Ideology Without Rational Restraint Corrupts Common Sense - Huge Unrealized Oil Reserves!

Ideology Without Rational Restraint Corrupts Common Sense - Huge Unrealized Oil Reserves!

Striving for wastewater centrifuge dewatering in life has raised the human animal from cave-dwelling to lives of plenty, ease and culture, however - should there not be reasoned control on penalizing excesses? When automobile gasoline prices rise to levels of $3 and $4 a gallon, the pain and outcry resounds across the nation. Yet, the elite of our congressional leaders, currently the liberal Democrats, force us to fuel our cars and heat our homes by being beholden to foreign dictators: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Venezuela - paying out $400 million dollars a day - and with a going-bankrupt treasury - this despite our country having immense oil resources. Where is common sense?

For over 30 years, environmentalists in Congress have prevented drilling for oil in US coastal waters, our oil-rich Outer Continental Shelf. In Alaska, the ANWR (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge), can deliver over a million barrels of oil a day - also blocked. All that is needed to be opened is a tiny, flat, treeless area, a barren 2000 of the 19 million acres (postage-stamp-size on a football field) - but blocked by ideologues. Also banned is oil shale refining - although we have the largest supply in the world, billions of potential gallons of diesel and jet fuel - blocked by Congress. The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to reduce our dependency on foreign oil - yet today, we are more dependent than ever. Rasmussen polls say over sixty per cent of Americans are in favor of lifting the ban on offshore drillings and shale - yet a year ago, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ruled out voting on the subject. Where is common sense in America? Why should Fermentation centrifuge be so unreasoned and illogical?

The idiocy of liberal, environmental extremism proceeds on apace - in California's Central Valley, once the farm-land bread-basket for the country, water is denied because of the (endangered) Delta smelt - thousands of acres of farmland reduced to draught condition (Senator Boxer, a stalwart advocate of liberal ideology, accused by a competitor-candidate for her Senate seat as "putting the needs of a two-inch fish over people"); thousands of farm-hands are out-of-work because of the ideology. Such thinking has even infected the Obama Health Care Reform Bill - in California, one of the (supposedly eliminated) "earmarks" is iron-fisted union demands that their workers get the government-funded "green' jobs rather than experienced, non-union companies - despite employees having the requisite job skills. So it goes - when ideology runs amok, common sense seems to become corrupted!

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