INGOT Coin; IC Ecosystem Setting New Standards

INGOT Coin; IC Ecosystem Setting New Standards


Blockchain. The technology that the whole Internet is blowing. Many consider this a newfangled word, however, this is indeed a new breakthrough in the sphere of electronic technologies, affecting not only the sphere of financial activity, but also many other branches. This is a distributed database in which storage units are not connected to a shared server, that is, they do not have centralization. They contain information, a link and a timestamp to the penultimate blockchain. Encryption, used in the blockchain allows you to change that department of the chain, which is in the possession of the user. All this happens with the use of private keys, the absence of which prohibits correction and recording. The security of the entire circuit is provided through a decentralized server that creates blockchain and peer-to-peer network connections. The entire process has automation, resulting in the formation of a database, without a central authority. Any person using cryptographic keys, if they are available, can access the file from anywhere in the world.

The cutting edge world is step by step familiar with innovation, numerous organizations, associations of banks, companies, are examining it and are bringing their business into a decentralized system. The significance of this procedure is that the exchange of material qualities allows you to dispose of the pointless connection, for example, middle people. This is extremely advantageous for conventional monetary markets and is of extraordinary significance, since they are the biggest as far as capitalization on the planet.

I present to your consideration the undertaking INGOT Ecosystem . This venture has broad involvement in the budgetary area since 1993. This biological system makes inventive methods for correspondence, the principle motivation behind which is to join the digital money and budgetary markets utilizing Blockchain innovation. Its application will likewise be found in banks, financier organizations and different zones of budgetary movement and will permit differentiating assets whenever.

Utilizing keen contracts, INGOT will bar any intermediation in exchanges, installments and exchanges, won't just be moment and safe, yet in addition straightforward.

Existing issues, for example,

• Lack of correspondence between conventional money related and digital currency markets.

• High commissions (bank and financier charges from exchanged).

• Lack of trust in the digital money markets.

These issues drive numerous to forsake beneficial venture openings.

INGOT Ecosystem offers an extensive answer for these issues. For this reason, 6 fundamental modules were created. How about we consider in more detail

• IC Wallet . The premise of a multicurrency framework tote expected for sending, getting, putting away a computerized resource. It will incorporate a computerized bank, it will enable you to securely trade or purchase a cryptographic money for money. It has a few levels of security and avoids endeavors at hacking.

• IC Exchange . An undeniable money trade with top and as of late discharged ICO tokens.

• IC Brokerage . The liquidity center that offers access to each and every money related thing. In this organization, shares, metals, financial principles and other world assets are gotten. In a compartment with the above modules, IC Brokerage gives a few options for trading when the market is in a questionable state. This gives additional improvement.

• IC Digital Bank . This administration mechanizes the way toward preparing installments utilizing web administrations. It encourages the activity of the two higher IC Brokerage and IC Exchange modules. Gives administrations for working records by electronic installments.

• IC Crypto Certifier . Produces preparing for any and all individuals on subjects of blockchain, cryptography, IT-counseling, and other instructive administrations. Graduates get a declaration with different gauges of driving world pioneers after the preparation.

• IC ICO Accelerator. Help to starting new businesses. Promoting, help with the production of Whitepaper, help with financing, documentation, by and large the whole scope of administrations that are required for the ICO. IC ICO Accelerator will likewise put coins on its stock trade of those new companies that are under its administration.

Focal points

• Security . To guarantee the security of its clients, a confirmation program will be given, for some, it is a tedious procedure. This is done to keep away from multi-accounts, for security and straightforwardness of the framework.

• Versatility . Across the board put. Utilizing the stage, merchants will have the capacity to enter diverse trades. This is exceptionally helpful, enables you to dispose of extra commissions and their distinction.

• High liquidity . The historical backdrop of exchanges will be recorded and accessible for audit to potential new clients. The accessibility of data, will make trust in the stage, and this is the inundation of new clients.

• Multi-cash trade. Exchange between different cryptographic forms of money, and different resources of customary markets, for example, NYSE, NASDAQ, EURONEX and others. The likelihood of exchanging utilizing "fiat" sets and Fiat/Fiat sets, for instance, USD/EUR.

• Minimization of dangers . INGOT will give a low commission, give specialized examination of different money related items, including files, wares. On account of an accomplished group, clients will be offered the best venture choices right now.

• Debit card . Connecting a card to an individual record enables you to pay or renew for digital currency and fiat cash. Its utilization is conceivable, both on the stage and in regular daily existence.


For the stage, the INGOT COIN (IC) token was created, which permits addressing the necessities of the two amateurs and experienced brokers. With it, novices in this field will have the capacity , to begin with a base capital. Its exchange is moved toward various trades and gives reasonable and break even with conditions, paying little heed to the volume of exchange and seed capital. One of the imperative focuses is that after accomplishing a strong capitalization, holders of the INGOT token will get profits. This point as of now pulls in thoughtfulness regarding putting away the token in the long haul. Utilizing tokens inside the stage as installment will give clients rebates from 5-half.

Name: INGOT Community Coin

Mark: ICC

Add up to number: 120.000.000 ICC.

Softcap: 37.000.000 $.

Hard cap: 90.000.000 $.

The start of ICO: July 1.

The finish of the ICO: August 11.

The cost of one token is: 1 ICC = 1 $


My feeling about the task has created in a positive light. The stage is great and takes care of many existing awkward issues. The undertaking "across the board, for example, IGNOT merit much consideration and requires usage and execution. This is an amazing device that is reasonable for amateurs and experienced individuals in the digital money world.

More information about the project can be found on these links.


White paper:

BTT: 358,1009

Bounty Thread:




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