I Want To Suck My Own Penis

I Want To Suck My Own Penis


I Want To Suck My Own Penis
I can self suck and a few girls i have been with ask me to do it. Do girls like it or something. What do u like about it and would anyone like to see it
I can Self suck my own cock. Is this a turn on for girls?
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Home > Sexuality > I can Self suck my own cock. Is this a turn on for girls?
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Sure thing, but with the right girl. Back in college, my girlfriend was going out with a guy who admitted (under alcohol!) that he could do it, and did frequently. We finally dared him, (again, under alcohol) to show us, so he did. Very impressive, and yes, it was really hot. After that, we would get him to do it for us all the time. I think he got off on showing it to us, but no one cared. It was fun. However, not all ladies are as open minded, or as jaded as I am, so be careful who you let in on your secret. Enjoy!
Sh! t...and you girls keep looking that guy sucking his own cock instead of giving him head. Strange! Pitiful for that guy... Lol
That was my girlfriends responsibility, since she was dating him! However, he really was enjoying himself, so we didn't interrupt. We were just being polite, ha, ha! Yeah right!
Hey did he cum in his mouth for you too? Or just give himself a facial?
Both, but mostly he would swallow it. We were truly impressed. It's only fair, right?
You are a lesbian as i understood... but did that selfsuck get u horny?;o
That's certainly interesting. Not something that turns me on, but definitely curious to see how someone could manage it! After all the only other person I know of who can do this is Marilyn Manson and he had to get some ribs taken out!
Lol that's not true. It's just a rumor.
That's just BS often spread by crazy anti-rock and roll fundy preachers. They were probably secretly jealous.
I think that other people can do it too...;)
That is horrifying. Please keep that to yourself unless you get to know someone better and think they might wanna know. But 8/10 times they don't.
Oh come on, what guy wouldn't give himself a BJ if he was single and the only other option was his hand for months on end. I've managed to get my forskin in my mouth but am a couple of inches away from the head, i dont think its ever going to happen...
For the love of God do not tell a girl you want to date that you can do that. She will run.
Oh, and the scientific term would be auto fellatio, not self suck.
It would have to be 11" long, just to get past his lips. That would scare most girls off.
True, but he could make a decent living in p*rn.
I would certainly be curious and want to checkout your technique I love a guy who is man enough to taste his own cum. I like to let the guy blow his load in my mouth, pretend to swallow and then give him a pash
No thankyou. Was this question just a ploy to get girls?
No it wasn't just thought u would want to see can u asked to
I can do it and I've swallowed my own cum nice to know you think it's hot
Hm thats called snowball kissing i thing?
@Bigb130 Send video proof to my special kink mail account! kinkywaggy@gmail. com
If you were trying to attract gay men or hermaphrodite s yes lol. I mean you ain't sucking a girls dick being that flexible. Lol
that would look so stupid and gay, nothing against gay people but it wouldn't turn me on to see a guy i like and who is supposed to be attracted to females hunched right over sucking his own dick
if they ask you to do it i guess its from a morbid curiosity or because they dont believe you really can do it
I would not get turned on by it but I would be curious to see it. I guess some girls would get turned on.
Ok I'm curious about this lol... would guys really do that?
Yep. It's kind of a curiosity thing at first, then when you realize you can do it, you do it every once in awhile. It's not something to do often, because it does affect your posture and hurts your back a bit. It feels great during though, since you know exactly what you like and what feels good.
Also, you need to have a larger than average dick to make it work.
@JustcuriousDC22 Ohh well that does make sense!!
Whatever floats your boat. I'm indifferent about it.
maybe but only out of pure curiosity. You must be very flexible. But no, it wouldn't be a turn on and no, I don't want to see it.
You would make a good living as a p*rn star, I guess.
Oh, and way to go. You found a way to brag about your size without looking like you are bragging about it.
I can do it to would you like to see?
maybe we can be friends and who knows
I can do it pretty well also. Betwyn, are you on the East Coast? If so, maybe you can check out my talent.
@Bigb130 Yes! send video my kink account! kinkywaggy@gmail. com
@JustcuriousDC22 Send proof to my special kink mail kinkywaggy@gmail. com
I can't believe a couple of girls said this was hot
Wow, I envy you. But are you sure they didn't just tell you to go suck yourself?
wow i've never imagined this. i don't think i'd want to see that.
It would turn me on! Send Me video proof!
That sounds like it would be painful to witness
Yeah that sounds like it would be hot
@Bigb130 just self blowjob or even something more?
Not really , That is freaky and gross

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N-no, that's totally not how I hurt my back!

Yes, everybody has and if you say no you're a liar.

Yes and it was successful and that's why I'm single and happy.

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So, have you tried to perform fellatio on yourself?

N-no, that's totally not how I hurt my back!
Yes, everybody has and if you say no you're a liar.
Yes and it was successful and that's why I'm single and happy.
"Let's just be honest. Let's just be reaaal."

You should know: The answer above provides general health information that is not intended to replace medical advice or treatment recommendations from a qualified health care professional.
Hi, could you get any disease, STD, HIV or other diseases from sucking your own penis; i am a virgin, never had any sex, only lots of masturbation and more recently auto-fellatio; before and after i do it i always wash thoroughly with soap.
Other concern is that of some whitish small bums grouped have appeared around the foreskin.....and another problem would be from the precum: some of it landed on my cheek and soon after appeared 4 itchy zits, i don't am i allergic or something? and forgot to mention after auto-fellatio i wash my mouth with 70 degrees alcohol, rub some on my lips and in my mouth and after i clean insistently with water...is that any good?
Please provide an answer....
Another personal afraid of contracting an STD, including HIV, from himself???? YIKES! You're like the fifth one this week. Can anyone really doubt we need to return to science-based sex education in our schools?
Listen up King Kong Schooling, you can't give yourself an STD. (See below.)
As for auto-fellatio, all I can say is you're a lucky guy and that those yoga classes are really paying off. (See below.)
Std's and sickness (AUTOFELLATIO, 2009) Mar 27, 2009
Ok i am very embarrassed to say so but the worry outways it so...
Can i get any kind of illness by giving oral to myself?
Don't be embarrassed! Autofellatio is a very neat party trick! As for STDs from orally enjoying one's own home entertainment center, well you know how I'm always advising folks to "check the archives" because the information they desire is usually (almost always) there waiting for them? Well guess what?! Uh-huh! You guessed! See below.
when i suck on my cock i was wondering if i can get dieases from sucking my own?
Diseases from tonguing your own tallywhacker? Hmmm . . . well, perhaps a sore back or stiff neck from the crouch positioning. Oh . . . you don't have to crouch all that much? Hmmm . . . WOWZA, just how big is that one-eyed trouser snake of yours? Oh, you're Italian. OK, now I understand. The answer is no. You can not give yourself anything but a good time by autofellating Mr. Happy. See below.
Boyfriend & Autofellatio Jan 11, 2006
My boyfriend loves sucking his cock, he started that even before he started going out with guys. He does it now while I'm topping him. I love sucking him while I'm fucking him, but somehow it's not the same for him. He's very rough with his dick and sucks himself really hard. I wouldn't mind doing it the same way. Question: Is it safe, is it ok with his prostate/glands to suck him really hard? Please, somehow I'm very concern, plus I don't let him do it to me that way. Thanks Abel & Rod
Rod is able to suck his own rod while Abel is able to suck Rod while fucking him??? Hmmm . . . one can only wonder how Abel is able to do this and how big Rod's rod must be for this to be physically possible. Oh, never mind . . . . On to your question. You're concerned about Rod's prostate gland if you suck him really hard??? Gosh, Abel, how hard is hard? Are you so powerful that you could suck the chrome off a bumper? Abel, I think your fears are unwarranted. You can suck enthusiastically. Just don't use your teeth or traumatize Rod's rod to the point of physical damage (black and blue marks, broken skin, etc.).
Aside from that, you shouldn't worry about sucking so hard that you might turn your boyfriend inside out, OK?
I have recently discovered my ability to self suck and cannot stop. Recently, however, I've had a sore throat.
I am not sexually active if that can help any.. Also, I am able to self suck but not able to deep throat so that shouldn't be the cause. I do swallow.
Anyways, could autofellatio be the cause of my sore throat or should I not worry about it?
Hmmm . . . it appears those yoga classes are really paying off! You're just telling us all this to make us jealous, right??? I suppose the next thing you'll tell us is that you can open a ketchup bottle just using your tongue, right?
OK, Mr. Big, I see no reason for you to worry. Your new party trick is not the cause of your sore throat.
Hey, if you ever come up for air and find you need gainful employment, I think the adult film industry might be interested in your ahem talent.
dear dr. i want to ask you two things first is i have been masturbating for more than 3 yrs.,i masturbate 2 or 3 times a day,.the thing is i let my semen stay in my skin and let it dry inside my underwear and due to laziness i'm not changing my underwear nor taking a bath for days.,i can say 4 days is the longest and still masturbating,.and also i have warts in my fingers the one that i use in masturbating sometimes i have cuts and my semen went to them,.do u think i can catch any STD's or HIV by doing this?
2nd is i am confused between overmasturbation and HIV symptoms because some of it are similar and i am experiencing some of it,.like i have back pain (upper), i'm always tired or sleepy,my hairs are falling down and my eyes hurts that affects my vision ,my coughing has no phlegm,and I am experiencing difficult in breathing probably because of my heartburn but I dont know I need an expert answer.,I should mention that Ive never had any sex plz doctor i'm so worried i need answers ASAP I want to erase all my worries and sleep well
You wank-off three times a day and let the spunk gunk up your tighty-whities and don't change them or take a bath for four days??? Yuck! That is truly disgusting. Dude, what's up with your personal hygiene??? You can't give yourself an STD, including HIV, by such antisocial behavior (see below), but that doesn't mean you should't "clean up your act!"
Finally, you report: ". . . I never had any sex . . . ." Somehow I'm not at all surprised by that little factoid!
Experimenting with Masturbation (CAN YOU GIVE YOURSELF HIV/AIDS, 2009) (PILLOW POUNDING, PILLOW HUMPING, 2009) Nov 21, 2009
Hello doc i find it uncomfortable to masturbate with my hands so i use a pillow, but my question is can you get hepatitis or a std or any kind of disease from pounding the same pillow?
Believe it or not, you're not the only one who has worried about the consequences of pillow pounding. See below.
Is there anything dangerous about humping your pillow until you ejaculate? Can you contract any types of diseases?
You're wondering if you can get an STD from humping your pillow???? Hmmm . . . well is there any chance your pillow could be cheating on you? If not, no.
I should point out one other danger of pillow humping: explaining the spunk marks to your mom can be a challenge.
I was humping a hotel pillow in the nude and after ejaculating on the pillow I noticed a couple of stains on the pillow that where dried and obvious there before. Is there any risk of getting HIV from this??
Wow, that's one popular pillow! It seems to be getting as much action as Samantha on Sex and the City.
As for your STD/HIV risk, relax Max. The risk is completely nonexistent. Now kiss your little pillow-man goodnight and hope the maid doesn't catch you as you check out tomorrow after spunking up Mr. Pillow!
Masturbating on pillow and contacting ur own semen? (CAN YOU GIVE YOURSELF AN STD?) Feb 14, 2008
If u masturbate with pillow and u ejaculate and get it on ur hands can u get STD or is STD from person to person please help cuz im scared. Also is masturbation bad and give STI or STD
Is masturbation bad??? Are you kidding me? I think it's wonderful! Can it give you an STD? The answer is no! The more precise answer is hell no! See below. By the way, any chance you can convince your mom and dad to stop home schooling you and put you back into the public education system? With the soon-to-be President Obama, I'm quite confident we'll have a return of science-based, age-appropriate sex education to our schools. Until then, take a look around this Web site. You'll find all sorts of cool sex stuff to learn about, including how to properly use a condom and how to protect yourself from STDs, including HIV.
std from humping a pillow? Feb 8, 2008
I've been humping a pillow to masturbate for years. But i had never thought to clean it or anything until a while ago..i'm just concerned that i could have gotten an infection or std from continuing to hump the same pillow without cleaning it in between. thanks
You've been spunking the same pillow for years??? Dude, that pillow must resemble a glazed donut from Krispy Kreme by now. And most likely it's stiffer than your stiffy. But why are you worried about STDs? Do you think your pillow has been cheating on you by humping with other hotties? STDs are sexually transmitted diseases whereby an infected person transmits the disease to an uninfected person. So if you're the only one spunking Mr. Pillow, you've got nothing to worry about, OK? By the way, another of your home schooled buddies had a similar question. See below.
Will this give me a disease or virus of any sort? Jan 2, 2008
ive been masturbating for like 2 months in the same bed covers Will the sperm have accumulated and turned into some sort of disease so that if i masturbate i will catch it from my bed? please answer doc i'm really scared about this.
You've been shooting loads into the same bed covers for two months??? WOWZA! Those sheets must be as stiff as two pieces of plywood by now.
You're wondering if the accumulated sperm will turn into some sort of disease that you will catch from your bed??? Hmm . . . let me guess: You're either home schooled or a victim of an abstinence-only-until-marriage sex education program, right? Yeah, I thought so. Dude, no, your spunky-funky sheets will not contaminate you, but I do think it's time they were pried off your bed and sent through the Maytag, OK? You can read more about masturbation in the archives of this forum. We have a whole chapter devoted to it.
Can you give yourself HIV/AIDS? - by semen contact with a cut or wound of yourself? (CAN YOU GIVE YOURSELF HIV/AIDS) Jan 29, 2008
I was wondering about this cause a couple days ago I was masturbating myself after sometime, but was not warned that I got a cut on a side of my thumb that was nearly opened (not bleeding ye but interior cut and transparent fluid was visible) I notice this after ejaculating since a friend said HIV virus is in the semen and turn active as touch the bloodstream, but not completely sure yet
Another QTND (question that never dies) and ATNC (answer that never changes). See below. And do tell your folks that your abstinence-only sex education program sucks (and not in a good way).
Is it possible (CAN YOU GIVE YOURSELF HIV/AIDS?) Jan 3, 2007
I was curious about something, and that's is it possible in any capacity for a man to give hiv or aids to oneself. Like say some of your own cum just a little bit touched a cut that was mostly healed or looks dark red. Basicaly. Can you give yourself HIV?
Another QTND (question that never dies) and ATNC (answer that never changes).
I recently masterbated, once i had finished i realised that some sperm had gone onto a scab on my hand, is there any chance of an STI/STD/HIV or anything, this answer really matters to me as i am only a teenager and afraid of the consequences of any STI/STD. Please answer doc, thanks you.
No, there is absolutely no chance you can contract a sexually transmitted illness from yourself! STDs involve germs (viruses and bacteria) that spread from an infected person to another person via sexual activity. Masturbation, choking the chicken, spanking the monkey or whatever you want to call it involves only you and your hand. Some folks may refer to their hand as Mrs. Palm and her five daughters, but really we are only talking about one person here. And that's you, right?!? A person cannot give himself a disease he doesn't already have. Just as you can't give yourself a million dollars (because I assume you don't have a million dollars, right?). You can't give yourself HIV, because you don't have that either. The bottom line is that your jizz is perfectly safe, so no worries unless you spunk up your parents' furniture (or Monica Lewinsky
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