I Has A Younger Sister

I Has A Younger Sister


I Has A Younger Sister
Una frase es un grupo de palabras que a menudo aparecen juntas (p.ej. érase una vez).
I have a younger sister and an older brother. Tengo una hermana menor y un hermano mayor.
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Growing up with a little sister indeed made our lives more colourful and more meaningful. With that said, a particular person like your little sis deserves the very best not only on her birthday but every day. Take this chance to express your fondness and how much she means to you with these quotes that will surely leave a smile on her face:
I am blessed to have a friend I grew up with ever since I can remember – that’s you, my little sister.
Sometimes, my worst enemy, but most of the time, my best friend – there’s no one else in my life who can ever take your place, my little sis.
Younger sisters are not just women you grew up within the same walls and under the same roof with – they are also precious soul mates who will cheer and give you strength along the way.
Younger sisters are the miniature women in your life whom you want to bully and protect at the same time.
Having a little sis pushes me to be a better person. I want to be someone who she can look up to for inspiration.
You may have an endless list of girlfriends, but only the true ones will stay. Who needs tons when you have your best and truest friend, your more minor sister who has been by your side since childhood?
You can fool everyone but never your little sis.
No one knows you better; who knows all your deepest and darkest secrets but your little sister.
During your lowest times, the person who will go with you to the salon because you want a bold short hairdo and hold your hand while your long precious locks are being cut is no one else but your younger sister.
She knows you inside and out. She knows your worst habits and foulest secrets. And yet, you know that your little sister will never leave you even if the world comes to an end.
Every day is a party with a crazy and awesome little sis who lights up your life.
A little sister is a shopping buddy, beauty consultant, soul mate and your most trusted confidante rolled in one.
I don’t have someone I call my best friend because I call her my little sis.
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The good times I’ve spent with my more minor sister are some of the most colourful moments of my life. They may not all be perfect and happy moments, but they are the ones that nurtured my heart.
My more minor sis is my beloved scapegoat, someone I can put the blame on and still get away with it.
You should cherish the relationship you have with your little sis. It’s a priceless treasure no money or all the riches in the world combined can ever come close to.
We can choose our friends but never our family. I am so lucky to have an awesome sister to cover up for me during troubled times. I could never thank her enough, even with a room full of cookies.
Knowing that my little sister got my back in this dangerous and cruel world makes me feel safe and brave.
You are the person I stayed up all night talking about nothing but boys. You’ve seen me with the biggest eye bags imaginable and the worst dress ever. You know how awful I look after a hangover, and you’ve tasted some of my worst dishes. I could not ask for anyone else in the world other than my younger sister to know all of me.
I had the incredible privilege of growing up with a great little sis. I have someone to command when I’m desperate for a cookie and someone I want to protect for the rest of my life.
Little sisters make the terrible times fun and bearable.
I will be there to catch you when you fall. Of course, after I stopped myself from laughing.
Being a big brother to a little sis like you is tiresome. I do not know when I will stop keeping guys away from our doorstep.
I have learned so much from my little sister. I didn’t know I could learn so much and give excellent sage advice from someone younger than me.
There are times that your sis stood as your older sister during the times you were lost and in grief. She is someone you can lean on and who will never let you go.
A sister is someone who will bluntly tell you right and wrong and steer you away from your bad decisions, even if it hurts at times. Because that’s what sisterhood is all about. You watch over one another.
We’d argue like cats and dogs. We scream at each other like sirens during a fire. I guess that goes with being brothers and sisters. Underneath all those arguments, there is love.
I can’t succeed without my beautiful sister.
People will come and go in your life, but I know my excellent sis is forever here to stay.
Little sisters are there to wipe your tears and share your laughter.
Sisterhood is about sharing your heart’s dreams and precious memories.
Growing up with sisters is a regular competition. Once you’ve grown and gone your separate ways, it becomes your most reliable and sturdiest relationship.
Younger sisters are God’s way of telling you that you are not alone.
Sisters are your little guardian angels on Earth. She watches over you. She protects you from your foolish decisions. She steers you back to the right path.
Sisterhood is about eternal promises and keeping secrets forever.
She is your mirror; she reflects the best and worst in you. She is your protector; she will do anything so no harm will come to you. She is your teacher; she teaches you the fantastic wonder of having a little sister.
A younger sis is like a bit of a parent. She is someone you can trust to keep your gravest and darkest secret and still loves you anyway.
What is a little sister? She is your twin and yet, your total opposite. She is your unwavering companion and yet, your most significant competition. A little sister is your best friend and yet, your worst enemy. She is everything you wanted in life and yet, someone you wish you hadn’t had.
My little sister is like the other half of me. She knows me too well, from the clothes I like to the food I go crazy for.
There’s nothing more comforting in this world than in the loving arms of my little sister.
Little sisters are our special double and our opposites at the same time.
As an older brother to a little sister, my greatest fear is some unworthy guy I haven’t approved of taking you away from me.
Little sisters are God’s greatest masterpiece.
You may be as different as water and oil, but there is no denying that the same blood flows through your veins.
You may be my younger sister, but you are way wiser and more robust than I am.
Take out my excellent sis, and my life will fall apart.
I treasure and cherish my things because the person I will pass them to is close and priceless in my life – my beautiful sis.
If I am standing shoulder to shoulder with my sister, I can take anything that comes my way.
My steadfast support, my cheerleader and my fashion critique. I could not imagine a life without my best friend, also known as my excellent sis.
Star must have fallen from the sky and taken shelter in your tiny eyes. My cutest sister means the world to me. We might be the worst enemies one moment; then we’ll go back to being best friends the next.
When mom and dad are against you, you have a little sister who will stick through with you.
When you have a little sister, all you need to do is sit down with her and recall the beautiful and silly things you did together in the past.
A little is a time machine to the beautiful memories of your precious childhood.
The best thing about having a little sister is that you will always have one true friend.
The best news is best shared with my little sister.
My little sister is the reason I’m more than just a big sister but a half parent as well.
A little sister is a friend forever.
If your favourite sweater is missing, you either yell out for your mom or your sister, who is probably wearing it now.
I learned the virtue of sharing and giving through my little sis. Whatever I have now, I always have the thought of my super sister along.
We belonged to the same tree as the same friendship flowing through our veins. I guess that’s what sisterhood is all about.
We are the survivor of our crazy lineage and the most awesome in the family, too– my little sister and me.
Sisterhood and brotherhood is a gift God has so generously given me. I don’t mind that I cannot choose my family because I got the best in the world.
A minor sis will forever and always be a little girl in my eyes. No man can come to her. No one will ever be good enough for her. I guess that’s the burden and joy of being an older brother.
A part of my most authentic self sits safely within the corners of my sister’s heart.
Siblings are people we grow up with and teach each other the most important of life’s lessons. It is unimaginable how life would be without a younger sister. Everything else becomes bearable when you have someone to share it with.
A little sister is someone I shared most of the best memories with. We’ve held each other hands through joy, sorrow, pain, victories and defeat.
You would not understand the feeling of loving someone so deeply and hate her from the bottom of your guts at the same time if you don’t have a crazy little sister.
My little sister, you are sweet, silly, and a bit of a brat, but I love you more every day you grow.
When people ask me what it’s like to have a little sister, I tell them, picture having your arch-nemesis live under your roof, and you love her.
My little sister can be a massive pain in the neck, but she’s strong and independent. It amazes me.
I wish I had had a better relationship with my sister when we were kids. I miss her every day.
Do not ask for a little sister unless you are prepared to share clothes for the rest of your life.
When my little sister was born, I was amazed by her so small and puny. I couldn’t believe I had someone to protect.
What can I say about my little sister? I love her.
My little sister is the biggest brat that roamed the planet but impossibly charming. She can steal your soda and convince you it was hers all along.
Little sisters are strange; you love them, you hate them, they steal from you, and you post embarrassing pictures of them online. They are still your best friend.
My little sister used to draw me a new unicorn picture every day for a month after my pet hamster died. She was trying to cheer me up.
No matter how mad at my sister I get, no one can mess with her, or they have me to deal with too.
My little sister is so cute! Her laugh is sweet, and her smile gets her whatever she wants.
Little sisters are meant to be cherished, but that doesn’t mean falling for their tricks!
My little sister is my best friend. I love her no matter what.

Danielle Burger ,
March 28th 2014

I am the only daughter in my family with two older brothers. They are the greatest brothers in the world and I love them to an endless extent, but I really wish that I had a sister growing up. Although brothers are great, there are so many things that a sister does for her sister than what a brother does for his sister, and sometimes, I believe it’s those things that makes having a sister (for a girl) more beneficial than having a brother.
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1. Yes, your mom can take on that role of being a guide and confidant. And if you’re really close to her, she will understand and hear you out. But at the same time, a daughter is usually more comfortable speaking to her sister about her problems. Most of the time, it’s awkward for a daughter to approach her mom about a problem, but if you have a sister, she’s most likely been through it (more recently than your mom has) and may even have amazing advice.
2. Getting your period is so much less of a nightmare when you have a sister. Who better than to teach you about the difference between pads and tampons? I didn’t have a sister and my mom only used pads all her life, so I had to learn through YouTube videos how to put in a tampon (Yikes!) If only I had a sister who could of told me sooner that tampons are so much better than pads.
3. Ever need to go somewhere but have nothing to wear? Don’t worry — if you have a sister, you can raid her closet! The best part of having a sister (despite how annoying it may get sometimes) is sharing clothes. You’re never going to feel like you have nothing to wear to that party.
4. When your group of friends gets into a fight with you, you’re always going to have one friend to hang out with. You’re always going to have someone to talk to. You’re always going to have someone to be there for you. And you will ALWAYS have someone to talk some sense into your friends. And guess who that is? Your sister.
5. Have you ever been to a family event and not know anyone there? Girls tend to be more shy and introverted than boys. But if you were to have a sister by your side, it would be so much easier to approach people and make new friends.
6. When a boy breaks your heart, your sister is always going to be there to try and cheer you up. Most likely, your sister has been through the same. And despite how amazing your friends are, your sister is LITERALLY constantly by your side. She’ll be there, always, to constantly cheer you up and make you realize that the boy you once loved was never worth your time.
7. A sister can teach another sister how to love herself. She will be there during difficult times when you feel like it is the end of the world, but she will help you realize that when times get tough, things get better. A great way to gain confidence is to watch how your sister is able to lift her head up and move forward, because it will show you that if your own blood is able to do it, then so can you.
8. You will always have someone to go shopping with! If your girlfriends are busy and aren’t in the mood to shop, you can just drag your sister along with you.
9. If it’s 2 in the morning and you can’t sleep, you will have your sister to speak to. You can spill your secrets and she will listen. Maybe she isn’t a friend to your group of friends, so who better to spill your secrets to about other people. You know she won’t have anyone to tell those secrets to. So, it’s easy to trust her and pour your heart out to.
10. As sad as this may sound, it’s the truth. Once you grow up and your friends are all married with children, your friendships will become too hectic to keep up with. The main person in your life that you’ll always be able to rely on is your sister. If you need someone to babysit your children, you will have her. Of course we all have our own problems, but you know that even when you both have separate lives with your own families, your sister will be the person on speed dial who will do anything to help out.
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Long time ago when we read stories about that issue.
I like to hear more stories about stronger younger sisters or cousins.
Has anyone some stories?
Or has anyone some good links to such stories.

I have a younger cousin.
When I was 15 and she was 11 we found out that she was stronger.
First she was simply holding he.
Then she pinned me on a chair holding my hands so I could not eat.
She was astonished that I was not able to move.

I could go on with that or other encounters.
Like to hear some other experiences.

Today I am still fond of strong girl.
Never beat one in aw.

I'm sure if you search some of the different pages on this message board you will find similar stories. Also the following link will have a few more stories. http://www.network54.com/Forum/377797/ later KT
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