I Want To See Naked Girls

I Want To See Naked Girls


I Want To See Naked Girls

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Nude It, approved by Apple Tuesday, is an augmented reality app that uses scanning technology to look straight through clothing. Something you have always wanted to do.
People need many things right now, but surely nothing more than the ability to spontaneously see through the clothing of another.
You know this is true. So do the other-oriented folks at Presselite . For they want you to share their pride in an application creation called Nude It , which was approved by the Apple store Komsomol Tuesday.
Antoine Morcos, co-founder of Presselite, admitted in a press release that the creators' inspiration in the development of this astounding technology came from the WhoIsTheBaldGuyBlog . I have embedded a YouTube video in order to give you some relief from feeling that you inhabit a strange planet called Nexus One.
In essence, the pleasure you will get from Nude It may well rival what you felt when you were 7 and took a gullible elementary school pupil into the restroom, placed their head in the toilet bowl, and asked them if they've ever seen the blue goldfish.
I can sense your cheeks twitching with anticipation as to how one might use the Nude It app. Well, the instructions tell me that you point your iPhone at a friend, or someone who is about to be a former friend, from a distance of less than 6.5 feet.
The scanning technology will then reveal to you every last mole on your victim's ribcage, as well as every last goose bump of their excitement.
The makers do warn that you should clearly see your subject's face on the screen before you activate their embarrassment.
I am concerned, though, by the images that Presselite has included as an example. You see, they show that Nude It merely reveals people in their underpants. The general method males use for this purpose is to find a lady friend with whom they can wander into any of the increasingly liberal changing rooms of our major retail stores.
Still, I know many of you will be rushing to experience this new tool and that several of you will soon have pressing appointments with your Human Resources department.

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Plenty of parents can relate to the struggle with the nuances of family nudity, particularly when it comes to children seeing Mom or Dad in the buff. So many questions arise: Is it OK as long as he seems comfortable? What if she starts making horrified faces? Should a child ever see a parent of the opposite sex naked?

"There's nothing inherently wrong with being nude with members of your family," says Paul Abramson, a professor at UCLA focusing on human sexuality. Research is limited but one study found exposure to parental nudity had no harmful effects for kids age 3 to 6.

But it can still be a tricky topic for any parent to handle, especially as their kids start getting older. Experts explain how to navigate the topic of nudity with children and when it might be time to start covering up.

Choosing to embrace nudity in the home is really up to the parent. But experts say it's important to set some ground rules . Make it clear to your child that the clothing-optional mindset only applies to your home and that other families may have different rules, says Amy Lang, a sexual health educator in Seattle, Washington. Make sure your child realizes they need to put on clothing when other people are around since guests may not be comfortable with it, adds Lang. And be firm. Stick to whatever boundaries you establish.

Note that not everyone in your household will be comfortable with nudity. Aaron Pross, a Delaware dad of three girls, noticed that he began to cover up more and leave the room to change as his oldest approached the age of 4. "I was raised very conservatively, so that mentality is kind of ingrained in me," he says. "I just don't want to be seen naked." And that's perfectly fine, too.

"If you're comfortable being naked in front of your kids, be naked. If you're not, keep your clothes on," explains Lang. "As long as the message is that it's about privacy and not shame, embarrassment, or anything negative."

As kids approach the age of 3, they start to become curious about their bodies, what they look like, and how they function. That applies to toes, tummies, and noses, but also to body parts typically covered by underwear or a swimsuit . When kids see a naked body, whether intentionally or by accident, it's natural for them to have questions.

California mom Martha Shaughnessy has found that her boys, ages 4 and 6, have become more inquisitive as they get older. Questions range from why some bodies have hair to why some people have a penis—and others don't. "We feel it's a good way to demystify and explain bodies as the questions occur versus having to do a more formal introduction later," says Shaughnessy.

Staying calm and answering any questions matter-of-factly is a positive approach, says Lang. "If you can communicate to them that you are totally down with whatever questions they have, they're going to be more likely to come to you when they have a problem with their body," she adds.

That was the case for West Virginia mom Amanda Uch. Her 7-year-old daughter, who knows the proper terminology for female genitalia, had no problem complaining of vaginal irritation. "I plucked her up, tossed her in the bath, and explained that she needed to wash herself because she got toilet paper stuck," she says.

And truth is that, despite a parent's best intentions, children will be exposed to the sexualized, photoshopped, and airbrushed images of nude or semi-nude adults prevalent in advertisements and on magazine covers. That's why having conversations sooner than later is a good idea. "We have to start teaching kids at a young age that we are imperfect by nature, and our bodies go through changes and transitions," says Aviva Braun, L.C.S.W., a New York-based social worker specializing in body image and eating problems.

But try and keep responses age-appropriate and don't go into more detail than necessary at that moment. "It doesn't have to be a huge discussion," says Braun. Keep it light, offer a straightforward answer, and return your focus to the task at hand.

Regardless of your viewpoint, be aware that your child's attitudes toward family nudity may change as they get older. "The general lesson for much of parenting is that the child is often a really good guide," says Alan Kazdin, Ph.D., director of the Yale Parenting Center in New Haven, Connecticut.

Your child may start shutting their bedroom door when they change or turning their back to you when getting dressed. They may make a hasty retreat after accidentally walking in on you naked or even request that you keep your clothes on.

It's also a good idea to check in with your child periodically to make sure they're still OK with your family's approach to nudity. Especially as they near puberty, usually around age 10. "It's a very vulnerable time when kids' bodies are starting to change," explains Braun. "They might want to cover themselves up at that age and not be very open."

And if that's the case, parents should make it a point to listen. "It is imperative that you respect your child's wishes in terms of covering up or what they need in terms of their privacy," says Lang. "You want them to know that a safe adult respects a child's boundaries."

Woman stands in room completely naked - patiently waits to see how long it takes people to notice
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Woman stands completely naked in front of artwork...and people don't notice!
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How did they not spot this straight away?!
Sometimes we can get so lost in what we're doing that we come a bit oblivious to what's going on around us.
Whether it's watching TV, working or reading a good book, it's easy to go into your own little bubble.
But most of us would probably like to think we would notice if something really interesting happened - like someone standing next to us completely naked.
American model Nicole managed to stand in a room completely named while two men worked on laptops right in front of her - and they didn't even notice.
This is mainly because she was working some very impressive camouflage - body paint which made her blend into an art mural on the wall behind her.
It's the work of artist Jen Seide , known as Jen the Body Painter , and her daughter and apprentice Kennedy.
They painted Nicole from head to toe to match the artwork behind her, and it really looks incredible.
It was so good that when two men went into the room to work they didn't actually notice until she jumped out to surprise them.
It's not the first time Jen and her daughter's work has surprised unsuspecting members of the public.
Either this year they sent another model on a tinder date wearing nothing but body paint to look like jeans and a top.
The poor man didn't notice for a long time, despite them going for a coffee and for a long walk around a busy shopping centre.
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