I Hate Sluts

I Hate Sluts


I Hate Sluts
So when someone says sluts are bad or smth negative about sluts. Sluts attack IMMEDIATElY and say "it's wrong to say women are sluts just because they are sexually active." But who said having sex makes you a slut? Having casual sex makes you a slut. Having many sexual partners makes a slut. Not just having sex. I'm married and yes I have sex. Married, loyal women are sexually active, too
Sluts should get called sluts. Again why do you care that I abhor them?
Why do sluts assume that people who hate sluts believe that sexually active women are sluts?
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why do people even care about other people's sex life? why insult someone else because of it? you can point with one finger on someone calling her a slut, but 4 fingers point back at you telling everyone that you're an idiot no one gets forced to sleep around outside of a relationship. don't like it, don't do it. what someone else does should not matter because it only affects the people involved and they are obviously ok with it
You're an idiot for defending sluts. Why do you care that I abhor them. Why does this affect you if you're not a slut? Yes sluts are ok with being a sex object. I know they are. Never said it's not their choice.
see, instantly attacking and insulting again. there's nothing I need to add, everyone can see it themselves what kind of person you bye
i define as slut as somebody that sleeps around with peoples boyfriends, doesn't respect boundaries, homewreckers, etc. not a girl that likes having a lot of sex and having a high sex drive. guys sleep around with tons of girls and they’re “ballers and champs” but when a girl does it everyone loses their marbles.
I never said that slut is a girl that likes having a lot of sex and having a high sex drive. Slut is a girl who has casual sex not necessarily a girl who has a high sex drive
yes thats what i mean. guys have casual sex but girls cant?
who cares about your respect though? lol what are you the prime minister of russia?
you like sex with one guy... they dont. wheres the issue and would you get upset if there was a derrogatory word assosciated with women that are faithful to just one guy?
lol what? Why would be there a bad word for moral women? Are you that stupid?
im asking how you would feel if you got called boring or single minded because of your choices... no need to call me stupid just because you cannot answer me
Whoever thinks being moral is boring has no morals. That's clear. I don't respect people who have no morals. I also believe they are stupid as fuck.
so its ok if people think you are stupid as fuck then? cool... you won't be dissappointed
People? Who? Those people who think monogamy is boring? I don't take them as people.
thats fine but why should anyone who isn't exactly the same as you give a fuck what you think... haven't you got any other questions you could ask on g@g or is that it... just one single tiny issue you love to go on and on and on about. what you hoping to achieve other than boring the hell out of just about every other user?
I love when people who defned sluts get butthrut. You are one of them. you are bored by these question? then just stop answering them. You are alyas answering them by the way
They're stupid, and don't understand 'slut' and 'whore' are just other words to describe a promiscuous person.
Lol... I need to get myself a Russian woman.
Lol why do certain women think they're better than other women just because they have a certain, extremely limited, idea of how women should behave and become engaged when other women don't adhere to it? Nothing wrong with knowing what you want and enjoying yourself. Lol
I know what I want and enjoy myself. But why do some people think enjoying life is all about being sluts?
No one thinks enjoying life is all about being a slut. People aren't one dimensional. Just because you notice one thing about a person doesn't mean they aren't as complex as yoiu are. They have their own lives, entirely independent from having sex, that is just as meaningful as you're own. A slut isn't someone who has a lot of sex. A slut is someone who will do ANYTHING for sex. A slut will convince a guy to cheat on his girlfriend. A slut is someone who will allow herself to be disrespected for the chance to fuck a guy. Sluts are desperate. They are also rare. And they aren't just women. Liking sex and having sex with different people doesn't make you a slut. And having a Holier-Than-Thou attitude and treating people as subhuman just because they do something you don't agree with is worse than being a slut. Because i don't care what you do, hating someone for pursuing their own happiness, hating someone for doing something that hurts no one, makes you the worst kind of person.
Having morals doesn't mean being abad person. Hating sluts means having morals.
Who said I hae sluts becasue tehy hurt no one. It's stupid to say that. Do you understand that this would mean I love people who hurt others? I hate sluts becaseu they have no self respect
Hate does not equal morals. Hate is hate, and hate is wrong. Hating a slut is basically the same saying "Having sex a lot is the same as killing someone, or molesting children." Murderers, rapists, child predators, Nazis, the KKK, those are people to hate. Those are people who hurt others. People who have a lot of sex don't hurt anyone. They're just doing their thing. Their choices literally have no affect on your life, so why treat them like they aren't even human?
I didn't say I hate sluts because they hurt others. I clearly said I hate them because they have no self respect
I didn't say you said that. I'm saying that is the only reason to hate someone. Hate someone if their actions negatively impact the people around them. If someone isn't hurting anyone then you're hating them because you're hateful. Which is the opposite of having morals. Last time I checked, hatred has no connection to morality. So, you're imposing your own beliefs onto others and hating them when they don't adhere to your own (screwed up) definition of morality. That's fucked up. Their choices have no affect on you, and your hate has no affect on them. So you're exherting energy to be judgmental and hateful, and they're still enjoying their life. You're accomplishing nothing but showing how shitty you are. As for self-respect, I have a lot of self-respect for myself. I also have sex a lot with different people, guys and girls. So are you really going to try to tell me how I feel and how much I respect myself?
Only sluts defend slutty behaviuor. You see? If you were not a slut you wouldn't; be trying to change my mind now. You share your body with people who yhou yhave noi committed relationship with. That is so classless and pathetic. How can I like you?
You are shitty not me. You don't even care if yhe people yo have are clean or not. That's gross, dude. Don't worry about my energy. I have lots of it.
Lol see, you're wrong. Because I am capable of defending behavior I don't personally do. I can defend nudist colonies even though I'm not a nudist. I can defend Christians even though I'm not Christian. I can defend guys even though I'm not a guy. I can defend other behaviors because, unlike you, I have perspective and don't force my views onto other people. I don't hate just because someone does something I don't personally like. Who gave you the power to define what is and isn't classless? Why do you have the right to call me pathetic, when I'm the one talking about love and acceptance and you're just talking about hate? Am I pathetic because I have an open mind, a loving heart, and an accepting personality? Because if so I will proudly call myself pathetic. Accept, I also put in a lot of time to make sure I am healthy, in shape, get good grades, help around my home, help my family and friends, and still manage to find time to have fun and be social. I personally think I am the exact opposite of pathetic, because I don't waste my energy with pointless hatred. Instead I choose to direct that energy towards bettering myself and supporting my loved ones. As for how you could like me, maybe try getting to know me? Maybe try actually talking to me and figuring out who I am instead of hating me for superficial behavior. I personally think you're kind of a judgmental bitch. But I don't hate you. And I'd be willing to get to know you if you could stop with all the pointless hatred.
Lol and when did you get the assumption I don't care if the people I'm with are clean? I'm very picky. I can't stand guys with excess body hair. I can't stand guys with shitty personalities. I always make sure a condom is involved unless I trust the guy completely. See, your hatred makes you assume things that aren't even true, making yourself look even more ignorant.
The way you defend suts is different. You waste too much energy on writting the long ass comment. Sorry you can;'t make me. ike sluts. They are gross to me as they do what is gross to me
Lol see this isn't a waste of energy to me. This is being supportive and accepting. This I feel is a good use of energy. Unlike willful ignorance and hate.
Of course you are talking about love and acceptance you want to be a slut and still get love. All sluts want love from others. No sluts want to be judged
You're a sad individual. Sad as in, deserving of pity.
I get love and respect. I never let any guys use me.
Sluts deserve pity because they get butthurt when people express their honest opinions
Lol I think you're just pissed because you can't get a rise out of me. And you're getting pissed because I actually do have respect for myself and don't fall into your convenient view of what a slut is.
I don't have to make you fel anything. I'm simply telling you that letting men use you only for sex means you have no self repsect. Explain to me why would I never agree to have a one night stand? You will avoid this question
Lol I don't let anyone use me. I think that's what you're having a hard time understanding. I make the rules, I say when it happens, I am in complete control of my body and when I have sex with someone. Because I actually do have self-respect. Lol I'm not going to avoid any question. So please, enlighten me why you would never have a one night stand. And if you reply "Because I have respect for myself" I'm gonna laugh in your face. Lmao
You definetly don't have. DO you care thta those guys think you're only good for sex? I want you to asnwer that question yourself. " why do you think I would never have a one night stand"
Your emojis don't save you. I know you're bitter now. You are far from laughing!. So don't be fake. That's pathetic
Lol I know they don't think that because we're all friends and actually manage to hang out, as friends, without any expectation of sex. XD Even then, doesn't change the fact that sex doesn't happen unless I say so, and they never push after they get a no, because they know that I am the one who decides and that I can easily kick their ass if they try to push it. I'm not understanding what you're saying here. Are you asking me to answer why YOU would never have a one night stand or why I would never have one?
Lmao you're so desperate to validate your view you're literally telling a stranger how they feel. XD That's so sad and pathetic. Lol
in your opinion why would I never have a one night stand?
Lol you would never have a one night stand because you think it would make you a slut because you're not dating the guy. That's fairly obvious.
So you think I would want to be with a stranger but I don't do it because that's slutty? Really? Is this your logic?
My logic is not shitty. So that was your logic. I asked your opinion
Please stop telling me your sex life. My opinion won't be changed. Hearing your immoral sexual life is not fun for me. I never said they rpae you. I know you're a hole because that's your choice.
ACCORDING TO YOUR LOGIC why would I never have a one night stand?
Lol this is a loaded question. If I respond with your reasoning i'm avoiding the question. If I respond with my opinion then you'll just claim I'm pathetic for thinking that way and proudly claim why I'm wrong. It's a sloppy attempt for you to think you've gained the upper hand. And hearing how I manage to both live my life how I want and retain my self-respect isn't fun for you? Lol Well seeing a holier-than-thou bitch declare proudly how much she hates people who have no impact on her life isn't fun for me. The difference is, I'm not entitled, like you. Lol
No. You know the asnwer why would I never ahve a one night stand. Answering it doesn't benefit you. Come on prove me wrong
respond with YOUR opinion. My opinion is mine. You're not me. Use your own brain
Lmao you're so desperate to try to "trap" me. I've been using my brain this whole time. Unlike you. See, the key thing here (and one of the reasons I won't answer the question) is this: I. Don't. Care. Lmao You have your reasons for doing things, and my opinion is irrelevant, because it doesn't impact my life at all. So why should I care why you'd never have a one night stand? XD Live your life, just do no harm. Lol
WE're discussing. I;'m curious as what sluts think? I've used my brains by the way. So why would I never have a one night stand. I have a sex drive too by the way
LoI I honestly don't care hon. How is this relevant to the discussion?
we're talking about one night stands. SO I'm asking in your opinion why would I never agree to have sex with a stranger?
Lol actually you're talking about one night stands. I never mentioned one night stands.
Sex without committed relationship. So why would I never have sex without entering into committed relationship?
the reason is because I want to get love and respect. I got married and had sex because I only wanted to have sex with the man who is ready to spend all his life with me. I'm a treasure for him and not a hole.
Lol and that's cool for you. Glad it worked out that way for you. But not everyone wants that.
Yes because some want to be sex objects
Lol nah they just don't want to get married. They just want to enjoy themselves and focus on making themselves the best version of themselves they can be. I don't need some guy or some girl to love and respect me. I love me. I respect me. My friends love and respect me. I'm not a sex object. I'm just a girl with an absurdly high sex drive that hasn't found one guy who can keep up.
The best version of themselves? You sure yourr talking about sluts? Being a sex object is their best version?
You don't fucking read do you? Lmao I'm not a sex object. Women who enjoy sex are not sex objects. You're only a sex object if you let yourself become a sex object. Lol It's hilarious that I make several points each comment and you can only seem to handle one at a time.
What point? Lol You are ok with having sex without being in committed relationships. You are a kid. I can't take you seriously. You are indeed a sex object as you have sex without love
Lol and you're just a hateful woman who spends way too much time judging others for things that literally do not affect her. I know who I am. I know what I am. Your hate will not change me. Your hate will not shake me. You call me a child, yet it seems I know how to live a more peaceful existence than you do. Live well, and do no harm. I'm doing that, fairly effortlessly and definitely happily. Can you say the same?
I am not hateful. I only hate immoral people which is fine. Only sluts get hurt by this. But I dont care about it.
Actually no one gets hurt by your hate. Lol You only think they do. Most people will forget about you within five minutes. Lol And yeah, I would consider hating someone for doing something that doesn't impact your life in any way makes you a hateful person. You're hating someone for the sake of hating someone. Not for any logical reason. You're just hating because it somehow makes you feel better to hate. Which is sick, in my opinion.
Im grossed out by sluts because I feel moral disgust for them Stop acting like you think i hate you for the sake of hating. Within 5 minutes? Lol you have spent hrs by trying to make me like you.
Lol and Nazi's felt moral disgust by the Jews. You've admitted several times you hate someone for doing something that has no impact on your life. That is hatred for the sake of hatred, plain and simple. I don't think anything, you've told me this. Lol And yeah, I've spent as long as I have debating this with you because I think it's funny how frustrated you get that you can't seem to get under my skin. XD
I hate sluts because they have no self respect. A good reason for hating people. Also being a slut is your best version? You're just a sex object.
Lmao holy shit. It's been like, months since I posted this opinion. Why the hell are you coming back to it now? XD Did I get under your skin that much? Couldn't stop thinking about my opinion for months? Lmao
I read my old posts and notcied that I didn't reply to you. I forgot about you. saw this post and remembered. I hate sluts because they have no self respect. A good reason for hating people.
Oh my gosh imagine being this petty why are you so obsessed with this. What other people do is no business of yours.
How is it your business to come here and answer my question? The same wsay it is my buiness to voive my opinion
You're literally on here to ask a question for anyone to answer so it is my business because it's what I'm here for ahahaa
she does my head in too... i mean if she is so happy as she is why the hell does she feel the need to come on here everyday with this saame old judgmental crap. i actually think its a guy anyway buthurt because some girl cheated on him lol
@wankiam I'm a girl. No one cheated me. You assume bad things about me because you want to think I'm an unhappoy person. It's clear I hurt you by my slutshaming comments.
thats not the case at all... i actually like what you term 'slutty' girls because i like women who dont have to feel that sex is in some way bad or a tool to just get a man but you bore me to death so carry on with the rant all you like but im going to mute this question and ignore anything else you ask until you get a new topic to discuss
@wankiam Who said I think sex is bad? I have sex too.
Slut is a derogatory label used on all sorts of women generally out of hate or jealousy. I was labelled a slut before I was sexually active. And as a point saying 'sluts are bad' is a verbal attack against people labelled that way in the first place.
Why? What about it is bad? How does it hurt you or others? Someone could just as easily say being monogamous is bad. Neither point is any more valid than the other
the part that it's degrading to elt men use you only for sex
Why is it the man using the women? Not the woman using the man? Maybe they are using each other and both walk away satisfied

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