Ibi Smiles

Ibi Smiles


Ibi Smiles
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Ibi Smiles

 Owner of BikiniFanatics. I am a curvy self confident woman I love erotic & female porn & share my sexy self on my very own bikini community BikiniFanatics.com #IAmBikiniConfident  




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blogs about #bodyconfidence are fat women who are using body confidence as a term to feel happy about
their fat because they gave up fighting against their body and want to accept
it now by giving it a name.
Being fat
is not being body confident. Being fat is that you are fat. You eat too much
fat products.
confident are women who have a normal weight; a little bit over weight, a
little bit too thin, stretch marks, a skin which is less firm, not the perfect
flat belly, eating healthy, but eats a burger too, is self-confident because
she knows she lives a normal lifestyle.
Where I come from we never spoke about love, sexiness,
or discussed anything. Discussions turned out into fights. When I had the age
to learn anything about sex, my parents had a lot of difficulty explaining me
facts about it. I had to figure out everything myself about my body.
My parents had a lot of fights and they are water and
fire, they are so different from each other. Love was never there. At least, me
as a kid never saw any love, only a standard kiss when dad came home from work.

My parents had just enough money to provide the family
decent food, clothes and education. We hardly ate any junk food for lunch or
dinner and clothes came from average shops, so this was all good. It was okay,
nothing more, nothing less. But what I know now about food, sports, diets, is
nothing compared to where I come from. My parents never did any sports and so I
only did what I liked; horse riding. That’s not really a sport. At least not
for your stamina or strength.
When I moved together on my 19 th I cooked
how mom cooked; basic and recipes from grandma. Nothing special, I just made
sure I cooked my veggies and added carbs and protein to complete the meal. Now
I know I always cooked too much and the sauces I used were really not necessary!

When I was 23, living in Spain and gained weight from
all the new Mediterranean foods, I started to do bootcamp. To speed up this
article a bit; I lost weight, built stamina, added the gym for strength and got
my first dietitian. I learned to cook differently, more healthy leaving product
out and adding others instead, if I wanted.
Sport and a good diet are key to a healthy life. To
understand your body, to have a body with maintenance. A toned body doesn’t
have to be with 18% body fat, a 6 pack or needs to contain 5 days a week the
gym or 1 cheat day. It is important to maintain your body from when you are
young. When you start at an older age, you first work to shaping up the body
and then you maintain it. Like we do with everything. Without maintenance your
body feels heavy, ugly and out of proportions.
I learned a lot in the last 10 years and I finally
love my body; curvy, thick, toned, strong and preferably tanned ha ha! I went
from chubby to slim, from slim to curvy. Of course, I never have the perfect
body, unless I’m going to do the Brazilian Buttlift. But the risk of dying
during surgery holds me back. It will remove some fat I obviously don’t want on
certain places and will give me a bigger booty. Sounds perfect, but a very
heavy surgery. Without a surgery like that, I have the perfect natural body.
Except for my titties, they are extremely gorgeous, but not natural. I would be
heavily depressed if I was unable to do my boob-job. Nobody is perfect, but it
is important to be able to love yourself. When you love yourself, when you feel
sexy, then you are able to give the same to others!
Since it’s been a while, I will share a little intro with you. I’m Dutch, living in Spain and we are on lock down for 5 weeks due to the Covid-19. First 2 weeks: Staying at home, not allowed to be on the streets unless you have to go out for essential needs, a ‘dogwalk’ - max 100m from your home or to go to the office. After 2 weeks there was a total lock down of 2 weeks and only essential needs were allowed. A man got a fine of €600 for buying some candies and another one for buying only beer. So buy a chicken and some beer and you’re fine lol. Since this weer we are allowed to go to the office again and they are speaking about the idea of releasing the children from Monday. Every country is different and although I live in Spain and I have to listen, I prefer the Dutch way, but that’s probably because I’m Dutch :P
I’m happy DHL was still operating normally and so I prepared my shipping’s as usual for the models. All models on BikiniFanatics can earn a new bikini every month and as being the owner of BikiniFanatics, there is nothing more fun to do then prepping and personalizing their shipments. 
The new collection for my shop - www.shopbikinifanatics.com - is taking longer now due to the virus and also the new BF2.0 is talking longer as it’s supposed too, but we are all living in the same situation and I’m happy to get respectful and understanding messages from the models, users and clients. 
During the lock down I watched a lot of Prime & Netflix. My favorites are American Gods, the man in the high castle, Tiger King of course lol and currently I’m watching Startup.
Without my shootings I have more spare time now, but I really do miss the beach. I have enough content in stock, I’m glad I just shot a lot before the lock down, but eventually I will run out of content. But it seems like I won’t have to worry about it since I have some shooting opportunities in 2 weeks :) I’ll always make sure there are new updates of me ;)
It’s nearly time for me to get back to the beach with my sexy girlfriend, Moment, and her hubby, Lucky, to celebrate the summer and our anniversaries. We love traveling and hanging out with our friends and we are looking forward to another year of fun beginning next month, when we hit the beach and enjoy the sun, sand and surf.

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