I Slept With My Cousin

I Slept With My Cousin


I Slept With My Cousin
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Please excuse any mistakes, Im not a native speaker.
I (M15) slept with my cousin yesterday. The worst thing about it is: I would lie if I would tell you that I regret it. We always had a very good relationship, despite beeing my cousin I saw her more as a sister and she me more like... euh I dont know exactly as what she sees me.
Yesterday was the 15. wedding anniversary of my aunt (Lets call her H) and my uncle (Lets call him M). First we and the maybe 20 guests went to a restaurant, high class and expensive as fuck, my uncle was like: "Euh, f*** off kids, eat what u want, drink what we want and we pay". Me, my cousin (In the following L) and her twin brother (In the following F), took him by the word and ordered a few shots at the bar. Yes I know what u think, the barkeeper told us we should get our parents there, my uncle signed a note like: With signing this bullcrap I allow this man to sell my children alcohol or sth like that. Important is, he selled it. F was dead after like 7 shots, me and L drank more but we have a higher alcohol tolerance than he as it seems. So, then we went back to my cousins home, F fell asleep the moment he lied down.
She looked at me permanently with a dizzy view. "Whats wrong L?", I asked. "I like your face", she answered. "What?". "I like your face J", she repeated, "is sth wrong with that?". I hesitated: "Euh no but why do u tell me that?". I wouldnt say that Im ugly, but Im not that handsome. She stood up from the desk she sat on and walked towards me. She pushed me down (I sat on her bed) and said:"I really like you". I though about it. I like to rethink things and nearly nothing can catch me offguard, not even this. But the next thing: she kissed me. I grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her back up. Now she sat on top of me, legs apart and a confused view. I looked at her soft lips, her dreamy eyes, her cute face and her long brown braid, hanging over her shoulder and thought: fuck it. I grabbed her by the hip and turned around, now she lied underneath me and entwined her legs around me.
I wont give any details here, but I can tell you it took more time than u would think for me to... you know. In contrast she breathed so heavily after 10 mins, I was worried she would wake up F, and thats gonna mean sth, cause you could cut a tree next to him and would not awake.
Next morning we waked up before F, luckily cause it would have been a bit complicated to explain. She looked at me and said: "J, thats the best day of my live".
I wont tell this anyone I know, because... yes I know what they would think of me. But Im looking forward to the next time and I think I wont be waiting very long because we meet like twice a week, to play video games or some shit.
Now that Im finished I wonder why I even wrote the second paragraph.
Edit: You know, fuck this "Im looking forward to it", now when Im in bed and trying to sleep, I feel extremly terrible about it.
In Germany we say: "Geschichten aus dem Saarland" - "Stories from Saarland", but I like sweet home Alabama
And do you realize that you saying that you saw her more like a sister didn't make it any better
Maybe, but I thought it fits in here better
You've done it once so what's a few hundred more times am I right brother 😎😎😎💯
As disturbing as that was to read, I wonder if there will be an update 😵
What would you expect of an update?

I have a sexual relationship with my cousin. I don't know whether I am doing right or not. Sometimes I feel guilt, sometimes not, since both are fine with it. What should I do?
USA citizen from birth and I have never burnt a flag ever · Author has 292 answers and 2.6M answer views · 1 y ·
Why did my dad and my cousin fuck me at age 14?
What’s your experience of having sex with cousin sister?
How many of you really sex with your real brother not cousins?
Have you ever had any sexual encounter with your sibling or cousin?
I caught my 17 year old daughter having sex with her 23 year old cousin. What do I do?
Currently working in Fluor Australia Pty Ltd ( 2020 – present ) · Author has 2.3K answers and 4M answer views · 11 mo ·
Why did my dad and my cousin fuck me at age 14?
What’s your experience of having sex with cousin sister?
How many of you really sex with your real brother not cousins?
Have you ever had any sexual encounter with your sibling or cousin?
I caught my 17 year old daughter having sex with her 23 year old cousin. What do I do?
What are the consequences of having sex with your cousin?
Have you ever had sex with your brother or cousin?
Has anyone ever had sex with their cousin? How did it start, and would you do it again?
How do I approach my cousin and tell her I like her sexually?
I had sex with my own brother, and now I’m feeling guilty to share an incestuous relationship with him. How can I get rid of this feeling?
Should cousins have sex with cousins?
I caught my two 14-year-old cousins having sex. What should I do?
Should you have sex with your cousin?
I want to have sex with my first cousin. Is that normal?
I had sex with my 16-year-old cousin. How do I keep things secret?
Why did my dad and my cousin fuck me at age 14?
What’s your experience of having sex with cousin sister?
How many of you really sex with your real brother not cousins?
Have you ever had any sexual encounter with your sibling or cousin?
I caught my 17 year old daughter having sex with her 23 year old cousin. What do I do?
What are the consequences of having sex with your cousin?
Have you ever had sex with your brother or cousin?
Has anyone ever had sex with their cousin? How did it start, and would you do it again?
How do I approach my cousin and tell her I like her sexually?
I had sex with my own brother, and now I’m feeling guilty to share an incestuous relationship with him. How can I get rid of this feeling?
Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again.
You know you aren’t doing right, you feel guilt cause you know it’s wrong. You know it is not accepted by any of your family or friends. Yet the two of you still go at it, For only one reason. The forbidden taboo taste of lust and desire you get every time the two of you get a new place to hide out where yall can get some fucking and sucking done since finally no one is around. So what you should do is what my Cuz and I used to always do. This even works great at family get togethers too. Wear a baggy skirt, no panties,,,, sneak off in different directions, meet up,,, hike that skirt up,,, and
You know you aren’t doing right, you feel guilt cause you know it’s wrong. You know it is not accepted by any of your family or friends. Yet the two of you still go at it, For only one reason. The forbidden taboo taste of lust and desire you get every time the two of you get a new place to hide out where yall can get some fucking and sucking done since finally no one is around. So what you should do is what my Cuz and I used to always do. This even works great at family get togethers too. Wear a baggy skirt, no panties,,,, sneak off in different directions, meet up,,, hike that skirt up,,, and he can tear that thang up while yall are both standing,,,, Now that is good cuzzing lovin
Since you both are fine with it. Then what are you doing together is not wrong. It’s normal. Don’t feel guilty just keep enjoying yourself with each other.

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I guess I should start by specifying that we’re not first cousins, but I don’t know if we qualify as second cousins or not. His mother and my grandfather are brother and sister, in a family where there are as many aunts, uncles, cousins, and siblings as trees in a forest. The two of them are separated by fifteen years, six siblings, and enough difference in upbringing that they would often talk about how they felt more like uncle and niece than brother and sister. I think that their disparity in childhood is probably a lot of the reason why we felt it was okay to do at first, because it was barely even like they were siblings. We were so used to the big family reunions where everyone would get lost in the mix, and there were always new babies being born and new marriages and new extensions to the family tree — it was easy to pretend like we didn’t know what the situation was.
But we know, and since we first kissed outside a bar just over a year ago (on a night that was more about having shots and finding excuses to get close to each other than it was about welcoming him to Austin), we have been a couple. We are very private about our relationship — no PDA, only a few select friends know, never any evidence or anything on Facebook — but it’s a huge part of both of our lives. We are lucky to live far enough away from our family (they are almost all back on the east coast, we are here in Texas) that we can be pretty free with who we are. But if we are being honest with ourselves, we know that we share the kind of history and family relationship that would make most people cringe at the idea of us being together.
No one who knows that we are a couple know that we are from the same family. And although I often wish that I could confide in a close friend, I am simply not ready for the kinds of questions and judgment that would follow. They would tell me that it’s wrong, that it’s gross, that it is unnatural, and that I’m insane. And there is a good chance that they’re right, but the situation is just so hard to understand unless you’ve lived in it. Although it’s true that we are blood relatives, we only saw each other about once or twice a year. As I said before, the difference in age between his mother and my grandfather is enough that they are amongst the least close of all of their family, and I am much more familiar with a lot of my other cousins than I am with him. Even though I knew I could always see him at a family reunion or a wedding, I never really got that “close-knit upbringing” feel that you share with someone who you knew well in childhood. Hell, I even have friends from elementary school that I feel more of a kinship with because we were together for a lot of our important moments. Nick (a fake name, of course) was only there for the big stuff.
But I knew I loved him pretty young. We would always be the two kids at the event who would go off and play by themselves, and when we hit our pre-teen/teenage years, the bond that we had formed playing in the backyard at a family gathering turned into something much more profound. I could tell him things, he listened to me, he knew who I was in a way that almost no one else did — even though we saw each other very rarely. By the time I kissed him that night (I was 23), it felt like the release of something I had been waiting for my whole life. I wanted him to be with me, and only me, because I had always felt like I had to share him — with my family, with the girlfriends who would ask if he was single because they knew I could never be with him, with my parents who would make us leave an event early and take me away from him. For once, I had him all to myself, and I finally knew that he felt the same way about me that I did about him. I could be honest for the first time, even if it was only with him.
That night, we spent about three hours frantically Googling everything from local laws, to genetic risks, to “How to tell your family you’re in love with a relative.” We were insane, and scared, and completely lost — but so happy. So in love. Every day I look back on that night fondly, going from the computer to the bed trying to find out if the way we felt was okay, even though we knew that nothing we were going to find would change our minds. On some level, we realized that day that we were going to need to tell our family members. But at least, at the time, it was something we could procrastinate on.
I thought a long time about writing this, in a lot of ways it felt like the first real step to telling our family, because I finally have to put it all in words and acknowledge that it’s true. We decided, out loud for the first time not too long ago, that we would accept the consequences if our family could not have us around anymore. It’s a terrifying idea, and the loss of a family as big and amazing as ours would be a lifelong wound, but it’s something that is simply necessary. It is legal for us to get married, and if we won’t have our parents at our wedding, we’re going to do it some day. Nothing in the world makes me happier than the prospect of telling Nick, in front of anyone who is willing to watch us, that he is the love of my life. In many ways it feels unfair that we were burdened with the same blood, that we could have been just like any other couple around us who has the full support of everyone they love . But if we hadn’t been born who we are, we may have never met. And even if it costs me my family, it is a choice I am willing to make.
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My first sexual experiences were with my cousin, and I mean all of them. We are 10 months apart in age, she is younger, and everything was initialized by her when we were 7 & 8. Our parents were young, my mother a single mom, and her mom still in school. It was the early 90’s and both our moms went to the local university for their perspective degrees and babysitting was a constant juggle. We often times were left with elderly grandparents who didn’t pay a ton of attention. Her maternal grandfather watched her regularly and had a stack of hustlers next to the toilet, she was an avid reader by 7… Whenever the inevitable grandparents nap would occur when our shared grandmother was watching, she wanted to try all the things she saw in the magazines, and we did. We both enjoyed oral, but very much liked intercourse, this went on for years, everytime we saw one and another we had sex. Sometimes upwards of 3 times a week, and we tried different positions, by the time we hit 9/10 we even tried anal by this time we called each other our lover, we started to understand what we were doing, knew it was wrong and never wanted to stop. She spent the night regularly when we were out of school and we slept in the same bed, even bathed together. When one of us would wake up in the middle of the night we would wake up the other and have sex. We felt grown up when we explored each other’s bodies and I still get aroused today thinking of the passion we had for one and another. We even talked about cheating on our spouses together when we grew up, thats sexually aware we were, experiencing dirty talk and pillow talk so young. That about brings us to the mid 90’s when everything changed. Her mom had finished getting her teaching degree and they moved to a town on the border of our state 4 hours away. We didnt see eachother as often, I only saw her when my grandmother drove out to visit them on school breaks, and I ALWAYS tagged along. When we would be reunited, it was always like starved lovers, we would go for a walk, find a private place and get right to it. Their house had an addition, thats where I slept, very easily accessible for middle of the night romps, whomever woke up first would tiptoe to the other. We used the floor to keep quiet, to this day I cant have sex on the floor without pretending/wishing it was her. That was a good summer together, when we were 11/12, constant exploration, every moment we could steal away I spent inside her. She came down that xmas break and wanted to try something she saw, my first experience with cowgirl, my favorite position. Whenever we were left home alone (finally that age when parents start looking away more and giving responsibility) we were like rabbits, honestly we’re lucky she didn’t get pregnant. Wasn’t until the next year 12/13 when we started using condoms that I stole from my parents. I remember playing dumb when my dad found the wrapper of one in the hay, terrified we would be found out and the party would come to an end, though sadly it did when she turned 14 and started highschool, it wasnt anything she wanted to do anymore, and I was devastated, sexually frustrated, and far too advanced for a kid my age. So I started looking, and wow did I find it easy to get when I was 15. I had a hard time finding girls my age interested in sex, so I used the call in chat lines, where lonely people used to hookup before the internet. I didnt care so much what they looked like, and in my state 15 gets you a drivers license. I filled any female hole that would have me, until I had a particularly bad week, and a feminine voice on a passible transgendered native beauty opened the door, and I had my first new sexual experience. I made up a friend who’s house I was staying at over the weekend so I could spend all night with her. And then she finished school and moved back to the Navajo Nation, reopening the wound created by the rejection from my cousin. By this time I had a job and heard about women on a particular street doing things for money.. I hired my first hooker. Then another, then found myself a few regulars. That sustained me until 9/11 when I enlisted. Did the normal thing and got married, had a normal military life, deployed came back got out got divorced and then discovered craigslist. Here I could find plenty of trans natives to play with, and I did. I had a few who would hit me up when they came to town, and one who rode me whenever her and the husband got into a fight. All of this just went on until the craigslist party stopped and I found myself a legit sex addicted whore on tinder, married her, and live out all our weird and twisted fantasies. Since she kinda looks like my cousin, its really easy to imagine she is, making my fantasy kind of a reality. Im still an extreme sexual pervert, who gets turned on by weird things. I never pass up a thin transsexual native who wants to take a ride, still pick up the occasional hooker for a quick half and half but other than that I live a normal happy life.
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