I Let A Dog Fuck Me

I Let A Dog Fuck Me


I Let A Dog Fuck Me
I let my dog lick me 'down' there and now I feel incredibly guilty.
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[Remorse]: I was hesitant to post this even anonymously because I know how taboo a subject it is, and also because I don't want gross comments from creepy people- I feel uncomfortable enough about this as is.
Long story short, I'm a teenager and I was home alone... you know how it is: yay personal happy fun time with no risk of someone walking in! Anyway, I do the do and am almost finished when my dog comes in. A fact about my dog: he's one of those that wants to lick everything. You're not wearing socks? Your feet will be slobbered on until you shoo him away. I'm sure you can guess where this is going. I felt him lick my thigh and was about to shoo him away when he licked.. elsewhere and, hey, that felt good so I unfortunately let him continue for a minute or two while I finished up. And then went to shower for fifteen minutes to clean myself and reevaluate my life choices.
That was a few days ago and I seriously feel horrible about it. Here's the thing, I know it wasn't some traumatic and sexual experience for my dog- dogs don't have human feelings nor human concepts about sex. My dog tries to sniff the butt of every human and dog he meets, it's normal for animals. But that doesn't change the fact that I raised him from a puppy and now I cringe everytime I look at him because I feel like some sort of horrible animal abuser/child molester. That dog is like my baby UGH.
Hopefully in a few years I'll be able to look back on this as some stupid thing I did as a kid because hormones are dumb and don't we all do something embarrassing at some point for the sake of getting off, but at the moment I just feel really awful. :(
I cannot stress enough to you that this one time thing is NOT a big deal. One day your life will big some big deals to handle and you will realize that this was nothing huge, even if you wish you could erase it. Don't beat yourself up. Forget about it and move one.
It's weird in your eyes yes. But, as you said he licks everything. It's not like you had sex with him. In a few years you will laugh. Give him pets, hugs and play ball with him and he will love you just the same.
Hi! Want to let you know that there are so many worse things that you could have done. You didn't hurt anyone or cause any harm. I'd rather find out that a person I'm with let a dog do that than find out they used to abuse/mistreat their animal, if that makes sense.
I think this actually happens quite a bit...and you didn't abuse your dog.
Thanks, but I really don't plan on it. I wish I could UNDO it.
It's weird that that place is quarantined, but r/spacedicks isn't.
Don't worry, you didn't do any harm to your dog nor did you intend to. You aren't now somehow a 'bad person'. You sound like an awesome pet owner (the raised since puppy thing alerted me)
I want to thank you for posting this - I needed that chuckle.
i totally understand. I love to stay at my friend autums house on weekends, so that he dog can do the same thing to me. it stated like you did, simple, but now its a weekend thing. his tongue is hot and wet and really makes me cum hard.
You and nobody but you were exactly aware of your own sexual desires. What you did was 100% beastiality. Poor dog, he never meant to do it on a sexual note but YOU did. Yes you’ll get judged, repugnant. Stick to your own kind.
Hi if you are having a good time no problem enjoy have a good time enjoy don't worry have fun

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M y husband wants to bring the dog in the bedroom and let him lick me out and watch what do you think about this?is it safe?

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i t is safe, but illegal.

dog's mouths are sterile.
I f this is not a fake, you should arrange an appointment with your lawyer next week.
A llow your dog to enter and lick you out and you will experience an orgasm like no other. Once you have sampled that you will want to try it with your dog while your husband is not around. that is how I came to have sex with my dog Oscar
T hanx for your comment and what I have written is perfectly true only thing is my husband has no interest in dog sex, mores the pity
T he first thing you need to decide is if it's something you WANT to do. If you don't, then you just don't do it, no matter what anyone here says.

As for it being safe - well that's another matter. If your dog bites you (even playfully), you're going to get hurt. If you need to see a doctor for that, it's going to be kind of awkward explaining how it happened.

Growing up, I let my dog lick me for years, and he never really hurt me, but that's not saying it can't happen. Sometimes he got a little rough, and nipped me, but didn't draw blood - it was enough to make me quit for a few days, but then I was back at it.

If your dog wants to lick you, he can really get into it, and a dog's tongue is rough, and they can just go and go, so it's a pussy licking like you've never had - so awesome. I found my dog got more into it when I had my period, for whatever reason, and he would lick up inside me too, then, not just my clit.

You can read (both true, and joke) references to using peanut butter, but I never did - I never needed to. So I can't say how well that works, but I imagine it would work if the dog wasn't interested. But really, if he's not interested, it would make me nervous trying to make him do something he didn't want to do.

Personally, if my husband wanted to watch a dog lick my pussy, OMG, I'd think I'd die and gone to heaven. He's a good man, but very ... vanilla !

Have fun :)
I t's safe. I'd suggest telling your husband you'll do it as soon as he lets the dog lick him first. What's good for you should be good for him.
G o for it and yes unless he has rabies (Not at all likely) or if he gets to ruff and hurts you or possibly tears you.
y es its very safe and you would realy enjoy having the dog eat you out
i do it all the time when husband is away and when he is home he likes watching and jerking off
W ell, I'm 62, I'm not dead yet...
I'd check the laws, as well...
S o long as you are clean and free of any STD's, it shouldn't harm Rover one bit;-)
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