If Message Chat Type Private

If Message Chat Type Private


Using Private Chatter Messages in Salesforce

Posted by admin on August 15, 2018 | Featured | No Comments
On the Fourth Day of Winter ’12 Marc Benioff Gave To Me – Private Chatter Messages, Chatter Files Enhancements, Social Contacts in Salesforce and New Features and Enhanced Usability.
Okay, I know the song is just getting catchy. I say whatever it takes to help fellow administrators, developers, Salesforce consultants , and power users remember that we’re champions of our Salesforce orgs! We all have a responsibility to keep our users informed of new features and enhancements. I know for most people reading this blog it’s hard to believe, but most of our end users haven’t spent many a late night reading the release notes or playing in the Sandbox. It’s up to us to support. We have to share not just the information but our enthusiasm for all things Salesforce.
At Riptide, one way we will be encouraging our clients to do this is by asking them to send a Private Chatter message to their top Salesforce Advocates and Power Users. Then ask those power users to get Chatter-ing about their favorite features with the entire Salesforce User base. By informing users through a more organic social messaging campaign, you can build interest in Chatter and enhance adoption. Chatter is a social platform. Even now with the addition of private messaging, the idea is to use this feature as an enhancement to open collaboration. It’s not a means of reverting back to a “Silo” style of business.
For many, Private Messaging seemed like a feature that would have been included with Chatter from the beginning. Salesforce, however, had the foresight to keep this feature out of Chatter until Chatter users had the opportunity to adapt to the new Social Environment. In large part, this is what has made Chatter such a huge success. Personally, I really like that I can comment about a comment, to a user without EVERYONE seeing. This will really get our Chatter engines revving. Can we get a no more email symbol?!
Now, through the Social Cloud, businesses can gain valuable insight from internal social communication as well as through their contacts social media. Chatter Feeds also received a bit of a face-lift in the updated Collaboration Cloud. There have been improvements to the “Filters” on the “Chatter” tab. You can also now post “Likes” on Comments. YAY likes on comments. I am so very sick of writing – Likes this comment! And the feature we’ve all been waiting for . . . Chatter can now play YouTube videos directly in Chatter Feeds. Now when you share a link to a YouTube video, Chatter will automatically insert a video player and a preview into the feed. Get social in your Salesforce Org. *shakes my jingle bells!*
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