I Started Learning German At School

I Started Learning German At School


I started learning German at school. I've chosen it because in Europe, more people speak German than English, French, talian, or Spanish as their native language. Germany plays a central role in the …
I started learning German at school. I've chosen it because in Europe, more people spoke German. — Я начал изучать немецкий язык в школе. Я выбрал его, потому что в Европе больше людей говорили по-немецки. I didn’t start learning German at school.
Learn German in 25 Minutes - ALL the Basics You Need
YouTube › Learn German with GermanPod101.com
Get Started with German Like a Boss!
YouTube › Learn German with GermanPod101.com
Learn German in 35 Minutes - ALL Basics Every Beginners Need
YouTube › Learn German with GermanPod101.com
German Slang Words You Need To Know | Living in Germany | Learn German Slang Words with a Brit
100 Phrases Every German Beginner Must-Know
YouTube › Learn German with GermanPod101.com
I started learning German at school. I've chosen it because in Europe, more people speak Gernan than Englush, French , Italian, or Spanish as their native language . Germany plays a central role in the …
I started learning German at school.I've chosen it because in Europe,more people speak Gernan than Englush,French ,Italian,or. Spanish as their native language .Germany plays a central role in the …
I started learning German at school.I've chosen it because in Europe,more people speak Gernan than Englush,French ,Italian,or Spanish as their native language .Germany plays a central role in the …
I started learning German at school. I've chosen it because in Europe, more people speak Gernan than Englush, French, Italian, or Spanish as their native language. Germany plays a central role in the …
Опубликовано 10.06.2017 по предмету Английский язык от Гость >> . Переведите пожалуйста I started learning German at school. Ive chosen it because in Europe, more people speak German …
Переведите i started learning german at school. i've chosen it because in europe, more people speak german than english, french, talian, or spanish as their native language. germany plays a central role in the european union and is a major economic and political state. german …
Переведите i started learning german at school. i've chosen it because in europe, more people speak german than english, french, talian, or spanish as their native language. germany plays a central role in the european union and is a major economic and political state. german …
Вопрос: Переведите i started learning german at school. i've chosen it because in europe, more people speak german than english, french, talian, or spanish as their native language. germany plays a central role in the european union and is a major economic and political state. german …
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I started learning German at school.
I've chosen it because in Europe, more people speak Gernan than Englush, French , Italian, or Spanish as their native language .
Germany plays a central role in the European Union , and is a major economic and pilitical state.
Gernan has been and remains an international language in nany fields , including philisophy, social sciences, physics, engineering, medicine, music, art and history .
I' ve been studying it for three years and I don't feel sorry about it I think knowing German will open up more career opportunities for me перевод.
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Я начал изучать немецкий язык в школе.
Я выбрал его, потому что в Европе, все больше людей говорят на немецком языке, чем английский французский, итальянский или испанский язык как их роднойязык.
Германия играет центральную роль в Европейском Союзе, и является одним из основных экономических и политическое состояние.
Немецкий язык был и остается языком международного общения в областях, в том числе, Философия социальных наук, физики, инженерии, медицины, музыки, искусства и истории.
Я ве изучал это в течение трех лет, и я не жалею об этом, я думаю, что знание немецкого языка откроет больше возможностей для карьерного роста для меня.
Lini1 18 нояб. 2020 г., 02:27:15 | 5 - 9 классы
Скажите, пожалуйста, правильно ли здесь расставлены времена, и вообще правильная ли лексика и т.
Д? In England and Germany during the 20th century and last 10 years have been built a lot of sports centers, playing fields and sports halls, have been trained outstanding sportsmen and athletes.
These countries conduct every year large - scale sports actions, for example Fußball - Bundesliga, Deutschland Tour, German Figure Skating Championships in Germany, English Premier League, the Wimbledon Championships, and the Universe Championships in England.
Denisvoldman 24 февр. 2020 г., 20:24:32 | 5 - 9 классы
There is a theory which says that at one time, at the beginning of history all the people of europe spoke one and the same language.
Maybe there were two or more parent languages in Europe.
At first they belonged to small groups of people.
By and by these groups becam bigger and went to live in new lands.
In their new countries they first spoke their old language but with time speech began to sound different.
Ii the new places those people stopped using some of the old words and so they forgot them.
The structure of their sentences slowly changed too.
They aslo made new words to speak about new things they found in the new lands.
After a long time the changes in words, pronunciation and grammar were so great that their language began to sound like a different one.
That was how a new language was born.
In just these ways, Spanish, French and Portuguese developed from Latin and English, Norwegian, Dutch and some other languages grew from Old German.
Lvica150480 7 февр. 2020 г., 10:42:52 | 10 - 11 классы
In the 16th century the people who lived in Europe didnt know English.
They couldnt understand English words.
Only those who lived on the British Isles spoke English.
In those years Latin , French, German and Italian were popular on the continent.
Four hundred years later the speakers of English travelled to different places on the planet and carried their language and culture with them.
Today English is more important than any other language has ever been.
It has become the language of the planet , the first truly global language.
Of all the worlds languages it is probably the richest in its vocabulary.
It has borrowed a lot of words from French and Latin , from Greek, Spanish , Italian, and even Russian.
Now English is the first language or mother tongue in the Englidh - speaking countries.
It has become the second language in countries like India , Nigeria , and Singapore.
Then there is English as a foreign language.
People teach and learn English as a foreign language in Europe and Asia , in Africa and South America , in other words , all over the world.
Anton123452 13 июл. 2020 г., 10:35:33 | 5 - 9 классы
Только не надо копировать и вставлять в переводчик !
Просто помогите перевести буду ОЧЕНЬ БЛАГОДАРНА Almost all people are fond of travelling.
It is very interesting to see new places, another towns and countries.
People may travel either for pleasure or on business.
Then its quite evident that travel has always been a part of education.
It teacher people about life, nature culture and art .
It teaches them to understand and to be understanding .
People broaden their mind learning more about traditions and customs , history, people and worldfamous sight .
Besides if you travel abroad you can practice your foreign language.
TimeIce38 13 апр. 2020 г., 02:17:42 | 5 - 9 классы
Пожалуйста переведите предложения на русский 1.
To increase global understanding ; 2.
To improve employment potential ; 3.
To increase native language ability 4.
To sharpen cognitive and life skills 5.
Creating a brighter future for you and your loved ones (Through learning the language we can better understand their culture and expressions.
) 6. To appreciate international literature, music, art and film 7.
To expand study, live and work abroad options 9.
To increase understanding of oneself and ones’ own culture 10.
КроликАсик 23 февр. 2020 г., 20:05:00 | 5 - 9 классы
А то у меня хня получается какая - то.
Why Don't We All Speak the Same Language?
There is a theory which says that at one time, at the beginning of history all the people of Europe spoke one and the same language.
Maybe there were two or more parent languages in Europe.
At first they belonged to small groups of people.
By and by these groups became bigger and went to live and new lands.
In their new countries they first spoke their old language but with time their speech began to sound different.
In the new places those people stopped using some of the old worlds and so they forgot them.
The structure of their sentences slowly changed too.
They also made new worlds to speak about new things they found in the new lands.
After a long time the changes in worlds, pronunciation and grammar were so great that their language began to sound like a different one.
That was how a new language was born.
In just these ways, Spanish, French and Portuguese developed from Latin and English, Norwegian, Dutch and some other languages grew from Old German.
Alinamoiseeeva 17 сент. 2020 г., 21:59:26 | 5 - 9 классы
What is in about language that makes people so curious?
The answer is that there is almost nothing in our lives that is not touched by language.
We all speak and we all listen : so we are all interested in the origin of words, in how they appear and die.
The rise of English is a story of wonderful success.
When Julius Caesar landed in Britain nearly two thousand years ago, English did not exist.
Five hundred years later, in the 5th century, English was already spoken by the people who inhabited Great Britain but they were not many, but their English was not the language we know today.
Nearly a thousand years later, at the end of the 16th century, when William Shakespeare created his works, English was the native language of about 6 million Englishmen.
At that time English was not used anywhere else except Great Britain.
Nowadays, four hundred years later, 750 million people all over the world use English, and half of those speak it as a mother tongue.
Of all the 2700 world languages English is one of the richest.
For example, compare English, German and French : English has a vocabulary of about 500 000 words, German – 185 000, and French – fewer than 100 000.
At the end of the 20th century English is more widely spoken and written, than any other language has ever been.
It has become the language of the planet, the first truly global language.
Three quarters of the world’s mail and its telexes and telegrammes are in English.
More than half of the world’s scientific periodicals and eighty per cent of the information in the world’s computers are also in English.
English is the main language of business.
It is the language of sports : the official language of the Olympics.
The English language surrounds us like a sea, and like the waters of a deep sea it is full of mysteries.
English is and has always been constantly changing.
Some words die, some change their meanings and all the time new words appear in the language.
People all over the world use English because in has become the language of the planet, the first truly global language Составить рассказ с помощью этого текста.
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Аделия75 13 сент. 2020 г., 22:03:02 | 5 - 9 классы
I (live) in France for five months now and I have been studying the language for eight years and I was still yet to see a film, in French, at the cinema.
Какая формами глагола live должна быть, подскажите пожалуйста.
JHURJVBNTN 2 дек. 2020 г., 14:50:37 | 5 - 9 классы
DA15062000 13 дек. 2020 г., 12:58:51 | 10 - 11 классы
He knows French and German сделать вопростельную.
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I started learning German at school. I've chosen it ...
Перевод I started learnung Gernan at school.l've chose it ...
I started learning German at school? - Английский язык
I started learning German at school.I've chosen it because ...
I started learning german at school.i've chosen it because ...
I started learning German at school. I've chosen it ...
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I Started Learning German At School

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