I Sleep With My Brother

I Sleep With My Brother


I Sleep With My Brother
I am sleeping with my biological brother AMAA
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Comment deleted by user · 12 yr. ago
Comment deleted by user · 12 yr. ago
I Am A, where the mundane becomes fascinating and the outrageous suddenly seems normal.
I am 19, my brother is 21. We've been having sex since I was 16. Absolutely no one knows, I've never even told a friend and I would like to keep our identities private. If our parents or family members found out, our lives would be destroyed. I also initiated it. AMAA
Edit 1: I am going to take a break from questions for a little bit but will be back on tonight. Thank you to everyone who sent an encouraging comment and helpful advice. :-)
I was taking a shower and my brother came in to fool around with me. He thought that our parents had already left that morning to work, however my Dad came back home because he left his cell. I was in the middle of going down on him and my Dad knocked on the door. Considering the situation, I stayed calm and yelled, "What do you want". He was looking for my brother and said he couldn't find him anywhere and that his car was parked in the driveway. I lied and said he went to "Jon's" house down the street. Luckily, our Dad never went to check on him.
Another time was when we were at our Grandparent's house and we had to share one of those old pull out couches. We started to have sex and my Grandmother walked in the room and asked out loud where her remote to her TV was. We just paused and laid quietly and she walked out of the room. She even looked at our bed but I guess because she was old and she has cataracts, she couldn't see very well. She must of thought we were asleep. That was pretty scary.
There were other times but there not that interesting. It usually involved one us quickly putting our clothes on and running into the next room.
Did you have sexual thoughts about him before you "woke up on top of him"?
Hm, not really. However, at that age, I just had "crushes" on boys. It wasn't really sexual for me until then. I just remember feeling him under me and he was aroused. I was really curious and I started touching him. He responded and I got really turned on. The most that I had ever been.
For that matter do you have them now?
Of course I do. I have sex with him frequently.
Like does he get boxers at Christmas and you think about what they're going to look like on the floor?
Ha! Yes and no. It's weird but when we are around our parents, I shut that part of myself off for awhile. We act completely normal around friends and relatives. We may look at each other now and then but I don't think anyone notices.
Did this start out as experimenting? 16 seems relatively old for such thing. What view do you and your brother have on this and about eachother? Does this interfere with relationships with others?
It did start out as experimenting and I think it's mainly my fault. We had to share a bed, as we had relatives staying with us for a week. I'll spare you the details but I woke up on top of him and I started fondling him. He didn't ask me to stop and we started fooling around since that day. It just progressed over time.
What view do you and your brother have on this and about eachother?
We both know it's really fucked up but we both enjoy it, so we don't stop. We've only ever cared about hurting our family.
Does this interfere with relationships with others?
In the beginning no. We would continue having relationships with other people. However, lately he does not want me to be with anyone but him. It's become an issue.
Seems there are a lot of negative and offended commenters on this issue. For what it's worth, I'd just like to say: there's no biological problem (you're not planning on kids).
The social taboo angle - as long as you guys keep up the good work of hiding it, it shouldn't be an issue.
The relationship itself - from what I understand, if either of you meets the right person, you can move on - you are not locked into some kind of a co-dependent situation.
Telling a future spouse - right now most people will claim they think it's weird. Probably a whole lot of them wouldn't mind if it weren't for the peer pressure of appearing normal. As one data point - I would be fascinated and have a thousand questions. This type of relationship definitely makes you a more interesting person.
As a reminder - just like in a normal relationship, it's important to keep clear lines of communication.
However, lately he does not want me to be with anyone but him. It's become an issue.
When things start to look more conclusive, have a talk with him, just to make sure you're on the same page. Who expects what out of the relationship, levels of intimacy, exclusivity and so on.
But most of all, enjoy the experience for itself and have fun with it!
The best comment so far. Thank you so much for your advice and being open minded. :-)
whole lot of them wouldn't mind if it weren't for the peer pressure of appearing normal
This is where you're wrong. Peer pressure doesn't make incest tabboo, biology does. There is a reason most males who grow up with sisters don't try to have sex with them when they get horny.
"(you're not planning on kids)" - I assume you know that contraception is no 100% effective, although abortion will solve that issue.
"from what I understand, if either of you meets the right person, you can move on" - To another family? I doubt a future partner will see it that way.
"Telling a future spouse - right now most people will claim they think it's weird. Probably a whole lot of them wouldn't mind if it weren't for the peer pressure of appearing normal" - Wow, really 'wouldn't mind' I know for bloody sure I would!
It seems like it's going a bit far to say "have fun with it". Not that I find anything about this particularly repulsive in itself--I do not, though I recognize the obvious biological issues if you're not careful enough--but I think that in the long run, they'll both better off/happier once they're able to get past this.
Unless your brother's possessiveness turns into some sort of huge mental issue and he goes crazy. ' But maybe it's just a normal brotherly protectiveness.
Anyway, I know this'll make it sound like there's something terribly wrong with me, but this whole situation is kinda just cute, in a way. <_<
If by some fluke you got pregnant despite birth control, would you have an abortion?
If you could live as any undersea creature what would it be?
No accusations, just friendly crustaceans, under the seaaaaa!

Have you ever sleep naked with your brother?
i love history, animals, and nature · Author has 773 answers and 1.9M answer views · 3 y ·
This helps us sort answers on the page.
Is it okay for me and my twin sister to be naked in front of each other like masturbating or showering together? I’m a boy and we are 14.
Have you, being a guy, ever slept with your brother naked?
Is it appropriate for a brother and a sister to be in bed together completely naked?
Have you ever shown your dick to your sister and she instead stripped naked to show her tits?
Is it weird for an 18 year old brother to purposefully walk around naked with an erection in front of a 16 year old sister?
Phd from Bangalore University · Author has 5.4K answers and 11.5M answer views · 3 y ·
Is it okay for me and my twin sister to be naked in front of each other like masturbating or showering together? I’m a boy and we are 14.
Have you, being a guy, ever slept with your brother naked?
Is it appropriate for a brother and a sister to be in bed together completely naked?
Have you ever shown your dick to your sister and she instead stripped naked to show her tits?
Is it weird for an 18 year old brother to purposefully walk around naked with an erection in front of a 16 year old sister?
Is it normal if I (15) sleep with my (14) year old step sister, both half naked?
Can I see my sister naked? I'm 10 and she is 17.
I saw my 11-year-old sister naked. What should I do?
Is it okay for me to sleep naked (I’m 16, male) with my brother (he's 14, male)?
What's your size? Have you ever had sex with your brother while sleeping naked?
My sister wants me in the bathroom with her while in the showers and allows me to see her naked. Why is that?
Has your little brother ever walked in on you naked and you let him watch?
I am a boy and I want to see my brother nude . How can I do it without letting him know?
As teenagers, did your brothers and/or sisters ask to see you naked? If so, what happened?
Girls, has your brother ever seen you naked?
Is it okay for me and my twin sister to be naked in front of each other like masturbating or showering together? I’m a boy and we are 14.
Have you, being a guy, ever slept with your brother naked?
Is it appropriate for a brother and a sister to be in bed together completely naked?
Have you ever shown your dick to your sister and she instead stripped naked to show her tits?
Is it weird for an 18 year old brother to purposefully walk around naked with an erection in front of a 16 year old sister?
Is it normal if I (15) sleep with my (14) year old step sister, both half naked?
Can I see my sister naked? I'm 10 and she is 17.
I saw my 11-year-old sister naked. What should I do?
Is it okay for me to sleep naked (I’m 16, male) with my brother (he's 14, male)?
What's your size? Have you ever had sex with your brother while sleeping naked?
Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again.
Yes, i am not shame to admit if i have did. But only sleep nothing else. Normal sleep. i was the only one fully naked but my young brother wear pajamas and we were on the same bed, same bed room. door was unlocked. i wear no blanket while my brother wear the blanket.
So, any questions you wanna asked me?

My twin brother and I slept together over 6 years ago and i'm probably not over it yet
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Comment deleted by user · 4 yr. ago
A place to get personal things off your chest. Not for opinions, not for relationship advice, and not for preaching.
This is going to be a long one, because it is an issue for which I have struggled a lot and continue to do so. It's awful, it's weird and i'm not at all supposed to be talking about it, but I just needed to vent somewhere even if I don't know any of you. This is my first time ever sharing this story with anyone besides my therapist so I hope you can see beyond the moral barrier and try to be understanding with me. 6 years ago I (F) slept with my twin brother (M) for a whole summer, when we were both 17. Before you start judging me, let me put this into some context and explain why it was just such a weird time. I think we were both pretty lonely and scared at the time, and young and impulsive as we were, we didn't stop to think about the consequences to our actions. Our dad left us when we were about 4 or 5 and our mom raised us all by herself. My brother was terrible growing up and I was probably the brattiest kid ever, so our working mom was understandbly sick of us and didn't pay us too much attention. She was a very loving mother and a great one for that matter, but she just didn't have the time, or at least never the same as a house with both parents. At age 7/8 was around the first time that I had my first "sexual" contact with my brother. We used to play touching and kissing on intimate parts just like we had seen in a movie (always clothes on of course, cause I didn't know shit about my lady parts back then) It started just as a game and out of innocent curiosity, but I remember the tickling in my stomach which was why I kept playing doctors with him. This went on for maybe a year very sporadically, right until we entered the phase where boys played football and girls sat down to trash talk about them, so our general relationship declined a lot and we stopped playing together that much. We have never talked about it and I don't even know if he remembers this at all, but I do.
Anyway, years pass and we're back to regular siblings again. Our mom worked hard for many years cleaning houses and such until she finished studying and got her nursing license on 2011. She started working odd hours at a hospital, usually the night shift, and then she spent most of the day time sleeping or running errands, so we barely saw her and had minimal parental supervision (not like we needed it anyway, we were almost 18 and it was our last summer in town before moving to college). So, we obviously threw a lot of parties (nothing too crazy tho) and had friends over almost constantly. At this time my brother and I didn't have a great relationship; not bad either, but we fought a lot and drove each other crazy, like most teenage siblings living on the same small space. We started getting along better that summer because we made a lot of friends in common, and he even dated a friend of mine for a short time until she cheated on him. After that, the girl didn't stop coming to our house, because she was one of my best friends (she was a total manipulative bitch tho lol). My brother clearly didn't appreciate her presence and got on a pretty dark mood every time he saw her. I talked to my friend about this and told her that maybe we could start meeting somewhere else, because I could see him hurting pretty bad. And she, of course, went nuts and threw a tantrum, saying stuff like I didn't care about her anymore and that I had took my brother's side. I didn't take her words too well and we had a big fight. I've never liked conflict and someone being just a bit mean to me can have me crying, specially back when I was a teenage hormone ball, so I was prety upset the couple following days to the fight. I had started taking marijuana recreationally and to cope with anxiety, and the next night I remember I stayed at home alone watching a show and smoking, and I was super high. My brother came in to grab dinner or whatever and head back to the street, but instead sat down for a smoke and ended up spending all night with me. We talked about a lot of things that I don't remember with much detail cause I was so high; our childhoods, just gossips about our friends, how college would be like, etc, and I think we both were feeling pretty emotional to that time, especially when we discussed briefly the issue of his ex girlfriend. So, next think I know is we're watching the show on the sofa, i'm laying facing the tv and I have my legs on his lap. He started rubbing my legs and I just let him and kind of followed his lead, and we ended up having sex. It was all really messy and chaotic and I don't think we even kissed that first time. The next day I didn't know how to talk to him nor how to approach the subject so I just waited to see his reaction. He acted as if nothing happened, even made small talk and had lunch with me that day. I didn't see him on the house for three days straight after that, but he ended up coming back, and eventually we had sex again, much like the first time. This time it was me who initiated things, because a horny and lonely part of me had just liked the feeling. I was struggling with confidence and abandonment issues at the time because of a bad breakup, and yes I realized at the time that what I was doing was wrong, but that part of me just wanted some way of escaping pain and this way was easy. Most of the times we had sex it involved pot or alcohol. We spent most of the day completely thrashed and had sex on our mom's bed, and when we woke up we would usually do it agin. This happened every day for the rest of the summer. He sometimes made comments about us having sex or made innuendos when we were alone but he obviously never brought it up in front of anyone. With friends we just acted as usual. Nothing changed, on the surface, but we were just screwing our relationsip beyond repair and we didn't have a clue. Summer ended and we went off to college on different cities. It was sad but I knew all along it had to happen so it wasn't so dramatic. For years we only saw each other at family gatherings over the holidays, and we barely spoke anymore. I got my degree and moved in back with my mom last year, to look for a job on my hometown, and this house brings me too much bittersweet memories. My brother stops by a lot because he has a girlfriend who lives here, and we talka a lil bit more lately, with more easiness. The awful part of this, what I can't control for much I try, it's that I don't like his girlfriend, at all. There's nothing wrong with her, she seems nice enough, but I just have this truly awful dependency towards him, I really miss the time when he was my best bud and seeing him giving that much attention to someone just pisses me off a lot. I don't like thinking about it because what I may find within my head scares the hell out of me. I don't think I'll ever get a proper closure, but at least I feel better writing about it, and with time i'm sure i'll be able to patch whatever's so broken inside me.
Honestly at this point I’ll look into therapy, get someone you can trust and that’s professional and understanding. You are obviously dealing with a lot of issues and are bottling all of your emotions. I think is normal you are looking for some emotional release in the form of jealousy.
I think you are in the right path, you understand why it happened and you understand that you had previous issues (absent parents)
When I go to therapy I always have this moments of realisation, I thought I knew it all but it is like i have all the ingredients but not the recipe. And my therapist helps me put everything together, dig deeper and see everything with more clarity.
Before talking to your brother work on yourself first. Sort out your emotions and get to a better emotional place.
Confrontation at this point will be super stressful and can damage the relationship more
Something similar happens to me , but with my cousin . And truly you don’t get over it . But eventually you’ll be able to move on . Don’t ruin your life and mind over this one challenge that happend
Thus is above reddit pay grade stick to the advice of a therapist
I have never had this situation with my brother. However I really hate that his girlfriends steal him away from the family. I am always nice to them because honestly they're good chicks. It's not their fault. Plus I really want him to be happy.
The point is, the irritation happens in regular sibling relationships too. I hope that helps.
“Steal him away from family”. What does that even mean? Family isnt obligated to spend 24 7 with each other. Let each person live their own lifes geez xD
Sorry this happened but within the context of the story, I don’t think you should feel too badly about it, if you do. I don’t judge you
I don't think you should be too harsh on yourself. Ya'll were still kids.
You aren't in love with your brother.
seeing him giving that much attention to someone just pisses me off a lot.
Are you sure she isn’t in love with her brother?
I know you mentioned you have a therapist, but I was wondering if they’re trained/informed in the treatment of trauma? It’s easy to minimize our experiences as not traumatic, but both your description of your childhood and how you describe your feelings about this makes it seem like there could be some value in exploring trauma therapy.
This sort of thing happens shockingly often with twins and siblings who are very close in age. There's a connection that you guys have that nobody except other twins can quite understand. And in the throes of teenage hormones, it can turn sexual. I had a close friend who was an identical twin. She was otherwise completely heterosexual, but regularly fooled around with her twin. They'd go back and forth between loving and hating each other constantly, and have makeup sex after especially difficult times. Life is weird someti
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