"I confirm: vaccines are not safe”; La Verità dedicates a newspaper page to Luc Montagnier

"I confirm: vaccines are not safe”; La Verità dedicates a newspaper page to Luc Montagnier


Early September 2021 

On September 8, 2021, "La Verità", an Italian newspaper, dedicates a newspaper page to Luc Montagnier.
the complete transcription of the newspaper page will be reported.

“Courtesy of the broadcast ‘Fuori dal coro’, we publish the interview conducted by Margherita Enrico and broadcasted last night at the Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier. The old doctor (89 years old), who was awarded the Swedish Prize for Medicine in 2008, is the discoverer of the HIV virus. After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, his positions, in stark contrast to most of the world’s health institutions and organizations, have caused much discussion. In the interview, held at the beginning of the summer, Montagnier confirms his thesis on the inopportunity to proceed with mass vaccinations during the pandemic. The choice he believes exposed to an unsafe risk-benefit ratio for citizens. The Nobel also insists on the possibility of cure.”

"I confirm: vaccines are not safe”

their effects are still unknown"

Nobel Prize Virologist: "Inopportune mass immunization, this campaign was conducted with scientific and medical errors. The situation could be even worse than it has been so far."

By Margherita Enrico.

Luc Montagnier:

Margherita Enrico:

Luc Montagnier:

Margherita Enrico:

Luc Montagnier:

Margherita Enrico:

Luc Montagnier:

Margherita Enrico:

Luc Montagnier:

Margherita Enrico:

Luc Montagnier:

Margherita Enrico:

Luc Montagnier:

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