I Often Drink Prostitute Piss

I Often Drink Prostitute Piss


I Often Drink Prostitute Piss
I switched to prostitutes in order to stop fapping. It is ruining my life.
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A porn addiction and compulsive sexual behavior recovery peer support forum. We host challenges ("reboots") in which participants ("Fapstronauts") abstain from pornography and masturbation for a period of time, generally between 7-30 days. Whether your goal is casual participation in a monthly challenge as a test of self-control, or whether excessive porn use has become a problem in your life, you will find a supportive community here.
I've seen this idea thrown about in this sub often: using prostitutes in lieu of fapping. Don't do it.
tl;dr I couldn't stop fapping. My sex drive is so high that I couldn't do a single day of noFap (I really, really tried. I would chart the hours between faps to see some progress). So I thought, maybe if I fuck a hooker once a week or so, I can stop fapping. It didn't occur to me that I might become addicted to hookers as well.
Like you all, I started fapping around age 12 or so, and at age 13 I started watching some really fucked up stuff. Now, 18 years later, I found myself watching "sissy hypno" and decided that I have to stop this addiction.
Now I wish I could go back to only fapping, but it's hard to get aroused enough to cum knowing that there's no chance of actually fucking who's on the screen.
Just like how we build a tolerance to porn and need freakier and freakier porn to get turned on, I find myself doing freakier things with hookers. It started with simple sex and bj's. I was never into BDSM or anything like that with them. The idea of giving a hooker oral sex was absolutely repulsive, now it's one of my milder activities. In no time I started needing bigger dopamine rushes and started giving them oral sex and analingus. I would spend hours searching for the right girl who was comfortable with facesitting. I don't even like to fuck them now.
Lately I've been asking to be dominated and treated as horribly as possible. That's crazy because I was never interested in being dominated, at all. But somehow, that's what I'm doing. I pay them to spit in my face, slap me, sit on my face and piss in my mouth, etc. Most of them are really sweet and can't even do it, but they try.
I have a great relationship to one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. Inside and out. I'm spending our savings and I can't stop. Every day, if I've seen a hooker that day, I completely convince myself that it's over. I'm done. The next day, I'm looking at hooker ads online. I look at hooker ads for hours every single day. I'm completely out of control.
I feel completely hopeless. I'm probably going to lose everything, including my future which was very bright before this. Now it takes up all of my time and I can't get anything done.
I just wanted to warn you guys not to go this route. It's like treating a caffeine addiction with cocaine.
If anyone can help me somehow, I'd be forever grateful, but I know that you probably can't, so at least I can show you what path to avoid.
Get help from a professional - that is the best advice that I can give.
And not that kind of professional. Sorry.
Thank you for your honesty. You need to cut that shit out by changing your routine.
Make yourself so busy that it's impossible to get a hooker. Once you break the routine you slowly rely on it less until it stops.
Fill it with what you love that isnt as destructive
For example i had a bad drink problem. I got over this by working extra and going to the gym as well as seeing friends who dont really drink.
I work 6 days a week Im In college 3 days a week Go to the gym 5 days a week Go to a ballet class twice a week Study 4 tines a week Then ill have a beer or two maybe once every two weeks
I went from drinking almost everyday excessively to enjoying it once in a while Just my opinion on what you can do but it worked for me
I appreciate that advice. The hard part is I work from home, on the same computer that gives me infinite access to porn and prostitutes.
I might start working at starbucks or something, but seeing women out in the world is also extremely triggering for me.
You need to speak to a medical doctor about this. You have an addiction that can be treated.
Sexual Misconduct a) Classification of Sexual Misconduct. There are three types of sexual misconduct: protected by the family, protected by the owner, and protected by the Dharma. The first one means sexual misconduct with one’s mother, sister, and so forth. The second one means sexual misconduct with someone owned by a husband or king, and so forth. The third one has five subcategories: even with one’s own wife, sexual misconduct refers to improper parts of the body, improper place, improper time, improper number, and improper behavior. Improper parts of body are the mouth and anus. Improper places are close to the spiritual master, monastery, or stupa, or in a gathering of people. Improper times are during a special retreat, when pregnant, while nursing a child, or when there is light. An improper number is more than five times. Improper behavior refers to beating or having intercourse with a male or hermaphrodite in the mouth or anus. b) Three Results of Sexual Misconduct. “Result of maturation of the act” means that the actor will be born as a hungry ghost. “Result similar to the cause” means that even if the actor is born in the human realm, he will become his enemy’s wife. “General result of the force” means that the actor will be born in a place with more dust than normal. c) Distinctive Act of Sexual Misconduct. Having intercourse with one’s mother, who is also an Arhat, is very heavy negative karma.
Answer these questions to yourself and I am sure it will help you.
Step 1: what kind of pain and displeasure is going for these hookers causing you? (Ex. Write down wasting money, sick or fetishes,less of bond with your wife or anything else you mentioned,)
Step 2: if you dont stop this addiction, hoockers and fapping, how will your life look in 5 years ( get specific and really imagine it, I assume though you would have lost your wife and be homeless at this rate)
Step 3: *** the most important step*** How do you want your life ideally to look in 5 -10 years? ( IMAGINE your ideal lifestyle and what you want. You need to dig deep for this pr it won't work, if you want an example of how specific it needs to be. Message me and I'll give you mine)
Step 4: read step 1 to 3 everyday. It will.make what actions you need to take and what actions you shouldn't take very clear.
Best of luck brother and I am here to help if you have any questions.
Why are you doing this if you have GF? You should tell her, because you are cheating on her - it is disgusting.
I agree. I'd never want to hurt her.
I am legit scared to become like you, the urges and the tentation are so high..
First of all, thank you for your warning and for being brave enough to write this.
If you really need to get rid of this addiction more than anything, there are a few extreme ways to do it.
Join you country's military, or just go on a hiking trip for 6 months or more. Go and help building houses in Africa. Live without access to that computer that triggers you.
I heard a few stories of people that completely changed their life after that. But I think this should be plan B.
What you need is a clear GOAL that you envision every single day ! This has to be powerful !
I think the 1sy step should be for you to read a ton of self help and development books.
Have u tried the 10 days of silent vipassana meditation?
No. When you say "the" are saying this is a common strategy? I do think meditation is key.
First fix the cheating part and tell that girl what you tell us. All your actions have a reason. Maybe she will understand this and be with you. You sound like you really into her. Ask her what she would do with you and then you are going to be mono with her. Best case: she will do every fantasy with you and you never think again of fucking another girl. You sound like this could come true. Worst case: she will leave you and then you hit finally the ground. Booth ways there are stronger reasons to quit the hookers than now . Sorry i can‘t say something better.
You gotta stop right now! Stop being a Bitch and keep your decision! We all have a choice, and you have to keep it!!
I know you're addicted but it's the same with any other drug, you can only stop it If you want to.
Get a good relationship and stop this matrialistc and weird bullshit!
My biggest motivation is being a dad in the future, and I want to teach my kids lessons I have learned, so they can do better. You can do better now, or actually you have too!!
You don't have to feel bad for the things you have done, but please stop it.
I totally agree. I grew up with drug addicted parents and couldn't figure out why they wouldn't just stop. Now I realize that there are two me's. The sane me wants to stop more than anything. But the insane me only cares about getting that dopamine hit and nothing else.
You might benefit from reading the White Book of Sexaholics Anonymous. It’s a fantastic read and chock-full of prescient insights. My guess is that it would resonate with you quite a bit. Additionally, I have benefitted greatly from the SA phone meetings.
God has used both the White Book and the phone meetings to liberate and rescue me from my addiction to lust.
Thanks man, I will definitely read that book. I would look into SA too, but it seems like believing in a higher power (God) is such an integral part of their solution. I don't have that belief and so I've stayed away. But I will check it out.
For the sake of your health and your gf, please stop. There is a high chance you have some sort of std especially from the face sitting.
Glad I found this. I had an idea that it would be a bad move being expensive and wanting more of it. It's mostly when I have spare time thoughts like this pop up. Right now I'm gonna force myself into exercise. Was gonna have a rest day but I guess I can't.

Lorenzo Jensen III ,
July 22nd 2016

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“Only ever saw a couple…both times they knocked I had been sitting up front smoking and watching Netflix so I had watched them go in and out of other trucks for a while, cum dripping down their legs. So if that isn’t enough to make you vomit and say no (and it was for me). they were old and toothless so not just no…Hell, no!”
“My friend once told me that he encountered the legendary chili pussy—a vagina covered in what can only be imagined as grease, warts, and some indescribable mix of unhealthiness. I wasn’t told whether or not he did or didn’t, all I know is he saw it.”
“My dad is a truck driver. One time he thought he locked the truck, but when he came back to his truck, the lot lizard was in his seat. When he said he wasn’t interested and he’s married and to get out of his truck, she said, ‘Well, fine then.’
Then she pissed herself in his driver’s seat, hopped out of the truck, and casually walked away.”
“I was about an hour South of Dallas at this non-chain stop with a Wendy’s, I’m walking back with my Dave’s double and fries and see this fairly attractive woman knock on a truck door. She goes in, 10 minutes later comes out with a bottle of Sprite. Knocks on the next door, 10-15 minutes later hops out of that one. Before she goes for her third, she squats down and douches with the Sprite.
This was at about 1 PM and I was driving midnight-noon. When my co-driver got back in I told him to lock the doors before I went to bed.
I had strange dreams that night. I’d seen the unicorn. The chupacabra. I’d seen an attractive lot lizard.”
“Not a truck driver, but I was walking out of a gas station and this guy walks up to me. He asks me if he got his girl to blow me would I give him 20 bucks for gas. I politely decline and walk away. He runs up to me and says he’d blow me for 10. Um, no thank you and I get in my car and drive away.”
“Used to work at a truck stop. I saw lots of aged women in mesh clothing. One in particular liked to educate me on douching and using BenGay on her asshole.
I was asked a few times to accompany truck drivers for a week for 1,000$—never accepted. I don’t want to be murdered.
I had to convince one (the BenGay lady) that she needed an ambulance. She asked for a chair and told me how a driver threw her out of his truck last week and her ankle was killing her. She showed it to me and it was hugely swollen and black and blue. She had a broken ankle. And showed me her fancy boot and crutches a few days after she was released from the hospital and was back at the lot.
We had one that was arrested for stealing air fresheners (the ones you hang over your mirror made out of cardboard).”
“I drove for a bit a few years back. While I was training, my trainer and I parked in this truck stop near Brownsville, TX that was notorious for lot lizards. One in particular was especially persistent. She kept knocking on the door every 30 minutes or so for a period of hours.
Now an important side note to this story is the fact that, owing to the nature of the job truckers can’t always stop to piss so they piss in Gatorade bottles.
So back to crazy lot lizard, after hours of telling this ugly, dirty, meth-spotted woman ‘no, I don’t need company’ my trainer opened the door to the truck and dumped a bottle of several-day-old piss on her head, ending the offers of her sexual services for the night.”
“Thee most nastiest lot lizard I ever seen and heard was this one that worked a truck stop in Laredo, TX. She was older than dirt, scabby and shabby, gets on the CB and asked, ‘Who wanted some booger?’ all the time, I forgot her name but her raspy voice I can hear it when I think about this.
God, she was the epitome of a hag, but truth be told she was actually pretty entertaining, but she made money, so I don’t know who’s worse, her or the drivers who rented that booger.”
“Not a truck driver but I travel across the country quite often with my pickup and a work trailer every few months.
My trailer needed a part welded in Big Spring, TX so I spent the night sleeping in my pickup and a woman that I assume was in her 50s and her 19-year-old daughter knocked on my window to wake me up.
They asked me if I was looking for a good time and then gave me some guilt-trip story about how they were stuck and needed gas money after I refused. I declined again and drove to the welding shop and parked there for the night.”
“I was at a rest stop near NYC and was filling out my paperwork when a guy approached. I assumed he was another driver and was asking for some tools or something. I rolled down the window and he asked if I needed any company. Cue the gear screeching noise. I said No, thanks. and he left.
Another time I was out at a Flying J in Dallas and it was 2ish in the afternoon and I was done for the day, so once again I was doing paperwork. I had a fairly pretty college age girl walk up to me and the first thing out of her mouth was ‘I’m not a lot lizard, I’ve got all my teeth.’ That made me chuckle, so I decided to talk to her. She was selling magazine subscriptions for the troops and wanted me to buy some. She said people usually buy 3 of them and they each would be like $200. I don’t normally carry 600+ in cash on me and anyway it sounded too much like a scam for me. I said no and she went on her way.
Worse story though was one night I saw a lizard get out of a driver’s truck and squat over a nasty puddle in the parking lot and wash out her twat with that water that had diesel fuel, oil, piss, and God only knows what else, and go on to the next truck. Never even considered using a lizard’s services after that, even as a joke.”
“Down at the El Paso truck stop, friend of mine and I having some beers on the picnic table. Little cute gal with a gold tooth is working the trucks. She hops up in one after a few, hops back down. Her friend walks up to her with a towel and bottle of Coke…she lifts up her little skirt and proceeds to ‘wash the deck down’ with shaking and spraying the Coke on her lady bits. My buddy and I sat slackjawed for a moment he looked at me and said, ‘That’s the nastiest thing I seen and I was in the Marines for 8 years.’ I’ll never forget that one.”
“Sitting in a truck stop in Dallas in the early afternoon when a cop car rolled by really slow. Several young ladies scattered like cockroaches. I look over and there’s a probably 200-pound-black woman in yellow spandex crouching behind a 4″-wide sapling. It didn’t take long for him to see this criminal mastermind.”
“For those that don’t know, there’s a huge truck stop on I-80 outside of Davenport, Iowa . It normally is pretty clean, and lot lizards weren’t something I saw much of there. In February of ’05, I rolled in there just ahead of a snowstorm that would be called a blizzard anywhere but the Great Plains. I HATE putting on chains, so I stopped early, got a personal pan pizza at the Pizza Hut, and settled in with movies and my iPod until morning.
About 3 AM, I was woken up by someone banging on the side of the truck. Since everyone from mechanics to DOT does this, you pretty much have to respond—you do not want to ignore a State Trooper. I went to the door, and it’s a lot lizard, wearing 6-inch heels, a mini-skirt about 8 inches long, a tube top about 4 inches wide, hoop earrings big enough to put a baseball through, and so much makeup it looks like she put on Lowe’s flat later #4.
She also looked about 13. And before the jokes, not in a ‘awwww yeaaaah’ kind of way—in an ‘I am a victim of trafficking’ kind of way.
‘It’s cold, can I get into your truck to warm up?’ is one of the oldest lines in the book, and I had roundly cursed a number of ladies who had tried to use this one on me before. But this one…I wasn’t sure she wasn’t 13. It could have been that scrawny heroin look, but something about her didn’t seem that hardened. So I told her she could get in, but only to warm up—she had to take a blanket, and she had to stay in the passenger seat.
After about 10 minutes, it was pretty clear she wasn’t 13, but she wasn’t much older, either. She was 16, her name was Molly, she had run away from home in Missouri (abusive stepfather, boyfriend in the Army, etc.), and knew someone who made $800/night doing this. It was her first night, and I was literally her first attempt at turning a trick—I thought that might be a line too at first, but as we kept talking, it became pretty clear she had no idea what she was doing.
After about two hours of talking, I got her to agree to go with me to the ministry in the truck stop. They had resources on combatting trafficking and were able to get hold of the right people from the state to help her get home.
I had to leave that morning (not my truck, not my load, not my call on staying put), but I asked her to email me if she got home. She did. She still sends me updates now and then.”
“Was a brand-new truck driver in 2009. Second run ever was from Louisville to Oakland. I team with my wife, and this company did mostly expedited freight (no stopping to sleep). Get delivery complete. Had no money for a GPS, so we’re Googling truck stops on our only phone at the time. This dump RIGHT IN Oakland pops up. We know nothing about California. Get parked. 60-something horribly-scantily-clad black lady approaches truck and knocks. I roll down the window. She asks if there’s anything she could do for me to earn some money to ‘feed her fetus.’ My wife is right over my shoulder, and in full view of this woman. After I chuckle, I respond that I have no money. Wife smacks me on the back of my head, saying, ‘You’re supposed to say you’re married.’
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