Ideal Penis Boyu

Ideal Penis Boyu


Ideal Penis Boyu

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Psychotherapist Mehmet ULUBEY says:

Psychotherapist Mehmet ULUBEY says:

Psychotherapist Mehmet ULUBEY says:

Psychotherapist Mehmet ULUBEY says:

Psychotherapist Mehmet ULUBEY says:

Psychotherapist Mehmet ULUBEY says:

Psychotherapist Mehmet ULUBEY says:

Psychotherapist Mehmet ULUBEY says:

Psychotherapist Mehmet ULUBEY says:

Psychotherapist Mehmet ULUBEY says:

Psychotherapist Mehmet ULUBEY says:
русский азербайджанский аймара албанский амхарский английский арабский армянский ассамский африкаанс бамбара баскский белорусский бенгальский бирманский болгарский боснийский бходжпури валлийский венгерский вьетнамский гавайский галисийский греческий грузинский гуарани гуджарати датский догри зулу иврит игбо идиш илоканский индонезийский ирландский исландский испанский итальянский йоруба казахский каннада каталанский кечуа киргизский китайский (традиционный) китайский (упрощенный) конкани корейский корсиканский коса креольский (гаити) крио курдский (курманджи) курдский (сорани) кхмерский лаосский латинский латышский лингала литовский луганда люксембургский майтхили македонский малагасийский малайский малаялам мальдивский мальтийский маори маратхи мейтейлон (манипури) мизо монгольский немецкий непальский нидерландский норвежский ория оромо панджаби персидский польский португальский пушту руанда румынский самоанский санскрит себуанский сепеди сербский сесото сингальский синдхи словацкий словенский сомалийский суахили сунданский таджикский тайский тамильский татарский телугу тигринья тсонга турецкий туркменский узбекский уйгурский украинский урду филиппинский финский французский фризский хауса хинди хмонг хорватский чви чева чешский шведский шона шотландский (гэльский) эве эсперанто эстонский яванский японский
Almost all men living in the world have had doubts about penis size. In our culture, the education of private matters is filled with urban legends from adolescence. Let's help find the answers to these questions that we have researched shamefully. How many inches should the ideal penis size be? In this article, where we will look for the answer to the question, does the penis lengthen with the drug method? What is the average penis size in the world, etc. We will look for answers to questions.
When the penis meets and merges with the vagina, the vagina naturally feels the first 7 inches. Based on this, scientists come to the conclusion that the ideal penis length is about 7 centimeters. It should be known that the length and thickness of the penis do not have the slightest effect on achieving pleasure during intercourse. You can be sure that the commitment of the partners to each other in relationships, the most passionate foreplay that will bring pleasure to the peak during intercourse, discovering each other's sensitive points, determining the romantic environment and intercourse positions will be more effective than the size of the penis. In some cases, couples feel the need to hold back from relationships due to a lack of self-confidence, and in such cases, you may need sexual therapies and relationship specialists in order to regulate your sexual life, which is quite natural. First of all , let's give you some explanations about how to measure the penis size that you feel insecure about.
Previous “ What are the Harms of Masturbation? Click to read my article.
For this, the classical method used by urologists is to measure the erect penis by pulling it into space. This measurement value will correspond to the natural length of your erect penis. Another method is when you get an erection naturally, measure from the side of the penis towards your navel with a tape measure towards the tip of the penis. You will see that there is a difference of 3-5 millimeters between the size of your urologist and your size. According to general information, it is said that the world average is 7 centimeters, Turkey's average is 11 centimeters. When evaluating, do not forget that the penis size measurement , which is among these criteria, is ideal.
Men who complain about their penis size can get the first solutions from various media, with information from the ear, pills, gels, vacuum pumps, etc. are methods. They see money traps decorated with penis enlargement stories as the definitive solution and turn to him. We never recommend all self-administered drugs and methods, except for the specialist. The use of drugs that cannot be determined what ingredients and how your body will react can cause serious health problems. Instead, please note that you can get both physiological and psychological support related to penile lengthening by making an appointment with specialist therapists and doctors.
This type of surgery is only used for diagnosed patients. You should know that such an operation is definitely not performed without a diagnosis, which urologists call micro-penis. It is known that two types of methods are used for micro penises that will undergo surgical intervention with the opinion of experts.
In the process, the ligament in the groin area to which the penis is attached is cut, thus helping to lengthen the size. In this method, a maximum elongation of two centimeters is achieved in the patient's penis.
It is aimed to reach the ideal thickness of the penis with the additional tissue patch method taken from the areas compatible with the circumference of the penis.
These methods have the potential to cause physiological changes or complications in the function and nature of the penis. It is also stated that there are side effects of the drugs used during the treatment process. We would like to emphasize that the experts of the subject do not prefer this method except for force majeure.
A lot of work falls on the partners in healthy sexual intercourse. Instead of trying to solve the problems on their own, instead of hearsay information, it will be beneficial for them to meet with the experts of the subject. Just as we consult a specialist in the case of a cold or flu, consult a specialist in all problems that prevent your sexual life. Do not forget that all the psychological problems that we cover up due to oppressive cultures at every stage of our lives will affect your quality of life and therefore your life in the future. We have received our training to find solutions for the most private issues for you and we are here to help you with all your problems. As the last sentence, the ideal penis size should be in the inch where you are at peace with yourself and have regular sexual life with your partner.

Specialist Psychotherapist Mehmet Ulubey, who has 12 years of experience in the field of psychology, mostly works on family, children and sexuality. Every year, an average of 3000 people raise awareness of themselves, their families, their sexuality or their children through psychotherapy and training.
Hello sir, I'm going to be 16 years old, I don't even have a beard and mustache yet. My penis is 16 17, I wonder how long it is, at least until I complete the development or how long it grows on average, although it is thick, I am not satisfied. have a nice day.
Hello, first of all, your penis size is the ideal penis size. I think you should be calm about this. In addition, the absence of beard and mustache is due to a hormonal reason.
Good day, sir, I am 15 years old and my penis is 17 cm, but sometimes it hurts when it is fully erect, is it normal or is my penis size suitable for my age?
My tool is 14 cm and thin sir, I'm going to have a thickening and lengthening surgery, do you think it's a problem?
you should ask your doctor about this
Sir, I am 16 years old, I have a penis size of 15 cm, I have a length of 1*70, I want it to be 19, okay?
Sir, good day, my penis size is about 14 cm and its thickness is about 12 cm. This bothers me a bit. Do you think it would be a problem if I had a thickening and lengthening surgery? Thank you in advance.
sir my penis is 12 cm fln lifted but not thick i think i am worried i am 18
You are waiting for the teacher to help you, my friend, you have a small penis, but it is enough, keep the foreplay long and focus on the woman's enjoyment, I hope you will not have a problem, the extension tools you find on the internet etc are always money traps.
I'm a man, I'm 20 years old, 15 cm, my teacher, erection, I have never had sexual intercourse
Hello, sir, my age is 20, no erection, 4.5 cm, average erection, 15.16 cm, normal, sir, no erection, why small teacher?
Does foreplay cause premature ejaculation problem for men and what is the ideal ejaculation time for men?
hello, of course not… do not associate foreplay with premature ejaculation. A correct foreplay is very important for both men and women.
Teacher, I am 14 years old, even when my penis lengthens, it is smaller than my pinky finger, it says on the internet that it will be 9.9 cm at 14 years old.
hi, this could be the problem. A detailed discussion on this subject is required. Can you make an appointment and get in touch?
My dick is 23 cm. I want to be with girls but I'm scared. What should I do?
Hello, it's not the size of your penis, Turkey is even above the world standards.. I don't understand why you are afraid of being with girls*
My age is 17. I have a penis length of 17 cm. Do you think it's normal?
I'm burning like fire please send me the sex positions
hello, you can get sex positions from a book you can buy from any bookstore. if it is for your fever, you should ask someone else for help 🙂
Hello, my girl, how can I make love and have sex with men and go to bed?
hi, i am confused how to reply. What can i say?
Hello, I think you should let your sexuality flow. sex is not something to be done with the book of accounts.
Sir, I am 14 years old, what should be considered while masturbating, I have not done anything yet, I am afraid of doing wrong, I would appreciate it if you could reply.
Hello, I have a nice article on how to masturbate. you should read it. You can reach it from the search section on the page.
Does foreplay shorten ejaculation time?
hello, does foreplay shorten the ejaculation time? for whom?
women? men? change for both?
For this, you need to ask in detail or contact me privately.
Sir, I'm 17 years old, although it's not a male, when it's 7 cm in a male, it's 13 cm. Do you think it's normal, do I have a problem, I think it's small
the penis size is normal even if it is not erected, there is nothing to worry about. you won't have any problems. have the ideal penis neck.
Sir, I am 15 years old, 19 cm and what is the maximum?
hello, how many cm do you want it to be? Let me tell you if it will be according to it 🙂
Hello, my penis is not erected, it is 4 cm, and its erection is 13 cm. This is making me a little uncomfortable. Do you think there will be a problem?
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türkiyede ortalam penis boyu 16-12 arassı daha üstünü isteyen kadınlar zencilere gitsin. erkekler de siz neyin kafasıylo oynuyonuz. bu sitede 18in üstünde bile yoktur. zaten büyük olması hiçbirşey ifade etmiyo.
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Cevap veren kadin erkek oranina baktim erkekler neredeyse kizlarin 4-5 kati sayida. Bu ne arkadas yaa ne kadar ideal penis meraklisi erkek var? Penisin ideali erkege degil kizlara sorulur! Her erkek kendi penisini yetersiz bulur fakat soylemez, sorulana da samimi cevap vermez, hatta boyle bir soruyla muhatap olmak bile istemez. Kizlar arasinda hic boyle bir tartisma duydunuz mu? Ideal Vajina derinligi, Clitoris boyu capi ne olmali? Var mi boyle bisey? Vajina ortalamasi normalde 9-10cm vardir tas catlasa! cap olarak da serce parmagini bile sikar. Bu neyin kafasidir? 18cm, 20-30cm diyen var yuh! Penisim 15.5cm ve sevistigim kadinlar 1saat icinde en az 2-3 kez orgazma ulasip bosaliyor. Penisiniz 11cm ve yukarisinda ise biyolojik yonden hicbir sorun yasamazsiniz. Butun is sizin sevisme maharetinizde! 17cm~ ustunde penis istemek tembel isidir! Ben ugrasmam, penisim ugrassin! mantigi bu. Kadinlar en cok fiziksel yoldan degil dusunsel yoldan orgazma ulasir! Tersi de dogrudur. Dusunsel olarak zihnen yorgun, memnuniyetsiz, bunalimda ve mutsuz bir kadin isterse 20-30cm penis olsun bosalamaz! Orgazm olamaz! Ayrica buyuk penis sahibi kisi eger kan dolasimi cok saglikli degilse, duzenli spor yapmiyor, duzenli beslenmiyorsa mutlaka ereksiyon sorunu yasar! Ya penisini sertlestiremez ya da uzun sure sert tutamaz. Ozellikle ilerleyen yaslarda buyuk risk tasir. Penisi sertlestiren kandir! ve o kadar kani peniste toplayacak saglikli tolar damarlar ve uzun sure muhafaza edebilecek gelismis kas yapisina ihtiyac vardir. Son olarak, Erkek kadini moda sokmadan hemen penisini vajinaya sokmaya calisiyor malesef! Ulke olarak sevisme ozurluyuz. Daha fazla ozen lutfen!
ya şu boy konusunda sürekli soruluyor ve hep takip ediyorum. Bir şeye kafam çok takıldı. Şimdi diyelim ki penisiniz 3-5 santim veya ne bileyim 30-40 falan herneyse. Yani ne uzatabilirsiniz ne kısaltabilirsiniz. Penisimizle yaşamayı öğrenelim Onu sevelim sayalım. Kesip atamayacağımıza göre boyuna takılmanın bir anlamı yok bence. Yani tıbben boyuna müdahale etme şansımız yoksa bunuda kafaya takmanın bir analamı var mı?
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