I Mom Com

I Mom Com


i nurture, i listen, i work, i play,
i coach, i cook, i shop, i pray,
i teach, i serve, i love....forever.
iMOM is the motherhood program of the non-profit organization Family First, which also has a fatherhood program called All Pro Dad. We exist to help you to love your family well.
Stuck in a rut or looking for a fresh take? Our printables are a click away!
Our articles are by moms of all ages who have been right where you are.
Every weekday we reach out with our iMOM Minute email to give you a boost and simple ways to love your family well.
Welcome! We are so glad you have found us—we are growing in numbers every day and that makes me want to do a happy dance!
You see, we really do exist for you. We want to help you grow as a mom and find joy in being a mom—no small task. Being a mom is not easy. I have five kids—girls, boys, biological, and adopted. No two of mine are even remotely the same. Parenting has been a rollercoaster ride for me. With every incline and drop in the ride, I am either thrilled or throwing up. Being a mom is the ride of your life and we want to ride with you. Thank you for visiting and being a part of iMOM!
That’s why I feel really blessed to be the iMOM manager. When you find an article that reminds you you’re not alone, or a printable that makes your day smoother, it makes me smile! When you comment that a story is just what you needed, my day is made! Our kids deserve the best version of us, and we deserve some grace for times we fall short of that. I know you’ll find both here.
Copyright © 2021. Family First, INC. All Rights Reserved.

How to? What’s the best way? What do the experts think? Parenting tips, answers, and ideas for every age and stage of your child’s life.
Fun for kids, family games, and old-school family fun to bring everyone together and create memories.
You have more to manage than ever before. We have mom life tips for family finances, work-life balance, and organizing your home.
Hundreds of marriage articles that offer you tips for a happy marriage, fun date night ideas and practical solutions for common problems that arise in marriage.
Cell phones can be great tools for safety and a convenient way to keep in touch, but they can also be a point of contention. Judging appropriate cell phone etiquette and behavior can be difficult, especially for younger teens. Before they make another call or send another text, use this Cell Phone Contract to help them understand the guidelines you expect them to follow. Be clear with them now so they can make wise decisions tomorrow.
Health in mind and body are important, but we have to nurture growth in our spirit too. That is often the first thing to get pushed aside when life as a busy mom gets to be too hectic. But the beautiful thing is, when our relationship with God is our top priority or #1 on […]
As moms, we rarely receive recognition or even get noticed for all that we do. We need to give ourselves some encouragement. Thanks to the Floral Habit Tracker not only is my discipline improving, but I feel better about my days. Download our Floral Habit Tracker and start tracking today!
Even though Valentine’s Day is meant for couples, kids absolutely love it! The sweet and silly cards, the conversation hearts, and the extra “I love you’s” all make Valentine’s Day special. {TWEET THIS}Of course, we can’t forget all the chocolate! Many of us came home from school with a brown bag full of cards from our classmates. But did you ever come home to a Valentine’s Day Scavenger Hunt? How awesome would that have been?
Send your little loves on a hunt for whatever prize you have in mind: a hug and kiss, a love note from you, or—if you’re feeling wild—more candy! We’ve done the work of creating cute clues. Just put them in the right spots and watch your little hunters run and squeal with excitement. We promise they’ll feel your love and give it right back.
Valentine’s Day is meant for you and your sweetheart, but moms know our kiddos crave some love and affection, too. They’ll exchange valentines with their classmates and load up on candy, but knowing the many reasons you love them will give them confidence and security that a box of conversation hearts never could. iMOM wants to help you make a unique Valentine message for your child.
Download this free printable and let them count the ways. Every day until Valentine’s Day, fill in a heart with something you think makes each child special. Then cut it out and attach it to the page. By February 14th, they’ll be bursting with love (these work on husbands, too)! If you’re starting a little late, no worries. There’s never a deadline on a mom’s love.
Sweeten your Valentine’s Day with laughter. Share these Valentine’s Day jokes with your children, and then record them trying to say the tongue twisters. When they listen to their attempts, you’ll hear lots of laughs, and see lots of smiles. Sweet indeed!
Need a little laughter while you’re baking the ham, dyeing eggs or snacking on jelly beans? iMOM’s Easter jokes for kids are the perfect way to get a dose of spring funnies. You probably didn’t know there were so many egg and rabbit jokes, but get ready! Your kids will love tickling your funny bone […]
Children love to hunt for Easter eggs. When I was a child, our grandparents put candy and money into Easter eggs and hid them all over their ten-acre property. There was nothing more exciting than hunting for those shiny, plastic Easter eggs with treasures inside.
In this egg-citing game, your kids can hunt for eggs over and over again without ever being at risk for a cavity from too much candy. And best of all, they will actually be hunting for the best treasure of all– the story of Easter.
Use this Memorial Day Crossword Puzzle to start a conversation with your children about the meaning of Memorial Day. Our Memorial Day Word Search and Memorial Day Quiz will help engage your children too. Have your kids try these Memorial Day activities!
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and that all kids have the right to tell silly jokes! Independence Day is all about parades, fireworks, and red, white, and blue. But it’s also about spending time with your family and celebrating with laughter and smiles. So here are some […]
What were the major events that led up to the signing of The Declaration of Independence? This trivia challenge will give you the answers – in a fun way! Print and cut out the cards for your players and keep the answers for yourself. Shuffle the cards and lay them out on a table. Have […]
Who knew that learning about the founding fathers could be so fun?! First, print out our seven founding fathers cards. Next, hide them around your house for a game of hide and seek with your children as the finders. When all of the cards are found, have your children read them. See? Not only will […]
School is about to start and if we can agree on anything, it’s that heading back to school means bring on the busy! It’s hard enough to get your crew settled into a new routine, but adding school stress, after-school activities, and meal prep is enough to rattle even the most organized moms. We want to set you up for success in a season that comes with such a full schedule, so we’ve gathered the best of our back to school resources in this printable bundle to help you thrive, even when you have a full schedule.
The best back to school printable all in one place! That’s what you’ll find in iMOM’s Back to School Printable Collection. Start printing today because we have everything you need to help your child have a great school year. What is your key to school year success?
I’m always fascinated to hear the stories of ultra-competitive preschool and grammar school admissions in New York City’s private schools. Parents jockey for a spot on a waiting list while pregnant, pay consultants to prepare their preschooler for the interview, pay untold amounts of tuition, and act as if getting into the right school is a matter of life or death.
Think you’ve heard every turkey joke? Think again! iMOM’s Thanksgiving Jokes for Kids printable has some funnies that will make even the hangriest pilgrim chuckle. Make copies of our free printable and let the kids, the big cousins, and even the weird uncle tell a joke or two. If you need the kids to stay […]
Great family memories are created around the dinner table on holidays and birthdays. Usually, those memories come with a lot of extra work on your part. Holiday Helper cards will give you the opportunity to teach your children how to serve the family. The cards will also ensure that you have time to enjoy the […]
Our holiday planner can make your life a whole lot easier during the holidays. It can also help you get organized and avoid the perils I’ve experienced because I didn’t use a holiday planner: an undercooked Thanksgiving turkey; last-minute gifts purchased at full price; and mommy meltdowns during special family holiday moments.
There is no shortage of laughter and smiles at Christmastime, that’s for sure. But there is also a lot of scurrying around to performances, parties, stores, and events. Sometimes, Christmas comes and goes and we realize we weren’t really present with our family. Instead, the month felt like a 31-day checklist (Don’t get us wrong—a […]
One of the sweetest parts of Christmas is slowing down and enjoying simple activities together as a family. If you’re looking for something to slow your family’s holiday pace while making special memories, we’ve got something that will hit the spot: classic Christmas tales. There’s something about sitting together under blankets or cozied up in […]
If you asked your child where they should go to find the true meaning of Christmas would they answer, “The mall”? Gift-giving was a noble part of the Christmas story, but there was a lot more to it. {Tweet This} The Story of Christmas tool will help you take your children on a journey to the heart of Christmas. The story has 7 parts and takes place in 7 locations. There are lots of ways you can use the story. We have listed some, but I encourage you, creative moms, to list your ideas in the comments below.
The smartphone era can be difficult to navigate as parents. It is especially hard when kids keep asking for something new. Well before your kids download the latest thing, you can give your kids the App Request Form below to fill out so you can review every requested app before use.
It can be the toughest (and most tiring!) thing for a mom to say—No, no, no! No, as in, No, you may not use your (insert name of screen device here). And even when you say no a million times, your kids can still come back to you again and again and again with the same kind of question, “Can I watch a movie? Can I use my iPad? Can I play Xbox?”
We hate to bust you on this mom (and we’re talking to ourselves here too), but there are 10 cell phone rules we need to abide by. It’s going to take some self-discipline and some changing of our habits, but the results will be worth it. You’ll enjoy your children more, you’ll feel less frantic, and you’ll sleep better! (If we get you two out of those three, that’s still pretty good, right?)
Health in mind and body are important, but we have to nurture growth in our spirit too. That is often the first thing to get pushed aside when life as a busy mom gets to be too hectic. But the beautiful thing is, when our relationship with God is our top priority or #1 on […]
As moms, we rarely receive recognition or even get noticed for all that we do. We need to give ourselves some encouragement. Thanks to the Floral Habit Tracker not only is my discipline improving, but I feel better about my days. Download our Floral Habit Tracker and start tracking today!
Add some structure to your day. Try out the Geometric Habit Tracker to improve your habits. Here are some habit tracker ideas to get you thinking! Write in a gratitude journal Water the plants Text someone just to say hello Cook at home Go to bed with a clean kitchen Hit my steps goal Read […]
Track your kid’s progress in all three areas (family manners, table manners, and social manners) with this fun chart! Use the manner reward chart to inspire your kids to become a master in manners.
Every family has good days and days where nothing seems to go right. When everyone (kids included) is on their best behavior, matters can improve. We have created this printable to help teach your kids the manners everyone in the family should follow everyday. Here are 10 Family Manners for kids. Use it with your […]
As a child, Corrie ten Boom never thought of her family as poor. Even though her family had very little she remembers her mother fixing many meals for families that were even less fortunate than hers. Corrie’s mom modeled and raised her with the character to put the interests of others above her own, as did her father. When the Nazi’s invaded the Netherlands Corrie and her family hid and housed Jews and Underground Dutch Resistance members in their house. When the ten Boom house was raided and the family arrested they still did not reveal the people they were hiding, who were eventually able to escape.
If there’s any season that calls for all the decorations, special songs, and themed everything, it’s Christmas! And iMOM’s free printable Christmas lunchbox notes are no exception. These merry additions to your kiddo’s lunch are even better than finding a jingle bell in their backpack. Their already jolly smiles will grow even bigger because this simple note tells your children that even in the midst of the holiday hustle and bustle, you stopped to think about them. 
It’s lunchtime! When your daughter sits down in front of her lunchbox in the cafeteria at school, what does she look forward to most? Maybe it’s the fruit snacks or the Cheez-Its or the pretzels. But there’s something you can add to her packed lunch that will be just as exciting for her as her […]
It’s lunchtime! When your son sits down in front of his lunchbox in the cafeteria at school, what does he look forward to most? Probably the fruit snacks. But there’s something you can add to his packed lunch that will be just as exciting for him as his favorite lunchtime side dish: lunchbox notes for […]
There is power in our words. Don’t lose an opportunity to share encouraging words with others just because you can’t find the right words. As you enjoy your From Me to You Journal, use these simple phrases to encourage your kids.
Kids love to be complimented—especially by their parents. The things you say to your kids carry a lot of weight. So print out these 99 compliments for kids, tape them somewhere only you can see them, and share a few with your children every day. 
I have been working on teaching my kids to clean their rooms for as long as I can remember. The other night my nine-year-old son was up in his room for a long time. When he finally came down, he told me he wanted to show me something. So we both went up to his room and it was spotless. I was amazed and expressed my amazement. Yet, he kept asking over and over again, “Do you think I did a good job on my room, Mom?” He wanted to hear the encouragement again and again. He needed it; so do all kids.
How much are you encouraging your kids? Use this printable for encouraging phrases that will help encourage your kids and enjoy watching them light up!
Grandparents bring wisdom, wit, and warmth into our children’s worlds—and our children can warm their hearts, too. Use this Grandparents Love List printable to help your children write what they love most about their grandparents. 
Moms, I want to encourage you to also create a bucket list with your son with their specific needs, wants and desires in mind. Fill your days together with plans, with dreams, and with adventure! Find things you both love and are passionate about, then chase recklessly after those dreams! To help get you started, here […]
Here is my mother-daughter bucket list. It’s a list with no age limit and no deadline. There are 52 ideas to give you inspiration for every week of the year, but personalize it to fit your own interests and your girls’ ages. Just remember: It’s not about how many items you cross off but rather […]
Mom, you are incredible, amazing, stupendous, super-duper… How ‘bout we just sum it up in one word: “WOW!” That’s actually the perfect word because “MOM” is “WOW” upside down! And some days, doesn’t it feel like we have to stand on our heads to make everything come together? 
Because we want you never to forget how amazing you are, we created these adorable free printable pages.
How can you help your children stop fussing, fighting and bickering with each other? Use iMOM’s Secret Pal Surprises. Let your child choose one and then follow through on the surprise for their brother or sister.
Family time can be fun time with our new family fun time cards! Print them out, put them in a bowl, and let your children draw a card to start the fun.
Looking for a fun family activity this New Year’s Eve? Try creating a time capsule with your children. {Tweet This} Time passes quickly on the journey of motherhood, but for little ones, a year is a very long time. A lot can happen in their young lives. So teach them to celebrate the milestones and blessings of the previous year. And help them reflect on how much they have learned and grown.
How to Create a Family New Year’s Time Capsule
For our signature iMOM calendar, it’s all about mom. Mom isn’t just a name. It’s more than the three-letter word your kids call out 20 times an hour. “Mom” is an action, and you have the dark circles under your eyes to prove it! You mom when you pack lunches. You mom when you sneak […]
Our 2021 Colorful Printable Calendar is a bright and vibrant way to stay on top of your schedule. Our days are long and full—of meetings and meal prep, drop-offs, and pickups. Sometimes, just keeping track of all our commitments is a challenge. To help, we’ve created a new calendar design.
The remaining 2019 months are available in the same design, if you’d like a back to school calendar, too. Brighten your busy days by using this calendar to plan ahead. Type all your to-dos and reminders before you print or print each month blank and fill it out by hand. For more calendars, see all our updated options for 2020 here. Choose one that suits you!
As moms, our days are long and full—of parent/teacher conferences, pediatrician appointments, and extracurricular activities. Sometimes, just keeping track of day-to-day tasks is a struggle. To help, we’ve created our newest calendar design: the Simple Calendar!
Mom, you are incredible, amazing, stupendous, super-duper… How ‘bout we just sum it up in one word: “WOW!” That’s actually the perfect word because “MOM” is “WOW” upside down! And some days, doesn’t it feel like we have to stand on our heads to make everything come toge
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