I came up with a project, how can I write about it?

I came up with a project, how can I write about it?

Margarita Sukhoruchenkova

What is most important when you are telling a story?

That's right - the presentation of the story. Confusing the sequence of events or missing out on the most interesting details can make the story bland, boring, or confusing.

Also with stories about projects! The most important thing in a project description is the description itself.

Our team has experience of investing in crowdfunding projects and experience of business angels.

We have prepared tips so that you are more likely to collect support and people believe in your projects:

The most important aspects to consider when starting a project: why will the idea take off? what is the benefit/goal? what is the potential audience?

How did you test the idea? Why do you think that it will take off? Are you sure that there is a demand for your “product”?

The answers to these questions are important because they convince investors that your idea is not a fairy tale. And you propose it not because “it will be cool”, but because “I see such and such a problem, but in other areas, it is solved this way” or “there is a project that solves this problem, but it does not solve it effectively. And I know how to fix it! ”

Nobody wants to invest without guarantees. The fact that you have tested the demand is already a good help to believe in you.

How to answer? Tell us how you made sure that the idea is in demand. These can be examples of similar projects, or the results of surveys with a potential audience, or you know how to automate an existing one.

How does my project benefit?

The answer to this question is important because if there is no benefit from the project, then there is no point in investing in it.

How to answer? Tell us what your project will bring. Ask yourself - what is most important for the Free TON blockchain? Perhaps it will bring popularity to the network for Free TON or facilitate interaction with other blockchains.

Tell us how this will happen: if you write that the project will bring extensive PR, then describe how it will be? Will you advertise to a large audience? Or will a large company use you? Or will it be a huge event in the world of cryptocurrency?

How do you plan to attract users? How many will there be? Are you planning to become profitable?

The answers to these questions are important because investors do not want to waste their funds. And if your project has users, then it is likely that it will either start to make a profit. Or if it is not commercial, but covers sooo many interested people, then the project will want to sponsor from Giver.

Someone who invests by inspiration will limit themselves to the previous questions. But it is unlikely to offer you a high amount.

And those who are willing to invest a lot will need tangible numbers. Because I don't want to lose much. And in general, you never want to lose ..)

How to answer? It is best to say in numbers. The numbers can be estimated by looking at how many audiences the competitors have. Or by guessing how much marketing will bring. Or by counting the number of potential audiences. And, of course, tell "who are these people?": If they are crypto enthusiasts, there will be a bomb!

Before describing the project, we advise you to look at partner offers on the forum. Choose the best ones and see the description.

If you doubt that your project is well described - drop the project descriptions @margosukh before posting. Do not be afraid, she will be happy to help: she will give comments, advice and a look from the outside!

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