I Love Teen

I Love Teen


TEEN Mom’s Maci Bookout and Taylor McKinney have proven to have a very strong bond since they first started dating in 2012.
Their love story includes everything from living 800 miles apart during the first year and a half of their relationship to raising three kids together.
According to real estate sites, the property is a “serene country setting that offers just the right amount of privacy while still being convenient to town.
“This country retreat offers plenty of wildlife and lots of privacy.”
One website urges buyers to “build their dream home” on the land. 
Maci and Taylor currently live in a 4-bedroom, 4-bathroom Tennessee mansion, which is only minutes away from the land, with their children Bentley, 12, Jayde, 6, and Maverick, 5.
In addition to earning an income through Teen Mom OG, Maci and her husband own clothing company TTM Lifestyle. 
Maci and Taylor first met in 2012 when they both attended a motocross match.
At the time, Maci had been dating Kyle Regal and was at the match to support him, but she and Taylor struck up a friendship.
Once Macy and Kyle's relationship had ended, Taylor made his move and the two began to date - however, it was a long-distance relationship at first.
Maci lived in Tennessee while Taylor was in Texas.
They met up every other week in different cities when Taylor was competing.
During a Teen Mom OG special called Maci & Taylor: A Love Story, they recalled the moment they first met.
"I thought he was wild," Maci said while Taylor revealed he was "really drawn to Maci's confidence." 
As to when he knew she was the one, he said: "You spend a lot of time on airplanes by yourself. It got harder and harder to leave each time."
After two years of dating long-distance, Taylor left his family and friends behind to move in with Maci in Tennessee.
On season five of Teen Mom OG, Taylor uprooted his life in July and the two moved into their new home, which they lovingly dubbed "The Love Shack."
From the very beginning, Taylor stepped up to be a father figure for Bentley, whom Maci shares with ex Ryan Edwards.
At the time, Bentley - who was just five - was skeptical of Taylor, but quickly warmed up to him after Taylor did everything he could to "exist in Bentley's world."
Just a few months after moving in together, Maci revealed she was pregnant with their first child.
This was Maci's second, who they named Jayde Carter.
The Teen Mom OG star sat with Taylor as they told Bentley in front of the cameras.
As Maci read him a note his new baby sister had allegedly attached to a couple of gifts, she said: "Just wanted to tell you, your mom is having another.
"I hope you're ready to be my big brother."
Jayde was set to be born in June, but actually arrived on May 29, 2015, as Maci revealed on Twitter at the time: "Jayde made her grand entrance at 1:59 pm today.
"She weighed 7lbs 15oz at birth. She is beautiful and as healthy as can be!"
While Maci was pregnant, the couple took the steps to purchase their first home to fit their growing family.
During an episode of Teen Mom OG, Maci and Taylor visited a property that they immediately fell in love with, and on the same night, they signed the papers to buy it.
Following the birth of their daughter, Taylor bought a tee-shirt online store and the two became business owners.
In January 2016, with the help of producers, Taylor popped the question to Maci after they revealed they did not want to get married simply because they had a child together.
After telling her that they would go down to the beach for a photoshoot (which she didn't know was fake), he dropped to one knee in front of the Teen Mom OG cameras.
The two then turned the moment into an engagement shoot, which Maci shared on Instagram.
"Well y'all, my best friend asked me to marry him! I'm one lucky lady, I love you T!," she announced on January 19, 2016.
Just one month after popping the question, Maci found out she was pregnant again.
On Valentine's Day, Maci shared on Instagram: "Baby boy coming soon!"
At the time on the show, Maci had noticed she had gained some weight and wanted to enroll in a gym before Taylor asked her if it was possible she was pregnant.
"You know, I took a pregnancy test when I was 16 and I didn't cry then," she told her husband-to-be.
"But if this one says positive, I will cry."
The two also questioned just how far along Maci was because she had started showing by the time they found out.
Maci gave birth on May 31, 2016 to their second child, a boy called Maverick Reed.
In October 2016, Maci and Taylor got married in front of friends, family, and the cameras of MTV.
The two traveled to Florida for the beautiful ceremony as Bentley stood by Taylor at the altar.
Maci's first baby daddy, Ryan and his wife Mackenzie, were also present during the ceremony despite their clear issues.
The couple has been married for the last five years and is still going strong.
In 2017, during an episode of Teen Mom OG, Maci revealed they had miscarried their third child together - a girl they had called Dandelion.
When discussing wanting more children during their anniversary, Taylor got very upset when she brought up that there was a possibility she could miscarry again due to her PCOS diagnosis.
They ended up seeking counseling as they struggled to get past it.
In June 2017, Maci told a friend: "All of the little things build up because neither of us ever communicate them.
"Then all of a sudden we're mad and we don't even know why we're mad."
As they faced the possibility that they could not get pregnant again without the risk of miscarrying, the couple discussed adoption.
During the same episode where Taylor walked out following talk of the miscarriage, Maci told him that even if they had another child together she would still want to adopt.
They even began talking to adopting agencies to see how they could get on the list.
Back in 2018, Maci said in an interview: "Taylor and I both always wanted to adopt. Now it's just a matter of timing, and really accepting the process."
They also said they would want their two kids together to be a bit older and that the child they adopt has to be over the age of four.
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'People expect you to have sex at 16. You don't want to be abnormal'
Three teenagers open their hearts about love and sex
A scene from the teen TV drama Skins. Photograph: Channel 4
I don't have a girlfriend. For the moment, it's more about what you do at parties. If you get with a girl at a party, then that gives you more man points, more ego points.
You want people to know what you have done at the weekend – if you've met a girl, if you've kissed – but you want them to know without showing off. With all the communications people use, they will probably find out what you have done without you even having to tell them. For teenage boys, it's all about what girls look like: if I was to kiss a girl who had got a good reputation, someone who does not get around, that would be more highly regarded.
The longest I've been with a girlfriend is two months. I was younger then – it was a year ago. I'd meet her at a park after school, once or twice a week: I wouldn't have said it was love, because we got bored after five or six weeks. I didn't sleep with her – it would probably have to be with someone I actually really like.
I haven't been in love. I think when you are in love, there is a certain feeling that you are not bored seeing someone. I think at our age, people get bored very easily – I don't really want a girlfriend at the moment. Having a girlfriend is more about commitment, and I don't think commitment is widely regarded as a cool thing. Making out with girls at parties is much more what people – boys – aspire to. I don't think it's the same for girls.
In my year group, of my friends who are boys, I'd say about 40% or 50% have had sex. If you get with someone, it means you kissed them, or made out with them – not that you slept with them. Most of the girls I meet are on Facebook, so I wouldn't take her number. I'd find her on Facebook, add her as a friend and contact her like that.
I first started using internet porn a couple of years ago. I'd never buy a porn mag – why would you? It's all free on the computer. It's possible that my parents know I look at it on the computer at home, the one I share with my younger sister. I think they might not want me to look at it, but I'm not sure – we haven't talked about it. They're quite shy about that kind of thing.
When I was 10 and my sister was 11, my mum showed us how to use a condom: she demonstrated using a banana. My parents always wanted to make sure I knew everything I needed to know. They were very open. I remember it being slightly embarrassing, but I'm glad she did it. She wanted to get to us before we refused to listen. It was nice learning slowly – so I didn't panic when I got my first period or started thinking about sex. Last year, a friend of mine didn't know how, so I showed her on a banana.
I've been going out with someone for the past year and eight months – that's a long relationship. I've known him since I was eight and we've been friends for years. He asked me out when I was 16. We'd been on holiday together, and realised that we got on really well.
I had sex for the first time when I was 16. We had been going out for two months and 12 days. I remember it pretty clearly: it was a weird experience, the first time. We'd talked about it first, so I felt I was ready; I felt really comfortable with him. In some ways it was a big deal, in other ways it was not like it changed everything. It was more fun than serious.
I told my friends at school straight away. But people expect you to have sex at 16. I have one friend who has been with someone for a year and not done more than kissed, and people think that's a bit strange. I think most want to get it out of the way when they are 16: you don't want to be abnormal. For guys it matters more – they have to have done it. For girls there is not the same pressure. But on the other hand, people do lie. A lot of people think everyone is having sex and it's not true.
I told my Mum a few months afterwards, when I wanted to go on holiday with my boyfriend. She asked me if I'd had sex with him. She was cool about it, but said she hoped I was using contraceptives. I was like, "Shut up, Mum."
My friends have been panicked a lot about being pregnant. Most are on the pill and they completely freak out if they've forgotten to take it; then they have to buy pregnancy tests. A couple of girls in my sister's year have had children, but none of my friends have.
I know if I had a baby now, it would stop me getting any qualifications and my partner would stop studying and have to go into full-time work. It would stop both of our lives from happening properly. I wouldn't want to have a child at this age. I'd want to wait until I was in my 20s.
I don't want the relationship to end, but if it did, it wouldn't be the end of the world. There are a lot of guys out there. We are still quite young.
I've been going out with my boyfriend for seven months. It's hard to tell if it's love, but I do tell him I love him and he says "I love you" back. I feel different about him from the other boys I've been out with; I see more of a future with him. I think you grow into love. We have similar interests, goals and aims. We are both Christians and like classical music.
He's the third boyfriend I've had and the most serious. I first had a boyfriend when I was 13; we were together for nine or 10 months. I kissed him, but that wasn't very important. It was more about having a buddy at school. We didn't see each other much outside school: he wasn't taking things that seriously and he was annoying me, so I ended it.
I liked it when I began to realise guys found me attractive in that kind of way. That gave me a new kind of confidence. My friends were very impressed. His friends gave him quite a hard time for going out with me, because I wasn't like a lot of the other girls: I wasn't interested in looking super-feminine, like a Wag. In the end I was quite hurt by him. He started going out with someone new two weeks after we split up.
My parents did ask me once if I wanted to talk about sex. I said no. My family takes religion seriously: I think my parents' expectation would be that I wouldn't sleep with a boyfriend before marriage. That was part of the reason why I felt so awful when I did sleep with my boyfriend earlier this year. I told him we shouldn't do it again. I hadn't wanted to sleep with anyone until we were married.
I would call myself a feminist and a progressive, but I feel strongly about this area. I've been brought up to believe that having sex is sacred. I don't know if my parents would feel disappointed; my worry is they might look at my boyfriend differently, like the person who had defiled their daughter – although they wouldn't talk like that. When he stays over, he stays on the sofa downstairs.
The first time it happened, there was a bit of a rush for a morning-after pill. I was staying at his house; his parents are not the kind of people who would bat an eyelid at us sleeping in the same bed. I wasn't expecting it to happen, so we were not prepared. It was surreal. In some ways it was funny, and I was laughing, but I felt pretty horrible about it afterwards. I think for guys it is not the same, but he did feel bad for me. I don't think people will think less of me because of it, but I do wonder.
There have been a couple of slip-ups since then. Our position is that, for the moment, sex should not be part of our relationship, but it has happened occasionally. I did enjoy it subsequent times. There is an extra burden because of my religion but it is my decision. I don't resent it really.
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