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There are various quotes regarding the nature of character. “Character is who you are in the dark.” – Dwight L. Moody. “Character is who you are when no one is looking.” – John Wooden. All these tend to imply that actions unobserved by anyone other than yourself have value. It’s bullshit of course. Whether you resisted temptation one time or one thousand times, or just the opposite, in a time and place where the court of public opinion is the highest court in the land and very little is done in the dark, the concept of an existence when no one is looking becomes more and more meaningless. We have not just become a nation of voyeurs but, also, exhibitionist, inviting everyone to share in our most intimate and trivial moments and thoughts. And despite our outward revulsion to utilitarian ethics, in a post-globalization society every action from what coffee and eggs we buy to how many and what kinds of gifts we give our children on special occasions can be and are judged by their impact on everyone else.  
So what are we left with? Has the concept of character always been something we tell ourselves to make us feel better about ourselves? That’s my vote. Or have we just created a society where ones convictions are never put to their ultimate test, will you stand by them when you have nothing to gain from it. If this is true, is it now impossible to do what is good or right, because it is now, more than ever, impossible to act without expectation of reward or fear of punishment? Is motivation really the only determining factor of right and wrong?
For the sake of future arguments, I will now say there is a distinction of being a person with character and being trustworthy. Individuals who are “trustworthy” have acted upon certain standards within the public sphere and therefore, are granted more freedom of action and access to resources, because people expect them continue to adhere to the standards they have.

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