I Love Whores

I Love Whores


I Love Whores
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Actress. Author. Freelance Journalist. Sex-Columnist.
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Actress. Author. Freelance Journalist. Sex-Columnist.
Many would feel shame identifying with the traits of a whore but I feel incredibly proud. I’m whorish down to my bones and I’ve felt this since I was a young teenage girl. It’s not just a physicality ― it’s a consistent mental, spiritual and emotional state.
Theorist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung coined the term ‘archetype’ in 1919. An archetype is a universal personality-style that individuals the world over can resonate with.
Some popular archetypes are: the mother the martyr the jester the devil the child and the victim.
Most people identify with one particular archetype but some identify with an array of archetypal behaviors.
Depending on what texts you choose to read. The whore archetype can be insanely positive or negative. I only perceive ‘the whore’ in a positive light.
I laugh at people's stupidity when they label women 'whores' as a put-down. Let's not get high and mighty. We're all whores. We're all selling ourselves in some capacity.
To me, the whore represents an open and non-judgmental sexual channel.
She is empowered. She is the queen of honest transactions. She is the goddess of counsel and nourishment.
I've always fully enjoyed pleasuring men (and women...but mostly men). It feels very natural to me.
Pleasuring men feeds me pleasure. When I'm not pleasuring men -- I'm either thinking about pleasuring men or writing about pleasuring men.
I like how their bodies feel on mine. I like the safety I feel when they are inside of me. I like watching them climax. I like being the warm place that they visit.
This realization and acceptance isn’t degrading or defeatist. It’s powerful!
Embracing my inner and outer whore-archetype on the world’s stage has it’s drawbacks but for the most part it causes me enlightenment. I feel that it’s important to be true to myself. There’s nothing shameful about loving to fuck. It’s the most natural act in the world and it makes one feel so unbelievably good.
My sexuality is a sacred place inside of me where I live and create ― it is the fabric from which I’m made. What an honor it is to gift pleasure. What a god-send to acknowledge my gifts.
Isn’t that what life is about? Giving to others? Sharing joy? Making myself happy? Perhaps we all contribute in different ways.
Vanessa de Largie is an actress, author, writer and sex-columnist based in Australia.
Actress. Author. Freelance Journalist. Sex-Columnist.

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Editor’s note: of course if you are unable to treat a partner well for any reason, you should abstain from being with that partner. For some men, a solution is to use sex workers who consent to sex work for money.
Cause prostitutes will always love you, even if you have a third arm growing from the side of your head.
Imagine if the opposite sex never approached you, and you always had to make the first move, and most of the time you got rejected, and you had to at least offer to pay for dates. That’s what most men go through!
Most guys probably would prefer a fairly decent-looking girlfriend with a fairly decent personality to a prostitute.
In the case of a one-night stand, a guy could easily spend more on drinks or whatever for her (with no guarantee of sex) than a prostitute would cost.
It is a huge social taboo but just keep it to yourself and move on. I personally don’t see any moral fault with it and to be frank, I find it more honest to go about it this way to get your rocks off rather than go pick up a woman and lead her on emotionally for sex. Somehow the latter is the social norm but I digress.
It’s actually nice since they want the money and therefore will be very friendly to you unless you are some drunk tourist shitbag. The difference to hooking up in a normal way is that you both know what the deal is and why you are here. No bullshit, straight talk.
Sex is great. They are fucking pros so letting them be on top is always fun.
Her being experienced (they have the technique, no painfully awkward moments) and enthusiastic (or her good acting) about it. My sample size could be a lucky one. Not everybody seems to have had positive experiences with prostitutes and escorts, but I would recommend it to every man who is getting regularly anxious or nervous when he didn’t get some strange for a longer time.
I always thought it would be really awkward. That I wouldn’t find it fun and it would be this forced experience with creepy undertones. Nope. I’m sure you can get stuck with some unstable or shady woman and it won’t be fun but the few times I’ve done it have been fun.
The main difference between that and just meeting someone is that you both know what the deal is and there’s no “courting” process. It is very clear this is a pay me, fuck you, have a nice day. Nobody is looking for anything serious (obviously) so nobody is deluded or getting tricked.
Sex with prostitutes is really not that different from a random bar pick up, but you are assured of a good time, and you don’t have to play any manipulative games. It is not a ‘real’ relationship, but it contains certain essentials and as long as you stay cool and stay safe, it can be a great way to explore your sexuality and build confidence.
If you have the money and the right attitude, there is nothing wrong with it. If you do it right, you will have access to beautiful, non-judgmental women who will hang out with you for the length of your booking and will make interesting small talk pausing only to screw your brains out.
If you do it wrong, you will have a couple of minutes of a blowjob followed by a few thrusts until you pop, with a jaded, disinterested woman. The difference between the two scenarios is largely your own attitude, and how much you are willing to pay.
I have been seeing prostitutes for around 4 years. I am single, professional, have had long-term relationships in the past, but am in a stage in my life where I value career and travel over settling down. I am basically a ‘sex-pat’ in that I live and work in parts of the world with language and cultural barriers, so I fell into a lifestyle of visiting prostitutes. I now have a confidence with women that I lacked before, and my primary goal with women I meet is friendship first and foremost, as I have enough sex to not be desperate for it.
But there are downsides. It is easy to lose it and go all Caligula, but you soon realise that unlimited sexual indulgence is a poor substitute for real friendships. It can get expensive.
You will probably find yourself unable to talk about the experiences that you are having. I have never told anybody in real life about my secret life, so have had to internalize a lot. I think that some people are psychologically cut out for this sort of thing. Because I have short circuited the courting part of dating, I have had as much sex as a couple would over four years, but it happens to be with 140 different women. This feels normal to me, but I know that it freaks a lot of people out.
On a whole, I would rate my experience as positive. It is great knowing that in any given city, I can find a certain type of woman who is up for a certain type of fun. On the other hand, I am starting to think more seriously about normal long term relationships again.
Had sex with a prostitute when I was in Amsterdam. I was 19, getting antsy about cashing in my v-card so I wanted to get it done. She could tell I was nervous and was really nice about the whole thing—She even did some stuff that would have cost extra. The sex sucked because it was my first time and I didn’t know what I was doing.
Although overall not a bad experience, I kind of wish I would have lost it to a girlfriend or someone I didn’t have to pay for it. It’s certainly not a story I’ve told a date.
I am 70 years old very fit and very active. My wife has been an invalid for 4 years and sex is no longer a proposition.
After two years I decided to visit a lovely lady and the experience was anything but seedy. I found her to be intelligent, articulate and of course fantastic fun.
I have been only with her for 18 months now on a regular basis, we have become the closest of friends and I must say I love her with a vengeance. We are I suggest having an emotional affair. She is a married lady with married children and comes from a good family.
Her husband knows what she does for work but has chosen to look the other way. The rest of her family and her social circle have no idea what she does. Of course, her husband has no idea of my relationship with his wife or even that I exist. I will never do anything to hurt her or her family and I am well aware that one day the relationship is likely to end. For my part, I have made a friend for life and I look forward – like a teenager – to seeing her and to our daily telephone conversations.I am proud to call her a friend and wish we had met years ago under different circumstances. I would love to be able to introduce her to my group of friends and to my family.
Financially, I will never expect to see her during her work time without contributing. When we meet outside of her work time there is no financial expectation.
I am writing this because I think it needs to be said. Yes, I am an adulterer I am cheating on my wife but I am very respectful, have found happiness with a delightful person and have no regrets.
If the wife does not want to play because she is “selfish,” what can a man do other than seek some relief. Most people against prostitution are women who cannot understand a man’s needs. A lot of wives want to check out of the sex department because they do not feel the need anymore and expect their husband to just jerk off once a week at the bathroom. Well, ladies, that is not how a husband became a man and stayed a man.
I have a unique situation. I am 40. My wife and I became teenage parents and immediately settled down with children. We’ve been together over 20 years and I dearly love her. Now that the kids are getting older I’m finding new curiosity and a desire to explore. I found a lovely lady, I guess you would call her a sex worker, that I have visited twice now. I go to her house and we cuddle and explore. It’s really more like we’re newly dating (although I know that without that $100 I wouldn’t be there). She works another job and seems to not have many guys she sees. I know how this sounds but it has been therapeutic for me. I don’t want to leave my wife, I just wanted to feel out my curiosity and sew my oats. I probably won’t continue seeing the other lady for long but somehow it’s fixing something within me. This is the type of thing “prostitution” could remedy within society should it become legal.
As a disabled guy, sex workers have been a blessing in helping me come out of my shell and gain confidence. I’m grateful for them and wish I could see them more often.
Sex with a prostitute is just sex. Sex with a non-prostitute tends to come with baggage. If all you want is sex, then it makes sense to not have to carry the baggage, great or small, that a non-prostitute entails.
NSA sex might be just that, no strings attached. But it rarely is. There is, at a minimum, a certain set of social obligations that comes along for the ride. Casual sex is fraught with strings, too. If I’m looking for sex, I am not looking to give or praise performance. I don’t want the mental debate over whether to call the next day nor fending off expectations shared by only one of the parties.
Men who see prostitutes for reasons other than just sex — and there are many — are looking for conversational partners who are non-judgmental. Even if the prostitute is lying for commercial purposes, she is not there assessing whether you’d be a fit father for her potential children or whether she wants to be seen with you in public
I’m a man of early 60s and I have been married twice before. After menopause, my last wife had no interest in sex at all. She even called me sick for suggesting it at my age saying those days are over and that I should grow up. Now I live alone and I never plan to marry again. Like many men of my
Like many men of my age, I’m a little fat. I have almost no hair on top but plenty above my ears. I guess you might say I’m on the ugly side of plain when it comes to looks but I do consider myself a clean well-groomed man, not that that is really relevant here. I am certainly not a distinguished looking 60 something.
I still have a sex drive and refuse to be someone who plays with themselves over porn pics online, so I use the services of local prostitutes, usually the same 2 ladies for the past year.
I don’t see anything wrong with it, but one local radio station brands men like me as sad sick individuals. I would guess that those that say these things use these services too because the most anti in anything in this life tend to be the ones that are closeted in whatever it is they are anti about.
It’s really difficult for me to find women who actually want to spend time with me let alone have sex with me. The major reason is because I’m in a wheelchair. I can’t imagine that’s a turn on for most women. For this reason, I hire prostitutes on a regular basis. I only started doing it 4 months ago. I didn’t want to get to my 27th birthday and still be a virgin so I hired a prostitute. I had thought about it a lot before but I chickened out every time. I’ve done it every two weeks since then. I would much prefer to have a wife/girlfriend but I don’t think it’s in the cards. I know it’s desperate and they probably look down at me like I’m some creep and it’s also kind of disrespectful or whatever but it makes me feel less unattractive and less alone.
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2 yrs ago @JennyMcCarthy was the FIRST TO BREAK MY STORY in the US. Friday, Jenny is the FIRST to discuss https://t.co/lRWOSF3KYt publicly! pic.twitter.com/RSazNmLOvM
— Gwyneth Montenegro (@ThisIsGwyneth) June 1, 2017
A former prostitute who has slept over 10,000 men has answered the golden questions that many women ask – including “what do men REALLY want from sex?”
Gwyneth Montenegro, 39, from Australia, spent 12 years in the industry and has now written a book revealing the surprising things that men will pay for.
In her book on “being financially successful in the sex industry,” she said “most gentlemen don’t always go for the kinky services.”
In fact, in the decade she was in the industry, the most important thing to her clients was “feeling of being needed and wanted. Wanted badly by a horny woman. It is their ultimate fantasy after all.”
She said that it is vital, therefore that whatever sex acts you are doing, “you make look like you want him bad and are enjoying him so much (even if you aren’t).”
Gwyneth said that many girls in the industry try to “outdo” other women with the acts or techniques they use, but this is to be avoided.
She said: “Don’t try and keep up with, or outdo anyone else, or this can backfire. You only want to work within your boundaries.
“They are regular everyday men who just want some fun, and they want to know that you are having fun too.”
One of the biggest questions that she found girls asking was whether or not a getting bigger boobs would be beneficial.
Thankfully the former prostitute revealed most men prefer the feel of real boobs and there is a market for every body type.
She wrote: “If you’ve got them, there’s a market. If you don’t, there’s a market too. I wouldn’t lose too much sleep over it.
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