I Had Sex With My Cousin

I Had Sex With My Cousin


I Had Sex With My Cousin
Why did my dad and my cousin fuck me at age 14?
Have you ever had any sexual encounter with your sibling or cousin?
How do I approach my cousin and tell her I like her sexually?
Have you ever been sexually attracted or engaged in a sexual activity with your cousin?
What are the consequences of having sex with your cousin?
Why did my dad and my cousin fuck me at age 14?
Have you ever had any sexual encounter with your sibling or cousin?
How do I approach my cousin and tell her I like her sexually?
Have you ever been sexually attracted or engaged in a sexual activity with your cousin?
What are the consequences of having sex with your cousin?
I caught my two 14-year-old cousins having sex. What should I do?
My cousin wants to have sex with me. What do I do? I’m a girl.
Have you ever had sex with your brother or cousin?
I had sex with my 16-year-old cousin. How do I keep things secret?
Can you explain your first sex with a cousin?
What’s your experience of having sex with cousin sister?
I want to have sex with my first cousin. Is that normal?
Should cousins have sex with cousins?
Is my cousin trying to have sex with me? If so, what should I do?
My cousin had sex with me and I’m a girl. What should I do?
Why did my dad and my cousin fuck me at age 14?
Have you ever had any sexual encounter with your sibling or cousin?
How do I approach my cousin and tell her I like her sexually?
Have you ever been sexually attracted or engaged in a sexual activity with your cousin?
What are the consequences of having sex with your cousin?
I caught my two 14-year-old cousins having sex. What should I do?
My cousin wants to have sex with me. What do I do? I’m a girl.
Have you ever had sex with your brother or cousin?
I had sex with my 16-year-old cousin. How do I keep things secret?
Can you explain your first sex with a cousin?
Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again.
I’ve had sex with my cousin when I was younger and when I was older. It’s just sex with someone you really know. This weekend I am going to see my other cousin and we were talking about maybe sleeping over together
I ve been having sex with my cousin for a few years now. We both love each other a great deal and we are both married to other people. The best part of it is that that we can be really free and explore different positions and places. There is no jealousy and we can easly talk to each other. I recommend it. Dont be scared and just go for it!

My first sexual experiences were with my cousin, and I mean all of them. We are 10 months apart in age, she is younger, and everything was initialized by her when we were 7 & 8. Our parents were young, my mother a single mom, and her mom still in school. It was the early 90’s and both our moms went to the local university for their perspective degrees and babysitting was a constant juggle. We often times were left with elderly grandparents who didn’t pay a ton of attention. Her maternal grandfather watched her regularly and had a stack of hustlers next to the toilet, she was an avid reader by 7… Whenever the inevitable grandparents nap would occur when our shared grandmother was watching, she wanted to try all the things she saw in the magazines, and we did. We both enjoyed oral, but very much liked intercourse, this went on for years, everytime we saw one and another we had sex. Sometimes upwards of 3 times a week, and we tried different positions, by the time we hit 9/10 we even tried anal by this time we called each other our lover, we started to understand what we were doing, knew it was wrong and never wanted to stop. She spent the night regularly when we were out of school and we slept in the same bed, even bathed together. When one of us would wake up in the middle of the night we would wake up the other and have sex. We felt grown up when we explored each other’s bodies and I still get aroused today thinking of the passion we had for one and another. We even talked about cheating on our spouses together when we grew up, thats sexually aware we were, experiencing dirty talk and pillow talk so young. That about brings us to the mid 90’s when everything changed. Her mom had finished getting her teaching degree and they moved to a town on the border of our state 4 hours away. We didnt see eachother as often, I only saw her when my grandmother drove out to visit them on school breaks, and I ALWAYS tagged along. When we would be reunited, it was always like starved lovers, we would go for a walk, find a private place and get right to it. Their house had an addition, thats where I slept, very easily accessible for middle of the night romps, whomever woke up first would tiptoe to the other. We used the floor to keep quiet, to this day I cant have sex on the floor without pretending/wishing it was her. That was a good summer together, when we were 11/12, constant exploration, every moment we could steal away I spent inside her. She came down that xmas break and wanted to try something she saw, my first experience with cowgirl, my favorite position. Whenever we were left home alone (finally that age when parents start looking away more and giving responsibility) we were like rabbits, honestly we’re lucky she didn’t get pregnant. Wasn’t until the next year 12/13 when we started using condoms that I stole from my parents. I remember playing dumb when my dad found the wrapper of one in the hay, terrified we would be found out and the party would come to an end, though sadly it did when she turned 14 and started highschool, it wasnt anything she wanted to do anymore, and I was devastated, sexually frustrated, and far too advanced for a kid my age. So I started looking, and wow did I find it easy to get when I was 15. I had a hard time finding girls my age interested in sex, so I used the call in chat lines, where lonely people used to hookup before the internet. I didnt care so much what they looked like, and in my state 15 gets you a drivers license. I filled any female hole that would have me, until I had a particularly bad week, and a feminine voice on a passible transgendered native beauty opened the door, and I had my first new sexual experience. I made up a friend who’s house I was staying at over the weekend so I could spend all night with her. And then she finished school and moved back to the Navajo Nation, reopening the wound created by the rejection from my cousin. By this time I had a job and heard about women on a particular street doing things for money.. I hired my first hooker. Then another, then found myself a few regulars. That sustained me until 9/11 when I enlisted. Did the normal thing and got married, had a normal military life, deployed came back got out got divorced and then discovered craigslist. Here I could find plenty of trans natives to play with, and I did. I had a few who would hit me up when they came to town, and one who rode me whenever her and the husband got into a fight. All of this just went on until the craigslist party stopped and I found myself a legit sex addicted whore on tinder, married her, and live out all our weird and twisted fantasies. Since she kinda looks like my cousin, its really easy to imagine she is, making my fantasy kind of a reality. Im still an extreme sexual pervert, who gets turned on by weird things. I never pass up a thin transsexual native who wants to take a ride, still pick up the occasional hooker for a quick half and half but other than that I live a normal happy life.
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Journalist, writer, editor. Having spent five years in leading newsrooms in India and over a decade contributing to different digital platforms and print publications – The Tribune, BR International magazine, Sum Up, Make My Trip, Killer Features, The Money Times, and Home Review, to name a few – I've found that writing is my first and forever love. During all this time spent romancing the written word in its various forms, I was also dealing with the train wreck that was my romantic life. As someone who has been in the eye of the storm of abusive, toxic relationships before discovering what love in its healthiest form feels like and navigating mental health issues like PTSD and GAD, learning to connect the dots between emotions, behavior patterns, adult relationships and childhood experiences has been a fascinating journey. I feel compelled to delve deeper and spread awareness to help others like me love more mindfully. When Bonobology and I found each other, it was a match made in heaven.
all about love and couple relationships in their varied forms. We celebrate the happy, imperfect love without judgment or bias, and strive to help people love more mindfully by viewing their relationship patterns from the lens of mental health and psychology. We’re your one-stop destination for unraveling the mystery that is love.
When we emerge from this lockdown, the world won’t be the same again …is the common refrain used to predict the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on our lives. Only time will tell whether the pundits are accurate in their prediction, but I can say this with absolute certainty – this lockdown has changed my world beyond recognition, forever. As a 41-year-old married woman with children, I had never imagined guilt about intimacy and sex would feature on my list of things to worry about. Yet, here we are…
It all started when the country-wide lockdown was first announced on March 24. I was on a week-long trip to Chandigarh, visiting my parents. It’s a trip I take every couple of months to check in on them. This time I felt the need to go back sooner than usual because of the ongoing Coronavirus scare and their advanced age, placing them in the high-risk group.
My second cousin, Ajit (name changed), was visiting from Jamshedpur to settle a property matter. Given that the virus scare was peaking and Chandigarh had already recorded its first case, he decided to stay with us rather than check into a hotel. Ajit and I hadn’t met in years, so I imagined it’d be a sweet and short reunion at best.
Little did we know that this brief trip would turn into weeks-long home confinement, forcing people who were practically strangers to co-exist in such proximity.
Both Ajit and I were crestfallen when the lockdown was announced. We both had kids, spouses, homes and jobs to return to. But it was the way it was – we were stuck together in a house with two seniors for the next 21 days (or so we thought).
The first couple of days were uneventful. We both worked from home. He helped around with the chores , and at the end of the day, with a formal good night, we’d both retire to our rooms.
One night, unable to sleep and bored out of my mind, I walked across to Ajit’s room to ask if I could borrow a smoke. I don’t know what came over me. I haven’t smoked since college. We haven’t ever been close enough for me to share a smoke with him. He looked at me curiously for a second, and said, ‘Share one? Gotta ration the supplies now that the markets are closed.’
Without a moment’s hesitation, I plunked next to him, a little too close, and we sat there chatting and smoking. As I got up to leave, I ruffled his hair and said good night. Then, scolded me for behaving like a total footloose. Next day I got him a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of wine, which I sourced through someone I knew.
The bedtime cigarette became a ritual for us in the coming days. Then, one night, as I got up to leave, Ajit held my hand and asked, ‘Have you seen Money Heist on Netflix ?’
‘No, but I have meant to. I have heard good things about the show,’ I replied.
‘Want to watch together?’ he asked.
‘Why not!’ I said without a moment’s hesitation.
I made myself comfortable in his bed while he went to fetch his laptop from the table.
Who’d have thought two 40-something adults would use the ‘Netflix and chill’ euphemism to act on the sexual tension they’d been feeling!
As I had expected (and hoped), it wasn’t even 10 minutes into the first episode – of which I can recall nothing – Ajit moved in to kiss me. I responded with all my passion. We delved head-on into one long night of intense, toe-curling, back-arching lovemaking .
I found myself in the throes of passion I hadn’t experienced in my 22 years as a sexually active adult. He took me to the pinnacles of pleasure I didn’t know could be encountered and beyond, and I wasn’t ready to return. Not yet.
Did I feel sad after sex with my cousin ? Not at all. On the contrary, I longed for more.
On the first night, we lay spent, in each other’s arms, but neither of us spoke a word. In the wee hours, I returned to my room in the hope of getting some sleep but mainly for the sake of discretion . Rest, of course, remained elusive, and I felt awash with guilt about my first intercourse with my cousin. And yet, I couldn’t stop myself from being drawn to him, night after night.
We’re both aware of how wrong this alliance is , on so many levels, and what it can cost us. But the undying sexual energy that we experience around one another – as if we were 17 again – throws all reason out of the window.
It has been almost three weeks now that I have been having sex with my cousin every single night and experiencing a strange paradox of ecstasy and guilt about our intimacy.
I have been married for 15 years, and my husband is a fine man. He loves our two children and me, we care for each other deeply, and even in our 40s, have a satisfying sex life . But what I’ve experienced with Ajit is altogether different.
We have no inhibitions. It’s no holds barred sex. I don’t stop him from anything, and he holds his end of the bargain by making me experience new layers of sexual pleasure every time. From oral sex to new positions and role-playing, we have done it all, and I don’t think it’s in our control to stop.
He uses all kinds of things to turn me on. Sometimes he would pour wine all over me and sometimes he would just use milk. Then we would get into the shower together. He would start massaging shower gel on me and turn me on completely again. Our passionate encounters just wouldn’t end. After a shower he would slowly apply body moisturiser on me.
I haven’t ever considered sex a taboo. Growing up in the 80s, when nearly no one spoke about it openly, I never did feel guilty over premarital sex or found myself wondering how to have guilt-free sex without shame. But this is different. We have crossed boundaries that have been sacrosanct to me thus far – boundaries of fidelity , of family ties.
I’m living a life of strange divide. In essence, every morning I wake up feeling shame and guilt about my sexual escapades, thinking of how it can ruin an experience my husband and I have so painstakingly built, yet every night, I return to him like a moth drawn to fire.
My biggest fear is that having tasted what I have with Ajit, I may not be able to appreciate my husband in a sexual, romantic way anymore, and that might cast a dooming spell on my marriage. A part of me wants to go back to that healthy boring life with two kids, a husband, an ailing mother-in-law and a dog, while another is excitedly imagining what awaits me in Ajit’s bed tonight.
Irrespective of whether one has pre-marital sex or not, loving ones spouse,loyalty and commitment to the marriage are great virtues and only meritorious souls with divine bless can have. One category creates opportunities to explore lust by betrayal whereas the other category thinks they are highly ethical with values etc & doesn’t explore but when opportunity arises values,ethics, character etc are dropped like how layers of onions peel off. These betrayers belong to the second class. These people blame situations/surroundings for justifying betrayal. She says different positions, oral and role play were explored which she never did with her husband. Who stopped her from exploring these with her husband? She did ever discussed or communicated with him? She is also better half to him & then why did she kept quite,then waiting only to fulfill lust with third person? . These are typical justifications given by all cheaters/betrayers for justifying the act. How much trust and faith respective spouses must have bestowed on these betrayers.Pity for their spouses, how cruel is fate that these kind of people are paired to them as life partners. Does their spouses worth these betrayers in their life &, the sacredness of their marriage except for accumulating money in bank accounts (betrayers work in jobs) and for performing last rights if any of the spouses passes away? The drama starts once these betrayers go to respective families. They exhibit the borrowed colourful make up face hiding the cruel animal face behind it which their partners never know. May be it is better to be single without marriage for life rather than having such kind of crooked betrayers in ones life. Not even once enemies should have these kind of people in their relationships. Any one can find outside “Chor” but these betrayers are “Ghar Ki Chor”. There is a saying” Ghar ki Chor ko not even God can catch””. But at the end Ghar Ki chor most dangerous.
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IslamicAnswers.com: Islamic Advice
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Posted by Probe • July 18, 2014 •

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This is very wrong, but when I hit puberty I didn't get any education on sex in Islam. The same happened with my cousin, who is a year younger than me. I was 13 years old when it started. One day my friend showed me porn, and I was surprised at what was happening. I was shocked by it, and after a lot of months I started to feel that it was kind of fun.
So I showed it to my cousin who was a year younger. At 12 years old, girls are already in puberty. She even liked it. We both didn't know having sex was wrong. So when we were alone in the house we went to a room, took of our clothes and just flirted with each other and took a shower.
With time we stated to have sexual intercourse when we came back from school (we shared a room). So after doing our work, we had intense sexual intercourse. It's been three years now that we have daily sex, and no one knows.
A month ago my friend told me that it's so bad that the westerners have sex out of wedlock, and that it is Haram in Islam. I don't know how to control it. We both live with our grandfather, and deeply love each other. I know I can do nikkah, but it is not legal to have nikkah under 18 in my country. Please tell me what to do. My cousin and I are deeply in love.
I had oral sex with my cousin without her consent. Will Allah be disappointed in me, even though I now realize it's wrong?
My brother-in-law is relieving his sexual desires on his own because my sister doesn't have sex with him.
I watch porn between 2 to 3 months period and during this time my sexual desire rises to the fullest for which I want to have sex. So, I watch porn in order to quench away this sexual desire and when ever I do that it really helps me to…
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