ITC Group

ITC Group


ITC Group



I greet you my dear friends, I want to introduce you to a very interesting project. 

The ITC Group is an international cooperation group. It offers the opportunity to buy your own apartment at a reasonable price with minimal risk, without banks and citizens. It is also possible to swap one property with another, without having to deal with various types of territorial restrictions.

The ITC Group's international cooperative group has integrated the advantages of accumulative cooperatives and housing into the program:

Social life program "My apartment is my home". 

"Program Miles." 

ITC Group has gathered professionals who are experienced in real estate, financial management, cryptocurrency and blockchain.


Blockchain is a system with perfect security. On the blockchain, all data is organized in chains, and information cannot be manipulated or lost.

With the blockchain system, the process of acquiring real estate benefits from confidential and secure transactions, without restrictions on banks in international transfers, and saves a lot of money without having an intermediary bank.

The ITC group creation that implements its own ITC cryptocurrency currency (ITCM) will allow it to exclude banks from buying apartment patterns. In return, this will create better opportunities for purchasing real estate with a high level of security, services and other benefits.

ITCM Tokens are the world's first cryptocurrency supported by real estate. With ITCM tokens, home purchases are much more accessible, taking into account beneficial collaborative programs, tax preferences and accumulated experience.

The ITCM program will allow you to buy itc Money Tokens (ITCM) and make full use of the blockchain technology system, making it possible to buy apartments for everyone on the planet in a qualitatively new and safe way. To bring levels.

The ITC Group's innovative cooperative program allows you to receive ITCM tokens by paying membership fees. Funds from the implementation of this program will be directed to the construction of development projects, purchase of apartments by third-party developers who carry out the program "My house - my home," as well as projects to produce their own products based on the ITC-Platform market to be implemented.

ITCM is the first token in the world, guaranteed by a square meter of real estate, with 5 levels of investment protection.

Closed pre-sale is only available for shareholders who join cooperatives until 06 October 2018. Entering the cooperative requires full review. 

Presale closed from 1 March to 5 October 2018.

Also Pope name-tag 

ITCM is an ERC20 smart contract that runs on the Ethereum network.


from 06.10.2018 to 05.04.2019

1 ITC Money = $ 0.017 Issue 

Token maximum - 15 000 000 000, it was 

Starting on October 6, the token price will increase by 1% per day. 

You can pay to buy an ITCM token on Ethereum or with a bank card. There are bonus programs for investors.

A program with advanced features for investors and planned token owners. It offers the opportunity to buy real estate and other goods, taking into account the specifics of the cooperative program chosen.

Every new customer who buys real estate at ITC Group has an exchange-traded demand for ITCM for up to 10 years. After listing, the token price depends on market demand.

KUMULATIVE PROGRAMS open the possibility of taking over apartments for all, including those who have not previously accumulated.

Program benefits: low entry threshold, electronic document history, token bonuses, generating up to 8% per year.

The accumulation and acquisition process at the ITC Group will be mutually beneficial and effective.

Program benefits must include:

Simplicity and accessibility when buying real estate, through a number of formalities related to loans. 

Cheap real estate prices. 

Inability to alienate property as long as it is in cooperative ownership. 

The ability to receive loans without interest from cooperatives. 

The cooperative can expand the possibilities of the program, improve its conditions and create new benefits for its shareholders.

Alternative bank mortgages are accumulative and housing cooperatives. the idea of ​​combining money from sequins for housing purchases is changing, having anyone who has accumulated cooperative deposits, which are developed worldwide and traded successfully in practice for decades.

ITC Group plans to build housing complexes and holiday villages in various regions of the world. The choice of country and construction site depends on the number of itc groups who want to buy their real estate in a particular country after the program.

Buy real estate accessible to everyone. ITC Group has favorable conditions for purchasing real estate for clients and client safety against developing economic factors.

Problems and solutions

  • We live in an age of information and the internet, so it's no secret that the economic crisis is unintentional: they are made intentionally. This is what happens ... First, banks reduce interest rates, make loans available, stimulate consumption, which leads to economic growth. Then the interest rate is raised, which makes loans more expensive and less affordable, resulting in a decrease in consumption. The company loses income and starts cutting expenses - and employees are the first to suffer. People, who take loans during stable economic periods, become unemployed, and, as a result, they cannot pay banks and lose their property.
  • Everywhere we can hear news about the economic crisis, the decline in economic indicators, etc. History repeats every 7-10 years: people lose their hard-earned assets, and banks get superprofits, catching people in this economic "rat trap" where they get because of their excessive consumption. In our case, the client not only accepts favorable conditions for real estate acquisition, which makes buying real estate available to everyone, but also protection from current economic trends.
  • In our case, clients not only accept favorable conditions for real estate acquisition, which makes real estate purchases available to everyone, but also protection from existing economic factors.

ITC team

ITC Group managed to gather experienced experts in real estate, blockchain, cryptocurrency, and financial management. Some of us have managed to manage an investment portfolio of tens of millions of dollars in more than 30 countries around the world.

TIM ITC Group.


for more information visit the following link: 


White Paper:


Facebook:  https: //www.facebook. com / ITCGroupico /


the name btc YosietoQingge 

BTC profile link;u=2303937 

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