ICO Review Glyff

ICO Review Glyff

ket tumbar

Glyff - privacy preserving smart contracts and beyond


Since the dawn of the internet, the privacy of the individual user has been in a consistent and steep decline. Blockchain technology reinstates this basic human right. In this segment we will examine what aspects of blockchain play a role in rebuilding privacy and why it is so important. On a daily basis a regular internet user agrees to countless cookies that monitor their online activity and concede some of their most intimate information to social media platforms, all with the constant awareness that everything that is done online is being closely observed. This information is used to build eerily detailed profiles on each user, either as a means of monitoring or marketing products and services more efficiently. The problem with this state of affairs is that organizations use personal information without a users’ full understanding and therefore without an informed and honest agreement to do so.

This is one of the main ways in which blockchain sets itself apart from the traditional models of technology that are common today. Blockchain does not require any identity for the network layer itself. This means no name, email, address or any other information is needed to download and start utilizing the technology. In the case of Lisk, a user simply needs to install the Lisk Hub, carefully noting down their passphrase, and they are instantly ready to send and receive LSK tokens on a blockchain.

What is Glyff?

Glyff is a decentralized internet platform conveying private resource exchanges and programmable security for smart contracts.

The new decentralized digital money enables dishonest performers to cooperate through shrewd, unpredictable, secure contracts and without the requirement for confided third parties. The blockchain display ensures equity by gatherings' punishments as far as legally binding infringement or noxious conduct, and pay from fair performing artists. The present model anyway totally eradicates security: every one of the numbers executed and the gatherings included are presented to the blockchain. We present Glyff, a decentralized smart contract framework that centers around security. Glyff shrouds the subtleties of money related exchanges from general visibility and offers security that can be customized utilizing cryptographic natives called zero proof of information.

How can it function?                                                                                               

Including components from most recent cryptographic leaps forward to the Ethereum demonstrated plan, Glyff balances information protection and value-based security with computational effectiveness, eventually conveying an effortlessly programmable, high throughput brilliant contract settlement layer up to big business level while implementing the center standards of the blockchain. Glyff, as Ethereum, permits advancement of decentralized applications, yet with a key distinction: the capacity of covering information from the figuring hubs. This empowers engineers to incorporate touchy information in their smart contracts, transparency on-chain, without bargain on security

Why Trust a Smart Contract?

Brilliant contracts are planned and executed inside blockchains, and along these lines they acquire a portion of the blockchain's properties:

They're unchanging, which implies a brilliant contract can never be changed and nobody can mess with or break an agreement.

They're circulated, which implies that the result of the agreement is approved by everybody in the system, much the same as any exchange on a blockchain. Dissemination makes it inconceivable for an aggressor to compel control to discharge assets, as every other member would identify such an endeavor and check it as invalid.

Fundamental Features of Glyff Project?

·   Private exchanges with the sender, beneficiary, and sum exchanged are totally covered up.

·        Surety Guaranteed respectability and solid secrecy property with zero-learning cryptography.

·        Non-master software engineers can create applications that attention on security, even without cryptographic information.

·        Empowers the utilization of smart contracts for decentralized applications that require individualized computing and secure information.

We are building another age decentralized platform that empowers the exchange of safe esteem and smart contract usage, with finish classification and with the confirmation of solid truth. Glyff, as Ethereum, permits the advancement of decentralized applications, yet with the primary contrast: the capacity to conceal information from computational hubs. This enables designers to enter touchy information in their smart contracts, specifically in the chain, without trading off security.

Individual money exchanges with the sender, beneficiary, and sum exchanged are totally covered up. Ensured trustworthiness and solid secrecy property with zero-learning cryptography. Gives a platform to the spread of cross-industry blockchain innovation that takes care of true requests. Applications in Healthcare, Finance, IoT, internet business, e-Governance will build the social advantages of these areas. Shrewd contract framework that is effortlessly customized with cutting edge security highlights. Open source wallet application and cross platform engineer system.

GLYFF Token and ICO

The Token is ticked as GLY TOKEN. It is ERC20 agreeable; it is made on Ethereum blockchain. The platform will disseminate its GLY tokens through TGE. 1 GLY will be sold at USD$0.11 amid pre - deal platform. The pre-clearance of the project is booked to start on the twentieth December, 2018 and will keep running for multi month until nineteenth January, 2019 with 25% markdown rate. After which the ICO of the task is planned to start on the twentieth February, 2018 and will keep running for multi month until 22nd March, 2019 in which 1 GLY will be sold at USD$0.13 amid this platform.

Decisively, the project is a decentralized protection platform for the cutting edge that empowers secure esteem exchanges and smart contract execution, in total secrecy and with solid accuracy ensures. Glyff, as Ethereum, permits improvement of decentralized applications, yet with a key distinction: the capacity of disguising information from the processing hubs. This empowers designers to incorporate delicate information in their shrewd contracts, transparency on-chain, without bargain on security.

Token Information and Distribution

Token: GLY

Token Type: ERC20                                                                                                    

Initial distribution: 50,000,000 GLY

TGE (including pre-sale): 32,500,000 GLY

Glyff reserve: 7,500,000 GLY

Team and early contributors: 5,000,000 GLY

Community and strategic partners: 5,000,000 GLY

Pre-sale phase                                                                                                            

Start date: 20 December 2018

End date: 19 January 2019

Token price: 0.11 USD

Discount :25%

Tokens for sale: 6,500,000

ICO phase                                                                                                                       

Start date: 20 February 2019

End date: 22 March 2019

Token price: 0.13 USD

Discount: None

Tokens for sale: 26,000,000

Project Milestone

Q2/3 2018

Research starts

Prototyping of MVP consensus node and wallet (Sprout)

Q3/4 2018

Consensus node and wallet (early release)

Private test-net launch

Q1/2 2019

Publication of the first whitepaper working draft (Sapling)

Token generation event

Development and code consolidation

Public test-net launch

Q2/3 2019

Programmable privacy

Security audit

Consensus node and wallet (stable release)

Q3/4 2019

Main-net launch

Developer toolchain and documentation

Mobile wallet (Android/iOS)


Christopher Moore: Founder & CEO 

Noah Vesely: Researcher & engineer 

Anatoli Vedmid: Frontend dev

Aleksei Gudkov: Legal Advisor

Olga Fomina: Marketing manager

For more information please follow the links below:

Website: https://glyff.io/  

Whitepaper: https://glyff.io/files/glyff-wp.pdf 

Telegram: https://t.me/glyffcommunity  

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Glyff_io  

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Glyff-353989662044849/  

ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5083318.0

Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/glyff

Github: https://github.com/Glyff

Medium: https://medium.com/@glyff_official

Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/company/glyff

Thank you from me: Ket tubar

My Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2202323

ETH Address: 0x5A165374202E9648061144684846Afb8469645bf

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