I Think My Wife Is A Slut

I Think My Wife Is A Slut


I Think My Wife Is A Slut
MIA i do 10 to 12 1 nite stands a week ...
MIA i dont rtemember i dont even my kids daddy there a ...
Rebecca society will judge you no matter what you wear. If ...
MIA yes have a few and proud of it ...
You are a Slut – is that something that you've heard before? Being called a slut isn't one of the best things in the world. In fact, it's hurtful and in most cases, it isn't accurate. What does it really mean to be called a slut? I know this topic is a tricky, even controversial one. I've done tons of research around the internet, to see how people can just go off and say 'You are a slut'. I've compiled the best list I could that might point to why other people believe you are a slut, so please read through it because I'd love to hear your opinions on whether these reasons are accurate and what you think about the «ground rules» when you are being called a slut!
Your magic number should be something that is personal to you, but a lot of people think that if you don't share it right away, you are a slut . Just because your number might be high, doesn't mean you are a slut at all! Your number is your number and nobody should ever make you feel bad about it!
A lot of people actually prefer to have one night stands. It doesn't mean that you are slutty, in fact, it just means that you like convenience. Sex is sex and everyone needs it, that doesn't mean that you have to be in a relationship to have it. Sometimes, a one night stand can even turn into a relationship!
From the research that I've done, a lot of people associate real dates and the lack of them with a slut. Well ladies, just because you don't go on actual dates doesn't mean you are a slut . Sometimes, you don't want to date a lot, but rather you want to hang out and see if you find a connection with someone. There is nothing wrong with that.
If you have sex on the first date or as soon as you meet someone, you are a slut . If you invent reasons and justifications about why that's okay, you're also acting slutty. It shouldn't be that way ladies! Just because you're having sex soon, doesn't mean you are a slut, it just means you like what you like. Just make sure that you're practicing safe sex.
Just because you don't remember every single hook up that you've had, a lot of people believe that makes you a slut! Well ladies, I don't agree with this label. I don't agree that just because you might have made some mistakes or don't remember a few of the people you've slept with that it makes you a slut.
In the past, it was very taboo to hook up even before marriage. Well ladies, times have changed and I think that if you hook up whenever you go out, that is your business. Nobody should tell you when you can or can't hook up!
Does this mean that if you show some cleavage or even just some leg you're a slut? No! At least, that isn't my opinion. Society has made it so that if you dress the wrong way, you could be construed as a slut. Ladies, I say that you should be able to dress however you want. What do you think?
Coming home the morning after a one night stand, wearing the same outfit from the night before doesn't mean you're a slut. Almost every girl has done it at least once in their life (even Carrie Bradshaw has done it!) and I gotta say, just because you do the walk of shame, doesn't automatically make you a slut.
I'm sure that a ton of you have had this misconception about a girl that has an STD right? Well, what happens if the woman is in a committed relationship and the guy ends up cheating on her and she ends up with an STD because of that? Does that still make her a slut? Just because a girl ends up with an STD doesn't make her a slut!
Finally, the last misconception that a lot of people have when it comes to the '**you are a slut**' label is condoms. If you seem to have an endless supply of condoms, society will usually label you a slut. Well, to me, it's all about practicing safe sex!
Just because some of these are justifications for the '**you are a slut**' label, doesn't mean that the justification is true. Remember ladies, there is typically an explanation for everything and you should never slap that 'you are a slut' label on someone unless you know them. Has anyone ever said that you are a slut because of any of these reasons? Share how that made you feel, why you think other girls are slutty, or why you think the term itself is just totally unnecessary.
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My Wife Wants to Be a Whore … And She Wants Me to Be Her Pimp!

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The intimate, the harrowing, the sweet, the surprising — the human.
Because if you don’t, 20 other willing participants will.
EUGENE, SIR: My wife has just let me know that she has a whore obsession. We have three kids and have been married since she was 23 and I was 25. She is 45 now and says it had been building for a while but everything about it turns her on. She wanted to tell me because the fantasy was getting overpowering. Not so that I could stop her but because she needed to explain why she had been so bored in bed the last few years. To this end she wants me to be her “pimp.” Find men for her to have sex with. Charge them. She has suggested doing this through Craigslist or Eros Guide. If I say no, I’m afraid she’ll do it anyway. If I say yes I am concerned about the repercussions. Legal and otherwise. What should I do? – Name withheld
Standing between someone and a long-held fantasy is a tough place to be. While on the one hand it’s terrible to think of a fantasy going unrealized, on the other hand your concerns are well placed. Prostitution last year was a $186 billion industry on the backs of about 13,265,900 prostitutes. Women associated with the trade are arrested much more frequently than men, assorted studies show . Which means whether you’re getting busted for pimping or she’s getting busted for whoring, the justice system is, in all likelihood, going to be part of your future. 
But these are legal concerns and don’t get to the root of the emotional/relational aspect of what your wife has told you, something that, to my ears, doesn’t sound like it upsets you much and it probably shouldn’t. I mean the last few years of lackluster sex would be enough to open your mind to much that your mind wouldn’t have been open to before. How to handle it is what you’re asking and my suggestion is this: Go to your local swingers’ group and advertise your kink. Under the purview of play and the money not being the primary motive you might be able to avoid legal backlashes. I mean if you’re not collecting cash you’re not a pimp even if the whoring seems the same. 
Try this along with whatever seems more comfortable: You being present or you not being present. This will either improve your marriage or kill it but if it doesn’t improve it, it was going to die anyway. It’s a bold giant step into doing something different and adventurous — and it’s dangerous from any number of different viewpoints. But it seems like you’ve reached a crisis point anyway and something needs to be done, so why not this? Conceal it from the kids like you do the rest of your sex life, be super circumspect about it and hope for the best.
EUGENE, SIR: I had deep suspicions that my boyfriend (we live together) was cheating. Mostly on account of finding underwear around that wasn’t mine. I’m not proud of this but I set up a camera so I could see what was happening at our place when I’m not there. He teaches and gets home from work first. I discovered that this is his underwear. I mean it’s women’s underwear but that’s what he is wearing. Other things too. Whole outfits. He’s alone when doing this. Not so fun to watch but not something to end the relationship over. I want to know how to get this out in the open so we don’t have to have secrets. – Colleen
I think you mean you want to know how to get this out in the open without revealing the creepy presence of home surveillance, yes? Since if you reveal you’ve been secretly home taping, it opens up a whole can of worms that causes what you found out to be overshadowed by HOW you found out. And how you found out — by hiding teeny tiny cameras all over the house you shared with one other person — no matter what the motivation, is all harm and foul. 
Relationships can be a dirty business and sloppiness regarding the women’s underwear he might be wearing could also be a harbinger of other sloppiness to come. So call what you did dirty due diligence — had he not started it by leaving his flimsy underthings hither and yon, you’d have never gone down the Inspector Gadget road to begin with. 
But how to get this out in the open? Well, there are two paths you can go by: Admit to the hidden camera as how you found out or don’t admit to the camera but do admit to the finding of the panties.
The former could also be divided into telling the truth about the camera or telling a lie connected to needing it for “security” reasons or something else similarly threadbare. I’ll never advise you to lie so if you tell the truth you’ll have a lot of heavy lifting to do since it might be argued that he left the underwear around to spark a discussion, not to incur the creep factor of home surveillance, and you may lose this one.
However, if you go with the technically accurate though parsed truth — you found his underwear — this lets you broach the topic without admitting to malfeasance and the discussions can begin. And I’d guess you know that most studies show that this particular kink is not an automatic indicator of homosexuality, if you were even tempted to think that. Moreover there are great resources out there, like Transformation , where he can go as deep as you and he are interested in going.
In any case, asking about the underwear would be a necessary first step and the least loaded and possibly most successful way to go. 


The intimate, the harrowing, the sweet, the surprising — the human.
Selling 20 million records after you grew up on welfare? A shocker. Still being around after all these years? Even more so!
OZY’s Eugene S. Robinson addresses queries from the love-weary in “Sex With Eugene.”
OZY’s Eugene S. Robinson addresses queries from the love-weary in “Sex With Eugene.”
Imagine finding gold and no one else knowing it was gold. Autographed books are that gold. And Sissy Spacek doesn't hurt either.
Going to the Maryland Deathfest was going to be a death metal day full of weed, speed, beer and tunes. But PCP?

Jules’ Story: I Thought He Loved Me

© 2021 The When You\'re Ready Project
The first time I was raped I was 16 years old. The night exists for me in a series of flash-bulb images that I can neither piece together nor erase from my memory, despite years of trying. I’m still not sure if it was my fault, even though I know it wasn’t.
I don’t think about it very often anymore, but every few years I revisit the spiral of shame, and guilt.
My last clear memory was stumbling away from the crowd, looking for a place to sleep. I was drunk… really drunk. I was being a typical teenager: acting out, rebelling – trying to distance myself from a goody-two-shoes image. Before that night, I had only been to a couple of parties, most of my wild stories were embellishments. My parents were known for being strict, so I didn’t get invited out very often. I w anted desperately to be part of the cool, older crowd who drank and smoked cigarettes. I was thrilled to be at the party, drinking cans of Coors and tossing them in the back yard of the kid whose parents were out of town. I realized m y ride had left without me, I was feeling sick and disoriented and needed to sleep until I could walk home. I found an empty bed, it was a child’s bedroom, I was going to lie down for just a few minutes.
I’m awake and it’s dark. He is inside me. I feel sick. Who is on top of me? “What are you doing?” He grunts. I try to push him away but my arms are weak. “I don’t want to.” I try to pull my underwear up, they’re around my knees. He pins my arm down. “Please.” “Shhh.” “I’m going to be sick.” “Shhh.” He’s getting angry. There’s a crack in the door and I can see wood paneling in the hallway. He finishes on the child’s bed, next to me. He wasn’t wearing a condom. He gets up and walks out. I want to run away, but I’m ashamed and I don’t want anyone to see me. I cry myself to sleep.
I’ve known my rapist since childhood. He was one of the cool kids at my school, a popular jock who was older than me. The next morning, his friend called me a slut and said “don’t worry, I won’t tell his girlfriend.” His girlfriend found out, and soon everyone had heard what a slut I was. Somehow I was more comfortable with being a slut than with being raped, so I accepted it.
And I never told anyone, until now.
I’m afraid to tell my parents. I’m afraid my step-father will read this, figure out who it was, and confront my rapist. I’m nervous about how he’ll feel when he realizes he inadvertently teased me about the events that happened after that night. I forgave him but I’m afraid he won’t forgive himself.
I’m afraid the people in my home town will call me a liar, and judge my parents. I live 3000 miles away now, but my family will have to deal with the backlash.
I’m afraid for my rapist’s wife and children.
But today I’m facing those fears, as much as I can handle at a time. Today, this blog is the beginning of an idea that may or not become big. It’s still anonymous, but that’s okay. It’s all I’m ready for, just yet.
When you’re ready, and want to share, I’m here. We’ll do this together.
When You're Ready.org is a community for survivors of sexual violence to share their stories.
alert(‘HACKING IN PROGRESS!!! ^%$ I HAAZ HAXX (&&* 1337 ‘);
Sounds like a fake story. Sorry, pretty cliche.
I think it sounds pretty fake but even though it might not be fake, nobody has to experience that, but my real question is why would you feel ok if people call you a slut. If I were you I wouldn’t like people calling me a slut, etc.
The When You're Ready Project is a community for survivors of sexual violence to share their stories and have their voices heard, finding strength in one another. When you're ready to share your story, we'll be here.

My wife and i are 27 and have been married for 5 years and together for 8. When we got married after a few months a found myself looking at swinging sites and open relationship forums etc. it had always fascinated me, from a teenager onwards. Me and my wife had always had a great sex life and one night during sex i asked her would she ever do swinging with me and she out right said no. A few months went by and i asked her again and she said no, and several other times she said no. Then two years ago i asked her and she said she'd come along the once if i really wanted her to, and i panicked a bit and didnt know what to say. So i researched local swingers parties and we found one close by and a week later we went along, both nervous. We met an older couple there, both 55, and and my wife got chatting and my wife seemed to ease up a little and as the night progressed we all made our way to a room and had some fun. After that night we didnt really speak about it, and then a month later my wife asked me if we could go again, which shocked me. I agreed to it and we again met that couple there and he flirted like mad with my wife and vice versa and again by the end of the night things had progressed with me and the woman and my wife and him. After this time my wife did mention it and said she'd like to go on a regular basis and she was enjoying it. The third time we went this couple were there and as we all went to a room my wife and him were all over each other and about an hour into the four of us being in the room his wife had fallen asleep drunk and my wife asked if her and this guy could go for a short walk. I didnt want to cause an argument with her so i said yeah fine and off they went. I fell asleep in the chair and then walk up four hours later to no sign of her. I went looking for her and couldnt find her and she wasnt answering her phone and another couple at the party told me she had gone to a local hotel with the guy so they could have some private time. She came back at 8am with him. At home we had a screaming match and she told me she didnt think she'd done anything wrong and she'd had a bit to drink and there was no place for them to sit and talk so they booked into a hotel, and when pushed by me admitted she;d had sex several times with him in the hotel. I told her we werent going to the parties anymore. The sex between us became less and less and a month later she told me she'd been shopping with this guys wife and she'd treated my wife to loads of new expensive clothes and she started hanging out with this woman weekly. In November i went away with work for three weeks, pre planned for months, and i hardly heard from her during my time away. When i got home she'd had a complete new hair style, was dripping in jewelery and was driving a new car; all of which she was vague on and was very distant towards me. Again, there was no sex. Then last month i found a box hidden in the house with god knows how much thousands of pounds of diamonds and other jewelery in it and she confessed this guy had bought it her on shopping trips whilst i was away working; she then admitted she'd slept with him daily in his house with his wife fully supportive as they no longer have sex. I was heartbroken and she said i was very open minded and always wanted us to try swinging so why was i bothered? Since then she's distant and off with me and she's changed so much. I asked her over Christmas what she really wanted to be happy and she said to see him on a regular basis, with her occasionally having sex with me. Why has she changed so much?
We reap what we sow....when it comes to swingers, we really need to be really mature to be able to cope with the fallout.

So what if your 'wife' disappeared with someone else for a few hours...hello???!!!

If you cant handle the heat... then get the hell of the kitchen.

Bro..you wanted this, so harden the f**K up and cop it on the chin....
you opened pandoras box when you took her swinging. she met a much older man that she immediately h
Infinite_T Bg
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