I Love To Finger Myself

I Love To Finger Myself


I Love To Finger Myself


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Everyone likes having the option of having sex as opposed to masturbating, but it’s normal that everyone goes through some dry spells too. During those dry spells, you should be able to self-satisfy your needs. If you don’t know how to finger yourself and get yourself off, your partner will not know either.
What does it mean to finger yourself?
First things first if you’re a newbie, or if you’ve found your fingers wandering down there one lazy night, and you’re scared. Fingering yourself is normal, and it’s something anyone who wants to pleasure themselves would do. If you’ve ever run your fingers down there, and let it linger just a wee bit longer because it feels good, well, you’ve been fingering yourself!
It feels so good, but you don’t know whether you should go on or just stop. Will it get better? Should you go deeper? So many questions! But we have all the answers!
[Read: How to pleasure yourself and guide your fingers in the right way]
Why shouldn’t you? It’s great if you have someone to have sex with. But when the horny moment strikes, or even if you’re just exploring yourself down there, learning how to finger yourself is an art that has many benefits.
You can actually understand first hand what turns you on and arouses you, because each person is different. And what works for another girl may not work for you. And secondly, understanding your own “hot spots” and moves that feel great can help you guide anyone you get sexually intimate with, to satisfy you better. [Read: How do YOU masturbate? 13 different ways you can play with yourself]
If you follow the steps we’ve shared below, you should have no problems with learning how to finger yourself correctly, and in a way that won’t hurt you. But the easiest and simplest way to understand it is this, if it hurts you, you’re doing something wrong.
Fingering yourself just shouldn’t hurt at all. The longer you play with yourself, the better it should feel. And more smoother and easier too. Usually, if you do feel any kind of pain, it’s probably because your nails snicked the delicate regions down there. Take it slow, start with one finger, and work your way towards what feels best. [Read: How to make yourself really wet and get all lubed up]
And of course, follow these steps we’ve shared below.
The right fingering techniques – How to finger yourself and learn to experience orgasms by yourself
Whether you’re still a virgin or very experienced in the sack, it’s always fun to have some solo sex. But if you’re in a rut with nothing but your vibrator, don’t worry. Here are some tips on how to properly finger yourself. [Read: Dry humping and the virgin’s guide to orgasm]
# 1 Wash your hands . In the movies, the girl is usually on her bed texting and suddenly she gets an urge to masturbate. Okay, do you know how much bacteria is on a cell phone?
You’re in the moment, I get that. But quickly running to the bathroom to wash your hands isn’t a bad idea. It takes less than a minute. Your vagina is your holy temple, so just go the extra step in making sure you’re not allowing bad bacteria to go inside. Wash. Your. Hands.
#2 Hygiene, ladies . Aside from washing your hands, you want to make sure that your hygiene is kept up. Make sure your fingernails are clean as a lot of bacteria nestle underneath them.
In addition, also make sure your vagina is clean and fresh. You don’t want an infection. Besides, masturbating when you’re fresh just feels better. [Read: How to keep your pussy clean, neat and purr with delight]
#3 You don’t have to start at your vagina . When turning yourself on, you don’t have to all of a sudden make a bull’s eye to your vagina. You can actually start by rubbing and squeezing your breasts, sucking on your fingers and then start to rub or touch your vagina.
Women take longer to get turned on, and so you should take your time warming up your body. Enjoy exploring your body, because masturbation isn’t just about your vagina. Although that is where you finger yourself. [Read: How to masturbate – 15 self-pleasure tips for women]
#4 Find a safe place . Masturbating when your friend is in the next room may be a little risky, because they might walk in. You want to masturbate when you’re in a safe and relaxing space. Put on some music or your favorite movie – whatever turns you on. This is your time to pleasure yourself, so tailor it to your liking.
#5 Incorporate toys . If you’re trying to learn about your body, I wouldn’t recommend using toys right away. Take the time to figure out how to orgasm using your fingers, and once you’ve mastered that, then use toys during masturbation.
You can use vibrators or dildos. They’ll be able to stimulate you, and plus, it’s fun to mix things up a bit. [Read: Pillow humping 101 – Give that pillow a workout]
#6 Caress your clit . When you finger yourself, you’ll also want to focus on your clitoris. Take your fingers and move then up and down or side-to-side. Personally, I find up and down works better.
You can slip in another finger if you like, however, usually women stick to either one or two fingers. [Read: Female masturbation tips for guaranteed orgasmic bliss]
#7 Slide your fingers in . You can then slide either one or two fingers inside, either all the way in or partially. Bend your fingers a bit, they’ll rub against your wall creating more stimulation. It’ll feel great, and you’ll have a higher chance of hitting your g-spot. Try to find a rhythm with your fingers that further stimulates you.
#8 Find your g-spot . You’ll know when you found your g-spot, trust me. If you’re wondering where it is, the g-spot is 2 to 3 inches inside the vagina. It’s on the front wall and you’ll feel a rough patch – that’s the spot. The g-spot can give you a more intense orgasm – who wouldn’t want that? [Read: How to make yourself squirt just like a porn star]
#9 Stimulate your g-spot . When figuring out how to finger yourself, this is the best part. Once you’ve found your g-spot, play around with your speed and build up the friction – that will create an orgasm.
Some women describe the feeling as being flushed and hot. You won’t necessarily achieve an orgasm. However, the sensation is still amazing. [Read: Going solo – sexy benefits of masturbation]
#10 Slowly build up to an orgasm . You won’t be able to orgasm just with the snap of a finger. You’re going to need to build up to it. You need to turn yourself on, make yourself wet – you see, it’s a process. You can finger yourself rougher, however, if you think that masturbating for two minutes will do the trick, it won’t.
#11 Don’t change positions too much . This will take some time as you’ll need to figure out what position helps you achieve an orgasm when you finger yourself. If you’re close to orgasming, I recommend not moving into another position.
What happens is that you actually delay yourself from orgasming every time you move. Of course, if you don’t want to orgasm right away, well, then move. [Read: 5 goofproof moves to squirt like you’re peeing]
#12 Mix up the tempo . Masturbating doesn’t have a special formula when you finger yourself. Everyone is different, and your body’s reaction can be the opposite of how you thought it would react.
So, try out different speeds, roughness, positions – do not be shy. You need to know what works for your body. [Read: Female masturbation – 15 facts about the naughty secret]
#13 When you hit the big O . Once you’ve orgasmed, don’t pull out your fingers right away. Not only does it feel better when they’re left in there for a bit, but if you pull them out too fast it can feel uncomfortable and even cause you pain.
#14 Enjoy post-masturbation . If you’ve just masturbated, don’t rush to go grocery shopping after. Take some time to just chill out and reflect on how you just fingered yourself. A quickie is always fun, but you don’t have to rush this time.
[Read: Questions about female sexuality finally answered!]
You don’t have to try fingering your anus right away, but while you’re masturbating, slip one finger into your anus and slide it in and out. It’ll feel great and also makes you even hornier.
Just a word of caution if you do want to try this. Make sure you’ve cleaned yourself beforehand. And secondly, don’t slip the same finger back into your vagina again, to prevent any kind of infection down there.
As a beginner, or even as someone who’s tried this before, learning how to finger yourself can seem pretty intimidating. You’re nervous, it all sounds so scary and weird. But just trust yourself and focus on your pleasure. If it feels good, it’s probably the right way for you!
[Read: How to make your vagina smell good and taste even better]
Take the night off, put some music on, lay on your bed and just take some time in exploring how to finger yourself. Masturbation is so fun and also pretty educational. Who would have thought?
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Tips on Reaching Orgasms by Yourself
Things to Remember Before Getting Yourself Excited

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Nowadays, being able to bring about self love is celebrated widely. Even in matters concerning sexual gratification and orientation, being able to become satisfied by your own means is considered a great attribute. Knowing this, you might have already asked, "how to finger myself?”
The female genital tract is embedded with a rich nervous supply which makes it a very erogenous area. Stimulation of your lady parts, including the structures surrounding them, can be very satisfying and can keep you thinking about it for long after.
Before we start giving you the basics of how to finger yourself, let us first discuss the different parts involved in pleasuring yourself.
First off, you have your female genital organs important for setting off a sexual response. The vagina is the canal adjacent to your anus and is the site where penile or finger penetration happens. When you are sexually excited, the vagina secretes a naturally occurring fluid that can help in lubricating the penetrating object and in maintaining a pleasurable experience.
The clitoris is a small structure located at the lower border of your pubic bone and is somewhat hidden by the skin and mucosal folds in your genitalia. This is the primary stimulatory area for females and is the equivalent of the head of the penis for males. You also have your G-spot, an area colloquially known as the area found on the front wall of the vagina where intense excitation can be elicited when stimulated.
Here are ways on how to properly finger yourself to derive pleasure:
A lot of women say that this area of the vagina is very sensitive to tactile stimulation and can give you orgasms. Upon inserting your finger in your vagina, try to reach at the front walls and locate an area that is distinctly ridged. Some would even liken this area to the surface of a wet raspberry. Once you've reached it, stimulate it while customizing the amount of pressure you apply while you are at it.
For some women, the G-spot may not be as accessible as you may think. However, this does not mean that you will have to be denied from the orgasm that you deserve! This can be achieved by pressing the area of your abdomen just above the pubic bone while your inserted finger is locating the G-spot in the vagina. Pressure pressing facilitates in bringing the G-spot towards your inserted finger, making it more accessible and of course, open to stimulation.
Stimulating the G-spot may not be every woman's cup of tea. If you are one of those who prefer a more non-traditional way of achieving pleasure, you can stimulate the back structures of the genital area. You can either look for intense erogenous zones at the posterior wall of the vagina or insert your finger through your anus and do the stimulation from there. You can even do both using fingers from both hands.
One of the basics of how to finger yourself includes stimulation of your clitoris. As mentioned, this is the primary erogenous area in the female genital tract. You can even do this while making use of other techniques in eliciting an orgasm.
Successfully deriving an orgasm from fingering involves many other factors. You have to take into consideration the environment and the context that will be present while you finger yourself.
Ensuring a private area to do your business is essential. Since there is a lot of mind work and concentration involved in giving yourself pleasure, it usually helps if you are not distracted and anxious about any unwanted presences in the vicinity. Actions as simple as locking your doors and closing the windows can be a good start. Others would even achieve successful orgasms while being in the shower due to the fact that their pleasure activities are concealed by a regular daily hygiene routine.
Although very erogenous, your genital area deserves the same amount of care as your other parts. It is also vulnerable to erosions and infections that can impair its use and cause complications if left untreated. With this in mind, making sure that you wash your hands before and after doing the deed can help in preventing problems and in keeping your lady parts sexy and healthy.
Achieving orgasms by yourself can be a bit tricky - especially if you are still new to the idea. However, be assured with the fact that the best way to successfully satisfy yourself is to explore your body with your own hands. With the help of some online resources, you can surely get answers on how to properly finger yourself.
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Is it weird for a guy to finger himself?
Son. Husband. Father. In that order... ( 1970 – present ) · Author has 139 answers and 131.3K answer views · 4 y ·
How does it feel for a boy to finger himself?
How does it feel for a boy to finger himself?
How does it feel for a boy to finger himself?
Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again.
Weird, nah. Just don’t do it on the subway and you should be fine.

My boyfriend tells me to finger myself, but I don't want to do it. What should I do?
Writer, Inventor, Unarmed Use-of-Force Expert ( 1984 – present ) · Author has 7.8K answers and 15.6M answer views · Updated 2 y ·
What do I do? My bf finishes before me then offers to finish me off with his fingers, but I say no because I don’t want his fingers, I want his penis. Or should I settle for the fingering instead of not finishing at all?
I went on a date, with this guy I met online. He fingered me on the very first date. Is this normal?
I have a really small hole. So when I finger myself it hurts a little bit. But when my boyfriend does it, it hurts like hell. Why is this?
My boyfriend wants to finger me in the cinema, what should I do?
When my boyfriend fingers me, does it mean he loves me?
What do I do? My bf finishes before me then offers to finish me off with his fingers, but I say no because I don’t want his fingers, I want his penis. Or should I settle for the fingering instead of not finishing at all?
I went on a date, with this guy I met online. He fingered me on the very first date. Is this normal?
I have a really small hole. So when I finger myself it hurts a little bit. But when my boyfriend does it, it hurts like hell. Why is this?
My boyfriend wants to finger me in the cinema, what should I do?
When my boyfriend fingers me, does it mean he loves me?
Is it bad that my boyfriend of 3 months fingered me? I’m 17 and he is 19.
Why does it hurt when a guy puts his fingers inside of me?
How can I tell if he liked what he felt when he put his finger inside of me?
Is it okay to let my boyfriend finger me?
What does it mean when a guy tells you “I will finger you”?
I can finger myself, but when someone else does it, it hurts, why?
He likes to finger me and he said just wants to make me feel good, but does he really love me?
What do I do? My bf finishes before me then offers to finish me off with his fingers, but I say no because I don’t want his fingers, I want his penis. Or should I settle for the fingering instead of not finishing at all?
I went on a date, with this guy I met online. He fingered me on the very first date. Is this normal?
I have a really small hole. So when I finger myself it hurts a little bit. But when my boyfriend does it, it hurts like hell. Why is this?
My boyfriend wants to finger me in the cinema, what should I do?
When my boyfriend fingers me, does it mean he loves me?
Is it bad that my boyfriend of 3 months fingered me? I’m 17 and he is 19.
Why does it hurt when a guy puts his fingers inside of me?
How can I tell if he liked what he felt when he put his finger inside of me?
Is it okay to let my boyfriend finger me?
What does it mean when a guy tells you “I will finger you”?
Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again.
Tell him to spread his legs and finger himself, first.
I'm at a drag show in a bar in the French Quarter about 10 or 12 years ago. There's a guy heckling the show girls and making a complete ass out of himself. The bouncer, a guy in semi drag, asks him to leave as I'm walking up the steps to split myself and the two of them are following behind me on the way upstairs to the lobby.
We get to lobby and the guy is bending over the railing screaming something down the steps and ignoring the bouncer who wants him out of there.
As he's leaning over the railing, the bouncer snatches him by
Tell him to spread his legs and finger himself, first.
I'm at a drag show in a bar in the French Quarter about 10 or 12 years ago. There's a guy heckling the show girls and making a complete ass out of himself. The bouncer, a guy in semi drag, asks him to leave as I'm walking up the steps to split myself and the two of them are following behind me on the way upstairs to the lobby.
We get to lobby and the guy is bending over the railing screaming something down the steps and ignoring the bouncer who wants him out of there.
As he's leaning over the railing, the bouncer snatches him by the waistband of his sweats with his left hand, pulls his pants down and simultaneously SLAMS his right middle finger up the guys asshole in one smooth movement. It was a thing of beauty.
The guy yelped with a horrified look on his face and couldn't get out the fucking door fast enough.
Never do any sexual acts you don’t want to do, and don’t let anyone pressure you into them. Explain to your boyfriend that fingering isn’t something you’re interested in doing. He should understand and not pressure you to. If he does pressure you, don’t stay with him. You deserve a partner who respects your boundaries.

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