Ideology of Excellence

Ideology of Excellence

MK Boyd


Throughout pan-European, or pan-Aryan history our race cultivated themselves into higher evolved, noble peoples in all areas and fields, excelling beyond near impossible boundaries and barriers. These barriers were and are physical, mental, geographical, cultural, philosophical, spiritual and even cosmological. No other race can claim the fair fame that the European, Aryan peoples have earned by infinite blood and tears. Such is indisputable fact.

We now live in a time when many things are inverted, the noble made ignoble and our people lethargically rest on the laurels of the victories and successes of our forebears instead of advancing further in all areas of European civilization as cultural creators instead of cultural destroyers. They “fiddle while Rome burns” ignorantly believing we do not face the same nightmare that our people faced in Haiti, South Africa and elsewhere. Detroit teaches them nothing.

In the future, when our nationalities have become democratized to a nominal void and meaningless, when any human being of any race and culture and caliber can claim to be a German, Swede or American, the term “white” being derogative or meaningless. The word “European” only designated as a geographical term instead of an ethnic one there will be one exclusive label we will always embrace: ARYAN.

Former State Representative of Louisiana, Dr. David Duke gave an apt definition of Aryan in his autobiography My Awakening. He said an Aryan is “a racially-aware white person dedicated to the survival and evolutionary advancement of his people.” The purpose of this handbook for Aryans is to add flesh to that basic skeletal definition. To be a true Aryan one must have a noble foundation in life. This entails being and becoming:

1. racially and culturally aware and politically active;

2. formally educated and financially stable;

3. virtuous;

4. proactive;

5. physically and mentally fit, eugenic and emotionally mature;

6. racially pure;

7. multi-lingual.

These are the seven requirements for being an Aryan and having a noble foundation.

This handbook you hold in your hands was developed out of a formal need to educate, instruct and enlighten the struggling white person on being or becoming a true Aryan, a title which has been grossly misunderstood and misrepresented by those of degenerate lifestyles or genetics with no idea as to the true nature of the Aryan cause and movement.

The Aryan cause was best summed up by Adolph Hitler in his autobiography Mein Kampf when he stated:

“What we have to fight for is the necessary security for the existence and increase of our race and people, the subsistence of its children and the maintenance of our racial stock unmixed, the freedom and independence of the fatherlands; so that our folk may be enabled to fulfill the mission assigned to it by the Creator. All ideas and ideals, all teaching and knowledge must serve these ends. Thus a theory can never become a mere dead dogma since everything will have to serve the practical ends of everyday life.”

An Aryan must live according to the true Aryan cause and be active in the white nationalist movement. Cause and effect is the basis of life and no more so than in human nature with the added force of free will, connecting a cause to an effect. Freewill, the right to choose and responsibility guide a man’s destiny.

All men have a cause, either formally or informally that they live for. Some may live for wealth, family, religion or entertainment, the list is long. Some live for a social cause like curing cancer, stopping crime or promoting athleticism while others fight for a political cause like ending abortion, tax reform or healthcare reform. These people represent their cause collectively in a movement of activists that seek to resolve their cause into an effect that they are satisfied with. A movement is the collective freewill of a cause towards accomplishing its goals. Some movements last weeks, others are centuries old. The Aryan activist is a fighter for the many pro-White causes that represent the many pro-White movements which for brevities sake we will simply call the “movement” in this handbook since these movements overlap in membership, ideals and goals as much as they clash. The Aryan should find his niche in whichever pro-White movement he is best suited for, and not get wrapped up in the social circles that often hinge off of the movement and put the cause of Aryan activism second to frivolous socializing. The movement should always revolve around the cause, never vice versa.

One must live by the cause at all times, when possible or able, in both deed and thought. The vikings called a certain concept of cause and effect “orlog”. When one’s “orlog” was good it lead to an honorable destiny which they named “wyrd”. A modern day Aryan activist must think and act likewise putting the cause first at all times and places unless employment or other factors prohibit one from doing so. One’s cause is an ideal cause seeking an ideal effect. Idealism is unchanging. Reality always changes. The tool or weapon to bring reality closer to idealism is one’s activism and the movement. Ideas and ideals live forever, nothing can kill them but themselves, they can only be improved upon. Wisdom demands both idealism and realism in proper measure for the betterment of the cause and movement. As a member of the Aryan nationalist movement you have comrades worldwide and therefore you never walk alone.

The following are basic guidelines on being and becoming a true Aryan that if followed will ensure a stable, noble and fruitful life. They are kept basic and avoid religious implications. Instead their basis is ethical, moral, pragmatic and philosophical.

The contents of this handbook are gleaned from the pages of European and Euro-American history and Aryan institution, experience and reason. Genetics is only the first half of the factors that make up an Aryan, culturalization or cultivation is second. It is a two-step process, nature and nurture. Being an Aryan comes with one’s genetic and cultural birthright but becoming an Aryan is a lifetime process. If one lives according to the seven principles of the Aryan mentioned above one shall excel.

Racial, cultural and political awareness and activism

Transformation of the mind and heart into an Aryan is an awakening process. Such a process is both emotional and rational with conscience and consciousness converging in a state of heightened intensity of self-awareness on a collective level of race, culture and politics.

Such an awareness is usually the effect of the following causes:

1. An emotional experience with other races and cultures, such as a feeling of injustice.

2. An educational experience of studying one’s racial history, lineage and present culture with a sense of pride, recognition and gratitude.

3. An aesthetic and inspiring experience of being exposed to an aspect of white, European culture that sparks a new racial interest, or;

4. Logical recognition within one’s own thinking about one’s race and culture and the power-play between each one and with factors outside oneself that develop into a racial enlightenment.

Racialism, not racism

In the 1960’s liberal scientists and the mainstream media developed the term “racism” to describe the reactionary bias by whites towards non-Whites. This term then became to be used as a tool to instill a negative and false white guilt complex where a declining white pride simplex once stood that was not nurtured enough due to the burgeoning pop-culture that was overtaking the West. This complex has been the cultural monkey on the back of white people worldwide. popular culture ingrained this complex in the minds and hearts of whites in a smokescreen of “fairness and equality of the races” through the mass media to the point where whites themselves adopted it as a common life philosophy, even though it is a false social construct of dissociation that has hurt both blacks and whites alike. The blacks avoid responsibility by pulling the race card in disadvantageous situations while whites are all too happy to give into the dissociation to prove they are not “racist”. It is a scheme of cultural immaturity.

Whites, as the reactionary element had no counter-revolutionary position to fall back on in the past century that was large enough to escape this dissociation and escape the deracination and deculturalization.

Today, with the failure of race relations, the advent of the internet, advances in genetics, societal dysfunction and other factors, many whites are now able to undergo a paradigm shift towards a new healthy white pride simplex. As they do so race becomes an accepted realistic concept and obligation to one’s race, regardless of the politically correct zeitgeist are again morally acceptable in the form of an ethnic nationalism, or racialism.

Race over place

This new nationalism is neither traditional racism nor the traditional nationalism of the nineteenth century which often was based more on geography, on place (country) than on race (people). The white nationalist concept is less defined by geographical borders and more by bloodline and culture.

In this handbook we will then use the terms racialism and nationalism interchangeably and as a term of pride. The globalism of our times has made all borders more porous and often nominal in some areas of the white world. Capitalism and the internet have connected people of all races, people of the same race but different nationalities and most importantly allowed the white nationalist movements worldwide to interact on a much more broad and effective level. Many interracialists consider our Information Technological age as “post racial” yet these people(and governments) ignore the obvious: race is genetics and biology. These misguide simpletons consider race a “social construct” invented by racist, patriarchal white men to maintain authoritarian societies. This false idealism often clashes with the stone cold truth of reality. Race, as sub-species, will always exists within the human species just as it will in the animal and plant kingdoms.

As a racialist one must be one’s own farmer, recognizing the higher and lower elements in his or her personal genepool. All humans do this instinctively or impulsively but the racialist consciously discerns what his “recipe” is and works to make it better by practicing positive and negative eugenics or other methods for the improvement and responsibility of the race. The phenotypes of our race, that is, the way we look, our fair physical features are markers, like road signs, that tell us in which direction to go genetically and the quality of our genetype. This is the nature of aesthetics, the philosophy of beauty and form implying function. Even if the races were to blend into a muddy whole, the lighter breeds would rise to the surface of humanity. This phenomenon has happened in all racial societies on all continents already with the exception in our race with the Germanic oppression of the ultralight Celts or Roman conquest of Gaul. The examples of the Japanese oppression over other Asiatics, the Somalians and other East Africans oppression over Western Africans and other intraracial conflicts serve as the rule.

The breeds of white Aryan humanity are extremely rich. One must look past basic nationalities such as German and Italian which do not always indicate breed. A study of the ancient nationalities and tribes, the sub-racial level, is in order. Generally these branches of the white race are the Celts, Germanics, Greco-Romain (Latin) and Slavic people. There are two white peoples that anthropologists do not technically consider as Aryans, the Basque people of Northeast Spain and Southwest France and the Finlanders and Sami peoples (as well as some related Hungarian peoples) but these are mostly linguistic exclusions and these peoples are slowly assimilating with surrounding white Aryan peoples and nations. For general purposes we use the term Aryan in this handbook to denote the European and Euroasian of white, fair traits, not just the textbook definition of Aryans as “Indo-Europeans”. Another term that has been used interchangeably with Aryan in anthropology is “Nordic” yet this term lacks the philosophical implications of “Aryan” and often is synonym for only the Germanic or Skandinavian branch of the white race.

There are people in Iran (a name which itself means “land of the Aryans), Afghanistan and India who are descendents of the Indo-Aryans, peoples of the former Persian empire who claims the Aryan identity. A good number even share our fair and light phenotypical traits although it is rare.

The Aryan philosophy however does not diminish the nurture aspect of our people. Nature (race) does take precedence over nurture (culturalization) but the nurture aspect is a heavily important factor of Aryanization. Race is a science with an artistic side we now turn to, the concept of folk.

Culture plus race equals folk

Once a people is secure in its physiological needs it has the luxury to express itself through culture. Culture is the organic expression of the mental or psycho-spirituality of a race. Culture can only be adopted from another race superficially. In the end the “truth will out” and biological determinism rules and a subspecies or species will revert to its natural default state. In the past century or more the Western world, a product of white civilization has degenerated and has become overly liberal through a fallacious belief in egalitarianism which places nurture over nature. Popular culture teaches the fallacy that genetics are an extremely minimal determinant for success and quality in life, that given the proper nurturing or environment any human being can excel. As with all fallacies there is some truth but it is a camouflage for several falsities. The nature versus nurture fallacy is backed up by affirmative action programs and other set aside or welfare programs and policies that provide a smokescreen for this argument and a prop for egalitarianism. Liberals and now neo-conservatives champion this flawed belief when they say that “America is the land of opportunity” and sadly our land has been inundated with floods of non-Whites and people who use America (and likewise in Europe, Australia and elsewhere) as a materialistic prostitute with no real love of the land, its founding people and their history.

This dangerous environmental view has watered down the white cultures of the west into moderinistic, hyper liberal popular mono-cultural that has leveled all men and women to the lowest common denominator all the while championing “diversity” yet they only value diversity as a means to a very non-diverse end. This grey and dull democratization, along with capitalistic materialism is the bane of the white race. White Aryan psychology is geared towards the momentary, impulsive thinking based on emotionally instant gratification in contrast to our nature as reserved, reflective, patient, wise and stoic and strong. We have abandoned the mindset of the forest for the mindset of the desert and the jungle.

When a healthy race embraces healthy culture it becomes a folk and its culture is referred to as folkish. Folkish is also nationalistic, in fact the two words are often used interchangeably, yet folkish entails a more specific, particular and organic application of a folk and their culture.

A healthy culture involves factors that are naturally based on the preference for its particular aesthetics (art, music, décor, architecture, culinary arts, fashion, etc.) and the furtherance of its virtues, law principles, values, heritage, traditions and legacies. One look at American pop-culture can rule out the conclusion that popular culture is healthy for white folk and our families or even for individuals even though our society has inverted the roles of individuals and family/folk.

The Aryan folk must immerse themselves in the extremely diverse cultures of the White race, while developing new customs and traditions. Becoming an Aryan is a process of culturalization. Collectively we should be, in Hitler’s words “culture creators”. This is an area heavily ignored by the traditional right wing movements that focus solely on mainstream conservative white culture or openly racialist organizations in America that focus solely on race on a superficial level. A “Whites only” society is no good unless it is also cultural and naturally aristocratic and noble. On this point Aryanization is a revolutionary creed that seeks change through higher cultural evolution. The conventional conservative and right wing philosophies, while sharing many virtues and issues with Aryan nationalism, are not folkish and contain the vices of egalitarianism, libertarianism and materialism. Our Aryan philosophy is neither fully compatible with the left-wing or the right-wing political ideologies. Both the left and the right engage in class war, the poor versus the rich, the rich versus the poor and in sexual war (feminism vs. chauvinism). The two ideologies ignore race and have created and instituted a society and governments geared against the interests of the nation builders, the white race, in the name of equality and cooperation, our nations and states were originally created for whites and only whites as a social contract yet have developed into empires that are destroying the very race that built them. America and the West follow Ancient Greece and Rome. It is the imperative that Aryanization entails a component of social and political activism.

An Aryan nation must be based on a folkish state, founded on racial principles and family friendly policies and not blind egalitarian, utilitarian conformity. Our present nations and governments often place individual rights at the expense of family and folk and the racial community. This is the over-democratization of the West in the past century. America and many other Aryan nations were never founded as democracies, but as republics for even the word “democracy” is not found in the constitution.


An Aryan must be politically-aware and active, exercising one’s civic duties and rights for the betterment of our race. The non-white races have shown a good example of racially-conscious political activism albeit erroneously using the dissociative race card in their tactics and strategies. Whites on the other hand are lost in conventional left versus right political circuses that are little better than popularity contests. The Tea Party movement is an example of political activism based largely on white resistance on an unconscious level but bogged down in dissociation. This is a good time to start nationalist based Tea Party groups.

The level of political activism Aryan nationalists can undertake is extensive and diverse from political demonstrations, boycotts, petitions to corporations and governments to guerilla-marketing tactics, addressing public meetings and other endeavors.

Education, personal and folkish finance

In days of yore our ancestral nobles and knights were obligated to undergo a formal training period in all fields before one could be recognized as a part of the nobility. Today our colleges and universities are the institutions left over from the Medieval European educational traditions.

Education, the accumulation of wealth, resources and financial security are additional necessary factors in being noble and an Aryan. The Aryan follows the ancient Greek ideal of a sound mind and a sound soul in a sound body. In fact the word economics comes from the Greek language with an original meaning of “housework” which summarizes in one word the process of becoming an Aryan.

It is the duty and obligation of the Aryan to become fully educated both formally and informally, in school and out. A person’s financial and economic situation largely depends on their level of formal education and thus the IQ and genetic quality. Therefore it is a no-brainer that become an Aryan one must become formally educated and pursue informal education personally in all areas and fields. The Aryan must make it his or her life goal to increase their own wisdom and knowledge, not only in order to make themselves more superior but to advance their folk and all of humanity.

Earning a primary education, elementary through high school is a sad affair in present day America. The public schools are ever in a state of diminishing scholastic returns while homeschools are superior yet lack the social benefits of proper schooling. Would we have the homeschool movement if our schools would have never been desegregated? I think we all know the answer. Charter schools have found a happier medium but are still institutions of politically correct indoctrination, capitalistic, materialistic and egalitarian conditioning. Nonetheless a young person interested in becoming an Aryan should make the best with what society has to offer which is not all bad in comparison to the education situation in the Third World. It is mandatory that anyone wishing to become an Aryan should have at least a high school diploma or GED.

In addition the Aryan should have some type of vocational training even if he or she intends to enter the secondary educational level. Vocational training brings out the hands on techniques of our race, especially our young men. There is no dishonor in blue collar work and the trades are rich in European culture history of old trade guilds of the Middle Ages. To produce and create something is one of the White man’s greatest joys, the unity of mind and fist. The Aryan race must shun the use of utilizing other races for labor and maintain a healthy white working-class.

The secondary level of formal education begins wit junior college (community college) where a student earns an associate degree usually in the core requirements (History, govt, economics, etc) or as a minor specialized associates degree. The racially conscious white person must acknowledge college and university as the ancient products of higher European culture. They must approach each course with an upright attitude of what he or she can use in the course to develop him or herself into a better Aryan and most importantly to better one’s race, folk and nation.

Once the student has found an area of interest they can move up to the undergraduate level to earn a bachelor degree, commonly called a “four year degree” which specializes or “majors” in a particular field. This is vitally important for the aspiring Aryan. At this level the student actualizes into a learned professional in a process of maturity and mental transformation. With this level of education, the Bachelor or Masters level, the Aryan can make a greater impact on securing the survival of his race and higher success of our people, not to mention afford more children and establish families with a higher standard of living.

On this level of education the Aryan will unfortunately be confronted with many anti-white elements on college campuses from the fruitless party lifestyle, to hostile left-wing activist groups on campus to equally subversive university faculty and professors. All of this is a test and filter to strengthen the virtues and values of an Aryan comrade activist.

Informal education is a upgrade level of education to advance or refreshen one’s formal education. The Aryan must be a lifetime student, continually improving oneself in all fields of Western culture in order to bring the 14 words to fruition and bring out the best in one’s genes and culture. Plato, in his work the Republic, extolled the “Philosopher King” as the ideal leader. Wisdom is the crowning goal of Aryandom.

Sadly in our times an education is tied to income and white people are often at a disadvantage of attending college or university due to a lack of finances or discrimination programs such as affirmative action. This threat, however, should become an opportunity for activists to begin pro-white college funds and scholarships. Nonetheless the federal and state governments do have financial assistance programs, either in the form of loans or grants.

Personal finance

Wealth is a sign of nobility only if it is honestly earned. Capitalism has hurt the ancient Aryan work ethic and racial loyalty in favor of convenient accumluations of wealth a the expense of others. An Aryan must be working-class, industriousness, multi-skilled, proud and diligent if he is to secure employment and thus wealth. He or she must explore and study the entire workforce, economy and even global economy for employment opportunities and become as skilled as possible in as many fields or positions he or she is qualified for. The true wealth of a nation is not in how much gold it has but in its level of production capability, ingenuity, brain power and higher genetics. Dr. David Duke illustrated this completely in his autobiography My Awakening with his comparison of the peoples, economies and islands for Haiti and Iceland. An Aryan does not dwell on the golden eggs, but on the goose that lays them.

In our exploitative capitalistic economy and society consumerism and credit are often predatory. The wise Aryan will maintain economic and financial stability through savings plans and avoid credit as much as possible. Savings itself equals investment. Often a svings plan or vehicle, such as CDs, Roth IRAs, etc. are investment vehicles that accumulate interest tax-free. The Aryan should strive to maintain 14% of his income for savings and investment purposes. A racially-conscious investor is limited in avoiding contributions to corporations or entities that openly work against the best interests of the white race. Other ethnic groups and cultures have their own specific investment groups, mutual funds, etc… it is the goal of the Aryan nationalist movement to establish pro-White economic and financial concerns as well and exercise white purchasing power to our best interests. As a consumer group the white race has tremendous purchasing power and taken collectively we could have a new healthy society or republic if we voted together with our dollars. The non-white races are much more aware of this. 

At the grassroots level there is much an activist or group of activists can do to raise funds mostly by entrepreneurial endeavors. The age of pro-white businesses has only recently begun in past decades. A pro-Euro-American market niche or niches is a gold mine waiting to be tapped for whites to patronize. Cottage industry, micro brewing, crafts, etc. are traditional folkish methods of free-enterprise. What is needed are more large scale yet commercialized endeavors. Entrepreneurship goes back to ancient times of the European marketplace. The ingenuitive and innovative Aryan would sell his goods and/or find a new niche to fill and make a profit.

One of the most noble forms of Aryan activism is starting a small business that is an asset to the white community, promotes our interests and culture and enables one to better fund our cause, movement and establishment of pro-White communities, resources and community activities or venues. Good examples are the Thor Steinar clothing company in Germany or Aryan Wear Inc. in Texas. Entrepreneur is a French word meaning “risk-taker” which exemplifies the philosophy of the Aryan superbly.

In time, businessmen should form pro-white business associations to further strengthen the white community and further our people, our cause and movement.

Folkish finance and economics

Economics and finance are today polarized at the personal or family level or in macro-economics on the national or global level. Unless one considers non-white market niches the market niche for Euro-Americans is almost non-existent and this is so by no accident. White consumers have been tricked into thinking that mainstream culture is their culture, but it is not. Mainstream culture is in appearance mostly white but it is inclusive for all races and cultures. For example Entrepreneur Magazine is a mainstream magazine that is geared largely for whites but includes everyone else however there are small business magazines geared exclusively for Blacks or Hispanics. Whites are discouraged from building anything exclusive even though it is completely legal (and profitable) to do so. This hypocritical threat is actually a golden opportunity for white folkish finance and economics.

The Aryan, as a conscious member of his race and folk does not pursue entrepreneurship for selfish ends but for familial and folkish ends. His business venture is to serve selfless ends as much as possible in the cases of for-profit business and completely selfless ends for non-profit businesses, charities or businesses dedicated to social responsibility along racial and ethnic lines. There is a gap today between the small family-owned businesses and larger concerns that are multi-racial. 

One form of folkish business is in the form of intrapreneurship, helping other Aryans become economically and financially stable, independent and then interdependent by helping them start a business. Such an example of folkish empowerment might be if I were to open a small appliance repair shop and in the process once on my feet help an employee start a landscaping service with appliances or tools donated. The Jewish people are remarkably successful in this financial strategy of folkish altruism. Such is the hallmark of an ethnic community, or “folk-community”, the goal of the Aryan movement. It is long overdue that the Aryan nationalist community likewise engage in projects, concerns and programs of interdependent folkish development along economic and financial lines. 


Becoming an Aryan is practically impossible without the individual or group of Aryans ideology, their way of life being set in virtuous cycles. Virtue is the essence of what an Aryan is all about and of nobility in general.

Virtue entails the standards, values, mores, norms, principles, axioms and maxims of functional and successful living both on a personal and a collective level. The development of virtue in the character is his or her supreme goal in life. Virtue is the greatest wealth a person can have. Without a sound virtuous character no one can retain the title Aryan, a word which comes from ancient Sanskrit and means “nobleman”. The word “virtue” is Latin and means “manliness” and describes the higher qualities of being human.

A lifetime study of the virtues of Aryan culture is the duty of all Aryan activists. We can only summarize a list of virtues, values and principles in this short booklet. The most notable are:

Honor creativity chivalry perseverance self-reliance heritage

Athleticism resolve reason/logic wisdom vision generosity

Compassion ingenuity obedience humor nobility hospitality

Loyalty innovation tenacity vitality comradeship tradition

Patience/faith synergy determination naturalism solidarity natural law

Cleanliness/hygiene open-mindedness folk community leadership

Sophistication pride proactivity spirituality courage self-management

Discretion integrity vigilence discipline entrepreneurship self-actualization

Scholasticism frugality class maturity empathy ambition passion

Industriousness racial-consciousness prudence truth temperance

aesthetics stoicism communication consideration appreciation trust prioritization altruism intelligence resilience efficiency valor conscience

benevolence equilibrium spearhead principle volition

discernment harmony multi-tiered resistance initiative realism advancement justice diligence idealism separatism folkish

responsibility attitude personal finance order dignity gratitude reciprocity post-modernism excellence weltanschauung marriage success simplicity

An upright ideology as well as the honorable deeds are evidence of one being organized as an Aryan who lives a principled life. Such a life is with heart and mind in tune on a straight-laced path free from vices and negative thoughts, deeds and bad habits. Such a path is a difficult narrow direction meant only for the strong, wise and steadfast who keep a straight-edge on all their ethics, habits and morality. Such a person is in fact labeled “straight-edge” and there is a movement for being straight-edge. He or she refrains from negative excesses that harm the body, mind and spirit most notably drugs, alcohol abuse, cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, junk food, gambling, etc… One must honor oneself just as one must honor ones family, folk and all of humanity.

The struggle of the straight-edge Aryan is to strive upwards and onwards in a virtuous cycle resisting downward gravity of vicious cycles. Living in the pursuit of excellence on a philosophical, ideological and spiritual (not necessarily religious) path is far more rewarding in the long run than the alop-sided ignoble life of chaos. The straight-edge philosophy is focused on the positive in all areas of life in a proactive manner geared towards optimism yet rooted in realism.

European and Euro-American history abounds in heroic examples of the virtuous man and woman. Our folklore (literally “the teaching of the folk”) teems with insight into the noble, heroic soul, from the American pioneers to the European Crusaders, Civilized Romans, adventurous Vikings, vibrant Celts and knowledgeable Ancient Greeks, our history is simply amazing. we must learn once again to think as a people and create a future just as grand.


An Aryan lives a proactive life, resisting reactionary tendencies when possible. His activism, whether it is social, political, economic, organizational, religious, familial or even personal (self-help) is not impulsive. It is thought out, full of insight and foresight, reflective, effective, rational as well as emotional and full of initiative. One must heed the excellent German axiom “Klagt nicht, Kampf!” (do not complain, fight!). The Aryan race was a proactive race initially, always thinking ahead before winter set in, planning ahead, becoming innovative, ingenuitive and intelligent. According to Stephen Covey in “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” the proactive person utilizes the positive energy within his control to enlarge his circle of influence. He makes an excellent point that to have something someone must first be something and not vice versa. Being proactive is to be solution-oriented, responsible, interdependent (instead of wholly independent) synergistic and a measure of a visionary.

The pro-white movements histories are littered with reactionary groups, most who are now defunct who could not exercise the open-mindedness and foresight to transition to a proactive mentality. The conventional, conservative, right-wing stance kept them anchored in a defensive manner. The proactive person instead is ever on the offensive, open to change and evolution, growth, development and adaptation. Positive reasoning is inductive, from the particular towards the general.

It is very difficult to be proactive in a degenerate society where all seems lost, our race appearing tainted and our culture decadent and popularized. Yet the white race has actually see worst times, the Black Plague in the Middle Ages just to name one incident where a huge portion of our people were wiped out. But we preserved through hope, faith and the willpower to exist and thrive. Proactive measures to prevent the spread of the Plague eventually led to its eradication. Once again proactivity will save the white race despite the hollow pessimism of the average white person.

Physically and mentally fit, eugenic and emotionally mature

Physical and mental fitness

The prerequisites for being both proactive, straight-edge and virtuous are health and maturity. Health is the goal of natural law in all living things. A thing is healthy when it is complete in all of its basic parts and functional needs. This completion is a whole. Health and whole are cognate word, two related words and one can see why. If everything “fits” in place, fitness that is, then a thing or being is healthy. Illness then is usually a result of a loss of nutrients, limbs, nutrition, a deficiency or other imbalance or dysfunctional constitution. This holds true for all aspects of our culture whether it is our government, religion, technology, etc… this is a simple mechanical process that the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle recognized, as finding a golden mean between excess and deficiency.

Mental illness, however is much more difficult to treat due to symptoms that are less obvious. Disorders such as chronic depression, chemical imbalances, anger, etc. must be diagnosed by a psychiatrist who specializes in these areas.

The Aryan, whether in archaic times or today is noted by a robust amount of energy due to mental and physical fitness and high quality genetics. The other character traits of being an Aryan are impossible to meet unless one is physically and mentally fit.

The mind’s health, largely rooted in the brain is mostly set at birth and throughout puberty and adolescence. It is less dependant on environmental factors such as nutrition, exercise and protection than the physical body. In fact the only two nutriments it needs is oxygen and glucose along with proper blood flow. Once a brain fully develops however it is up to the individual to nurture a strong mind, enrich it through education and experience and impress upon the billions of neurons that make up the minds of higher faculties that allow for higher consciousness and being.


The Aryan must study the new racial field of neuroscience and the connection of I.Q. to healthier bloodlines and genetics. Most importantly we must breed higher, more intelligent children and practice eugenics once again on a formal level. Eugenics is a Greek word meaning “up breeding” and cognate to the man’s name Eugene. Formal “negative” eugenics was practiced by governments and private institutes in the earlier part of the 20th century but was eventually banned and considered cruel and inhumane. However basic positive eugenics has always been practiced by most humans both formally and informally. When most white people breed, it is inb large part due to the physical attraction of the other mate or spouse. This law of attraction is nature’s eugenics program. Our people also choose mates based on eugenics traits such as intelligence, maturity, health, creativity, etc… although they do not think consciously as engaging in eugenics, they are. It is instinct as well as free will. The opposite of eugenics is dysgenics or breeding down. Dysgenic people can be seen in mixed breeds, non-Whites and the lower classes of Aryans.

We must breed ourselves better than we breed our dogs, graft our plants and measure the recipes in our food. Once again the Aryan must follow the “doctrine of the thoroughbred” and Greek ideal of a healthy body with a healthy mind with a healthy soul. We now look at the first of those, the body.

Physical fitness

The Aryan should be known as one who regularly maintains an exercise routine, both aerobic and anaerobic (weightlifting) not only for personal fitness but for folkish fitness.

Physical fitness routines come in a million varieties. The health and bodybuilding magazines provide a plethora of examples too numerous to mention here. Suffice to say all routines have three basics in common:

1. sufficient nutrition and protein intake (1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight);

2. sufficient aerobic and anaerobic routine;

3. adequate sleep and rest.

Any Aryan following these steps habitually will excel in health and physical fitness. It is basic science and natural law.

Physical fitness should be used as an outlet of building their noble foundation and never as a vehicle to enslave their egos by using steroids or crash dieting. For women the issue of excess fat (which is healthy by nature) plagues the modern mindset of women. For men there is the obsession of being overly muscular. What needs to be kept in mind are the laws of nature which never intended for us to have on average hard body physiques. While aesthetically pleasing it is in fact unnatural and the Aryan obeys natures laws. When one becomes physically fit he or she will know it. You feel it and it shows. Going beyond that point by having striated abs, etc. spills over into either excess infatuation or mental and emotional as well as social instability.

Much of physical fitness is also mental exercise, the ability to strengthen the mental capabilities to focus, endure and overcome hardship. Whether it is running, swimming, cross-training or lifting weights any physically fit person will tell you the thrill of it is as mentally as it is physically rewarding. This is where Aryan pride is right at home. The joy of athletics is in the triumph of oneself not just over others but over oneself. In a nutshell it is self-mastery.

Emotional maturity

When a white person is not fully healthy, have not mastered themselves, they often lack emotional maturity or metal stability (neurosis/psychosis). Our race is plagued with mentally and emotionally unstable individuals and sadly one stereotype of the Aryan is the wild-eyed, belligerent, angry, paranoid fanatic in a state of desperation. Mainstream media have exacerbated this image by attacking activists on numerous talk shows, interviews and other momentary instances.

The disposition of the Aryan is both classically and contemporaneously stoic, introverted, cal, strong, serene, mature and confident, often portrayed as the “noble savage”. This is in contrast to the above mentioned stereotype which is the result of reactionary, defensive mindsets of desperation that is borderline neurotic. Granted it is extremely frustrating at times to be a racially-conscious white person, feeling helpless, useless and unable to directly halt the downfall of our race and its nations, however there is only so much one can do by oneself and we must always find revolutionary and effective ways and the will to overcome and not throw logic and reason and mental and emotional health to the wind. There have been many Aryan nationalists who are also immature and ineffectively camouflage their political activism in soap operas, personality conflicts, power struggles and infighting. As David Lane expressed in his Precept #83 “Avoid a vexatious man, for his venom will poison your own nature.” There are many fine examples of movement figures who maintain the proper composure under pressure in the public light such as Tom Metzger, David Duke and Jared Taylor just to name a few. Emotionally immature persons put their own racial circles, egos, organizations and even the nationalist movement ahead of the cause. We must remember that the movement and social aspects revolve around the cause which is itself ideal and eternal, the situation should never be the reverse putting the cause second place. Principles over personality. The movement should be a welcoming place for those new to the cause, not a minefield of risks, liabilities, frustrations and burdens. Here the virtues of altruism, hospitality, solidarity and benevolence and especially synergy are key.

An Aryan disposition and attitude shows his or her values and virtues. The attitude evidences the moral attitude and degree of nobility. An Aryan should sense the lack of maturity and instability in others and socialize only with those of a firm uprightness who also know when to be casual, humorous, easy going and if need be humble.

Racial purity

In racial science, the term purity is a relative, not an absolute term. The liberals who complain that there is no such thing as a pure race argue from the fallacy that there are no pure relative things. Instead of referring to a mix-breed person as half-breed they have coined the term “biracial” to play semantics. All things in life are a combination of factors and elements. In the ideology and philosophy of Aryanism we use the term purity in the relative context of being homogeneous, of the same kind, not necessarily of the same degree. An example would be a marriage between white persons of different national lineages but of the same general European genetics. The liberals desperately confuse degree from kind for political gain.

Nature has placed beings in kingdoms, species and sub-species for the reason of classification, balance and evolutionary diversity. Humans now disrupt that balance out of naiveté, ignorance, misplaced compassion and apathy at our peril. Opponents of our philosophy have also noted that since the races (subspecies) of mankind are able to interbreed, like dogs, there is no such thing as race except for the “human race”. This idealistic absurdity ignores reality, the genetic incompatibility between races, downbreeding (dysgenics), the lowering of the I.Q., our basic instincts and intuition, experience and an increase in social and racial unrest as integration is further enforced. In addition it was the eugenic science of European man that developed the various breeds of dogs into functional breeds (herders, workers, warhounds, toy dogs, etc.) whereas the various races of mankind are due to nature and creation/evolution.

Each race has within itself its higher and lower elements. Aryans (and all races) must strive to maintain and secure the higher elements by not intrabreeding, on average with persons of inferior genes and degenerate behavior. In this sense the Aryan philosophy is not compatible with the accusation of “white supremacy” that is indoctrinated by the mainstream media and those in power, in education as well as the entertainment industry. 

The Aryan must certainly avoid mixing with those of non-white and mixed racial genepools. At present the Mexican population has exploded and settled in North America and white Americans and Mexicans of higher elements mostly are interbreeding. The result is a hybrid white person, impure yet exhibiting white phenotypical features. The offspring usually goes on to breed with pure whites thus breeding out some of the Mexican (Aztec/Mayan) genes. This process of racial leveraging of the white genepool, this Nuevo Mestizo, is at the expense of the Mexican genepool. There are both pros and cons to this yet impurity is impurity and should be avoided at all costs if one is disciplined enough.

One purpose of racial purity maintenance is the continuation of one’s ancestral and cultural lineage as well as the connection to one’s ancestors. An Aryan nationalist always “listens to the voice of his blood” and breeds within and in as much quantity as possible. The goal of all Aryans should be large families of 3-8 children. White Americans lead the way in healthy fertility rates, the exceptions of large families should come closer to a new rule. The best genes come out in larger families. A materialistic life must be shunned in favor of a larger familial life. The family must once again become the basic unit of society and race, not the individual.

The aesthetics of the white Aryan phenotype, that is, the beauty of the Aryan race, especially our gorgeous women is a guidepost for eugenics. White men must fight for this beauty once again and not just the sex appeal. Such is natural law.

Sadly with the increasing rates of miscegenation (i.e. race-mixing) one dilemma is the tolerance or intolerance of mixed offspring’s in one’s family. Acceptance of such offspring guarantees the compromise or abandonment of one’s loyalty, often in a slippery slope fashion to become fully tolerant of miscegenation in general. This is an area where there is no room for tolerance. The Aryan must take a hard position on miscegenation with his nuclear or extended families otherwise the situation becomes like the frog in the pot analogy, the heat in the pot slowly increases yet by the time the frog notices the danger it dies. Our race and people must remain steadfast if we are going to maintain biological integrity, honor and longevity.


Many things separate animals from men, most notably willpower, conscience, intuition and creativity yet the most obvious is communication in the form of verbal language. The diversity of Aryan man is best seen and heard in our richly beautiful, profound, conceptual and intelligent languages. Unfortunately language also divides our race and people which has contributed to erroneous nationalisms (putting place before race) that keep us stagnant or destructive. Nevertheless the languages of Europe and its kindred nations are exciting and inspiring time capsules of our valiant history, philosophy, science, literature, art, humor and so much else. Our soul, the folksoul is contained within them. It is an inevitable custom for the becoming Aryan to explore and learn as many European languages as possible and utilize them in breaking down language barriers to other Aryans in other nations in an attempt to encourage solidarity and accomplish the fourteen words, to build one’s personal noble character foundation and build up our folk. What is meant here is not a mere cultural interest but a racially conscious endeavor. This is above and beyond the normal interest our people already have in learning “foreign” European languages, it is in a sense of homecoming but also a new homemaking.

Each European language is a story unto itself and English is no exception. Aryans whose first language is English are obligated to build their vocabularies, study the etymologies, the geneologies so to speak, of Modern English, Middle English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon). The goal is to become better articulated, eloquent and intimate with the soul and mind of our British peoples. The downfall of a people, Hitler stated in Mein Kampf, is always preceded by the breakdown of its language which can be seen today with the overuse of slang, the perversion of ebonics and so on. We must build a linguistic front logically and passionately, defending English and celebrating our Pan-British cultures while also patronizing all other European cultures.

English has been called a “bastard” language, often in a derogatory, shameful manner but the former languages that make up English; Norman French, Anglo-Saxon (German), Latin, Celtic and Greek are all indo-European kindred tongues created by magnificently dynamic peoples that the world has never known. As such English illustrates the history and pride of the European, Aryan race, or at least most of it. in English we see the Anglo-Saxon settlement of Germanic Britain which spawned great figures such as Hengst, Horsa, Alfraed the Great and mythological heroes such as Beowulf. We recognize the Roman conquest of great Roman pagan Empire, the dynamic Celts and Picts who give us the legend of King Arthur and knights. We see the genius of the Greeks in our language and the triumph of the Normans who, although considered French, were descended from Norwegian Vikings, brothers of the Danish Vikings who also contributed greatly to the English language, culture and British blood.

Therefore studying other European languages is simply recognizing languages that themselves make up Modern English and reliving our past for a better future. In this sense no European language is actually “foreign” and studying English in this manner is racial and folkish not to mention a celebration of Aryan culture.

Since Modern English is mostly made up of German and French it is first wise to study the modern German and the modern French. Both of these languages share cognates, words that two or more kindred languages inherited from our ancestral language. For example the English word for white in German is weiss, in French it is blanc which is cognate to modern English blank. A better example is the word race which is German is Rasse, in French is race and in Spanish raza. The key then to study other European languages is this racially-conscious recognition of these languages as kindred tongues and the cognates that make building vocabularies in non- English languages faster and more effective.

A further reason to learn other European languages is to reach out to other Aryan nationalists in Europe, Africa, Australia, South America and Canada. When race is invoked it is a concept that transcends national geographical borders. Our goal is to create a new commonwealth and international Aryan community with white pride world wide. Granted, modern English is the Lingua Franca common language for most white Earthlings but that should not keep English speakers from reaching out to our kindred folk in their own tongues out of respect, consideration and also with the understanding that certain ideas or emotions can be better expressed in certain languages than others. For example skaldic poetry is only truly adapted for the Old Norse and Old English languages and syntax.

And additional and obvious purpose for studying other European languages is for personal improvement and formal education. Multilingualism was the mark of the nobility in days of yore and is so today. For educational purposes knowing another language can increase employment potential and income. An Aryan should not get frustrated with becoming fluent as fluency results when one is only immersed in the environment where the language is spoken, which is very difficult for Americans. A high familiarity is suitable enough for activism and personal advancement.


This brief booklet has only touched upon the necessary basics of the character traits, personality, principles, customs, deeds and cultural requirements for becoming and nurturing one’s Aryan nature. It is provided for white Americans, mostly those in the white nationalist movements or those new to our cause to muster themselves, enoble their families, build up their comradeship and fellowship with other likeminded folk and activists around the world. The purpose of this path of the Aryan is to especially secure and further the nationalist movements worldwide and dispel the misconceptions of what a true Aryan is from the false media images and groups that have misused this term to boost their own egotistical vices. 

We live in the best and worst of times yet the eternal spirit of the Aryan, ancient as it is perennial, it is the spirit of quintessential excellence on both individual and collective levels, determined by nature and free-will.

MK Boyd

“We must secure the existence of our race and a future for white children.” David Lane

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