I am calling on you to help me organize my mission to find non-apostate churches.

I am calling on you to help me organize my mission to find non-apostate churches.


I am calling on you to help me organize my mission to find non-apostate churches. While there are many apostate churches out there, I am confident that there are still many churches that have not succumbed to apostasy. In order to find these churches, I am asking for your help in setting up a church-like organization. This organization will be responsible for intelligence gathering and research. Additionally, we will create a seminary and school focused on finding non-apostate churches.

Dear friends,

I am confident that, together, we can find non-apostate churches. While apostasy is certainly a problem in today's churches, I believe that there are still many churches that have not succumbed to it. In order to find these churches, I am asking for your help in setting up a church-like organization. This organization will be responsible for intelligence gathering and research. Additionally, we will create a seminary and school focused on finding non-apostate churches.

With your help, I am confident that we can make a difference. We can find churches that are still committed to the truth and help them to thrive. We can educate the next generation of believers in how to avoid apostasy. And we can be a light in the darkness, shining the way for others to find the truth.

Thank you for your support. I am looking forward to working together with you in this important endeavor.

The first step in our organization will be to research apostate churches. We will compile a list of these churches and their practices. This list will be used to help us identify churches that have not yet apostatized. Additionally, we will use this list to avoid churches that are at risk of apostasy.

Ranking of Churches

APOSTATE Means the church is lost. When writing notes, Upside down fish
DANGER Means the church is not lost but is in Danger. Vertical fish pointing to the left
NON_APOSTATE Means church is safe. Fish pointing to God.

Once we have compiled a list of non-apostate churches, we will reach out to them and invite them to join our organization. We will offer them resources and support in order to help them maintain their non-apostate status. Additionally, we will work with them to ensure that they are able to reach out to other churches that may be at risk of apostasy.

Through our work, we will be able to create a network of non-apostate churches. This network will be a powerful tool in the fight against apostasy. We will use this network to share best practices, offer support, and mount a unified front against those who would lead churches astray.

Thank you for your help in this important endeavor. Together, we can make a difference in the fight against apostasy.

This is a work in progress Keep tuned.

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