If my friend who works in the medical field go on a strike–Pazu 

If my friend who works in the medical field go on a strike–Pazu 


(31 Jan) HK government paid hundred million for police gear, water cannon vehicle, armoured vehicle, long-range acoustic device (LRAD) to support the police force and their brutality, like throwing money into the sea. They were not reluctant to pay hundreds and millions of dollars for their overtime.

However, the quality of masks purchased by Government for frontline medical staffis only ASTM level 1? (level one is low protection, level 2 is medium production, and level 3 is high protection). The guideline for coronavirus infection prevention developed by WHOstated clearly, to effectively prevent coronavirus, masks with ASTM level 2 or above are required. The HK Government is wealthy enough to spend a few hundred million in supporting the police suppressing citizens, Yet it purchased the lowest level (level 1) masks for frontline medical staff

When medical staff challenged the effectiveness of masks, the HK Government picked the Hospital Authority (HA) head as a representative to respond. He responded by saying the manufacturer stated that these masks (level 1, the lowest protection, was marked on the package) have the same protective effect as level 2 masks. You said yes, but the packaging said otherwise. Who do you think the medical staff should trust? Shouldn’t the Government be responsible, setting up an independent laboratory to investigate this matter, giving our medical staff peace of mind? 

What sort of patients are we admitted to our hospital wards? Some were hiding the truth, and some ran away. They have obviously been to Hubei, but they did not tell. They knew they might be infected, but they remained silent. The sick ones are selfishanddo not want to be quarantined. They preferred to spread the virus everywhere, spread the virus to doctors, nurses, staff in the hospital and other patients in the same hospital ward. Finally, the virus will be spread to all citizens in Hong Kong. The HK government doesn’t care.

In the early beginning, medical staff urged the Government to shut down the border and ban non-locals from coming from the epidemic areas. The Government ignored the request, they were not even asking tourists to fill in health declaration forms.

In the early beginning, medical staff have complained about personal protection equipment. The Government ignored and settled with Hospital Authority emphasising that current protective equipment was enough. 

In the early beginning, medical staff advised citizens to wear masks. The Government ignored. In contrary, The Government lacked common sensein teaching people how to wear a mask. It was a fallacy to say there is no need to wear masks in social events.  

In the early beginning, medical staff have foreseen the HK health system will be overloaded after the epidemic outbreak. The Government ignored, and “free-of-charge” door was opened (stating people from the mainland will receive free treatment in HK if they are qualified).

Medical staff pressured by the Government by proposing to strike. The Government stillignored and initiated rebukes on social media to criticize their morale, attack, curse and denounce our medical staff. The epidemic is severe, but this ‘political virus’ wreaked havoc. The Government has not learnt from the lesson of disaster 17 years ago. After 17 years, they thought this problem be fixed by cultural revolution tactics. They started using these tactics before the epidemic died down. After the epidemic, will they continue to take revengeby exposing and criticizing?

The HK government is fighting the epidemic but at the same time neglected the professionalism of the medical staff, everything made political. The key to fighting this epidemic would be for medical staff to initiate a strike, forcing the Government to listen to the professionals’ opinion. 

If you have a friend who works in the medical field and would like to join the strike, I hope you can do what I do, tell them you support their decision. ‘Add oil’!

Source: Facebook 


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