IZI CHAIN: Global Blockchain Platform for Capital Connection

IZI CHAIN: Global Blockchain Platform for Capital Connection



IziCoin is a progressive digital currency. The framework empowers installments to be sent between clients without going through a focal expert, for example, a bank or installment entryway. What's more, worldwide installments are simple and shabby in light of the fact that izi coins are not fixing to any nation or subject to direction. IZIChain enables clients to associate with shrewd contracts, settlement investment of brilliant contracts through AI and Big Data systems, and square bolstered budgetary applications, for example, digitizing resources, exchanging computerized resources, and credit offers and exchanges. The two people and substances can create and give free monetary applications on the IZIC square stage. IZIChain Application: IZCain is totally altered money related markets and monetary resources on the IZIC square stage 

The IZIChain stage totally adjusts the working of monetary markets by digitizing them, and furthermore digitizing genuine resources guiding them to the blockchain. 

Blockchain is an individual disclosure – the possibility of ​​a individual or gathering of individuals known under the pen name, Nakamoto. In any case, from that point forward, it has developed into something greater, and the primary inquiry everybody asks is: What is Blockchain? 

By enabling advanced data to be conveyed yet not duplicated, blockchain innovation makes the foundation of another kind of web. Initially intended for advanced money, Bitcoin, (Buy Bitcoin) the innovation network currently finds other potential uses for innovation. 

Bitcoin has been classified "computerized gold," and in light of current circumstances. To date, the absolute estimation of the cash is near US $ 112 billion. Furthermore, blockchain can make different kinds of advanced qualities. Like the web (or your vehicle), you don't have to know how blockchain attempts to utilize it. Be that as it may, having an essential learning of this new innovation indicates why it is viewed as progressive. 

The blockchain behind bitcoin is a general record of each exchange that has happened. It can't be harmed or changed reflectively. Innovation advocates state this makes bitcoin exchanges more secure and more secure than the present framework. 

The Bitcoin blockchain is intended to be a decentralized system. In any case, along these lines, various issues have emerged. 

One major issue is the exchange time and expenses in bitcoin are expanding in light of the fact that the system winds up denser. This really has caused difference by various gatherings who maintain the system about how to create later on to conquer this issue. 

Reacting to this issue, IZICHAIN ​​is present as the "Worldwide Blockchain Platform for Capital Connections". IZICHAIN understands that, from the begin, blockchain innovation is loaded with enormous holes, luckily, the innovation can be filled utilizing numerous different advancements, for example, the structure of DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) which is smoothed on IOTA. … by adjusting numerous advancements together, our group grows new and special innovative structures in light of the fact that the past structure did not satisfy IZIChain's aspirations. We are as of now actualizing this new innovation and need to call it '3D image Lattice Chain' (HLC). 

HLC innovation brings a ton of significant worth: Easy to utilize interface, simple to utilize, no free exchanges, ideal speed, reasonable, greatest security. 

The IZIChain stage will be utilized for: 

advanced resource trade, in which a quick non-business distributed exchange will be utilized; 

for genuine trade, with shared exchange administrative and digitized resources; 

for advanced managing an account administrations for clients requiring stores or financing dependent on a distributed loaning structure. 

Task IZIChain will discharge its very own token. The ICO of the IZIChain venture, which has been partitioned into 6 rounds, is as of now in progress. Presently the last sixth round is held. At the season of this composition, IZIChain tokens have been sold for around 8000 ETH. With a delicate top of 4000 ETH, the venture sufficiently raised assets for its dispatch and execution. 

IZICHAIN Features 

Computerized Exchange 

Proposed for clients with the requirement for common exchanging of computerized resource, empowering quick and non-benefitted shared exchange. 

Genuine Exchange 

Proposed for clients with the requirement for common exchanging of administrative resource, administrative resource and digitized resource, acquiring, publicizing. 

Computerized Banking 

Proposed for clients with the requirement for saving or financing, in light of shared loaning structure. 

ICO Platform 

Proposed for clients with the requirement for making warning code for purposes, for example, enrollment card, share,... 

Talk P2P 

Enable client to-client correspondence, tending to issues, for example, value transaction, talk, or coordinated effort.


IZIChain Token

IZI Token Symbol Token

ERC20 base

Decimal 4

Total Supply of 1,250,000,000

Softcap 4,000 ETH

Hardcap 24,000 ETH

Price of Round Duration ($) 

Personal Sales Sep 01. 2018 – Sep. 20 2018 0.04

Nov Round ICO. 1 01, 2018 – 15 November 2018 0.05

Nov Round ICO. 2 16, 2018 – 30 November 2018 0.06

ICO Round Dec. 3 01, 2018 – 15 December 2018 0.07

ICO Round Dec. 4 16, 2018 – 30 Dec 2018 0.08

ICO Round Dec. 5 31, 2019 – January 14 2019 0.09

ICO Round Jan. 6. 15, 2019 – January 29 2019 0.1



Complete whitepaper

Develop website https://izichain.network/

Develop website-based demo app

IBO (Initial Blockchain Offering) Private Sale in Viet Nam


Open offices in foreign countries

Develop International community

International ICO

Listing Token on exchanges


Launch DAX.VN, the Digital Asset Exchange, in Viet Nam

Launch IZILENDING.VN, the P2P Lending solution

Launch Website & Mobile App versions




Launch Website & Mobile App versions


Q1/2020: Establish Project R&D Center in Korea and Japan

Q2/2020: Analyze the 3-project structure for IZIChain adoption

Q3/2020: Complete IZIchain’ Public Blockchain

Q4/2020: Pilot projects at Southeast Asia countries


Hakim Nguyen

Founder & CEO

Herry Vu


Tony Tran

Website Development

Ryker Tran

Blockchain Engineer

Former members

Do Cao BaoTechnology Advisor

Nguyen Doan HungStrategic Advisor

Phan Dung KhanhInvestment Advisor

Nguyen Manh HungBlockchain Advisor

For more information click below links:

Web site: https://www.izichain.network/

Whitepaper: https://www.izichain.network/White-Page-IZIChain-Final-EN.pdf

Forum thread bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5042873

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/izichainnetwork/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/chain_izi

Telegram: https://t.me/izichainnetwork

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/izichain

GitHab: https://github.com/IZIChainLab

Medium: https://medium.com/@izichainnetwork



Bitcoin Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2274930

ETH: 0x1b8E697dA9D4b6687B8a6Ad8a3bF351d3C29dFFe

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