If You Are Alive, You Are Creative

If You Are Alive, You Are Creative

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Whether you like to write, paint, dance, or make mundane(прмитивные) daily decisions like whether to have avocado and marmite(мармит- паста из пивных дрожжей) on toast or just avocado on toast, everyone is creative. It is the nature of being human. Maybe you haven’t ever really thought of yourself as a phenomenal creator of life, but hear me out before you give a wave of dismissal(волна увольнений). I can guarantee that even you fit the description in some way too.

Look around you, maybe you’re at home and you can move your eyes over the objects in the room. You might see a table and chairs, a kitchen bench, a bed, some photos or paintings on the walls, a wallpaper of some shade of colour or type of pattern, whatever the floor is made of, and so much more. Aside from perhaps a plant or two, you will notice that all of the things you see have been designed by people, who aren’t all that different from you.

Yes, most of us don’t spend much time on specific projects we might call ‘creative endeavours’, sure, but the scope of creativity is as large as life itself.

Every thought, every decision, is caused by the neurons in your brain firing away, joining others with new shoots off the original cells. How amazing is that?! Your brain is amazing, which makes you amazing. No one has a neural network in their brain quite like yours, which means you may see the world and create thoughts that are completely different from a person next to you. It’s both astounding(поразительно) and wonderful, you should be in awe of the grey bio-computer inside your skull(череп). Fantastic.

Today may have been a bit of a rough one, perhaps you got out of bed on the wrong foot, there were problems at work, someone upset you or whatever, and you feel a push-pull about sitting down to write for a certain amount of time/words. In such situations remember that being kind to yourself is more important than making yourself do more work when you don’t actually need to.

Your health and wellbeing is always most important. You can’t run on empty forever and you will burn out quickly if you try to. For example, if you were planning to write 500 words today but you’re really not feeling up to it, chances are writing is not your main source of income and you can afford to have a break if you’d be better off for it. You also don’t need to add to your workload for the next day or the one after that unless you want to, the tortoise always wins against the hare(черепаха всегда побеждает зайца - отсылка к басне Эзопа: Черпаха и Заяц).

Maybe today is your day. Goodness me(Боже мой), everything’s going so well you can’t believe it! You got a good exam result back, you made satisfying progress with a personal project or at work, you had the best time with some friends. All this has given you so much energy that you’re leaping(прыгающий) around the house and singing your heart out like Miley Cyrus and you realise you have to close the windows or you’ll have Darren from the other end of the street knocking on your door any minute. Even if you get home late you could still write 2000 words without a second thought, and if this is what works for you, by all means then write for the whole damn world to see!

On the harder days, you still create, even if it's just baked beans(печеная фасоль) on toast. Don’t be discouraged(не расстраивайтесь) or give up(не сдавайтесь) if you don’t do as much work as you’d hoped you’d do by this time, every day is a new day and a new opportunity. You just try again tomorrow. Maybe you feel like you’re in a creative rut(колея) right now, but you can still see your novel on the shelves in the future, or your painting in the gallery, or your avo on toast definitely with marmite.

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