Wong linglong3

A Crypto-Finance Ecosystem, Secure by Design


Describing Velic as a project would be an understatement, Velic is an Ecosystem that is being developed to tackle the issue of users security of funds and to enable users have access to many or all cryptocurrency related services from just one portal, this would enable users to do everything they want to do from just one account and because of how secure their funds would be, they do not need to spread their funds in so many platforms to keep it secure.

VELIC Platform provides a comprehensive solution for crypto-assets that delivers highest quality crypto-related services under a single integrated-user-account.

Our services are built upon an innovative secure storage infrastructure which simultaneously offers security and accessibility - traits which are typically mutually exclusive.

With a heavy focus on security, VELIC aims to transform the crypto-finance experience for everyone.


SECURE VAULT: This to me is the most important feature in the Velic Ecosystem, they say health is wealth and this implies to assets as well, it's when you can ensure their safety that you are guaranteed to be rich, Velic Vault is much more than just a vault, it also features key loss prevention that would enables your transfer your funds incase if an unforseen circumstance.

LOAN SERVICES: Just like the name implies, you can give and access Crypto loans in the Velic Ecosystem at a very good interest rate.

CRYPTOCURRENCY EXCHANGE: I guess this one does not need explaining, a secure and fast cryptocurrency exchange would be included in the Velic Ecosystem, this is to ensure that users do not need to open external accounts whenever they need to trade crypto assets.

INVESTMENT SERVICES: There would be a wide range of investment products available to the patrons of Velic.

AND MUCH MORE: Accoring to the roadmap and whitepaper, in the future Velic would not be restricted to offering just crypto related services, the platform would be expanded to cover other areas as it grows.

The Benefits of VELIC’s Crypto-Based Finance

In spite of being new financial instruments, cryptocurrencies have been doing well. Stable coins on their part hedge the gap between fiat and cryptocurrencies. At a time like this, VELIC’s crypto-based finance ecosystem will cement existing fragments. Issues such as hacks, limited risk management, and price volatility will be reduced.

Incredible Features – An Analysis of VELIC’s Working Solutions


However bad cryptocurrencies might have traded in the past, it is a new dawn with VELIC. It is worth noting that the platform coined its name from the features. From the Vault (V), the Exchange (E), the Loan (L), the Investment (I) and down to the Crypto Asset (C), it is clear that the platform has some positive tiding to offer. We’ll be looking at the functionalities of these features and what their presence will fathom in the crypto community.

The Vault


It is a truism that cryptocurrencies have no fiat foothold but they have leverage over traditional currencies. The vault here makes reference to the all-encompassing ecosystem that stores important data such as private keys and assets. Through this medium, the incidence of a hack will be prevented.


Before the invention of Bitcoin Superstore where crypto coins can be used for purchases, there were fewer ways to spend the currency. Trading them on crypto exchanges was the sole medium for their continuity. VELIC take this further with the introduction of an in-house crypto exchange. The secure and user-friendly interface is what you need to get the best trading experience.



The time is ripe to borrow and lend cryptocurrencies. This is made possible through the loan sub-section of the platform. You can now get access to crypto loans at favorable rates. Hence, you have no reason for not making an investment in the ever-growing crypto community. To get a loan, you collateralize your crypto assets for loans made out in stable coins.



There are lots of investment opportunities that will yield returns for the investor.

Crypto Asset

All services in the ecosystem will be hinged on crypto assets. Thus, fiat instruments do not come to roost. The implication is VELIC’s intent to promote the uses of cryptocurrencies and in extension, increase their use cases.

Token Economy

The overall essence of the token economy is to reward participants for their actions. For this purpose, there are wide ranges of tokens in use. First, the primary token, the VELIC Token (VELT) coordinates transactions in the VELD and VELA exchanges. Other use cases include fee reduction and rewards for contributors’ trading activities.


The VELIC Dollar (VELD) serves as a stable coin that connects the fiat and crypto worlds. It maintains and specifically pairs with stable coins such as the USDT. The VELIC Authority (VELA) serves as a long-term store for other tokens. Users can convert their VELT to this token. They also get rewards when they contribute to the growth of the platform.


2018 Q4

· VELIC Incorporation

· Vault Patent Filing

· Vault Integration

2019 Q1


· Exchange Launch

· Index Release

· OTC Desk


· Active Pack Launch

· Vault Storage Service

· Loan Launch


· Fiat Currency Support

· Payment Service

· Pack Launch

Token Distribution

Mining: 90%

CrowdSale: 6%

Reserve: 4%

Token Sales Information

Ticker: VELT

Token Supply: 15 billion VELT


Timothy Yang

8+ years legal expertise in finance and equity derivatives

Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP

Advisor, AIRBLOC

J.D., Harvard Law School

B.A. in Economics, Dartmouth College

Sean Kim

11+ years experience in financial service consulting at PwC and Ernst & Young

Expertise in financial system, derivatives and investments

M.S. in Financial Mathematics, University of Warwick

James Kang

13+ years experience in finance professional in investment banking industry

Trader/quant at Samsung Securities

B.S. in Computer Science, POSTECH

Charlie Kim

18+ years experience in trading system development

Solution architecture in fintech/blockchain industry

B.S. in Computer Science, HUFS

Website: https://www.velic.io/

Whitepaper: https://www.velic.io/web/download/VELIC_White%20paper_V1.01.pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/velicfinancial

Telegram: https://t.me/velicfinancial


Yours sincerely

Good luck on the target

Thank you

My Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1229230

ETH Address: 0x29AF24D027E5A0A74427A2A4D5dDFe09803D5F93

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