I Let My Dog Lick My Penis

I Let My Dog Lick My Penis


I Let My Dog Lick My Penis
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H as anyone let their dog lick their penis?

#BMW #CAR #M3 #Turbo #V8 #6cylinder

by Anonymous 3 hours ago



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h e licks it all the time i am kind of jealous i wish i could lick my penis to
I have let my dog lick my pussy until i orgasm....never had sex with a dog tho.....their cold noses on my hot pussy....try it..
Y es, many many people have. I am not one of them.
y es i have like when dogs open there mouth with there tounge out i stuck my penis inside of his mouth it feels so good
M y dog licks his penis any time he want to. How can I stop him, it's his penis.
y es i have let a dog lick my penis! its very hot, it loves to lick and lick, and even after i cum it licks all the cum up and still likes to lick my dick!!! very nice.
I have watched our dog lick my husband’s penis to orgasm. I was surprised how quick he orgasmed that way.
W hen I was a teenager, my dog wanted to lick my cock all the time. I let him couple of time, but I never came.
Y es i have, and it is great. after i cum, it keeps licking and licks my cum as though it is the most delightful thing ever.
Y es I have done it several times with both males and females. Females seem to be the best but either one will lick you no problem!

I turn mine into love making sessions with them by getting them to lick me all over, not just my dick. If they don't seem eager to lick, give them some pudding or margarine and they will start up no problem. Just apply it on your chest, stomach, legs, balls than your dick. Once they start on your dick, they will drive you wild!

Another thing I found, and this was only one female that would do it, I put a bit of pudding on the tip of my tongue and she licked it off and swirled her tongue around inside my mouth, french kissing with me. I almost came right than and there!
I couldn't tell you how any times i have had my dog lick my unit. And, since i have two dogs, they both enjoy it so much, i have one on my balls and one licking my cock at the same time! twice the pleasure!
Y es, I have.

Oooh, mama mama, it feels so good... The climax is like the big bang of love heart, oooh, I move so fast, but then he begins to milk my cock like I'm his mother, but he does it in a non-biting way, so he knows its sexual pleasure, and my cock feels much more than a mother's tit does, too!

I also milk and lick his penis.

I am a zoosexual; I even have sex with my animals.
Providing they do truly consent; that's why they always initiate, and not me.
I love them with romance too, of course!

I hope my input helps.
Y eah, I let a dog lick my dick.

Then he tried to lick my pussy... That's when he crossed the line.
y es i have but soon after i am done i take a shower and wash my dick good
I let my dog lick my cock all the time. Just lay back and call her over and start masterbating. She starts off by licking my balls and anus than i start to lick my hand and apply it to my cock and she goes nutts over it. She cralls up and pins my cock between her arms and licks the bottom of my cock non stop. When she starts to slow down just apply more saliva and she'll continue licking it all up. She knows when i'm about to cum because i lay back and scratch her head and that's when she kicks into overdrive and finishes me off. I <3 her. :D

S ounds like my dog lol. She gets excited when I undress and runs right over . She licks my balls and ass while I stroke it and she knows when my dick is about to erupt lol
m y ex bf used to let his dog lick. lucky for them both.
I actually have done it with both male and female dogs... Letting a dog fuck you in the ass however is kinda gay and I wouldent bother trying... I have however tryed to fuck my female dog but shes too small so it pretty much stays to her licking my cock and asshole. Its very arousing... I absolutely loved letting my dogs lick me but It never makes me cum alone... I usually end up jerkin it while they lick my balls... Thats the absolute best...
I have let my dog lick mine many times. It started as an accident she just started but then it felt so good i let her finish me and i just got so used to the slightly rough tongue and i just let her everyday now. It feels so good

I had a small dog that slept with me, one night she she started licking me and it felt really good, after that she would wake me up at night, sometimes two or three times with her nose inside my shorts and start licking me until I would cum, then she would lick all the cum off. Thenn sometimes she would move over to my girlfriend and wake her up by licking her pussy, at first my girl friend didn't like it, but she also got to where she would sleep with out panties to make it easier for her to kick. Wish I still had her, it felt great.
y es i have but it was my girlfriends dog but when it was licking my girlfriend was rubbing untill i cummed it was greate
h ow can i get my dog to lick my penis/suck if he can?
I did when I was much younger...it was very pleasurable...I got saved a few years later and I know I know that this kind of behavior is not pleasing to the Lord...there are more important things in life than trying to see how much pleasure we can get. I don't judge people who do have activity with their pets...but I don't think the guilt is worth it...
I want to have sex with a girl and her dog. It's hard to find girls like that though.

S o now beastiality is Ok what next Child molestation. This is one of the sickest question I have ever heard.
M y dog likes to lick my penis. We don’t do any thing else and I don’t put any food or any flavor on it . When I get changed she just comes on over and helps her self so I don’t stop her. Feels really good and she does it all on her own .
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You should know: The answer above provides general health information that is not intended to replace medical advice or treatment recommendations from a qualified health care professional.
i'm 21 yr old male
i'm scare because yesterday dog lick my
penis is it normal?
causing any disease pls tell me possibility of disease like HIV, sextiual disease.
(pls tell me possibility)
i heard dog saliva is dangerous any possibility it goes in body by penis holes
-dramu(waiting your reply sir)
You're wondering if it's normal for your dog to lick your penis? Well, that depends. Is your dog gay? Usually dogs like to lick their own penises (lucky dogs), but there really is no harm done if a pooch tongues your tallywhacker. I wouldn't encourage the behavior, but you don't have to worry about contracting HIV/STDs from Toto, OK?
Β© 2022 Remedy Health Media, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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D o you think it is O.K. to let a dog lick your penis?

#BMW #CAR #M3 #Turbo #V8 #6cylinder

by Woods 3 hours ago



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I suppose if the dog doesn't mind, there's technically nothing wrong with it. However, it sounds rather gross.
W hy should I think, you already did it, how was it.
y uck ewe.... sorry no that is aginst the law...
M ine? No.

Whatever turns your crank pal.
D o any of you like oral from humans, male or female? Did you know it is a scientific fact that humans have tens of thousand more bacteria in their mouth than dogs do. Dog saliva is actually used as a healing agent because it is so good. It is much healthier for a dog to lick you than a human, male or female. And I don't see a problem with it as long as you "LET" them not force them.
Y up, try smothering your John Thomas with gravy first. It works for me and me paw. (with the same dog at the same time)
Y es; only if you didn't bribe it into consenting with peanut butter, etc.
N o it's animal abuse. Though if you need help breaking the habit, I will lend you my dog roxy.She will lick it once befor She bites it off.
I t's OK with me. I'd make sure your dog isn't a "nipper".
I have watched our dog lick my husband’s penis until it exploded in orgasm. It actually made me very wet and horny. I personally don’t see a problem with it. He has expressed a desire to have our dog do him in the butt. I told him if that is what he wants, ok. Is there anyone out there that can help him achieve this desire? He can’t seem to get rover to mount him and fck him. I do not have a desire to have rover in me though.
n othing wrong with it just becareful u don;t get bit
I had a small dog that would lick me in bed several times a night, felt fantastic, what a way to wake up. Wish I still had her for sure.πŸ˜‰

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I let my dog lick me 'down' there and now I feel incredibly guilty.
Comment deleted by user Β· 7 yr. ago
/r/Confession is a place to admit your wrongdoings, acknowledge your guilt, and alleviate your conscience.
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[Remorse]: I was hesitant to post this even anonymously because I know how taboo a subject it is, and also because I don't want gross comments from creepy people- I feel uncomfortable enough about this as is.
Long story short, I'm a teenager and I was home alone... you know how it is: yay personal happy fun time with no risk of someone walking in! Anyway, I do the do and am almost finished when my dog comes in. A fact about my dog: he's one of those that wants to lick everything. You're not wearing socks? Your feet will be slobbered on until you shoo him away. I'm sure you can guess where this is going. I felt him lick my thigh and was about to shoo him away when he licked.. elsewhere and, hey, that felt good so I unfortunately let him continue for a minute or two while I finished up. And then went to shower for fifteen minutes to clean myself and reevaluate my life choices.
That was a few days ago and I seriously feel horrible about it. Here's the thing, I know it wasn't some traumatic and sexual experience for my dog- dogs don't have human feelings nor human concepts about sex. My dog tries to sniff the butt of every human and dog he meets, it's normal for animals. But that doesn't change the fact that I raised him from a puppy and now I cringe everytime I look at him because I feel like some sort of horrible animal abuser/child molester. That dog is like my baby UGH.
Hopefully in a few years I'll be able to look back on this as some stupid thing I did as a kid because hormones are dumb and don't we all do something embarrassing at some point for the sake of getting off, but at the moment I just feel really awful. :(
I cannot stress enough to you that this one time thing is NOT a big deal. One day your life will big some big deals to handle and you will realize that this was nothing huge, even if you wish you could erase it. Don't beat yourself up. Forget about it and move one.
It's weird in your eyes yes. But, as you said he licks everything. It's not like you had sex with him. In a few years you will laugh. Give him pets, hugs and play ball with him and he will love you just the same.
Hi! Want to let you know that there are so many worse things that you could have done. You didn't hurt anyone or cause any harm. I'd rather find out that a person I'm with let a dog do that than find out they used to abuse/mistreat their animal, if that makes sense.
I think this actually happens quite a bit...and you didn't abuse your dog.
Thanks, but I really don't plan on it. I wish I could UNDO it.
It's weird that that place is quarantined, but r/spacedicks isn't.
Don't worry, you didn't do any harm to your dog nor did you intend to. You aren't now somehow a 'bad person'. You sound like an awesome pet owner (the raised since puppy thing alerted me)
I want to thank you for posting this - I needed that chuckle.
the worst thing that could happen is that he enjoys it and decides to try to do it when other people are around. Good thing dogs are always in people's crotches anyways.
i totally understand. I love to stay at my friend autums house on weekends, so that he dog can do the same thing to me. it stated like you did, simple, but now its a weekend thing. his tongue is hot and wet and really makes me cum hard.
You and nobody but you were exactly aware of your own sexual desires. What you did was 100% beastiality. Poor dog, he never meant to do it on a sexual note but YOU did. Yes you’ll get judged, repugnant. Stick to your own kind.
Hi if you are having a good time no problem enjoy have a good time enjoy don't worry have fun

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