I Think You Are Good Mom

I Think You Are Good Mom


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How to know if you are a good mother?
Is there pressure to be a good mom?
What are some good quotes for strong mothers?
https:// mom myjenna.com/do- you - think - you -are-a- good - mom -or-just- good -en…
https://www.simplifysomeday.com/ are-you-a-good-mom
Ориентировочное время чтения: 4 мин
https://www.thehowto mom .com/ you - are-good - mom
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https:// mom myknowswhatsbest.com/ways-to-know- you re- a-good-mom -even...
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https://www.sahmplus.com/ good - mom -best-answer
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https://www.scary mom my.com/a-great- mom
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https://www. emilyedlynnphd .com/blog/2018/11/12/am-i-a- good - mom
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https://www.webmd.com/parenting/features/being- good - mom
Ориентировочное время чтения: 8 мин
https://www.quizony.com/ are-you-a-good-mother /index.html
https://forevery mom .com/family-parenting/motherhood/ mom -quotes-every...
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Do you give yourself enough credit as a mother? Or, like almost all moms out there, do you never feel that you are doing enough, doing the right thing or even just being a good mom in general? I think this is something most moms really struggle with. We live in a society today where …
20.02.2019 · Even if someone else thinks you ’re a bad mom (which is highly doubtful), you decide whether or not to believe it. So, What Does a Good Mom Do? The answer to this question is completely up to you . And it probably looks different for all of us. Here are a few weird things that make me feel like a good mom :
26.02.2021 · You are a good mom .” It made me think about my friends who are surviving on little sleep, or solo parenting for long stretches, or dealing with kids with behavioral or health concerns. I want to tell them all that its going to be ok, you are a good mom .
28.06.2019 · helps to keep them healthy . helps kids deal with uncomfortable emotions. helps to show kids that you care. (It’s a really good read about setting limits and boundaries! Check it out.) A good mom knows when it’s right to say no and set boundaries …
29.06.2021 · Am I a good mom ? I believe you ’re a good mom and there’s one reason why. Share this or tag a good mommy to let them know you notice the struggle or believe they’re a good mom too. I was in the kitchen cleaning dishes, pretending I wasn’t getting sick. As I stood there rinsing a cup, I was thinking of all the things I needed to do.
10.09.2014 · Go, you . 2. You don’t know what you ’re doing, but you do it anyway. The mantra of a good mom is “fake it till you make it.”. You master this the moment you become a mom . 3. You ’re scared, but you do it anyway. As the saying goes, the true sign of courage is being afraid and doing it anyway.
17.12.2020 · Am I a good mom ? Such a simple question, yet so complicated. In my work with kids and their parents, we stay away from labeling kids as “ good ” or “bad,” as well as labeling emotions, thoughts, and behaviors as “ good ” or “bad.”. Confession: I haven’t been able to practice this toward myself as a mother. I may intellectually ...
Relax, You 're Being a Good Mom . ... With all the expert parenting information available to us today, you ’d think as mothers we’d feel well-informed and prepared to raise a brood.
Are You A Good Mother? What does your behavior say about how you are as a mom ? Take this quiz to find out! START. parts: 29.
03.07.2020 · He’s trusted you with these babes because YOU are the mom for the job. May these inspirational Mom Quotes be a reminder of that truth for all the strong mamas today. 1. Be Peaceful “To all mothers in every circumstance, including those who struggle, I say, ‘Be peaceful. Believe in God and yourself. You are doing better than you think you ...
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Sometimes, I’m pretty positive I’m the worst mom there ever was and that I’m the only one who’s doing this mom thing this badly.
The crazy thing about this (false) belief is that whenever I talk to most other moms, they feel the same way about themselves! What?? That can’t be, because I know I already hold the title of worst mom!
Yes, although logically we know that we’re not the worst moms ever , many of us are trying to reach an unattainable title of best mom ever . 
This woman does not exist. However, I believe there are many ways we can (very constructively) become a better mom and that seeking to do so will benefit both our children and ourselves.
 This is such a stacked question. Mostly because we tend to throw it out there as if there is some universal “better mom”. Who is she? What kinds of things does she do that I’m not doing? How do I just magically become her?
Maybe the answer to how to become a better mom lies in defining what a good mom is…to you.
A key idea I’ve been learning more and more (and trying to remind myself of, because I often forget) is that you determine what makes a good mom. You are the one who is measuring how well you perceive yourself to be doing.
The funny thing, for me anyway, is that it’s really not even my kids who determine what a good mom is. They love me and tell me I’m doing great even when I feel like I’m not. They don’t like me when I won’t let them eat sugar straight from the jar, even thought I know I’m doing it for their own good. 
I am the one who tells myself I’m a bad mom for x, y, z. I ‘m the one who allows myself to believe myself. Even if someone else thinks you’re a bad mom (which is highly doubtful), you decide whether or not to believe it.
The answer to this question is completely up to you. And it probably looks different for all of us. Here are a few weird things that make me feel like a good mom:
Do you see how those are things that are totally up to me? Maybe my kids don’t particularly like snuggle time. I know they hate taking baths. But having kids who smell like Baby Magic makes me feel like a good mom so when I don’t measure up, I start feeling like a bad mom.
(Note: I don’t feel bad about myself anytime my kids don’t smell like Baby Magic, I just feel especially accomplished when they do!)
This can be a tough one for us moms (especially us guilt driven moms) to get over. However, in the same vein of what we’ve been discussing, it’s up to them what defines a good mom.
Maybe your neighbor thinks a good mom puts her kids into every extra curricular activity they can manage. Someone else might think a good mom should want to spend as much time as possible with her kids so they resist putting their kids in every activity humanly feasible.
See what I mean about how it’s up to you? Don’t get trapped in trying to appease someone else. If you don’t care if your kid runs around in diapers all day, good on you. If you think your kids need to be dressed to the shoes with their hair neatly combed, good on you, too!
The sad reality is that, especially as moms, we tend to be our own worst critics. If we’re not comparing ourselves to other moms, we’re comparing ourselves to the things we believe we should be doing to be the best mom.
How often do you get frustrated with your kids or fail to meet some ideal that you’ve created for yourself, and, regardless of what happened the rest of the day, you honestly feel like you’re failing? 
I do this a lot. I put so much energy into overthinking the things I believe I’m doing wrong and I let it overshadow the fact that I know I love my kids.
Sometimes it seems so hard and complex. But think of all you’re missing out on by focusing on how much you wish you were different. One weed in a beautiful flowerbed doesn’t spoil the whole thing. Pluck out the weed and enjoy the flowers.
The same goes for our days with our kids. Don’t miss the flowers because you’re so focused on hating the weed. 
On a side note, I’m feeling guilty because I just swore at my kid for dumping water on my computer and when I opened it to dry it off, this post was up on the screen. Haha! Looks like I need to take some of my own advice!
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I Think You Are Good Mom

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