IVF: When Should You Opt for It

IVF: When Should You Opt for It

Shuhana Thakor

Today, IVF treatment has become a household word. With the advancement of science, it is possible to conceive a child through assisted treatments. And IVF tops the list when compared to other methods. 

IVF is the most efficient method of assisted reproductive technology. The procedure can be performed using your eggs and your partner's sperm. IVF may also involve eggs, sperm, or embryos from a known or an anonymous donor.

Following are some things one should know about IVF. They will help you get an idea on IVF procedure if you are looking for one. 

What are the reasons for opting for IVF?

You may think about opting for IVF for an array of reasons, including when you or your partner suffer from:

  • issues with ovulation due to circumstances like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • issues with the fallopian tubes
  • low sperm count
  • endometriosis
  • male or female infertility
  • genetic disorders

Some people might choose to use donor sperm or eggs. For instance, if you or your partner is at risk of passing on a grave genetic disorder to your children, then you might be advised to use donor sperm or donor eggs.

People who have cancer sometimes arrange to have their healthy eggs or sperm frozen, because rounds of chemotherapy and radiotherapy can harm fertility. Their frozen eggs or sperm can be thawed later and used in IVF treatment once the cancer treatment completes. 

Should you try other fertility treatments first?

For some people, IVF is the favoured treatment right from the beginning. But others opt to try other infertility treatments such as surgery, fertility drugs, or artificial insemination first. 

How to find an IVF doctor?

Your doctor can guide you to a fertility specialist, IVF clinic, or special hospital for IVF treatment. Some public hospitals work in partnership with certain private clinics. 

Any fertility clinic in India is accredited and you can search for them online. Visit the doctor and then decide if you want to go ahead with the IVF treatment. 

You should discuss treatment choices with your doctor or fertility specialist. Nevertheless, choosing whether to use IVF is an extremely personal choice. You will need to analyse and calculate the financial costs along with the physical and emotional burdens involved. 

Questions you should ask your doctor

  1. What treatment options are available for me?
  2. Which types of tests and medications would you recommend for me?
  3. Do you do your own testing or have others do it for you?
  4. Will the IVF procedure be carried out by my own doctor or the clinic staff?
  5. What IVF success rate do you have for people of my age and with my situation?
  6. What tests, treatments, and medicines are covered by government health insurances? Which of the things are not?
  7. What tests, treatments and medicines are covered by private health insurance companies? Which ones are not?

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