Crypto ICO

Where to start for a newbie in crypto #2. What are ICO, IDO, INO, IGO and other

Today I will tell you what is ICO, IEO, IDO, IGO and other and what is the difference between ICO, IEO, IDO, IGO and how to participate in all this, let's fly!

Token Sale - initial sale of new coins from the project at a fixed price below you will learn what kind of seals and how to participate in them!

1.Initial Coin Offering, or briefly ICO (Initial Token Offering) - the issue of tokens by any project, intended to pay for the site in the future, but more simply - This is one of the crowdfunding models like IPO, when the project collects funds at an early stage of development funds for the company.

2. Initial DEX Offering, or IDO (Initial Decentralized Offering for short) is a token launch model that involves raising funds on a decentralized exchange.

Unlike ICO, where investors first buy project coins and then wait for the listing on the exchange, with IDO the initial sale and listing happen almost simultaneously and plus the IDO projects do not need to be verified by the crypto exchange.

3) Initial Gaming Offering, or briefly IGO (Initial Gaming Offering) - is a kind of token offering, in which token placement of some games occurs, and in fact does not differ from the IDO IEO or ICO.

Strong Holder Offering (SHO) - Mechanism of fundraising, when the project can attract funding from persons who are the holders of a certain cryptocurrency. I can highlight DAO MAKER.

Also on the market, there are ways to raise funds

1. Initial Exchange Offering, or IEO (Initial Exchange Offering) - The same as ICO only here intermediary is exchange. You can say that this is more reliable type of safe than ICO, but you need to look at the site which conducts IEO.

2. Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool, or briefly LBP (Initial Liquidity Pool) - This token sale takes place in the format of an auction, when, in the absence of demand, the offer price is gradually reduced, while purchases on the contrary raise it.

3. Initial Farm Offering, or IFO for short, is a fundraising model that helps new DeFi projects raise capital using the farming feature offered by a decentralized exchange. The meaning of IFO is that tokens are acquired by providing liquidity in a certain pool.

So you know what token seals are and what they are, now find out how to participate in such seals!

How to participate in the ICO? While the best and most accessible option is to participate in the Coinlist safes.

First you have to register for the selected safe. After 24 or 12 hours, you will receive a link to sign up for the sale.

When the time counter reaches the beginning of the sale, you will be given a queue and from the queue you will know if you are in or out.

As we can see the average ROI is about 9-11x without taking into account projects with ROI x100>

How do I participate in IDO and IGO?

At the moment you can participate in IDO in the following ways.

Hold the IDO site coins

Participate in the draw for a place on the Whitelist (Usually by filling out the Gleam form)

FCFS round (First come first served)

- Most popular coin-holding and whitelist sites.

DAO MAKER, Polkastarter, Red Kite, GameFi, TrustPad, Solanium.

- Average sites with a hold of coins and whitlists.

Enjinstarter, Impossible Finance, TruePnl, ScaleSwap, SolRazr.

- Less popular FCFS Hold'em Round and Waitlists.

Poolz, Infinite Launch, Launch Zone.

How do I participate in LBP?

This type of sale is for large deposits only! To participate, go to the auction page in the project you want to enter. Look at the dynamics of the price usually in the first two hours is better not to climb. And after that you make your own decision.

Auction sites: Balancer, Copper Launch.

How to participate in IFOs

Let's take PancakeSwap as an example. To participate you need to put $CAKE coins into a steaking. Steaking is divided into two types Basic and Unlimited. Basic, each user can allocate $CAKE tokens up to $100 and no more.

Unlimited there is no limit on the number and amount of coins but you will be charged a fee for participating.

Now you know what token seals are, where they are held and how to participate in them.

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