I Have 2 Dicks

I Have 2 Dicks


I Have 2 Dicks
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Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth
Here Is the True Story of a Man With Two Dicks
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It was once written (in the Bible, maybe?) that "two are better than one" and it's a statement true enough for a lot of things. It's true for cakes, kittens, Weasley twins, bongo drums, socks and chopsticks, but is it also true for one man with two penises? Apparently, it is — at least according to one individual who has two dicks and totally happens to love it.
"DoubleDickDude" (probably not his legal name) is a man who was born with Diphallia, a rare condition where a male infant is born with two penises. If you want to see photos of what Diphallia looks like on a grown man, DoubleDickDude has provided them and, obviously, they are NSFW . Here they are flaccid and here they are erect .
Late last night, DoubleDickDude bravely waded into the muddy waters of Reddit to conduct an AMA , which resulted in a Q&A that surprisingly ended up being educational, fascinating and bizarrely uplifting.
Let's get some of the more obvious questions out of the way immediately. Yes, both dicks are functioning. Yes, both can pee. No, he cannot helicopter them. Yes, he uses them both during sex and both can ejaculate, although he favors the right because it's more sensitive.
Now, onto the more interesting parts (because apparently we're already bored with the guy with two wangs). DoubleDickDude, who is bisexual and currently in an exclusive polyamorous relationship with a man and a woman, is — on Reddit at least — is completely and refreshingly comfortable with his condition — so much so that he's completely grown to love it.
A Healthier Life Talk it out with remote therapy programs and tools.
"I was born with it for a reason," he responded to a question about why neither he nor his parents ever seriously considered having one of his penises removed. "My mom admitted recently she had no idea what that reason was, but it's there so it stays there. Glad she did, after everything because I really am one in millions. Besides the ego boost, it really makes a person feel special knowing there is likely no one else like you alive right now."
According to DoubleDickDude, the only time he ever wished he was different was when he was in high school and other boys would make fun of him.
"...It became a joke and guys immediately thought I was gay," he said . Ah, the sound logic of high school assholes.
You might think that the response from the Reddit community would be along the same lines, but in reality, most of the Redditors just seem excited, curious and even a little envious of DoubleDickDude's condition.
A lot of questions focused on the reactions of DoubleDickDude's sexual partners when they first discover his...erm...assets.
varies from girl to girl. Some have been like WOW. some have been like THATS FAKE! some have freaked out like, called me names. Most are pretty curious, but i dont have casual sex anymore, i stopped a few years back. Didnt like the empty feeling inside after a 1 night stand. did a lot of those in my late teens. A LOT of them. but for the most part, girls were nervous and some changed their mind at the last minute. dudes NEVER change their mind, they always want it even if they're freaked out a little. lol
Q: seems like a stupid question but when you have sex, can you do all the position, because i guess you must use only one of your penis and the other one must be kind of in the way if its also hard.
A: my bf and gf can take both in them, so it's pretty standard. but in the past with partners who had smaller or tighter holes, i had to start off using one but by the time i was done i had used both. ;)
Again, it's pretty refreshing how confident and comfortable DoubleDickDude is with his double dick circumstances and even more so that he's found partners who are equally down and don't make him feel fetishized.
Thought for the night, I really wanna give James Franco a facial. lol

So girls, what does it feel like when you have two cocks in your ass or pussy at the same time? Did you like it? And if you haven't done it, would you be willing to try it if given the chance? Guys, have you done this with a girl? You and some other guy fucking her pussy/ass at the same time as in, both of your dicks are in her ass at the same time, or both of you are fucking her pussy at the same time. So NOT one dick in pussy and one in ass. One hole, two dicks.
What does it feel like to have two dicks in your/her pussy/ass at the same time?
Your body says yes, but your head says - yes, no, maybe, I don't know, can you repeat the question?
I'm a virgin and don't know if it's true size does not matter?
I like guys that are dicks to me apparently, does anyone else relate?
The sounds women make during sex are almost indistinguishable from distress.
More lies by my stalker at church for those of you who know her - a warning about fake believers
Joe Biden is now the Least Popular President of Modern History in Less Than Two Years of his Term. "Most Voted-For President in History," though!
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Home > Sexuality > What does it feel like to have two dicks in your/her pussy/ass at the same time?
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Tried it but it's was kind of awkward and hard to do
Was it more of a visual pleasure or did it feel good?
It was just something she wanted to try it and see what it was like.
Why stop at 2 in the puss. 2 in the puss. 2 in the ass. 2 in the mouth and one in each hand. Real cock fest
I tried it, it was fun. She orgasmed a lot with two inside.
Why stop at two? Why not take ALL OF THE DICKS
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As we all know, a penis finishes in a head called gland.
Some are double-headed! Bifurcated penises are found in the most primitive living mammals: monotremes (which include platypus and echidna) and marsupials (opossums, Tasmanian devils, quolls, bilbies, bandicoots, koala, wombats, wallabies, potoroos, numbat, gliders and others).
In fact, amongst marsupials, only the two largest species of kangaroos are destitute of this peculiar trait. The bifurcated penises are formed by two distinct columns, and so the penis has two ends. And to get more, the echidna has a four headed penis ! (photo above).
Echidna does not use its penis for urination and it only gets out of the body during mating (monotremes have a cloacae organ, like birds and reptiles, where the penis is kept while resting).
The two penis heads may have different anatomies, according to the groups and species: some are short (photo center, in Tasmanian devil), others long, some are coiled between them (photo bellow, in sugar glider) and so on.
In marsupials, even the scrotum is placed in front of the penis, not behind! (in monotremes the testes are internal, like in reptiles and birds).
The marsupial male has a fine degree of control over how far to extend or retract the scrotum; they can fully retract the package when they have to protect these sensitive organs or hang them loose, to insure the testicles remain cooler than the rest of the body (only at temperatures lower than 36o C sperm cells do emerge, the reason why humans too have externall balls).
The two headed penis of the opposum started in America a myth that this animal ejaculate in the nose of the female! Funny, but wrong!
Because the peculiar penis anatomy in males is coresponded also by an odd female genital anatomy. The marsupial females not only have two uteruses (which are partially or totally fused in evolved mammals) but two vaginas also!
In some species, the vaginas may be partially joined, but never lose identity.
The double vagina, double-headed penis and testes before the penis are regarded by the scientists as primitive traits...

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