


[是藥三分毒]——IVM 名氣怎麼那麼“響亮”?


How do all these Jab victims come with clear lab results? Are doctors deliberately faking lab results? Just too many stories of people suffering and they are being told to go home because the labs are "clear".

The vaccines are nothing but poison. Your best bet is to get on Ivermectin or Suramin. I believe is the one named by Dr. Judy Mikovits. It's the spike proteins that attach to organs, etc. and they prevent this. Also, take zinc, quercetin, selemium, vit D3 & C & dandelion root extract or tea. Blood clots are the result and treated differently. I'm not a medical person, just read & practice it.

Ivermectin also cures transmission from being around inoculated ppl transmitting. I personally used it. Also purchased horse ivermectin from chewy for next version of the death jab bioweapon.

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