I Want A Bigger Penis

I Want A Bigger Penis


I Want A Bigger Penis

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Want To Increase Penis Size By UpTo 2.5 Inches In 3 Months? Get PE Bible Now
Let us tell you… Grow Penis Bigger is the completely FREE Penis enlargement program that is created after long research that shows ONLY real facts and truth regarding Penis Enlargement. I decided to created this guide after successfully able to increase my penis by 2 inches within 3 months.
I always wanted to increase my penis size ever since I started watching adult movies. Pleasuring my future wife was the second thing, I want to get a 7 inches penis because I want to LOOK great naked. I don't want to see embarrassment and disappointment in my girlfriend face that is why I decided to increase my penis size.
I lift weight 5 days a weeks since two years and have good muscular body but my penis was below average in size. Since I was firm believer of exercises I decided to look for penis enlargement exercises because supplements, extenders, pills and pumps all have potential disadvantages.
However, many penis exercisers were posting in forums it is taking them 12 to 15 months to get any visible gain from penis exercise. At first, I discard the idea of penis exercise routine. However, I heard the conversation of two gym buddies talking about 2-step biochemical method that they used to increase their penis size. They told me they found this method in an eBook called Penis Enlargement Bible (in short PE Bible) .
After watching PE Bible video I decided to talk to its author John Collins to see if he has any real proof that this method works. What's crazy about his was John has REAL CUSTOMER VIDEO TESTIMONIAL to prove that his stuff really works. He showed me science based animation video on how this 2-step biochemical method really works.
If you also like to watch this science based animation video then click the video image below (video will open in new window/tab – you have to scroll to the mid of the page to watch the video)

The most important thing I like about Penis Enlargement Bible is it has ACTUAL CUSTOMER VIDEO PROOF (I posted in sidebar on the right) which is very rare in this market of penis enlargement
Below is the 5-step method that I used to increase my penis size however, if you combine the exercises and techniques I shared with the 2-step biochemical method you are able to increase 2 inches in your penis size.
Internet is full of so-called gurus that don't know anything about how to get a bigger penis. Many penis enlargement sites over the internet do things to make money but here we at Grow Penis Bigger do things differently!
We do promote some penis enlargement products and programs but that’s not our sole aim. Our main objective of creating GrowPenisBigger is to educate common men that Penis Enlargement really works. We are here to educate men all over the world about how to get a bigger dick with the help of techniques we are going to show in this website. (Bonus. They are super cheap as well)
To help you digest the content of this website in much easier way we have decided to break down this guide into 5 different parts.
The Part 1 is background as in this part you will learn how penis enlargement works. You will amaze to know penis enlargement is not a magical process instead it is completely logical and scientific process.
The Part 2 will teach you some steps you need to do before starting any penis enlargement exercise. These steps consist of measuring the penis and choosing the right lubricant.
The Part 3 is very crucial as in this part you are going to learn 3 techniques that helped millions of men to get a bigger penis. These three techniques are Strong Stretch, Jelq and kegel technique.
The Part 4 is where you discover list of nine (7+2) most important penis exercises along with beginners, intermediate and advanced routine plan that can increase your penis size up to 2-4 inches in just 90 days. This is right!! You can achieve results within 60 days if you combine this exercise routine with the 2-step biochemical method for penis enlargement .
The Part 5 is the last part of this how to get a bigger penis naturally guide in which you will get some tips that not only protect you from injury but also boost your results.
Let me ask you… What is the first thing you do with a balloon before you blow it up?
Of course, you stretch it up to allow more air to get into it. Although penis is very different from balloon but the principle behind it is very much similar. You have to stretch your penis to allow more blood gets into the penis which results in bigger and stronger penis.
There are thousands of men that shown that penis enlargement exercises can:
There are many different answers of the question “If women really want bigger penis or not?”
We can tell you based on our research… There are many benefits of bigger penis but for numerous men, the confidence that bigger penis can bring is just life changing for them. Do you remember the last time you wanted to approach a girl but didn't able to do so because you don't have confidence? Do you remember the last time you went to gents and felt uncomfortable standing at the urinals?
A Bigger Penis can bring you confidence to approach a girl that you have your eyes on and it also bring the feeling of relaxation because you know you have larger penis than most men.
Penis is made up of three chambers – two bigger chambers that are known as Corpora Cavernosa and one small chamber that known as Corpus Spongiosum . When we gain erection, blood fills up into these three chambers. The smaller chamber (Corpus Spongiosum) is mainly use for urination and ejaculation. However, the other two bigger chambers (Corpora Cavernosa) hold the 90% of blood.
It is impossible for penis to become bigger by itself because every time blood fills Corpora Cavernosa to its maximum capacity. However, with the help of penis enlargement exercises you can increase the length and girth of Corpora Cavernosa.
Penis Enlargement Exercises break down cell wall of Corpora Cavernosa by forcing more blood into them, every time this stretch is larger than before. Then, penis repairs itself by growing these cells back that are much stronger and larger than before. With stronger and larger cells Corpora Cavernosa holds more blood that gives stronger, larger and fitter erections.
This is the safest approach to increasing penis size. When we work out in gym on regular basis, we expect muscles growth. Similarly if we work with penis exercise on regular basis we can also develop our penises stronger and larger.
If you want to get bigger and stronger penis then you have to monitor your progress. To do so, you have to measure your penis in the right way. For many men measuring helps them remain motivated towards their goal. It is important to measure your penis not more than once in a week.
You need two things to measure your penis:
It is very important to remain consistent while measuring your penis. This is because you will get different measurements of your penis if you measure your penis in different way. For example, if you measure standing up the first time, then always measure your penis standing up thereafter.
You have to use straight ruler while measuring your penis length. There are two different ways of measuring length:
Bone-Pressed: Place the ruler above penis and then firmly press it back against the public bone and write down the measurement.
Non-Pressed: Repeat the same process but this time don't press the ruler back. Your ruler should barely touching the skin of public bone
It is good to focus mainly on bone-pressed penis length.
To measure your flaccid length you need to measure your penis when it is in flaccid state (non-erect).
To accurately measure your flaccid penis it is important to measure it from the side of your penis.
While standing extend your penis with one hand so it will become parallel to the floor. Use your second hand to put ruler next to your penis and press it against the public bone. Make sure your penis and ruler become parallel to each other.
Measure the tip of your penis head and write down the nearest millimeter or 1/16th of an inch.
To measure the thickness (girth) of your penis you need tailor's tape (cloth tape) or piece of string.
Method 1: By using tailor's tape (cloth tape) you can wrap it around your penis and mark the measurements
Method 2: By using piece of string, you can repeat the same process above and then put the string on ruler to record the measurement.
It is very important to create a journal and track your progress. This way you will keep yourself motivated. Don't try to cheat number, try to be accurate as much as possible.
I have included a chart below that you can use to track your progress. You can also make chart yourself and track your progress.
As you notice, the below chart is on weekly basis because I want you to take measurements of your penis once in a week.
This is because your penis size changes day to day. Having weekly results will help you to monitor your progress in right way.
As chart shows, you have to take the measurements of your penis in its erect, flaccid state and girth.
Lubricants plays vital role in helping you to get a bigger penis. It is very important to choose high quality lubricant while performing exercises mentioned in this website. Although you can use good moisturizer but using Vaseline is good idea.
Vaseline provides good grip on your penis but it takes longer to clean. Another good lubricant you can use is sex lubes but you have to provide number of applications during the exercise. Using Baby Lotion is another good idea.
Don't ever use shampoo or soap as they can cause serious irritations and skin problems.
Warm up exercise that I am going to tell you is very easy to perform and only need soft cloth towel.
If you search for how to get a bigger penis naturally and safely then you will get many different techniques for penis enlargement. However, after our research and testing we discovered there are three techniques that are powerful enough to provide rapid gains and as a bonus they are much safer as well.
This penis enlargement technique is basically as it name sounds. The Strong Stretch technique is designed to improve the length of ligaments and tissues attach to the penis. The good news is beginners can easily gain 0.5 to 1 inch within few weeks by using this technique alone. However, it is important to keep in mind that this technique has nothing to do with the thickness (girth) of the penis.
This technique is one of the safest techniques to improve your penis size. Additionally, by stretching the penis your skin connecting to testicles will also increase which gives you the look of bigger penis.
This technique can increase the erect size and flaccid size of your penis. It is also proven that Strong Stretch Technique can increase testosterone and sperm count.
Some Notes Regarding Strong Stretch Technique:
Jelqing is the most powerful penis enlargement technique that is known to human till now. This is because Jelqing not only increases length but also increases the thickness (girth) of the penis.
Jelqing technique is also known as milking technique because it is very similar to milking a cow. Men are using Jelqing Technique since many decades to increase the length and girth of penis.
Jelqing technique came from Arab tribes as it is said to be Arab tribesmen used this technique decades ago as part of passage from puberty to adulthood. In the age of puberty, a young boy was shown by his father on how to jelq. For 10 minutes a day, young boy have to jelq everyday till his adulthood and then reduce his jelqing session to 3 days a week.
This Jelqing technique is powerful enough to increase the length and girth of the penis. This is because, when you milk your penis, you are actually forcing blood to fill spaces in the Corpara Cavernosa. These spaces will get larger when you jelq or milk your penis. Overtime penis will repair itself and these spaces will become stronger, longer and able to hold more blood.
Some Notes Regarding Jelqing Technique:
Many experts recommend Pubococcygeus Tensing technique for healthier sex life. Additionally, with the help of Pubococcygeus Tensing technique you will see your penis get longer and muscular.
By using Pubococcygeus Tensing technique on regular basis, you can further improve the appearance of your penis. Many men used this technique to avoid premature ejaculation. With all these benefits, you can perform much better than before.
Some Notes Regarding Pubococcygeus Tensing Technique:
As you know, there are three penis enlargement techniques which are important for making penis bigger and stronger.
In this part of this how to get a bigger penis fast with your hands guide I am going to show you exercises of each penis enlargement technique and give you workout routine so you can follow it without any problem. If you want faster results then I recommend you to combine this penis exercise routine with 2-step biochemical method offered inside Penis Enlargement Bible.
Here are some points that you should keep it in your mind:
Here are some steps to perform this exercise in right way:
Keeps these points in your mind while performing this exercise:
Use these steps to perform this exercise
Here are some crucial points to know about this exercise:
Here are steps on how to perform Jelq correctly:
Here are few steps to perform this exercise:
Some important points regarding this exericse:
Here are steps on how to perform this exercise:
Some important points regarding this exercise:
Here are steps on how to perform this exercise
Other than seven penis enlargement exercises that mentioned above, there are two additional penis exercises that I want to recommend. Both these exercises are important, and you should be doing these exercises right from day 1.
In addition to the stretching exercises that mentioned above, I would like to introduce one more variation that is called ‘Power Stretch Exercise.' This exercise is different from Strong Stretch Exercise.
This Power Stretch Exercise is invented by Johan and Borrows using the concept called Active Isolated Stretching.
This exercise is used to test a muscles ‘kick-back' flex and discover how long muscle take to respond. The idea of this exercise is to put the strain on the penis and stretch it before its kick-back occurs. This technique came into being when Johan applied it in his penis enlargement routine.
Here are steps on how to perform this exercise:
This Jelq exercise is very much similar to other jelqing exercises that mentioned above. I suggest you perform this Jelq variation after two weeks. In this jelq exercise, you have to use both of your hands.
Here are some steps on how to perform it correctly:
Many men don't complete their penis workout in the right way that makes difficult for their penis to grow. If you want to see results in the shortest time possible, you have to end your penis workout in the way I am teaching you now. I tried these techniques and found them useful for penis growth.
It is crucial to complete your every penis workout with hot-towel warm down exercise and gentle massage because applying heat after penis exercise increases healing and promote new cell growth.
The good thing is heat quicken recovery of cells damage that occurs during penis enlargement workout. Heat also increases the growth of tissue cells.
It is highly recommended to apply gentle massage to your penis for 1 minute after penis workout. I mean gentle massage and not masturbation. You can also use herbal cream to massage your penis that is available for both the sexes.
Soft and circular gentle massage using your index and forefinger to the base and shaft of the penis works best. Your penis has just got a strenuous workout, and it is important to massage gently and smoothly.
After completing gentle massage to penis now, you have to use a hot towel for warm down similar to warm up.
This warm down is as important as warm up. This is because heat application keeps blood inside the penis and promotes new cells development.
I don't want to leave any guesswork for you that is why I decided to share my workout plan. This Penis Workout routine is very powerful as it will take you from beginner to advanced and you surely notice some inches once you complete this penis exercise plan.
Since there are many penis enlargement exercises for different parts of the penis, I have decided to break down my penis workout plan into three categories for different purposes of penis enlargement that are Length Gain Workout, Girth Gain and Penis Head Gain.
I used above penis enlargement routine to increase my penis by 2 inches in 3 months. However, it is important to note I also followed 2-step biochemical method.
This section is the most important part of this how to get a bigger penis guide because in this part I will talk about two very crucial things for penis enlargement that are:
I know you want to achieve bigger penis quickly, but you should be aware this is impossible if you don't take necessary steps to protect your penis from any injury. You have to keep the continuous flow in your routine if you want a bigger penis.
Always keep in your mind that your safety should be your top priority. You have to use proper form and technique defined above and never try to exceed the exercising time as recommended above. Below are some important things you should keep in your mind while exercising your penis.
There are some clear indications that you are doing exercises in the wrong way:
Some men start penis enlargement exercises with such a passion that they start overdoing exercises for quick results. It is important to know in penis enlargement “Less is More and too much is really TOO MUCH.”
We have received lots of emails from users who spend an hour and more for penis exercises to see quick results. This way of doing penis exercise is not only dangerous but also annoying and ineffective as well.
Spending hours for penis exercises is not the right way to get a bigger penis. We have already mentioned my proven plan for penis enlargement above, and I never recommend you to exceed recommended time because our penis workout program is designed to provide maximum benefit in the shortest time possible. However, you can get results quickly if you create puberty-like environment which is possible with 2-step biochemical method.
Your penis grows bigger when you are resting and not exercising that is why proper resting days are crucial, and you should take two days off in a week and also don't do any exercise during your rest days.
A penis is also a part of your body. If your overall body is not in good health, your penis is also not in a healthy position to grow. If your body is under high stress, lacking sleep, suffering from an illness, or lacking from quality nutrition then you can't expect your penis to perform better.
Penis enlargement is a continuous process, and blood circulation is a vital part of this process. You have to improve blood flow in your body, and that is only possible with proper diet, exercise, and quality sleep.
Below are some vitamins that can enhance blood flow in your body:
One of the easy ways to speed up the process of penis enlargement is including some secret ingredients in your diet. Although these secret ingredients are not free, if you want some boost then you can pick them from a local store, online or anywhere you get them.
In addition to helping you in getting a bigger penis, these ingredients also assist you in performing great with your woman in bed. Here is proven list of ingredients that you need to include in your diet.
Most of the times these vitamins are available in ‘one-of-a-day' style supplement. Make sure you read a label of supplement and select those that easily fit for y
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