IDLV Cash- Back Point

IDLV Cash- Back Point


IDLV is a natural framework cooperation application and Internet organize. They focus on premium transport and fix of vehicles. IDLV have an essential intrigue with ANTERIN ( for keeping up its business. ANTERIN is a juvenile association that gives premium vehicles and bicycles all through Indonesia. ANTERIN customers are outfitted with IDLV to use ANTERIN organizations.


IDLV grows customer benefits by merging Fin-Tech and the blockchain in the rapidly creating O2O promote in Indonesia.


IDLV is an "Anterin" Membership Token that does sustenance conveyance and vehicle call benefits in Indonesia. IDLV (Membership Token) is gotten (mined) utilizing Anterin benefits and can likewise be acquired legitimately from square chain trades. After you have an Anterin Membership, you will appreciate the accompanying advantages.


Contingent upon your enrollment level, you will be given different advantages, for example, money back focuses and travel vouchers. Notwithstanding Anterin's administrations, money back focuses can be utilized for different utilization exercises through an Internet mall that is associated with the Anterin Application.


On the off chance that you use administrations for administrations, you get to Anterin individuals (IDLV).


Customers can deal with the IDLV by exchanging a square chain or keeping it down to get more money back focuses. Regardless of whether you don't have enough money, you would first be able to give benefits your IDLV. Prepaid frameworks greatest purchasers accommodation.


Also, what's intriguing here is that we share our benefits with our individuals through "Cash Back Points". Augmenting resource the executives with Cash-Back Points is utilized to buy different merchandise and enterprises.


About IDLV


Monetary Sharing


IDLV is a participation token. In the event that you use Anterin administrations, you will get an Anterin enrollment (IDLV).


Buyers can exchange IDLV gotten by trading a Block-chain or keeping it down to get more Cash-back focuses.


Miniaturized scale Financing


Regardless of whether you don't have enough money, you can pay Anterin benefits first with your IDLV. Prepaid frameworks amplify buyer comfort.


Offer the benefits through Cash Points


IDLV will impart the benefits to the individuals through "Cash Back Points". Part advantages will be amplified with Cash-back Points that can be utilized to purchase different products and enterprises.


Mission of IDLV


A definitive objective of IDLV is to make an economy environment wherein the privileges of shoppers are compensated.


•            In the Internet applications or stages that utilizations IDLV as an enrollment; every customer can be remunerated with IDLV token for pay and individual data, for example, age, sex, instructive foundation, and even exercises on the Internet.


•            Individuals' data and Internet exercises are being utilized by Internet organizations dependent on huge scale capital forces at no expense to create benefits.


•            Marketing systems and ads, which were selective to the huge scale Internet organizations, are additionally accessible at little scale shippers.


•            In the Delivery I biological system, brought together data for huge partnerships is decentralized, besides, a mutual environment will be made where every individual movement on the Internet can be remunerated.




Before, advertising data which broke down through Big Data Processing and AI (Artificial Intelligence) was select to some enormous organizations. Nonetheless, we will construct an Internet data biological system with the goal that reasonable pay worth can be accomplished through distributed (P2P) exchanges in which individual data is decentralized through square chain innovation.


August 2018

Established a cooperative relationship with Korean “Baegopa” developer for Indonesian business

September 2018

Project team building and planning completion

December 2018


February 2019

Established “PT. Maju Partners Indonesia”, the main body of the project

June 2019

  • Completion of share purchasing agreement of Anterin
  • IDLV Coin LISTING in a local blockchain exchange(IEX) in Indonesia
  • Establish a blockchain exchange (IEX) in Indonesia

August 2019

  • Promotion and advertisement
  • DLV will be used as a membership of Anterin

September 2019

Launched Internet shopping mall linked to Anterin Application


#IDLV #Delivery #IDLVToken #SharingEconomy #RideSharing

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Author; Honous2019



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