I Have Been Given A Wedgie

I Have Been Given A Wedgie


I Have Been Given A Wedgie
I'm honestly just curious if anyone else has ever had any really embarrassing experiences. Once when I was in 9th grade, I had a male friend over at my house to work on a project. While we were working, my older brother, 18 at the time, decided it would be funny to give me a giant wedgie in front of my friend. He just came up behind me and lifted me probably close to 2ft off then ground by my underwear before I had a chance to react. So, as if me bent over dangling off the ground by my underwear in front of a friend wasn't bad enough, my brother started bouncing me up and down, and only put me down after like a solid 20-30 seconds of bounced around like a human yo-yo. I swear my face has never been redder than that time. The worst part is that I could see my friend trying hard not laugh at me the entire time.
What's the most embarrassing time you've ever been given a wedgie?
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Guys, Unexpected fart incident! So embarrassed?
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Any one of the hundreds of times in middle and high school that happened to me would qualify. I actually took to sewing my underwear into my pants so they couldn't be pulled up.
Lol that sounds rough! I have a bunch of stories lol, add & message me!
You think that’s bad then you’d be grateful Pateras isn’t real.

This is kind of an embarrassing story but I thought it might be funny to just laugh at each others experiences. Mine was at a mini golf course for a birthday party I had when I was younger. I just moved to a new school about a month before so my parents thought it would be a good idea to have my full class go to the mini golf course to get to know the other kids better. About halfway through the course when I went to put the golf ball down one good friend I had made over the last month must have seen my underwear when I bent over because apparently he thought it would be funny to pull them up as hard as he could. It hurt so bad it felt like I was given instant rug burn and the entire class saw my blue M&M boxers. He got them way up to my shoulders and I think he even ripped them a little. Of course everyone laughed and I was so embarrassed in front of all the people I would be spending the rest of the year with and many more school years to come. I was so embarrassed I just tucked them back in a little and didn't want anyone who might have missed the wedgie to notice me picking at it. The rest of the time while I was finishing up the course, going gocarting, having cake, and opening presents I felt like my butt was being flossed I did get made fun of a few times for getting a wedgie at my own party, but we still had a fun time and I did make more friends out of the party, so that was nice. So yeah that's my very embarrassing story. It's long but if it made you laugh please share yours. Are girls ever even given wedgies? If you don't have a wedgie story share any other embarrassing moment of your life.
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Guys, Unexpected fart incident! So embarrassed?
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So it was my brithday and my friends came and so did my sister, So me my sister and my brother went out for lunch, we got burgers we eat we talked and we had fun we joked around. We bought a cake and went home i went and cleaned my glasses since I droped them in my drink. So I came back my sister cut a piece of the cake and gave it to me. Then she took my head, by my hair and smaked the cake on my faces, my glasses were covered in vinilla I said Katrina!!! And then she said soo sad we wasted a good cake. She took some off my face and eat it, it tastes good. So I washed my face and my shirt had cake on it but I left it since it wasn't that much, just a little bit of cream. So when I went down, I sat and played the piano, so then My sister pulled up my shirt a bit and acted like she took the cream off and my underwear was hanging over my jeans, and she grabbed it with Her nails and she yanked them up, I tripped over and I fell on my piece cake again and she took some and threw it down my underwear and kept pulling and pulling. My underwear didn't rip so she hung me by my underwear. Then she dumped eggs on me and threw flour on my. My underwear gave in after 10 more minutes
gee what a totally believable thing for a sister to do for your birthday I am 100% convinced that this is a real and genuine story.
10 minutes wow you must of been wearing to durable stretchy undies
lol while I was at a family get together, my cousin gave me a huge wedgie while I had a thong on of course and in front of the whole family lol. lol my tiny black thong was tearing through my ass.
@GrlNxtDoor what were you wearing haha?
Well just start new job and u have to get change in changing rooms well I'm 27 thort every grown up now well just got change as u do rest of the day guys looking at me and laughing didn't really take no notice till second day was getting changed guy next to me goes u do know people laughing cos your wearing briefs I said so he goes your only one wearing briefs in here I said nice then someone behind me grab my white briefs then I still had my jeans on but they start to full down cos of the wedgie they go guys he wearing a thong every saw my ass and they said can't believe u wear tighty whiteS/ briefs still I'm so embarrassed I was this happen at school thort people would grown up that why just got undress didn't think would notice or take interest didn't go back after got given a wedgie told staff was getting tease about I underwear she said why what underwear do u wear I said briefs she said oh what were they saying and she said must bin embarrassing for u do u not wear boxers at all then I said na well my wear pair of shorts over the top like how embarrassing when home crying in
All wedgies are embarrasing, one of my worst was when I got wedgied wearing a skimpy black thong in the middle of a diner.
When I bend down in the middle of my Jr high hallway, my underwear peeked out and a group of girls noticed and giggled at me. One girl decided to walk up behind me "hey, nice undies" I saw confused until my BRIEFS!( Yes briefs) immediately wedgied up my ass And I was being wedgied and the whole hallway turned and laugh at me. "Nice undies you little dork!" I then got hung on a locker."hmm how to embarrass you next? Oh!" She grabbed my pants and yanked to my ankles! I was hanging from my embarrassing undies with my pants around my ankles!
Me and my best mates were at a waterpark and I was at the edge of a pool... TOM (he's a wanker, he needs his name in caps to describe how irritating he is XD) decided it would be a good time to give a fuckin wedgie and then push me into the pool. so that was a totally n o t embarrassing situation..
One embarrassing moment of my life was when me and my sister and my dad went biking and we stopped at the local shopping center. When we were at the grocery store, there were Oreos on the bottom shelf, so I squatted and started looking at the flavors. When I was doing that the upper part of my butt must have been showing becausr people started putting coins in my butt. I got so annoyed when people did that, but I was also enbarassed. When we left, a bunch of boys started giving me little wedgie when I bent down to tie my shoe
Dang. I definitely would've slipped a coin in there, hahahaha, don't worry, my buttcrack shows all the time and I can't stop it.
I got some new Fruit Of The Loom boxer briefs which I love wearing and I wore my favorite Red boxers with red stripes on them. So I change in gym class and I remember the first time I wore them: I changed and it was like wow I'm doing this. I always have my boxers waistband above my pants so I changed my shirt and was in shorts and my boxers sticking out and I was next to this kid who was younger and looked innocent. So I bent down and yank! "OOO nice stripes loser"
Once when I was 13 I was at a friends house for a bonfire. We decided as a group (about 6 of us) to play tag. The catch was when you got caught you weren't the "tagger", you got a wedgie and had to sit out. Anyway, it eventually came down to me and two others. The tagger came around the corner full speed and saw me standing there looking at my phone. I didn't notice him and next thing I new I was being wrestled to the ground and wedgied in front of all the girls there. So embarrassing.
When I was bout 10 my 3 older sisters lifted me up by my speedo at a public pool and completely ripped one of the leg holes
You have a shame fetish. Get over it, and go somewhere appropriate with it. FETLIFE perhaps.
I got one at the beach. I was a little embarrassed but I got over it quickly.
All my friends hanged up on my and gave me an all a round wedgie
9n a scale 1 to 10 how painful was it
Ouch, what made them do that lol? And was that your first wedgie?
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The wedgie is usually the preserve of the school yard bully or kids just messing about but I was wondering, as you do, if any adults on here have been given a wedgie.
Some underwear manages to give you a wedgie without external help.
Two kids invented wedgie proof underwear a while back where the underwear just rips in half due to velcro attachments. However, I would probably have preferred the wedgie than walking around for the rest of the day with half my underwear missing.
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At last, an honest, intelligent, adult conversation starter !
Used to get a few at school and also gave my fair share ... as an adult, NO ...
I may try to bring it back tho !

There was a gangster used to do that 'round my way.
Wedgie Kway.
At last, an honest, intelligent, adult conversation starter !
Used to get a few at school and also gave my fair share ... as an adult, NO ... I may try to bring it back tho !
There was a gangster used to do that 'round my way.
Wedgie Kray.
Some underwear manages to give you a wedgie without external help.

I have a thing about "sudden surprises", so when I had a attempted one by a ex-friend in the street (thought I was being robbed or assaulted) I smashed him in the face with my hand, promptly breaking my knuckles and him ending up in a mess on the floor.
Got given a "talking to" by someone else I knew who was also with him, but if he wasn't immature enough to be sticking his hands down people's pants then it wouldn't have happened. Still felt good to release some anger though

Oh god OUCH!!!!!! having a good old drink up with with friends a couplefo years ago and got wedgied... She pulled so hard my knickers came away from my arse.. LOL... Had a crack sore for a couple of weeks mind.

My wife gave me one last week while I was doing the dishes.
My wife gave me one last week while I was doing the dishes.
But you must have given a fair few given your handle...

My boyfriend is forever giving me wedgies :mad:
Even when I'm wearing a thong he does it, but that doesn't hurt so much..

I work in theatre and a few years ago was cuing a show (sat at desk with rows of lights - red for standby, green for go), headset on ready to coordinate a big battle scene. One darling actor gave me a wedgie just as I was about to start the sequence. I had to continue for at least 10 minutes before I could rearrange my undies. I took to putting notes down the back of my jeans asking him to leave my knickers alone or giving him a whack as he went by. Thankfully the last time I worked with him, he couldn't reach me.
My boyfriend is forever giving me wedgies :mad:
Even when I'm wearing a thong he does it, but that doesn't hurt so much..
My boyfriend is forever giving me wedgies :mad:
Even when I'm wearing a thong he does it, but that doesn't hurt so much..

I'm forever giving my other half wedgies, sometimes i even rip his boxers :D

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Has anyone ever given you a wedgie?
Have you ever been given a wedgie? Just so you know a wedgie is a yanking up of your underwear by another individual.
Was it a regular wedgie, or a atomic wedgie?

Atomic (underwear pulled all the way over your head)

How did you feel about getting the wedgie?

This poll was created on 2003-11-26 06:05:48
by the yellow dark

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