I Help My Mom To Make

I Help My Mom To Make


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You can easily eliminate half of the burden of your parents especially if you are a teenager.
1.Never give your parents a chance to complain or scold you.
Eg: don't use your phone while while studying.
2.If possible wash your clothes by your own and utensils also even if you have a maid.Why I am saying so is because it will not only make you independent and confident but you will also learn dignity of labour.
3.Similar to the previous one you can go ahead with washing your footwear or dusting the house or even watering your plants regularly.
4.Try to work on these things and you will feel somewhat
You can easily eliminate half of the burden of your parents especially if you are a teenager.
1.Never give your parents a chance to complain or scold you.
Eg: don't use your phone while while studying.
2.If possible wash your clothes by your own and utensils also even if you have a maid.Why I am saying so is because it will not only make you independent and confident but you will also learn dignity of labour.
3.Similar to the previous one you can go ahead with washing your footwear or dusting the house or even watering your plants regularly.
4.Try to work on these things and you will feel somewhat independent and confident than before.
5.Learn not to argue with your parents.Even if they are wrong listen patiently and if necessary don't accept it but politely.
Following these things will itself make your parents happy and satisfied beyond their expectations:)
And as a matter of fact I feel happy to say that I do these things everyday.
Related Questions (More Answers Below)
How do you help your mother at home?
How can I get some help for my mother?
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Duraiswamy Vaidyanathan Chandrasekar
Answered 5 years ago · Author has 15.7K answers and 8.1M answer views
Nothing you can do except to be there and console your mom to help her overcome the fear of losing another kid (your sister) in the services of that human rights organisation.
As she has rightly said, only another mom can understand your mom's agony that she is undergoing.
Please read out to her Kalil Gibran's booklet "The Prophet" and particularly the one page chapter titled 'Children'. It is a great eye opener for every parent to understand and cope with the supposedly weird acts of their kids. Remember, time is a great healer. Pray for strength to you, your mom and all the members of your family in their undertaking to serve the world as they deem fit.
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Answered 5 years ago · Author has 2.1K answers and 2.5M answer views
I am not sure why your mother is so sad since she taught you kids how to support this group, as she kept going to the rallies etc. If she saw the destruction it caused with your brother, how on earth...unless your father has forced her to participate. And there is the real problem, she no longer supports them, since your brother's dealings, but my guess is your dad does and therefore she has to.
I am sure there is nothing you can do, except any organization that condones setting oneself on fire...well...something is very very wrong. It lends one to think of the 911 men who were trained t
I am not sure why your mother is so sad since she taught you kids how to support this group, as she kept going to the rallies etc. If she saw the destruction it caused with your brother, how on earth...unless your father has forced her to participate. And there is the real problem, she no longer supports them, since your brother's dealings, but my guess is your dad does and therefore she has to.
I am sure there is nothing you can do, except any organization that condones setting oneself on fire...well...something is very very wrong. It lends one to think of the 911 men who were trained to fly a suicide mission. Or the kamikaze pilots of yester-years..
About all you can do it soothe your mom, educate yourself, get a good job and take your mom out of that situation. But if you believe its a good cause, well you have to take the bad with whatever you feel is good.
The whole story is sad to me...good luck, I wish you well.
Answered 5 years ago · Author has 1.9K answers and 2.9M answer views
You need to move out. There is just some circumstances where you gotta get some distance. This is gonna lead you down depression road and sink you my friend. Some people are just always sad. Losing family members is terrible but to live the rest of life you somehow have to put the agony behind and keep going on or life will continue sadly and be passed down the family tree a long time. Change subjects whenever sadness starts in family gatherings. Leave the room. Whatever it takes. Seems rude but youre condoning this if you don't get them up and off the topic as much as possible. Dont give a pe
You need to move out. There is just some circumstances where you gotta get some distance. This is gonna lead you down depression road and sink you my friend. Some people are just always sad. Losing family members is terrible but to live the rest of life you somehow have to put the agony behind and keep going on or life will continue sadly and be passed down the family tree a long time. Change subjects whenever sadness starts in family gatherings. Leave the room. Whatever it takes. Seems rude but youre condoning this if you don't get them up and off the topic as much as possible. Dont give a permanent shoulder to cry on because some people are depression lifers and will take you right down with them if you allow it. Try to keep the moods upbeat whenever possible and keep the topics changing wisely as you can.
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Answered 2 years ago · Author has 99 answers and 68.9K answer views
How can children help their parents?
Talking to/with them, helping out with chores/activities, and generally being kids. People may think I'm crazy for the last one but I'm different. There have been days when my depression spikes to the midway and I can't seem to wrap my head around anything that is positive about me, my kids tend to help me by being themselves and coming to ask me to play or tell me things they like about me and other things on these days. Now my depression does get worse sometimes where I'm not really consolable one way or the other but on midway days my kids help me. When they talk to me or try cheering me up
Talking to/with them, helping out with chores/activities, and generally being kids. People may think I'm crazy for the last one but I'm different. There have been days when my depression spikes to the midway and I can't seem to wrap my head around anything that is positive about me, my kids tend to help me by being themselves and coming to ask me to play or tell me things they like about me and other things on these days. Now my depression does get worse sometimes where I'm not really consolable one way or the other but on midway days my kids help me. When they talk to me or try cheering me up and it doesn't work that's when they know it's one of mommy's really bad days and they don't really try as frequently which can make me sadder but I'd rather be sad about it than upset with them for trying too hard. Talking is an important aspect as it helps us to understand our children and them to understand us. It also helps us to learn about one another and things that may be wrong, scary, new, exciting, things they want to try, etc. So it's essential. Chores and activities. Since we homeschool I will give my children choices for an activity or project to do for the lesson of the day (all supplies purchased for each project or activity to ensure we can complete them) and we do the two they choose. We may do the others a different day down the line. Chores I find chores that they can do by themselves or with minimum help/assistance. They get to do their daily, weekly, monthly chores along with schoolwork and reading to get stickers. Yes it's stickers. And I know someone will say something about bribery but my children tend to do better if they have something they're working toward. The stickers go either on the Chore or the Learning Chart (wherever it's supposed to go) and at the end of said time lines they get a review of you have ??/65 so you have completed this task and can have this reward. Sometimes it's just a monetary value that gets put in their “Jars” or it can also be something specific, such as, right now my son's goal is a RC Truck that has LED lights and does tricks with two ramps it comes with. At Wal-Mart this truck is 24.95 so if he completes 2 weeks of schoolwork he gets the truck. If it's on sale he can choose to get a second toy, a candy/snack, or to keep the change in his “Jar”. It really allows them room for growth and error. It also makes my kids happy to no end to show me what they've done or even sometimes to remind me that I didn't put a sticker where there should be one. They respond to me asking “are you sure?” , by either showing me the work They've done or reminding me how I complimented them or their work before hand. Usually springs a videofeed in my head lol (my way of addressing memory.)
Answered 2 years ago · Author has 61 answers and 68.2K answer views
Everyday I always help my mom to do the housework. My sister only sometimes helps my mom. Does anyone know what I should do to get my sister to help my mom with the housework more often?
I think you should suggest politely to your sister that she can work out more. Don’t rebuke her because that will only make her defensive, and you need her to be open to your suggestions. Say something along the lines of, “[Sister’s name], would you mind helping my mom and me around the house more? There’s a lot of work to be done, and I could use an extra pair of hands.” Then reinforce that concept. If you’re vacuuming and she’s sitting on her phone, pause and say, “Hey [name], would you mind picking those toys off the rug? I need to vacuum there.” If you’re in charge of washing the dishes, a
I think you should suggest politely to your sister that she can work out more. Don’t rebuke her because that will only make her defensive, and you need her to be open to your suggestions. Say something along the lines of, “[Sister’s name], would you mind helping my mom and me around the house more? There’s a lot of work to be done, and I could use an extra pair of hands.” Then reinforce that concept. If you’re vacuuming and she’s sitting on her phone, pause and say, “Hey [name], would you mind picking those toys off the rug? I need to vacuum there.” If you’re in charge of washing the dishes, ask your sister to get the plates off the table and bring them to the kitchen counter. Don’t just say “help out more, please” and leave it at that. Constantly offer your sister opportunities to help you clean out. If she helps out, smile and say, “Thank you.” Not only is that basic courtesy and well-required of such a situation, but your sister will feel ‘good’ about dividing your chores if she gets gratitude (think “positive feedback”) in return.
Don’t clean up her messes. It’s one thing to help clean out after her if she asked you to because she is busy with something, but it’s another than to routinely clean after your sister. It’s common sense: if you do that, she will come to expect it of you and will feel off-put if you suddenly try to turn the tables around. I do not know if that is the situation in your house, but let’s assume for a minute that you did find yourself cleaning up your sister’s messes. If that is the case, ask her politely to clean up. Say, “I have [name household chores] to do today, and I really can’t do your laundry today. Please do that.”
I don’t know how your mom would react, but I imagine pointing out politely to your mother that your sister could help around the house more would do the trick. You can say, “Hey, Mom, this would be a lot easier if my sister and I could divide chores regularly. Can you ask her to do something around the house as well?” Your mother should not overload you with chores; rather, she should divide household work between herself and her two daughters evenly. Make sure you don’t “bend over backwards” for their sakes.
Answered 4 years ago · Author has 118 answers and 164.3K answer views
How can I help my mom who is a shopaholic?
All of these solutions are in the hands of your father. What you can do is try to influence him. Try to get him and you alone in a quiet spot, when he is in a relaxed state (weekend). that’s your best shot. Tell him that if nothing is done, your family is headed for catastrophy. Tell him, you need to find a solution before that happens, otherwise… it will be shit.
Anyways, I know it sucks for your mom, but you cannot afford her spending fees, even if it helps her (it only helps her in the short term in my opinion). So you have to stop her.
Did you help your parents do housework when you were a child?
I was a nice, cute, respectful Mamma's girl and Daddy’s princess. We had big fat joint family so household chores were never a part of any of us kid’s daily routine. But I was always a indoor cat. I would step out of house just when all of my cousin’s were out to play and would be back within an hour. That was a routine. the rest of time, apart from studies and very little TV time, i would usually with my mom in kitchen disturbing her which I thought I was helping. That helped to learn cooking too early in life. I could cook whole meal without help by the age of 13.
I was a nice, cute, respectful Mamma's girl and Daddy’s princess. We had big fat joint family so household chores were never a part of any of us kid’s daily routine. But I was always a indoor cat. I would step out of house just when all of my cousin’s were out to play and would be back within an hour. That was a routine. the rest of time, apart from studies and very little TV time, i would usually with my mom in kitchen disturbing her which I thought I was helping. That helped to learn cooking too early in life. I could cook whole meal without help by the age of 13.
I had a very special bond with my father. I love him, always. And he loved reading. We use to read daily newspaper together and then it was my duty to guard newspaper from neighbors and if looted get it back and fold it in very specific way as mt Dad would love to open.
The only household job I was assigned on daily basis was getting the bed ready and I am good at that. blanket folding is an art and I have mastered it. I learned to spread blankets in various ways that are aesthetically and functionally beautiful. I puffed pillows daily for everyone, and continue to do it till the date. I love the expression when my tired mom would lie on bed and let her body relaxed.
Everything else is learned in a hard way:(
Answered 3 years ago · Author has 1.9K answers and 622.3K answer views
My parents have passed. Your questions depend alot on their age. When I was young my sister and I all had chores after school such as cleaning our rooms. After dinner it was our job to clear the kitchen table and wash, dry and put away the dishes. The day everyone worked was Saturdays. Floor and bathroom were scrupped, lawns were mowed, dusting was done, laundry was washed, dried and ironed. Sunday was Sunday school and church and usually a ride somewhere. . Elderly parents usually need help cleaning their house, taking them to appointments, or taking them shopping. When I got sick my daughter
My parents have passed. Your questions depend alot on their age. When I was young my sister and I all had chores after school such as cleaning our rooms. After dinner it was our job to clear the kitchen table and wash, dry and put away the dishes. The day everyone worked was Saturdays. Floor and bathroom were scrupped, lawns were mowed, dusting was done, laundry was washed, dried and ironed. Sunday was Sunday school and church and usually a ride somewhere. . Elderly parents usually need help cleaning their house, taking them to appointments, or taking them shopping. When I got sick my daughter brought food over and just last night surprised me with a delicious meal and brought it over. I think the most help you can give is just letting them know how much their loved and allowing them to feel needed and wanted. That you also respect them and their opinions even if they differ.
Answered 3 years ago · Author has 209 answers and 388.5K answer views
My mother is everything in my life. She is my all round support. I tell her almost everything. I am strong and able to progress in life is because I talk to her everyday. I talk to her every morning and tell her what happened, she tells me what happened since last 24 hours. We chat, we bond. Even though physically we live far away and can meet like once a month, we are close because she tells me things and has an open year for my things.
She need not do anything for me all her life. I do not want her to do anything for me. i just need for her to be there in my life forever. I just want to hear her voice, talk to her and listen to her all my life. Nothing else.
Answered 2 years ago · Author has 1.2K answers and 1.7M answer views
How do I tell my mom that I need help?
You have been given several good suggestions here. I expect that one of them will help. Your mother is not as likely to be shocked as you think. But, some mothers have so many issues themselves that they are not much help. My advice is to start with the adult you most trust; your mother, a teacher, a religious advisor, an aunt or uncle, your school counselor, a neighbor, or the mom or dad of a friend. Keep asking until you get the help you need! You deserve it. Growing up is hard. Growing up is confusing. There are a lot of mixed up jumbled thoughts and emotions. You will get past this. It will get better! I wish I could give you a great call big reassuring hug!
Answered 1 year ago · Author has 315 answers and 99.2K answer views
How do you help your mother at home?
Lending a hand to mother might me be in any circumstance, important ones are
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