Immodest Orgasm

Immodest Orgasm


Immodest Orgasm
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The Immodest Orgasm

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When a woman has an orgasm, it can be very, very loud. As in, loud enough to break glass and drown out any other sound on the audiotrack. The louder the noises she makes, the more she's enjoying it, and hence the better the sex. Can result in hilarious moments when other people start taking notice of the noise .

Truth in Television for some people, but particularly over-the-top examples may result in Anatomically-Impossible Sex .

 Chachamaru: Still...Th-that sensation was the real thing... Negi-sensei's magical power... was so... so...

 Ryoga: You're awake!
Ranma: Of course! And now we're all alone.
Ryoga: Um... Yes... That was all part of the plan. No witnesses.
Ranma: *hugs him* Oh, you put it so romantically! We're in the middle of nowhere. Not a soul for miles around. We can cry, shout, or... scream... and no one will hear us!
Ryoga: *hits him* Down, boy! You're the only one that'll be screaming.

 Chief Benton : I like a woman who makes a lot of sound.
Prostitute : Well, i'll scream my head off if I want to, honey. It's your money.
Chief Benton : Yeah, my wife just lays there like a gunnysack.

 John: Hey, kids! Time's a-wasting! Or are you going to let one night wear you out?!
Unnamed girl: Eric! Oh my Gawd! The man next door! He - he heard us!

 Mark Antony: (to Atia) She has you exactly.

 Janet: Are you looking at my ass???

 Monica: (to Rachel, wanting to distract Ross from something they did) The second that Ross walks in that door, I want you take him back to your bedroom and do whatever it is that you do that makes him go "reeee!!"
Rachel: (talking about how Ross refuses to check out of a hotel early) One time Ross and I were at a hotel and we got a late check out. Ross was so happy, it was the best sex we ever had! ...That is until he screamed out "RADISSON" at the end.

 Rachel: Pheebs, the ceiling tiles were falling down.

 Monica: Seven... four-five... seven... SEVEN... SEVEN SEVEN SEVEN SEVEN SEVEN

 Princeton: Don't put your finger there — Ooooouuuooohhh! — PUT YOUR FINGER THERE!!

 Shepard : Let me know if it gets too quiet on the Normandy and I'll find you someplace louder
Tali : Hmmmm...

 Marge : Oh, Homie that was amazing. Oh, I hope the kids didn't hear us.
[Bart and Lisa in their bedrooms looking shocked with their eyes open]
Ned : [also shocked with his eyes open] Wow.

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Basic Trope : When a woman orgasms, it is very, very loud.
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Espada: (internal monologue) "Here she IS ♥! The one who makes me numb... and WET ♥"

(squirt sound effect hiragana shown between her legs with another ♥)

Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose : During a series of mishaps in the course of an adventure together, Jon/Skeleton Man and his girlfriend's sister, Raven Hex (with whom he has a tentative relationship at best) find themselves both naked and fleeing for their lives from a heap of huge spiders. Raven can't run because it hurts her enormous, unsupported boobs , so Jon decides to carry her as he runs. The erection he was already sporting somehow slips into a place where it isn't supposed to be and with the bouncing motion from the running, well... Raven tries to warn Jon what's happening, but he's too preoccupied dodging the spiders to listen to her. Despite the later insinuation that she really enjoyed herself, Raven is rather subdued when she comes, merely turning her head to the sky, clenching her teeth and tightly squeezing Jon's face into her cleavage.

An interesting example occurs in Wizard Runemaster . Almost all of the magical races from Earth react to the massive amounts of magic present on Azeroth . But where the Goblins simply act like they've smelled a rather pleasant aroma and the Merfolk become remarkably hyper, the Veela shudder in orgasm.
In Stranger Facets of You , Adam and Samus rekindle a past romantic relationship when he is able to use android bodies to move about. Samus's orgasms when she makes love with him are intense in spite of her soft reactions: her strongest reactions are to let out quiet moans, gasps, or sighs as she shudders.

Model: [dead monotone] Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. I just came. Oh. Oh. Oh.

Clyde: Did you finish? Jackie: Yeah. Clyde: I can never tell.

Lyn: Don't you think the T.V.'s too loud? Tawny: Is it bothering you? Lyn: Yes. Can't hear what's goin' on in her room.

In Mass Effect , during the encounter with the Consort, the camera cuts from the characters' faces to the Consort's hand as it reaches for the sky, then falls.
Whenever Beautiful Grunty is talking during the Game Over cutscene from Banjo-Kazooie .

In If the Emperor Had a Text-to-Speech Device , Descius has one when seeing the Emperor for the first time, although it's more of religious ecstasy than anything sexual. In a flashback, Alicia Dominica was pretty blatantly getting off staring at his ribcage, and it was a lot more sexual; the Emperor and his Companion are still a bit squicked about it 5000 years later.
In Episode 60 of Dragon Ball Z Abridged , Android 18 seems to be growing louder and louder as she and Krillin go at it. Krillin eventually explodes into a Multi-Shot, but 18 goes silent for several seconds, before managing a breathless "Oh wow..."

In Go Get a Roomie! , the trope is obliquely referenced when Roomie and Lillian are drinking tea. note The "tree" line alludes to their conversation of a few minutes prior.
In Spacetrawler , Yuri uses her new technology to pleasure herself to orgasm, which consists entirely of her smiling, squinting, and saying "Eeep."
The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal : In contrast to Amal , TJ is so quiet during sex that Amal pauses to check that he's enjoying things. It's implied to stem in part from his Dark and Troubled Past .

Man: [in a calm voice] Almost... almost... almost... there we are. Woman: Well done.

Alternative Title(s):
Modest Orgasm

Mister Seahorse

NoRealLife/Sex, Sexuality, and Rape Tropes

Mrs. Robinson

Miss Conception

Sex Tropes

Mrs. Robinson

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The female orgasm comes in many shapes and sizes, from loud and vigorous to soft and subtle. Well, it does in Real Life at any rate.

In television and movies, however, the various censors don't like female orgasms. Or at the very least, not loud and boisterous ones (Herbal Essences commercials notwithstanding). So rather than show a woman in the throes of pleasure, the orgasm is either muted or replaced altogether with a symbolic substitute. This is the "acceptable" PG-13 way of showing a female orgasm — the only exception to this is when the orgasm is made ridiculously loud for effect.

Due to the widening of markets and the preponderance of R-rated movies and even television shows, this trope is getting to be much more out of vogue. See The Immodest Orgasm for this trope's successor and The Grunting Orgasm , the male version. See Calling Your Orgasms for when a person gets very specific about the timing. On the other side of the coin, euphemistic symbolism for male arousal is covered by Something Else Also Rises .

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