

The Blockchain period carried with it a blast in the innovation world. The customary financial world for once isn't so secure with itself. The imperfections in it have been discovered and clients are searching for better options with the blockchain. Better highlights like the speed of exchanges, lower expenses, straightforwardness, cross fringe exchanges, etc are what are drawing in clients and financial specialists alike. With the appropriation came the requirement for a commercial center where one resource can be traded for another. Also, that is the thing that Cryptocurrency trades offer. At first, just decentralized trades were accessible with their troublesome UI and route. At that point came the brought together trades with its security Problems and controls. There emerged a requirement for an overhaul on these kinds of trades as a result of their distinctive defects. This brought forth HYBRID Exchanges. These kinds of trades take the best piece of unified and decentralized trades into one. ITEX is one of this Hybrid trade. 


Itex is a half and half trade with the point of fixing the blemishes and enhancing the advantages of officially existing trades. The highlights of Itex is extremely one of a kind, serving a market with a Cap of over 2billion dollars and the capability of further development in years to come. The Itex will have high security, client insurance and produce high liquidity for its dealers. 


Security - The security of Itex will be first rate and it'll go further in having KYC for client confirmation. This will restrict extortion. Likewise, wallets of the trade will be sponsored up in chilly wallets. 

Holding Incentives - Holders of the token will be given a motivating force of 90% of the expenses that will be charged for exchanging and utilizing the platform. This is will give the token incentive as there will be less available for use since speculators would need to exploit this offer. 

Token consume - There will vote in favor of new tokens to be recorded by holders of the Itex tokens and Itex tokens will be utilized for this. These tokens utilized for casting a ballot will be scorched which will likewise decrease the supply available for use. Less supply, more interest. 

Free Listing - Itex trade will offer a free inclining to new tokens dependent on certain criteria, which are: solid twitter and wire network, and furthermore casting a ballot. 

Itex Funding - Itex Exchange offers a road to subsidize new projects that don't have the way to kick begin their thoughts. This will be done likewise by a casting a ballot system. 

Minimal effort - Deposit and withdrawals of assets and resources will be among the most minimal in the business. 

Friendly User interface - Users can undoubtedly observe the history and measurements of the trade. For nothing. 

These are only a couple of the highlights of Itex Hybrid Exchange. More can be found on the Website and Whitepaper. 

Itex Exchange likewise offers influence exchanging which merchants can make a benefit from both long and short places of Btc and real matches just around the corner. Clients can likewise connect their profiles with experienced merchants and duplicate their exchanges allowing amateurs to likewise benefit. 


  • The token is based on the Ethereum blockchain. 
  • Cost of 1 Itex - 0.02 US dollars. 
  • Tokens available to be purchased - 20,000,000 Itex. 

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Bitcointalk url:;u=2371696;sa=summary

Username - Melo20

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