I M Struggling With My German Lessons

I M Struggling With My German Lessons


I M Struggling With My German Lessons

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I'm Struggling With My Online German Lessons. What Do I Do?: I'm Struggling With My Online German Lessons. What Do I Do?
There are times when you'll hit bumpy roads while taking online German classes and you wonder if your grades will improve. The first thing you should do is realize that mistakes will happen when learning German and after this you need to meet with your online German teacher to discuss problem areas and get assistance. It also helps to seek help from fellow classmates through the forums or email because they might help you in ways that the teacher cannot always do. Another thing you can do is read some online German language study guides from various university websites. Give yourself time to overcome your mistakes and practice writing and speaking as often as possible.: There are times when you'll hit bumpy roads while taking online German classes and you wonder if your grades will improve. The first thing you should do is realize that mistakes will happen when learning German and after this you need to meet with your online German teacher to discuss problem areas and get assistance. It also helps to seek help from fellow classmates through the forums or email because they might help you in ways that the teacher cannot always do. Another thing you can do is read some online German language study guides from various university websites. Give yourself time to overcome your mistakes and practice writing and speaking as often as possible.
Befriend A Native German Speaker If you have a neighbor, friend or coworker who is a native German speaker, establish a friendship with him but get to know him as a person before you discuss your intentions of allowing him to help you improve your written and spoken German skills. If he talks about the regional variations of German, learn them so that you won't be confused if the online instructor discusses it in class. Your friend may also have some German language magazines and phrasebooks on hand.: Befriend A Native German Speaker If you have a neighbor, friend or coworker who is a native German speaker, establish a friendship with him but get to know him as a person before you discuss your intentions of allowing him to help you improve your written and spoken German skills. If he talks about the regional variations of German, learn them so that you won't be confused if the online instructor discusses it in class. Your friend may also have some German language magazines and phrasebooks on hand.
Turn To Online Video Tutorials If you're struggling with certain concepts while taking German lessons online, it is a good idea to watch some online video tutorials from experts in the German language. When you watch the videos you can take notes and play back the sections you were confused about.: Turn To Online Video Tutorials If you're struggling with certain concepts while taking German lessons online, it is a good idea to watch some online video tutorials from experts in the German language. When you watch the videos you can take notes and play back the sections you were confused about.
Record Yourself While Pronouncing German Words Another way to improve your German skills is to record yourself as you're saying German words from the online lessons. When you hear yourself say the words you can get an idea of how successful you are with the pronunciations. You can even go beyond just recording the words and stating those words in sentences in German.: Record Yourself While Pronouncing German Words Another way to improve your German skills is to record yourself as you're saying German words from the online lessons. When you hear yourself say the words you can get an idea of how successful you are with the pronunciations. You can even go beyond just recording the words and stating those words in sentences in German.
Watch German Language Media Online Sometimes you can improve your skills by watching German media online through sources such as news broadcasts, soap operas, movies or kids' programming. Pay special attention to the way German verbs are conjugated and spoken and you should also look at how the sentences are structured on the programs you watch.: Watch German Language Media Online Sometimes you can improve your skills by watching German media online through sources such as news broadcasts, soap operas, movies or kids' programming. Pay special attention to the way German verbs are conjugated and spoken and you should also look at how the sentences are structured on the programs you watch.
Locate Some German Textbooks Aside from using the resources that your online instructor gave you, you can do better in the course by purchasing a few college or high school level German textbooks online to supplement your instruction. Get textbooks that have detailed lessons and plenty of examples as well as pictures. Go through one to two chapters a day and do the practice exercises at the end of the chapters.: Locate Some German Textbooks Aside from using the resources that your online instructor gave you, you can do better in the course by purchasing a few college or high school level German textbooks online to supplement your instruction. Get textbooks that have detailed lessons and plenty of examples as well as pictures. Go through one to two chapters a day and do the practice exercises at the end of the chapters.
Not all students learn at the same pace and you shouldn't feel bad if you are struggling to understand certain concepts. With the above mentioned strategies you can succeed if you're patient with yourself during the learning process. Finally, stay in touch with your instructor while working on your shortcomings.: Not all students learn at the same pace and you shouldn't feel bad if you are struggling to understand certain concepts. With the above mentioned strategies you can succeed if you're patient with yourself during the learning process. Finally, stay in touch with your instructor while working on your shortcomings.
German Online Institute offers Skype classes, online tutoring, German for travel courses and support to pass language certificates for all levels: A1-C2. We have offered Skype classes for several years. We make learning German easier – you can learn German skype. If you are looking for online German classes, using keyword German tutor online, visit: www.germanonlineinstitute.com.: German Online Institute offers Skype classes, online tutoring, German for travel courses and support to pass language certificates for all levels: A1-C2. We have offered Skype classes for several years. We make learning German easier – you can learn German skype . If you are looking for online German classes, using keyword German tutor online , visit: www.germanonlineinstitute.com.
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There are times when you'll hit bumpy roads while taking online German classes and you wonder if your grades will improve.

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I'm struggling with my German lessons and was wondering if you had any languagelearning tips. What's the best way to improve vocabulary? What do you find most difficult
when learning a language? Is it a good idea to visit the country to learn the language and why
(or why not)? Oh, and I forgot to tell you in my last letter - we picked some vegetables from our garden
finally ... Write a letter to Vicky. In your letter: -answer her questions; -ask 3 questions about her vegetable garden

        Thanks a lot for your letter. I should apologize for not writing earlier as I was really busy with my school.

        In your letter, you asked me about learning foreign language. Well, I think the best way to improve vocabulary is to watch films and read books in the language you learn. As for me, the most difficult is to learn the language grammar. I think that it is the best idea to visit the country to learn the language because you wil

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From bad to wurst: how my dream of speaking fluent German came unstuck
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Monica Dux is a writer, columnist and social commentator.
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If you follow this column, you’ll know I’m learning German. Given that I have no regular contact with anyone from Deutschland, this has had little impact on my day-to-day life, aside from the fact that I now greet friends with a hearty “Guten Tag!”, and casually refer to sausage as wurst. I do have to practice on someone, and it’s usually my family who bear the brunt of it; my husband in particular, enduring detailed descriptions of the irregular verbs I’m currently grappling with.
People usually choose French if they learn a language, and often ask why I’d bother with German, a question I sometimes ponder myself. German is not a sexy language. Consider the word “jewellery”. In French it is “bijoux”, which emerges silkily from the mouth. In German, it’s “Schmuck”. “She looked stunning last night, dripping in schmuck”, sounds less like a compliment and more like a line from a weird niche porno. Yet I’ve come to love this language, with its ridiculously long words, and absurdly complex grammatical cases.
I take my German language classes seriously. Credit: Robin Cowcher
I take my language classes seriously, so when I started, I decided that five years was enough time to become fluent. That would coincide with my 50th birthday, so I imagined myself travelling to Berlin for the celebrations, where I’d enjoy sophisticated conversation about art and avant-garde theatre, and would certainly not be restricted to asking stilted questions about the Speisekarte. I would read Goethe, laugh at German jokes and watch Das Boot without subtitles.
Happily, German language classes are divided into simple alphabetic levels of proficiency. A1 and A2 for beginners, B1 and B2 for intermediate, C1 and C2 for advanced speakers. When I received my B1 textbook, I read ahead, so I knew that in the final chapter, the authors heartily congratulate students for making it to the end of this difficult stage of language learning. So, the goal I set myself was to reach that point. To graduate to B2. And I made careful calculations to ensure that I got there on time for my birthday, factoring in work, holidays, and the possibility of even more bizarre grammatical rules being revealed.
During our regular Zoom class, I shared this ambition with my tutor. Instead of applauding my positively Germanic organisational approach, she looked confused.
“No”, she finally said, in German, but I’ll translate for you, since I am a solid intermediate. “You will still be in B1 when you finish this textbook. There’s another B1 textbook that comes after. It’s called Sicher.”
“Sicher?” I said. “Are you certain?”
“Ja”, she answered, “Sicher.” (For those who don’t sprechen, that’s an actual German joke, right there.)
Looking at my own face in the corner of my screen, I realised I was passing through the funf stages of grief. Live, on Zoom. Denial, anger, then on to bargaining. “Surely, I could reach B2 by then, if I work harder?” I pleaded. “What if I double my daily Duolingo hit? And turn off the subtitles when I’m watching Tatort ?”
My head was spinning. This other textbook had never been mentioned before. Suddenly, I felt suspicious of the whole program. Were my language classes like some pyramid scheme, hooking you in with the promise of a reward, only to reveal that there’s always another hurdle to jump, the finishing line moving ever further away?
“At this rate, maybe I’ll be proficient by 60,” I said sarcastically. My tutor mulled that over. “It’s always good to have a goal” she finally conceded. “And 60 is not so old.”
I told my husband about this devastating setback, but instead of sympathising, he asked me what I’d do if I did suddenly become truly fluent. Once the Berlin-birthday tour was over, where would it leave me? I was about to start lecturing him on Das Boot and Goethe, but it turned out that the question was rhetorical, because he answered it for me. Without my German lessons, I’d be bereft.
I don’t need German for work, and aside from a few weeks of holidaying, I’ll never spend much time there. But isn’t it the same for most of those mature-age, wannabe French speakers? Yes, their word for jewellery is prettier, but in the end, we’re all in the same U-boat. Struggling with an intriguing, n
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