INGOT:The future of money is digital

INGOT:The future of money is digital


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Hi peeps, as we all know that the internet is an enormous base of information where we can do anything. Internet has connected the entire world And at the Same time the Cryptocurrency world is increasing day by day and so many people businesses and companies have improved by investing in an crypto investors it is required of you to know the current and genuine project. And that is the reason I will be expantiating on this great project. OutCloud Systems Inc., a Blockchain based project which provides a platform for sending multiple large multimedia files with extensive file sharing experience in a safe, secure and fully customizable display has arrived. .As a result, INGOT Coin’is the first fully integrated portfolio with Digital Bank, Brokerage, Exchange, Certifier and ICO Accelerator

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INGOT Coin is the main completely incorporated Wallet with a Digital Bank, Brokerage, Exchange, Certifier, and ICO Accelerator. All parts are moved into a solitary and finish environment, which rewards token holders and buyers for utilizing and adding to it. INGOT Coin is a decentralized cryptographic money which gives advantages and rebates inside the biological system itself. IC will be founded on an ERC20 innovation. INGOT Coin (IC) means to incorporate the conventional financial industry with the blockchain development by offering a total Ecosystem that gives crypto holders the entrance to all financial administrations.

The first-of-its-kind comprehensive Ecosystem will be the pioneer in connecting the crypto universe to the current customary world. The IC Ecosystem incorporates : IC Wallet, IC Digital Bank, IC Brokerage, IC Exchange, IC ICO Accelerator and IC Crypto Certifier all under one umbrella connected by the IC Community.

IC Digital Bank will give all day, every day robotized installment preparing with abnormal state electronic custodial administrations dealing with the IC Brokerage and IC Exchange obligations alongside everyday online administrations, for example, e-installments, current records and sparing records taken care of by check cards. IC Digital Bank will give support administration to every intrigued partner.


INGOT Coin (IC) plans to coordinate the customary budgetary industry with the blockchain advancement by making an entire Ecosystem that gives crypto holders the entrance to every single monetary administration.

The Problem

At present, the monetary framework needs in effectiveness and straightforwardness, despite the unmistakable quality of blockchain and cryptographic cash, there are few issues, for example,

• Lack of relationship between standard financial and advanced money markets.

• Current market inadequate structure.

• High charges in budgetary markets.

• Impractical crypto leave strategies.

• Lack of trust in crypto markets.

These issues make various money related masters surrender profitable hypothesis openings. INGOT Ecosystem offers an expansive response for each one of these issues.

The Solution

This arrangement is the creation of biological system that associate advanced currency markets with the traditional endeavor and money related markets, in this way influencing a framework to effectively guide how these two exceptional conditions to can exist together and compare to improve their free budgetary prospects and favorable circumstances to the monetary expert


As a comprehensive biological community, INGOT is a pioneer in a few different ways, and subsequently, it could have a few potential advantages:

The IC Bank accommodates decentralized records which empowers straightforwardness

The shared model takes into account the decentralization of the exchange framework.

The IC Bank wipes out the requirement for charges with even the littlest of micropayments without a middle person

The IC wallet offers the most astounding principles with respect to security which guarantee a smooth and experimental method of exchange for the fiat and cryptographic money.

Ingot Coin Ecosystem

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IC Wallet is the principle multicurrency crypto wallet planned for sending, accepting, putting away computerized resources. It will coordinate an advanced bank that will enable you to securely trade or purchase a digital currency for money. It has a few levels of security and counteracts hack endeavors.

IC Exchange will be incorporated safely with the IC Wallet, IC Digital Bank, and IC Brokerage through an easy to understand stage. It will list significant coins and new ICOs to acquaint advertise members with it.

IC Brokerage is the liquidity focus that gives access to every monetary item. In this administration, the buy of offers, metals, money and other world resources is spoken to. Alongside the above modules, IC Brokerage gives several choices to exchanging when the market is in a dubious state.

IC Digital Bank is an administration, which robotizes installment preparing utilizing web administrations. It encourages the activity of IC Brokerage and IC Exchange modules and gives administrations for working records by e-installments.

IC Crypto Certifier will teach all intrigued individuals on the blockchain innovation, IT counseling, consistence, cryptography, and budgetary counseling. Graduates get an industry-driving all around recognized authentication.

IC ICO Accelerator is an assistance to new businesses and business visionaries, for example, PR administrations, help with the making of Whitepaper, help with financing, documentation, all in all, the whole scope of administrations that are required for the ICO. IC ICO Accelerator will likewise list their tokens on IC Exchange.

Token Sale and ICO Details

The INGOT COIN (IC) token was developed for the platform, allowing to satisfy the needs of both beginners and experienced traders. Beginners in this field will be able to start with a minimum capital. Its trade is planned on different exchanges and provides fair and equal conditions, regardless of the volume of trade and seed capital. One of the attractive points is the fact that upon achieving a solid capitalization, holders of the INGOT token will be paid dividends. Using tokens within the platform as a payment will give users discounts between 5 to 50%.

Token Details

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Ticker: ICC

Type: ERC20

ICO start date: July 1

ICO end date: August 11

Hard Cap: 90,000,000 USD

Minimum contribution size: 100 USD

Total supply: 120,000,000 IC

Price: 1 IC = 1 USD

Accepted purchase: USD, ETH, BTC, XRP, and other cryptocurrencies.

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Q3: 2017:

Explore the current financial sector threats. Identifying the problems of ineffective management, which is not transparent, raises the limits of fundraising and liquidity.

Q4 2017:

Analysis of the extensive use of block chain technology

Working too hard to find a unique solution will provide a complete solution for all financial sector stakeholders.

Q1 2018:

Business Model and Financial Feasibility Study

Complete a fully integrated business model that integrates digital banking solutions, electronic wallet, brokerage and exchange functions, and provides encryption certificates and ICO acceleration capabilities.

Q2 2018:

Analysis of mechanisms to provide a complete ecosystem for the implementation of all regulatory, stakeholder and market participants in the financial sector.

Released bounty program

A detailed bonus program has been launched to raise awareness of this multiple media.

Q3 2018:

ICs can be sold for a limited time.

Q4 2014:

IC Wallet Live

Wallets with the highest security standards provide fast and smooth delivery services. This wallet can hold a variety of content from currency to currency before encryption with existing assets.

Q2 2019:

IC Digital Bank is open to business.

A fully licensed bank will provide a variety of financial services such as current account, electronic payment, fund management and parenting tax.

Q3 2019:

Complete ecosystem components

INGOT completes the solution for all market participants by adding the following integrated components:

IC brokers

We offer a wide range of financial products, including currency currencies, stocks, bonds, commodities and ETFs, while maintaining high liquidity and efficiency.

IC trading and IC liquidity pool

The IC owner not only has the opportunity to list new ICO coins on the IC Exchange, but also has the opportunity to trade encrypted currencies. Electronic money transactions are against other currencies, currency currencies and traditional financial instruments with liquidity in liquidity.

IC password authenticator

INGOT intends to provide participants with the skills and knowledge needed to develop block-chain technology, understand the cryptographic market, and be globally recognized.

IC ICO Accelerator

Provide a one-stop shop where entrepreneurs can unveil ICO to finance in a non-traditional way. These components provide legal services, marketing, finance, public relations and other services to increase the success of potential ICO.

Q4 2019:

INGOT proclaims second ICO round to raise money for digital deals

Q1 2020:

Planning digital goods INGOT.

A safe and modern user-friendly exchange platform provides a variety of solutions and methods to facilitate the merchandising transaction process.

Q2 2020:

Digital commodity exchange release

Demonstrate a smart contract solution to increase traceability and reliability in physical transactions of items such as wheat, corn, soybeans or other agricultural products.


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