IT Park Brand Ambassador | WUT

IT Park Brand Ambassador | WUT

Khayot Abdullaeva

I'm Khayot Abdullaeva, 17 year old freshman at Webster University in Tashkent with BS in Business Administration. This year I got lucky to become a part of IT Park Brand Ambassadors team, which constantly works on improving startup ecosystem among young students in Uzbekistan.

About me:


⛰ trekking 

📷 photography & videography

🎸 guitar

🎭 cultures & languages

Goals for summer 2020

🇯🇵 finish Japanese language

💻 improve digital skills

🚶🏻‍♀️ evening walks everyday

Favorite quote:

“Anyone who genuinely and constantly with both hands looks for something, will find it” ,- RUMI.

Let's build success stories of future startup people together.



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