INTERVAL (module, unit, calendar) CONTROL is a control of a level of gained programme study results by an applicant for higher education after finishing studies of the logically completed part of the educational component.

Interval Calendar Control is performed in a form of interval attestations, aimed on the evaluation of the individual study plan performance level by applicants for higher education.

The Student Interval Control is performed twice a semester for all the credit modules/study disciplines prescribed by an individual study plan for a corresponding semester, usually during the 8th and 14th weeks of the theoretic studies.

The Interval Attestation is obligatory for the first (Bachelor’s) higher education level (HEL) and for the second (Master’s) HEL it is performed according to a decision of Academic Council of a faculty/institute.

Conditions to receive the positive result of the interval attestation (“attested”) are prescribed in the RSO for every educational component.

The “attested” result shall be granted o those students who got not less than 50% of maximum possible points volume as a result of laboratory works, calculations, module test etc. for the moment of the interval attestation.

The unsatisfactory result of 2 interval attestations means a significant fall behind schedule of the study process that can cause the non-admission to a semester control for an educational component, if the student will not eliminate the current debts with laboratory works, computer practices, individual tasks etc. before the beginning of the semester control.

Results of the current and interval controls are uploaded to the “E-campus” System.

More details on interval control are enlightened in the Provision on Semester Control and Students Attestation.

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