In the age of advanced technology, everything is completely digital. In fact, the money is currently being digitized. This digital money is also called cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency can be defined as a digital asset that is intended to act as an exchange tool, using cryptography to ensure financial transactions, control the formation of additional entities, and verify asset transfers.

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency based on cryptography. The cryptocurrency already existed around ten years ago and is now very popular, widespread and covered with many controversies from innovative developments. Cryptocurrency is a digital currency in which transactions can be carried out online. Unlike printed paper currencies, cryptocurrency is developed by solving cryptographic math problems.

Digital currencies are usually decentralized. That said, it's generally much safer than the centralized ones. The value of cryptographically based digital currencies arises from their rarity, and their process of creation through complex mathematical solutions, their unique encryption values, and their beliefs and uses also come from the entire community

The first cryptocurrency that was present and successful was Bitcoin, which was discovered by Satoshi Nakamoto.

Satoshi Nakamoto has managed to find a revolutionary system that enables decentralized transactions with digital money. A decentralized monetary system is a network that is able to connect its users without intermediaries or third parties.

The digital currency is perhaps the most effective way the world has ever taken to increase economic freedom. In this case, the effects are profound. It can lift many countries out of poverty, improve the lives of billions of people and accelerate the rate of innovation in the world.


We imagined the future. The future that is closest to us for the payment system. To do this, we have to forget the present and project our thoughts from time to time. We entered a new world, without paper payment instruments, without old credit cards. Our future friend leaves the house, enters the café and pays with our Ioox coins by putting the Ioox ring on the breast reader.

He wouldn't have anything with him, just his own ring or bracelet.

In the near future we will pay with the Ioox coins and the Ioox ring, which, in addition to our payment permit, contain our basic information: blood type, allergies, accommodation, how many steps we take per day and what life expectancy we have based on our lifestyle , Enter our future.

First release & technology

ioox Technology integrates crypto-based currencies into a blockchain ecosystem with current payment systems. With ioox coin and the portable ioox systems (ring or bracelet), you can carry out microtransactions daily and set the daily budget using the remote control. It is therefore possible to set up payments with ioox coins in partner stores or in USD in stores that are not yet activated.

We develop a tool for everyday life for everyone, and everyone we know very well has different times and approaches to new technologies.

Transparency & trust

You can use the administration tool to define and save your ring usage settings. You can set daily payment limits and track monthly expenses. We want to build a transparent, fast and dynamic ecosystem. A new payment system, not a clone of old systems.


Investor profits follow two paths. Increase in the value of the currency in proportion to the number of uses. We want to achieve mass, that is our goal. The second source of income is the sale of the technological support, the ring or the bracelet with the ioox brand

payment flexibility

Simple payment and payment with cryptographic tokens are our mantras. Payments are instant and can be transferred to any cryptographic wallet.

The roadmap includes the design of a secure wallet to securely store, receive and send local coins.



Author Data:

Username Bitcointalk => NYONYGMY

Bitcointalk Profile =>;u=2750675

ETH Address => 0x269327ae1b712bfd6C3C5C604e926304A1244f85

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