetic.
Immortals in Wuxia novels are usually depicted as beings who surpass human lifespans. Lower levels live for 100s maybe thousands of years, higher live even longer. So it’s not wrong for him to be called immortal. It’s referred in a cultivation sense.
25 old years virgin doesn't seem all weird, even in the old china standard, and you said he is cultivator freak yet he had the time to think about his little brother
damn about his view of the grannies
made me remember the waifus of other mc's that were also long lived
It all depends on what age they ascended and its not something often looked into in cultivation novels so I thought it was funny.
Man could ya make him sound less like an incel?
I see the MC is a fellow cultured man!
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