I Had Sex With My Niece

I Had Sex With My Niece


I Had Sex With My Niece
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I was 14 years old when my uncle disvirgined me, right in my father’s house, under my parents’ nose. But because they (my parents) trusted him and it would be my word against his, I could not tell anyone; and, of course, he warned me that if I told anyone, he would deny it and deal with me.
I am a final year student in one of the federal universities. This incident happened when I was in Senior Secondary School (High School) year 2. I wasn’t really too mature for my age; I was on the small side, but I had developed a woman’s body.
My paternal uncle, my grandmother’s last born, then a youth corps member was posted to serve his fatherland where we were staying then, of course, it was natural for him to stay with us.
He was a good uncle and very friendly with us. I am the last of my parents’ three children. My elder ones (both boys) were away in school leaving our housemaid and me in the house.
Initially, my uncle was nice and he was just a normal uncle everyone would wish for.
After about a month or so that he came to stay with us, he started behaving funny towards me. He would touch my bum, and sometimes he would pretend it was a mistake, then, he would touch my breasts. Then, I really didn’t know how to place his behavior. In my mind, I would wonder if it was a mistake or he was doing it deliberately.
Because I couldn’t really say I was scared to discuss it with anybody, not even with our housemaid then because we were a little close. I made up my mind to avoid him.
I guess I over did it because everybody noticed this. My parents mistook my attitude for pranks and they would scold me whenever he reported me.
On a day, I told my mother that I didn’t like how my uncle used to touch me. I didn’t know what really got into her, but she scolded me not to say such a thing again. She reminded me that the person I spoke about was my daddy’s younger brother. I had no choice, my situation then was between the devil and the deep blue sea.
My parents had to travel to daddy’s hometown for a burial. We were all supposed to go together, but since my uncle said he had something to do, my parents decided that our housemaid and I should stay back at home. I pleaded with them to take me, but I was not lucky. In fact, daddy would have conceded but my mom refused.
It happened the next day. I was sleeping in my room, in the evening which I shared with our housemaid, but it was later that I learned that my uncle had sent her on an errand that kept her away and gave him enough time to perpetrate his evil deed.
I felt a hand on my body. I opened my eyes and saw my uncle trying to force my jeans trousers off. I tried to scream, but he covered my mouth with his palm.
In short, my uncle raped me and deflowered me at 14. He asked me to clean up when he was done with me. He took my underwear and burnt it in my presence. He threatened to kill me if I ever told anyone.
He tried to rape me again several times after that first experience, but I always carried my elder brother’s Boys’ Scout pen knife about and I vowed that I would kill him if he ever got near me again.
I wasn’t too sure if it was my threat or the fact that he was having sex with our 16-year-old house maid that kept him away from me, because he had to leave our house when mummy discovered that our housemaid was pregnant, and she said my uncle was responsible for her pregnancy.
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It was then that my mother raised her voice that I had reported him to her before. She stupidly thanked God that my uncle did not touch me.
How wrong? I did not correct her because it was rather too late.
How I wished she had listened to me then! I would have been saved from these private pains. How I wish, mothers, especially, should learn to listen to their children and not shut them down anytime they try to speak with them.
I thought I was the only one in the world, who suffered this type of fate, but I was wrong. We had just resumed into the university, guess you know all these admission stuff.
(Also read this later: How I Lost My Virginity )
My friend and I became close because we were the first ones to get into our room. Incidentally, we were admitted to study the same course, so from the very first day we became friends
Her parents were abroad, and her maternal uncle was her guardian. Every weekend he would come around to see her.
Sometimes he would take us out. I became apprehensive because I noticed he was too close to her for comfort, but I could not warn her. More so, I didn’t trust her enough to share my secret with her. And I also thought that, though naive after all, he was her maternal uncle not paternal, so he shouldn’t have such a thought on his mind.
One weekend, she went to stay at her uncle’s place I was supposed to have gone with her, but my eldest brother, who just came back from the US (United States), promised to see me that weekend. So, I stayed back in school.
Surprisingly, my friend came back on Saturday morning as against her planned Sunday evening.
I noticed that she had cried and her uncle was hovering around her like a “father hen”. I couldn’t wait for him to leave before asking what happened. Instead of saying something, she started crying again.
I asked if someone died and she said no. Our other roommates were around, so I couldn’t really press her. When they all left the room, I moved closer; she was sleeping in my bed. I asked her if she was all right, instead of talking, she began to cry again. I pleaded with her to tell me what happened, she then dropped a bomb- shell. “My uncle raped me”, at 18.
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He deflowered her. Can you imagine that? A child entrusted to his care? My friend said she was going to kill herself. At this juncture, I told her what happened to me four years earlier.
{Read to the end of the page for some new discoveries}
She was stunned. She stopped crying and said she now understood why I never joined them whenever they discussed the issue of virginity in our room. This issue created a deep bond between us. Since then, we have been inseparable. We are like sisters. I have had cause to follow her on holidays to meet her parents in the UK. She is an only child and her parents took me as theirs and vice-versa.
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I wrote these stories with her permission.
Are you in a similar situation?, are you abused by an uncle? or want to know how to deal with issues like this? read this article to the end.
My biggest question is, can we really stop sexual harassment from trusted relatives, friends and family members? I really do not think so. From everlasting to everlasting, men will always be men. I am of the opinion that, the responsibility of protecting female children rests more with mothers.
As for me, no uncle or brother would ever come to live in my house. I also will prayerfully take care of my children, especially my daughter(s). It was not a good experience and I don’t wish any of my kids would go through the trauma and nightmare. It is not good. It is very shameful.
The irony about it is that, sometimes you blame yourself. What for? You would wish you had the power to have it otherwise.
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Read the reactions/Counsels from readers to the story above.
Yes, sexual harassment can be stopped and not only by mothers but by GODLY PRESENCE, both parent and a responsible government which must immediately pass into law bill to prosecute offenders even with maximum sentencing of life imprisonment. Parents must put aside family sentiments on sexual issues as it affects a girl/boy child development. My children (aged 11+, 9+ & 2+) were instructed by us (father & Mother) to quickly report any form of harassment (touching, spoken-actions, eyeing, mingling, etc with their private areas) from ANYBODY including either of us, their friends, teachers (at school/home), doctors, pastors, lecturers, extended family members (grandparents inclusive).By being very proactive, vigilant, friendly, tolerant and inquisitive about them daily is a must. A lot of sexual issues abounds now and children are no longer in the Stone Age. In 21st centuries, the way is to teach them means of rapid responses and be there to defend and support them at all times. I don’t do family/friends on my children issues. In these stories, blame the parents who are ”absentminded” and ”family bigots”. After my wife, next are my children and may be others. Thanks very much. – E. Adeniyi (Abu Dhabi, UAE),
Parents should develop a friendly relationship with their children and build confidence in them so as to allow them share every issue of concern with them. They should not assume everything is okay. Also, children should be well taught and groomed in the way of the Lord. – Taiwo Orolu,
I agree with the submission of these individuals, parents need to be very close to their children and youths that are victims should be bold enough to discourse with Parents/pastors/confidants that can be of help rather than groaning under the heavy burden of sorrow, regrets, and rejection.
How will you handle a situation where:
What will you do in the above scenarios and if you are already facing any of the above-mentioned issues or somehow related, can you share with us how you handled it and if you are facing difficulty handling the situation can you write to us, so we can give you direction.
The following rules can be of help to prevent sexual abuse by family members.
Have you been sexually abused by your Dad, Mum, Brother, Sister, Uncle, Cousin, In-law, etc. and you are leaving with the hurt and guilt feelings please feel free to discuss with us. You can tell us your stories rather than bottling it up, sharing the story is one way to get relieved.
Check our “Best decision” Page to make the most important decision in your life. Click here.
You can connect with me directly on Facebook for a chat… https://www.facebook.com/ojomupaul
Jesus wants to have a relationship with you, Accept Him today as your Lord and Saviour.
“Lord Jesus, I have seen myself as a sinner, I am sorry for all the things I have done wrong in my life (take a few moment to ask His forgiveness for anything particular that is on your conscience). Please forgive me and cleanse me with your blood.
Thank you that you died on the cross for me so that I could be forgiven and set free. I confess and accept Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. Let all the works of darkness be destroyed in my life.
Thank you Lord for accepting me as your child and for writing my name in the book of life. Thank you Lord Jesus, Thank you heavenly father, in Jesus name I pray (amen)
If you have prayed this prayer wholeheartedly, I want to happily welcome you to God’s sweet family. As you have received forgiveness, you must forgive all those that has despitefully used and hurt you. The bible says forgive and you shall be forgiven!
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” 2 Cor. 5:17 (KJV)
For further counseling and questions, feel free to send an email to paul@youthandsingles.com
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#notoincest #notosexualabuse
Ma dad raped me even if his wife was around any time he felt like,am still hunting to kill him,it pains and it still hurts..
Hello, thanks for writing, I understand the experience can be very painful, so sorry that you have to pass through all that! don’t kill your dad! doing that will not resolve the issue, it will only complicate matters! follow the steps outlined in the article.. I will also be contacting you for further counseling. Its well with you, cheer up!
I really feel your hurts, don’t kill him, it wont solve the problem! please send a mail to paul@youthandsingles.com so we can discuss in detail
feeling pleased with the msg and adv ic e
This is such a good article to read! Unfortunately, such realities exist today and these MEN pretend not being able to control themselves. What an excuse! MEN who behave as such should be sentenced and place in jail for the rest of their life.
So sad, mothers, mothers pay close attention n listen to your children
Its very touching,I pass through such but no one come in for help am an adult and desperate,
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Friendship With The Opposite Sex…(What you need to know)
Unbreak My Heart: How to Handle a Broken Relationship
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GIRLS! 30 Bitter Truths About Relationship!
Is He/She Good For Me? (Single & Searching Series Vol. 4)
SEXUAL ABUSE: Women Gullibility and Sex Predators!
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How To Know The Will Of God In Marriage – (Single & Searching Series Vol. 2)
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Am blessed after reading
Let him do the chase
God bless u sir. "
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Am so glad I came across your page, God belss you.
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"This is a big early morning blessing. God bless u sir "
"Am really blessed with this piece and the others that I have ..."
"Well done sir, you're a blessing to the body of Christ Jesus. ..."
"Awesome!!!! Every youth needs to see this!

"I love this article, this are questions bordering my heart for years now ..."
"This is so lovely, I feel so inspired already "
"God bless you sir, please send a mail to paul@youthandsingles.com . we can ..."
"God bless you ma, (1) parents do play important roles in the choice ..."
"The document is very is very useful. am a priest in Anglican Communion. ..."
"I'm blessed through the word. Thanks "
"Powerful script . More anointing sir. My questions sir, 1. Can parents lead ..."
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"God bless you sir, that's all I have to say for ..."
"it's a tragedy that many ladies has lost their virginity to wrong men,,, ..."
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"Have read this article and it's quite educating and inspiring. Thanks very much ..."
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"Thanks for this. It's inspiring, informative and timely. God bless you real good. "
"Thanks alot. I feel so blessed and encouraged. I'll turn 35 this ..."
Friendship With The Opposite Sex…(What you need to know)
Unbreak My Heart: How to Handle a Broken Relationship
Sexual Lines No Pastor/ Youth Leader Should Cross
GIRLS! 30 Bitter Truths About Relationship!
Is He/She Good For Me? (Single & Searching Series Vol. 4)
SEXUAL ABUSE: Women Gullibility and Sex Predators!
In Love with Someone You Can’t Have – (Dealing with Infatuation)
How To Know The Will Of God In Marriage – (Single & Searching Series Vol. 2)
How to Cope with Singleness in Your 30s
How to Attract the Right Guy!…(For Single Ladies)
Keep Moving, He’s Taken! (girls only)
Dare to be Different… (for girls only)
MY SECRET SIN: The Confession of a Sex Addict! 
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Posted Jun 21, 2012 17:37 by anonymous



I recently just bought my own house and after getting it all decorated, I decided to have a house warming party and invite my family and friends over. We had a wonderful time. But here is the story behind the secret...My family, both sides are very well known because they have amazing careers. It's nothing for me to visit my parents and the Mayor is in the living room having a glass of wine. Also my family is very close knit. Over the past holiday season and the past few months I noticed my Uncle (Father's Brother) has been super distant toward me. All I get is a hello and a goodbye. We used to be so cool. I could talk to him about anything. I was thinking that I did or said something to piss him off because he never used to act like that. So I asked my Dad and he said that my uncle hadn't mentioned anything to him and I should just ask him. My Dad hates drama...I should have asked my Mom. So after the party I told my Uncle that I wanted to talk with him. My parents and best friends were still helping me clean. He insisted that he leave but I demanded he stay and talk about whatever was wrong...so my parents and friends decided to leave. My uncle tried to leave again and seemed to get angry when I stood in front of the door so he couldn't. He then calmed down and told me what was wrong. He told me that he was ashamed of himself because of the way he felt about me. He said that he had romantic and sexual feelings for me. He said it all started when he saw me at my cousins birthday banquet and those feeling only got stronger when we had our family reunion in Aruba and he saw me in my swimsuit. I thought that was strange because I always thought he was very handsome and sexy. He looks like a younger version of Raquel's Dad on Single Ladies. Like maybe when he was in his 40s. About a 3 years after his wife passed he started dating again. I overheard his ex telling her friend that he was amazing and so passionate in bed. I was like really, wow, my uncle? When I saw him again after that I was curious because if he made love as good as he looked, he was a badboy in a good way. I could tell he was getting nervous again and I told him it was alright because I thought he was he was handsome too and secretly I was very curious too but I never would cross that line because I knew he would have my head on a silver platter. We talked some more and when he got ready to leave we hugged and I could feel his manhood in my center. He begain touching my face and kissing my neck. He
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